18.6 2015
0 (Eng) not present; no abnormality
+/- (Eng) uncertain/equivocal
+ (Eng) present; noted
++ (Eng) present significantly
+++ (Eng) present in excess
+ve (Eng) positive
= (Eng) equivalent to
1-0-1 (Ger) twice daily (b.i.d.), morning and evening
1-1-1 (Ger) three times daily (t.i.d.)
1/12 (Eng) for one month
1/52 (Eng) for one week
1-B (Eng) 1-benzylimidazole
1. rl. (Dan) første reservelæge
2DE (Eng) two-dimensional echocardiography
2D-TEE (Eng) two-dimensional transoesophageal echocardiography
2PCR (Eng) PCR-baseret assay (kolorektal)
2/2 (Eng) secondary to
3 (Eng) OK; satisfactory
3-GE (Ger) Dreigefäßerkrankung
3TC () lamivudine
5-ASA (Eng) 5-amino-salicylic acid
5-AZ (Eng) 5-azacytidine
5-FU (Eng) 5-fluorouracil
5-HT (Eng) 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin)
6-MP (Dan) 6-mercaptopurin
6-TG (Eng) 6-thioguanine
18FDG (Dan) 18F-fluorodeoxyglukose
25-OHD (Dan) 25-hydroxyvitamin
a (Eng) arterial
A&Ox3 (Eng) alert and oriented x 3 (to time, place, person)
A (Eng) alveolar
Aa (Latin) Actinobacillus actinomycetem comitans
AA (Dan) acetabularindeks angel
A/a (Eng) alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient
aa (Latin) arteriae
AA (Dan) arbejdsbetinget astma
AAA (Dan) abdominal aortaaneurisme
AAB (Fr) abdomen à blanc
AABR (Eng) auditory brainstem response audiometry
AAC (Eng) antibiotic-associated colitis
AACc (Eng) American Association of Clinical Chemists
AAD (Ital) alloxazina-adenina dinucleotide
AaDO2 (Eng) alveoli-arterial oxygen difference
AaDO21.0 (Eng) alveolar-arterial O2 difference at FIO2 1.0
AAE (Eng) acquired angioedema
AAF (Eng ) aminoallantoic fluid
AAFB (Eng) alcohol-acid fast bacilli
AAG (Fr) asthma aigu grave
aa g (Latin) ana gram (same, stated number of g of each substance)
AAI (Fr) anticorps anti-insuline
AAL (Eng) anterior axillary line
AAM (Span) anticuerpos antimitocondriales
AAMI (Eng) Age-Associated Memory Impairment
AAN (Fr) anticorps antinucléaires
AAP (Eng) alanine aminopeptidase
AAPS (Eng) American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
aa pts g (Latin) ana partes gram (stated number of g of mixure, consisting of equal parts of each substance)
AAR (Ital) acido-alcool resistente
AAS (Eng) atomic absorption spectroscopy/spectrometry
AASP (Eng) Advanced Automated Sample Processor (Varian)
AAST (Eng) American Association for the Surgery of Trauma
AAT (Eng) Aachen Aphasia Test
AATE (Dutch) aminoadenosine triacide ester
AAU (Eng) acute anterior uveitis
AAM (Span) anticuerpos antimitocondriales
AAV (Eng) adeno-associated virus
A&B (Eng) appearance and behaviour
AB (Dan) alternativ behandling
Ab (Eng) antibody
Åb (Swe) återbesök
A&B (Eng) appearance and behaviour
ABC (Eng) airway, breathing, circulation
ABCD (Eng) age, blood pressure, clinical features, duration of symptoms
abd. (Ger) abdominal
Abd. (Dan) abdomen
ABD (Eng) abdomen
ABDI (Span) abdomen blando depresible e indoloro
ABE (Eng) acute bacterial endocarditis
ABEH (Span) aparente buen estado de hidratación
ABEN (Span) aparente buen estado nutricional
ABEn (Port) Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem
ABEP (Eng) auditory brainstem-evoked potential
ABFP (Eng) abdominal blood flow pattern
ABG (Eng) arterial blood gas(es) (“sats”)
ABHI (Eng) Association of British Health-Care Industries
ABI (Eng) ankle-brachial index
Abl. I, II, III (Ger) Ableitung I, II, III (cardiology)
ABM (Dan) akut bakteriel meningitis
ABMT (Dutch) autologe beenmergtransplantatie
ABO (Eng) [system of classifying blood groups]
ABP (Eng) androgen binding protein
ABPA (Dan) allergisk bronkopulmonal aspergillose
ABPI (Eng) Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
ABPM (Eng) ambulatory blood presure monitoring
ABR (Dutch) algemeen beoordelings- en registratieformulier
ABS (Eng) acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene
ABU (Eng) asymptomatic bacteriuria
ABVD (Eng) doxorubin, bleomycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine
ABW (Eng) actual body weight
ABX (Eng) antibiotics
Ac (Fr) anticorps
ac (Ital) anticorpi
AC (Dan) akalkuløs kolecystit
Ac (Fr) anticorps
ac (Latin) ante cibum (= before meals)
ACA (Eng) active cutaneous anaphylaxis
ACAN (Fr) anticorps anti-nucléaire
ACAS (Eng) asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis study
ACAT (Fr) acyl-CoA cholesterol acyltransférase
ACB (Eng) aorto-coronary bypass
ACBG (Dutch) Agentschap College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen
ACBP (Eng) aorto-coronary bypass
AcBU (Fr) accord bon usage des soins
ACBUS (Fr) Accord de Bon Usage des Soins
ACC (Dan) acetylCoA carboxylase
ACCP (Eng) American College of Chest Physicians
ACD (Eng) absolute cardiac dullness
ACE (Dutch) angiotensine-converterend-enzym
ACEi (Eng) ACE inhibitor
ACEP (Eng) American College of Emergency Physicians
ACFA (Fr) arythmie complete avec fibrillation auriculaire
ACG (Eng) angiocardiogram, angiocardiography
AcG (Eng) accelerator globulin
ACh (Fr) acétylcholine
ACI (Latin) arteria carotida interna
ACGIH (Eng) American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
Ach (Eng) acetylcholine
AcHC (Fr) anticorps de l’héptatite C
AchE (Eng) acetylcholinesterase
AChRs (Eng) acetylcholine receptors
ACI (Latin) arteria carotis interna
ACIP (Eng) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
ACL (Eng) anterior coronary syndrome
aCL (Eng) anticardiolipin
ACLA (Eng) anticardiolipin antibody
ACLS (Eng) advanced cardiac life support
ACM (Fr) artère cérébrale moyenne
Ac Mo (Fr) anticorps monoclonal
ACMV (Eng) assist control mode ventilation
ACO (Span) anticonceptivos
ACoA (Eng) anterior communicating artery
ACOG (Eng) American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Acoss (Fr) Agence Centrale des Organismes de Sécurité Sociale
ACP (Fr) artère cérébrale postérieure
ACPI (Fr) artère cérébelleuse postéro-inférieure
ACQ (Eng) agoraphobic cognitions questionnaire
ACR (Eng) American College of Rheumatology
ACRP (Eng) Association of Clinical Research Professionals
ACS (Eng) American Chemical Society
ACSH (Fr) autogreffe de cellules sourches hématopoietiques
ACT (Eng) activated clotting time
ACTA (Dutch) Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunde Amsterdam
ACTAC (Fr) Association de Recherche sur les Traitements Anticancereux
ACTG (Eng) AIDS Clinical Trials Group
ACTH (Dan) adrenokortikotropt hormon
ACTP (Span) angioplastia coronaria transluminal percutánea
AcT/RVET (Eng) acceleration time to right ventricular ejection time
ACV (Fr) accident cérébrovasculaire
ACVA (Span) accidente cerebrovascular agudo
ACVB (Eng) aortocoronary venous bypass
AcVIH (Span) anticuerpo del VIH (= HIVAb)
AD (Dan) autosomal dominant
a.d. (Eng) as directed
ADA (Eng) adenosine deaminase
ADAM (Eng) androgen deficiency ageing male
ADAS (Eng) Alzheimer’s Dementia [Alzheimer’s Disease] Assessment Scale
ADAS COG (Eng) Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale, Cognitive Subscale
ADC (Eng) appparent diffusion coefficient
ADCC (Eng) antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity
ADD (Eng) attention deficit disorder
ADE (Eng) adverse drug event/effect
ADEC (Eng) Australian Drug Evaluation Committee
ADEM (Dan) akut dissemineret encefalomyelitis
adénoK (Fr) adénocarcinome
ADG (Eng) average daily gain
ADH (Dan) alkoholdehydrogenase (enzym)
ADHD (Eng) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ADI (Eng) acceptable (admissible) daily intake
ADICAP (Fr) Association pour le Développement de l’Informatique en Cytologie et Anatomie Pathologique
ADK () adenocarcinoma
ADKA (Eng) azide dextrose kanamycine agar
ADL (Dutch) activiteiten van het dagelijks leven
ad lib (Latin) ad libitum [as desired]
ADM (Fr) Agence du Médicament
ADME (Eng) Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion
ad mod. (Latin) ad modum
ADN (Fr) acide désoxyribonucléique (= DNA)
ADNFLE (Dan) autosomal dominant nocturn frontallapsepilepsi
ADO (Fr) anti-diabétiques oraux
ADOC () Adriamycin (doxorubicin) + cisplatin + vincristine + cyclophosphamide (cancer chemotherapy regimen)
ADOS-G (Eng) autism diagnostic observation schedule – generic
ADP (Eng) adenosine diphosphate
ADPCM (Eng) adaptive differential pulse code modulation
ADPKD (Dan) autosomal dominant polycystisk nyresygdom
ADR (Eng ) adverse drug reaction
ADRG (Eng) adjacent diagnosis related group
ADROIT (Eng) Adverse Drug Evaluation Committee
ADS (Ger) allgemeine Depressionsskala
ADT (Fr) accident du travail
ADTP (Eng) alcohol and drug treatment program
ad us. propr. (Latin) ad usum proprium (for own use)
ADV (Fr) aide de visite médical [selling aid]
ADVI (Span) adictos a drogas por vía intravenosa
ADVP (Span) adictos a drogas por vía parenteral
A&E (Eng) accident and emergency
AE (Dan) arbejds-ekg
A/E (Eng) air entry to lungs
A&E (Eng) Accident and Emergency
a.e. (Ger) am ehesten
ae (Ger) altersentsprechend
AEA (Span) antecedentes de la enfermedad actual
AEC (Fr) autorisation d’essai clinique
AECB (Eng) acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
AED (Dan) antiepileptikum
æf. (Dan) ægtefelle [spouse]
ÆF (Dan) ætiologisk fraktion
AEG (Fr) altération de l’état général
AEGIS (Eng) Adverse Experience Gathering Information System
ÆKA (Dan) ændringskontrolansøgning (= CCR)
AeL (Ger) ärztlicher Leiter
AEM (Span) Agencia Española del Medicamento
AEMH (Dan) søjleorganisation for overlæger under EMO
AEMPS (Span) Agencia española de medicamentos y productos sanitarios
AEP (Eng) appropriateness evaluation protocol
AEPAR (Span) Asociación Española de Profesionales de Actividades de Registro
AER (Eng) auditory evoked response
AES (Fr) accidents d’exposition au sang (= BEA)
AESGP (Fr) Association Européenne des Spécialités Pharmaceutiques Grand Public (=Association of the European Self-Medication Industry)
AESP (Span) actividad elétrica sin pulso
AET (Fr) aspiration endo-trachéale
AEV (Eng) average exposure value
AEZ (Ger) Allgemeiner Ernährungszustand
AF (Dan) autofluorescens
AFAR (Fr) Association Française des Affaires Réglémentaires
AFB (Eng) acid-fast bacillus/bacilli/bacterium
AFC (Eng) antibody-forming cell
AFDR (Eng) acute febrile respiratory disease
AFE (Eng) amniotic fluid embolus
AFI (Eng) amniotic fluid index
Afib (Eng) atrial fibrillation
A Fib ()
AFID (Eng) alkali flame ionisation detector
AFL (Eng) atrial flutter
afld. (Eng) anteflected
AFLI (Dan) atrieflimren
AFLP (Eng) amplified fragment-length polymorphism
AFMPS (Fr) Agence Fédéral des Médicaments et des Produits de Santé [Belgium]
AFO (Eng) ankle foot orthosis
AFOS (Fi) alkalinen fosfataasi (alkaline phosphatase)
AFP (Eng) alpha-fetoprotein
Afs (Fr) Agence Française du Sang
afs. (Dan) afsnit
AFS (Eng) arteria femoralis sinistra
Afsgp (Fr) Association Française des producteurs de Spécialités Grand Public
AFSSAPS (Fr) Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits de Santé
AFV (Eng) amniotic fluid volume
AGCUS (Eng) atypical glandular cells of undetrmined significance
AG (Dan) aminoglykoside
A/G ratio (Eng) albumin/globulin ratio
ÄG (Ger) äussere Genitalien
Ag (Eng) antigen
AGA (Eng) appropriate [size] for gestational age
AGAS (Dutch) Algemene Gehandicapten Attitude Schaal
AGB (Port) area de grasa del brazo
AGC (Eng) advanced gastric carcinoma
AGE (Eng) advanced glyceration end-product
AGEP (Dan) akut generaliseret eksantematøs pustulose
AGEPC (Eng) Acetyl-glyceryl-ether-prosphorylcholine
AGEs (Eng) Advanced Glycosylation End-products
AGF (Span) angiografía fluoresceínica
AGG (Eng) agammaglobulinaemia
AGHD (Eng) adult GH deficiency
AGID (Eng) agar gel immunodiffusion
agio (Dutch) assistent-geneeskundige in opleiding
AGL (Ital) acidi grassi liberi
AGN (Eng) antigen
AGNE (Ital) acidi grassi non esterificati
agnio (Dutch) assistent-geneeskundige niet in opleiding
AGO (Fr) Assemblée Générale Ordinaire
AGP (Fr) agrégé-préparateur
AGPLC (Fr) acides gras polyinsaturés à long chaine
A. Gral (Span) Atención General
AGRP (Eng) agouti-related peptide
AGS (Eng) adrenogenital syndrome
AgsHB (Span) antigeno de superficie de la hepatitis B (= HBsAg)
AGT (Ital) acidi grassi totali
AG trans (Fr) acides gras tarns
AGW (Ger) Atemgrenzwert
AH (Eng) anti-hyaluronidase
Ah (Eng) hypermetropic astigmatism
AHA (Eng) American Heart Association
AHAG (Fr) assistant associé généraliste
AHAI (Fr) anémie hémolytique auto-immune
AHASP (Fr) assistant associé spécialiste
AHAT (Span) anexohisterectomía ampliada total
AHB (Ger) Anschlußheilbehandlung
AHD (Eng) arteriosclerotic heart disease
AHE (Ger) Amygdalahippokampektomie
AHF (Eng) antihaemolytic factor (factor VIII)
AHG (Fr) assistant généraliste
AHI (Dan) apnø-hypopnø-indeks
AHIA (Fr) anémie hémolytique immunoallergique
AHLR (Swe) avstånd från hjärt- och lungräddning [= DNR]
AHNO (Span) ayuno hasta nueva orden
AHO (Eng) Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy
AHPPI (Eng) Association of Human Pharmacologists in the Pharmaceutical Industry
AHSCT (Eng) autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation
AHDH (Dan) alpha2-HS-glykoprotein
AHSP (Fr) assistant spécialiste
AHT (Span) anexohisterectomía total
AHU (Eng) air handling unit
AHV (Ger) Alters- und Hinterbliebenenversorgung
AI (Eng) aortic incompetence/insufficiency
a.i. (Dan) alt indkapslet
ÄI (Fi) älykkyysikä (= mental age)
AIB (Dutch) algemene internationale benaming (= INN)
AIBN (Eng) (α,α)-azobisisobutyronitrile
AIC (Eng) Akaike's information criterion
AICAR (Dan) 5-aminoimidazol-4-crboxamid-ribosid
AICARFT (Eng) 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleoide formyltransferase
AICD (Eng) automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
AID (Eng) automatic interaction detector
AIDP (Eng) acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
AIDPI (Port) Atenção Integrada as Doenças Prevalentes na Infância
AIDS (Eng) acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AIF (Ital) Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco
AIGR (Eng) amended insulin glucose ratio
AIH (Eng) artificial insemination by husband
AIHA (Swe) autoimmunhemolytisk anemi
AIHI (Eng) auto-immune haemolytic anaemia
AIIA (Dan) angiotensin II-receptorantagonist
AIL (Eng) angiocentric immunoproliferative lesions
AIM (Eng) active ingredient manufacturer
AIMD (Eng) active implantable medical device
AIMDD (Eng) active implanted medical diagnostic devices
AIMS (Eng) APSAC Intervention Mortality Study
AIN (Eng) acute interstitial nephritis
AINE (Span) antiinflamatorios no esteroideos
AINS (Fr) anti-inflammatoire non-steroïdien
AION (Eng) anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy
AIP (Dan) apotekets indkøbspris
AiP (Ger) Arzt im Praktikum
AIPP (Fr) atteinte à l’intégrité physique et psychique
AI/R (Eng) aortic valve replacement
AIS (Eng) abbreviated injury scale
AIT (Fr) accident ischémique transitoire
AIVR (Eng) accelerated idioventricular rhythm
AiW (Ger) Arzt in Weiterbildung
AJ (Eng) ankle jerk
AJCC (Eng) American Joint Committee on Cancer
AJR (Fr) apport journalier recommandé
AK (Dan) antikoagulation // antikoagulans // antikoagulantia
AKA (Dan) alkoholisk ketoacidose
AKG (Ger) Angiokardiogramm, Angiokardiographie
AKE (Ger) Aortenklappenersatz
A-klap (Dan) aortaklap
akt (Dan) aktivitet
akt med (Swe) aktuell medicinering
Al (Swe) avdelningsläkare
AL (Fr) anesthésie locale
ALA (Eng) alpha-linoleic acid
ALARA (Eng) as low as reasonably achievable (occupational medicine)
ALAT (Eng) alanine aminotransferase [formerly SGPT]
ALB (Span) albúmina
Alb (Fr) albumine
ALBP (Eng) acute low back pain
ALD (Eng) approximate lethal dose
ALDH (Dan) aldehyddehydrogenase (leverenzym)
ALE (Eng) active life expectancy
ALF (Eng) acute lung failure
ALFEDIAM (Fr) Association de Langue Française pour l’étude du diabète et des maladies métaboliques
ALG (Eng) antilymphocyte globulin
ALI (Eng) acute lung injury
A-life (Eng) artificial life
ALK (Eng) automated lamellar keratoplasty
ALL (Dan) akut lymfoblastær leukæmi
ALLP (Fr) Association Lyonnaise de Logistique Post-hospitalière
ALM (Eng) acral lentiginous melanoma
ALR (Fr) anesthésie loco-régionale
ALRIV (Fr) anesthésie loco-régionale intraveineuse
ALS (Eng) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
ALT (Eng) alanine transferase (formerlly SGPT)
ALV (Ger) Arbeitslosenversicherung
AM (Eng) alveolar macrophage
am (Latin) ad modum
AMA (Dan) akut modtageafdeling
AMB(c) (Port) area de masa magra de brazo (corregido)
AMC (Fr) autorisation médecin conseil
AMD (Dan) aldersrelateret makuladegeneration
AME (Fr) artère mammaire externe
AMEDOC (Fr) Association des Médecins Experts en Dommage Corporel
AMFarbV (Ger) Arzneimittelfarbstoffverordnung
AMG (Dan) acceleromyografi
AMI (Eng) acute myocardial infarction
A MIBI (Eng) adenosine MIBI
AMID (Ital) arteria mammaria interna destra
AMIG (Fr) artère mammaire interne gauche
AMIS (Ital) arteria mammaria interna sinistra
AMK (Norw) akutmedisinsk kommunkationssentral
AML (Dan) akut myeloblastær leukæmi
AMM (Fr) Autorisation de Mise sur le Marché (= marketing authorisation)
AMN (Fr) aménorrhée
AMNIO (Eng) amniocentesis
AMO (Span) aspirado de médula ósea
AMOS (Fr) ablation du materiel d’ostéosynthèse
AMP (Eng) adenosine monophosphate
amp. (Fr) ampoule
AMPc (Fr) acide asénylique monophosphate cyclique
AMPc (Span) monofosfato de adenosina cíclico
AMPK (Eng) 5’adenosine monophosphate-activated proteinkinase
AMPS (Eng) assessment of motor and process skills
AMR (Ger) Arzneimittelrisiken
AMS (Eng) acute mountain sickness
AMTI (Dan) Afdeling for Mave-/tarminfektioner (at Statens Serum Institut, SSI)
AMTS (Eng) abbreviated mental test score
AMU (Fr) aide médicale urgente
amu (Eng) atomic mass units
AMV (Eng) arteriovenous malformations
AMWHV (Ger) Arzneimittel- und Wirkstoffherstellungsverordnung
AMX (Span) amoxicilina
AMZV (Ger) Arzneimittelzulassungsverordnung (Switzerland)
An (Eng) anaemia
AN (Dan) acanthosis nigricans
ANA (Dan) antinukleært antistof
ANAE (Eng.) alpha naphthyl acid esterase
ANAES (Fr) Agence Nationale d'Accréditation et d'Évaluation en Santé (National Agency for Accreditation and Evaluation in Health);
anat (Swe) anatomisk
ANC (Eng) absolute neutrophil count
ANCA (Dan) antineutrofilocyt-cytoplasmaantistof
ANCOVA (Eng) analysis of covariance
AND (Eng) axillary node dissection
ANDA (Eng) Abbreviated New Drug Application (US)
ANDEM (Fr) Agence National pour le Développement de l’Evaluation Médicale [French Agency for the Evaluation of Medical Procedures]
ANDS (Eng) Abbreviated New Drug Submission (Canada)
ANEMF (Fr) Asssociation Nationale des Etudiants de Médecine de France
ANF (Eng) antinuclear factor
ANGIO (Eng) angiography
ANITR (Span) Análogos nucleosidos Inhibidores de la Transcriptasa Inversa
ANMAT (Span) Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnologia
ANN (Eng) artificial neurone network
ANNITR (Span) Análogos no nucleosidos Inhibidores de la Transcriptasa Inversa
ANNL (Eng) acute nonlymphocytic leukemia
ANOES (Span) anticuerpos anti-órgano específicos
An/OP/UVA (Swe) anestesi, operation och uppvakning
ANORAK (Dan) accelereret nyt optimeret rationaliseret alloplastisk koncept (H:S HH)
ANOVA (Eng) analysis of variance
ANP (Eng) atrial natriuretic peptide
Anpa (Fr) Association Nationale de la Prévention de l’Alcoolisme
ANR (Span) anesthesia y reanimación
ANRED (Fr) Agence nationale pour la récuperation et l'élimination des déchets
ANRS (Fr) Agence National de Recherche sur le Sida
ANRT (Fr) Association Nationale de la Recherche Technique
AnS (Eng) ankylosing spondylitis
ANS (Eng) autonomic nervous system
ant (Eng) anterior
ANT (Fr) accouchement normal à terme
anti-AML (Span) anticuerpos anti-músculo liso
ANUG (Eng) acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis
ANV (Ger) akutes Nierenversagen
ANVISA (Port) Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária
A&O (Eng) alert and oriented
AO (Dan) aorta
ÄO (Fi) älykkyysosamäärä (= intelligence quotient)
Ao (Eng) aorta
ao (Dutch) arbeidsongeschikt
A&O (Eng) alert and oriented
AoBP (Eng) aortic blood pressure
AOC (Eng) advice of charge
AO/CD (Port) aorta-coronária direita
AoCLF (Dan) akut eksacerbation af kronisk leversygdom
AOD (Eng) arterial occlusive disease
AO/DA (Port) aorto-descendente anterior
AOEL (Eng) acceptable operator exposure level (pesticide toxicology)
AÖF (Ger) Aortenklappenöffnungsfläche
AOK (Ger) Aortenklappe
AoKK (Dutch) aortakunstklep
AOM (Eng) acute otitis media
AOMI (Fr) artériopathie oblitérante des membres inférieurs
AOP (Eng) amino-oligopeptidase
AoP (Eng) aortic pressure
AoR (Eng) aortic valve replacement
Ao Tho Asc (Fr) aorte thoracique ascendante
A&P (Eng) anterior and posterior
AP (Dan) akut pankreatit
Ap (Fr) angine de poitrine
A/P (Eng) assessment and plan
ÄP (Ger) ärztliche Praxis
A-P (Span) anteroposterior
A&P (Eng) anterior and posterior
APA (Eng) American Psychiatric Association
APAC (Port) Autorização de Procedimentos de Alto Custo
APAAP (Eng) alkaline phosphatase/anti-alkaline phosphatase
APACHE (Eng) acute physiology and chronic health evaluation
APAP (Eng) acetyl-para-aminophenol
APAT (Ger) ambulante parenterale Antibiotika-Therapie
APB (Eng) arterial premature beat (cardiology)
APC (Dan) adenomatøs polyposis coli [e.g. APC-genet]
APD (Eng) automated peritoneal dialysis
APDC (Eng) ammonium pyrrlidine dithiocarbamate
APDIC (Fr) Aspects des Droits de Propriété Intellectuelle liés au Commerce
APE (Eng) abdominoperineal excision
APEC (Eng) Assymetric Periflexural Exanthema of Childhood
APECED (Eng) autoimmune polyendocinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dysplasia
APENDILAP (Span) apendicectomia laparoscopica
APF (Latin) arteria profunda femoris
APG (Eng) auto-immune polyglandular syndrome
APGAR (Eng) American Pediatric Gross Assessment Record
APH (Dan) arterie pulmonaris hovedstamme
APHA (Eng) American Public Health Association
APhA (Eng) Amercian Pharmaceutical Association
AP-HP (Fr) Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris
API (Eng) active pharmaceutical ingredient
APKD (Eng) adult polycystic kidney disease
APL (Eng) acute promyelocytic leukaemia
APMA (Eng) Australian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association
apoA-I (Eng) apolipoprotein A-I
apoB (Eng) apolipoprotein B
APOE (Dan) apoliprotein E
APP (Eng) avian pancreatic polypeptide
app. (Fr) appendicectomie
APPAMED (Fr) Syndicat de l’Industrie des Dispositifs de Soins Médicaux
APPY (Eng) appendectomy
APR (Dan) abdominoperineal resektion
APRO (Eng) aprotinin
A-prov (Swe) arbetsprov
APRT (Eng) adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
APS (Eng) adult protective services
APSAC (Eng) anisoylated plasminogen-streptokinase activation complex
APT (Eng) amiodarone pulmonary toxicity
APTE (Eng) acute pulmonary thromboembolism
APTL (Fr) angioplastie percutanée transluminale
APTP (Span) tiempo de tromboplastina activado parcialemente (= APTT)
APTT (Eng.) activated partial thromboplastin time (see also TCK)
APUD (Fr) amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation
A-punktur (Dan) arterieblodprøvetagning
APV (Ger) Arbeitsgemeinschaft für pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik
APZ (Dutch) algemeen psychiatrisch ziekenhuis
aq (Latin) aqua (water)
AQ (Ger) Abdomendurchmesser Quer
AQ and CK (Eng) acoustic quantification and colour kinesis [echocardiography]
aq dest (Latin) distilled water
AQL (Eng) admissible quality level (see also NQA)
aq pur (Latin) pure water
ÂQRS (Eng) mean electical axis of QRS
ÂQRST (Eng) mean electrical axis of QRST
aq ster (Latin) sterilised water
AR (Dan) absolut risiko
Ar (Eng) peak area of reference solution
ARA (Eng) American Rheumatism Association
ARA-C (Eng) cytosine arabinoside/cytarabine
ARAII (Span) antagonistas de los receptores de la angiotensina II
ARB (Dan) angiotensin II-receptorblokker
arb enh (Swe) arbiträr enhet
Arbo (Dutch) arbeidsomstandigheden
ARC (Eng) AIDS-related complex
ARCA (Eng) acute respiratory cardiac arrest
ARCI Scales (Eng) Addiction Research Center Inventory Scales
ARD (Eng) acute respiratory disease
ARDS (Eng) acute respiratory distress syndrome
ARE (Port) artéria radial esquerda
AREB (Fr) anémie réfractaire avec excès de blastes
ARED (Eng) arrested or reversed end-diastolic flow
ARF (Dan) Amtsrådsforeningen
ARH (Fr) Agences régionales d'hospitalisation
ARI (Eng) acute respiratory illness(es)
ARIA (Eng) allergic rhinitis and its impact on asthma
ARJ (Fr) arthrite rhumatoïde juvenile
ARM (Dan) aldersrelateret maculopati
ARMD (Eng) age-related macular degeneration
ARN (Fr) acide ribonucléique
ARNm (Fr) acide ribonucléique messager
ARNt (Fr) acide ribonucléique de transfert
AROI (Eng) acceptable rate of oral intake (toxicology)
AROM (Eng) artificial rupture of membranes
ARP (Fr) activité rénine plasmatique
ARPKD (Dan) autosomal recessivt arvelig polycystisk nyresygdom
ARR (Eng) absolute risk reduction
ART (Eng) assisted reproduction technology
ARTIC (Span) anticulación
ARTSAT (Eng) arterial saturation
ARV (Dan) antiretroviral (behandling)
ARVD (Ger) arrhythmogene rechtsventrikuläre Dysplasie
ARVs (Eng) antiretroviral medications
AS (Dan) Angelmans syndrom
As (Span) aereos
a.s. (Dutch) actieve stof
ASA (Eng) acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
A.s.a. (Dan) anamnese som anført
ASAI (Fr) anémie sidéroblastique acquise idiopathique
ASAJ (Port) área de saúde do adolescente e do jovem
ASAP (Eng) as soon as possible
ASAT (Eng) aspartate aminotransferase [formerly SGOT]
ASB (Fr) albumine du sérum bovin (= BSA)
ASBS (Eng) American Society for Bariatric Surgery
ASC (Fr) aire sous la courbe
ASCO (Eng) American Society of Clinical Oncology
ASCUS (Eng) atypical squamous cells of unknown/undetermined significance
ASD (Eng) atrial septal defect/atrioseptal defect
ASE (Fr) aide sociale à l’enfance
ASF (Eng) African swine fever
ASG (Eng) auto-surveillance glycémique
ASGP-R (Eng) asialoglycoprotein receptor
ASH (Eng) American Society of Hematology
ASHD (Eng) arteriosclerotic heart disease
ASI (Eng) acromial spur index
ASIA (Eng) American Spinal Injury Association
ASIH (Swe) avancerad sjukvård i hemmet
ASIS (Eng) anterior superior iliac spine
ASK (Eng) antistreptokinase
ASL (Eng) antistreptolysin
ASLO (Eng) antistreptolysin-O
ASM (Span) anti-músculo liso
ASMA (Eng) anti-smooth muscle antibody
ASMC (Eng) aortic smooth muscle cell
ASMF (Eng) active substance master file
ASMR (Fr) amélioration du service médical rendu
ASO (Eng) antistreptolysin O titre
ASOR (Eng) asialoorosomucoid
ASP (Swe) Apoteksbyråns specialitetsavdelning
ASPA (Ger) Aluminium-Siliko-Polyacrylatzement (dentistry)
ASR (Eng) aggregate safety report
ASRM (Eng) Americal Society for Reproductive Medicine
Ass (Swe) Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen
ASS (Ger) Acetylsalicylsäure
ASt (Ger.) Atemstoßtest (in respiration)
AST (Eng) antistreptolysis titre
ASTL (Fr) antistaphylolysine
ASTM (Eng) American Society for Testing and Materials
ASU (Eng) ambulatory surgery unit
ASV (Eng) anodic stripping voltammetry
ASVD (Eng) arteriosclerotic vascular disease
a.s.w. (Eng) approved social worker
a.t./AT (Swe) allmäntillstånd
AT (Dan) aerob tærskel
A-T (Eng) ataxia-teleangiectasia
ÂT (Eng) Mean electrical axis of T
ATA (Latin) arteria tibialis anterior
AT III (Eng) antithrombin III
ATB (Eng) antibiotic
ATBC (Eng) alpha tocopherol beta carotene
ATBG (Fr) antibiogramme
ATBP (Fr) antibioprophylaxie
ATC (Eng) anatomical therapeutic chemical (classification)
ATCC (Eng) American Type Culture Collection
ATCD (Fr) antécédents
ATD (Eng) antithyroid drug
ATE (Fr) accident thrombo-embolique
ATER (Fr) attaché temporaire d’enseignement
ATG (Span) antígenos
Atg (Eng) anti-human thymocyte globulin
ÅTG (Swe) åtgärd (= action, plan)
ATIH (Fr) Agence technique de l’information hospitalière
ATIN (Eng) acute tubulo-interstitial nephropathy
ATL (Eng) adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma
ATLS (Eng) advanced trauma life support
ATM (Fr) articulation temporo-mandibulaire
ATMI (Span) Asistencia Toxicologica Médica Industrial (Colombia)
ATN (Eng) acute tubular necrosis
ATNC (Eng) agents transmissibles non conventionnels
AT/NC (Eng) atraumatic/normocephalic
ATP (Dan) adenosintrifosfat
ATPS (Eng/Ger) ambient temperature and pressure, saturated (in respiration)
ATR (Eng) attenuated total reflectance
ATRI (Eng) Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute (Tokyo)
ATS (Eng) American Thoracic Society
ATs (Russ) (adenylate cyclase)
ATSDR (Eng) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
ATTASS (Fr) attaché associé
ATU (Fr) autorisation temporaire d’utilisation
atü (Ger) Atmosphärenüberdruck, e.g. 5 atü (= atmosphere gauge, atm. gauge)
atv. (Eng) anteverted
AU (Eng) arbitrary units
au (Ger) arbeitsunfähig
AUC (Eng) area under curve
AUF (Ger) Arbeitsunfähigkeit
AUFS (Eng) absorption units full-scale
ÅUH (Dan) Århus Universitetshospital
au n. (Fr) au niveau de
AUP (Dan) apotekets udsalgspris
AUQ (Eng) above upper limit of quantification
AUVB (Ger) allgemeine Versicherungsbedingungen für die Unfallversicherung
aV (Eng) Goldberger limb leads
AV (Eng) arteriovenous
A/V (Eng) ateriolar/venous
AVA (Eng) aortic valve area
AVB (Eng) atrioventricular block
å.v.b. (Swe) åter vid behov (on clinical records, instruction to patient to contact the doctor again only if the patient's problem recurs)
AVC (Fr) accident vasculaire cérébral
AVCH (Port) acidente vascular cerebral hemorrágico
AVCI (Fr) années de vie corrigées de l’incapacité (= DALYs)
AVCT (Fr) accident vasculaire cérébral transitoire (= TIA)
AVD (Eng) apparent volume of distribution
avd (Swe) avdelning
avDO2 (Eng) arteriovenous oxygen content difference
AVE (Port) aneurisma ventrículo esquerdo
AVF (Eng) arteriovenous fistula
AVFL (Latin) ateversio-anteflexio (uteri)
AVH (Fr) anésthesiques volatils halogenés
AVI (Ger) Arzneimittelverkauf Information (drug sales information)
AVK (Fr) antivitamine K
AV-klap (Dan) atrioventrikulær klap
AVM (Eng) arteriovenous malformation
AVN (Eng) avascular necrosis
A/V Nicking (Eng) arteriolar/venous nicking
AVNRT (Eng) atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia
AVOD (Fr) acuité visuelle oeil droit
AVOG (Fr) acuité visuelle oeil gauche
AVP (Eng) arginine vasopressin
AVPU (Eng) alert, verbal, pain, unresponsive
AVQ (Fr) activités de la vie quotidienne (= ADL)
AVR (Eng) aortic valve replacement
A/V Ratio (Eng) arteriolar/venous ratio
AVS (Eng) arteriovenous shunt
Avs (Fr) avortement spontané
AVSS (Eng) afebrile, vital signs stable
AVT (Ger) Astvenenthrombose
AVVZ (Dutch) arm aan verzadigde vetzuren
AW (Eng) atomic weight
aw (Eng) water activity
A&W (Eng) alive and well
AWB (Ger) Anwendungsbeobachtung
AWBZ (Dutch) Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten [Exceptional Medical Expenses Act]
AWI (Eng) average weekly intake
AWR (Ger) Aufwachraum
AWS (Ger) Abwehrspannung (= guarding)
Ax (Eng) peak area of test solution
AXR (Eng) abdominal X-ray
AXV (Eng) axillosubclavian vein
AY (Span) ayunas
AZ (Dutch) algemeen ziekenhuis
AZA (Dan) azathioprin
AZL (Dutch) Academisch Ziekenhuis Leiden
AZM (Dutch) Algemeen Ziekenhuis Middelheim (Antwerp)
AZQ (Ger) Atemzeitquotient
AZR (Eng) abdominal X-ray
AZT (Eng) zidovudine (Azidothymidine)
AZU (Dutch) Academisch Ziekenhuis Utrecht (Utrecht University Hospital)
AZV (Ger) Atemzugvolumen
B1, B2, B3, B4 (Fr) S1, S2, S3, S4 (= ‘bruit’ in ‘auscultation cardiaque’)
B I, B II (Swe) Billroth I, Billroth II
B (Eng) biceps jerk/reflex
B (respiration) (Ger) atmosphärischer Druck
B1, 2, 3, 4 (Fr) bruit de coeur (premier, deuxième, troisième, quatrième, cinquième) (cardiology)
B1 (Fr) premier besoin d'uriner
B2 (Fr) besoin normal d'uriner
B3 (Fr) besoin impérieux d'uriner
B4 (Fr) besoin douloureux d'uriner
B&C (Eng) board and care
BA (Eng) bioavailability
Ba () barium
BAA (Ger) Bauchaortenaneurysma
BAAR (Span) bacilos ácido-alcohol resistentes (= AFB)
Bab (Swe) Babinski
BAB (Fr) (plâtre) brachio-antibrachial (= long-arm cast)
BAC (Eng) bacterial arteficial chromosome
BACs (Eng) bacterial artificial chromosomes
bact (Eng) bacteriology
BADGE (Eng) bisphenol-A-diglycidylether
BAE (Dan) børneabsenceepilepsi
BAEPs (Eng) brainstem auditory evoked potentials
BAERs (Eng) brainstem auditory evoked responses
BAFGE (Eng) bisphenol-F-diglycidylether
BAG (Ger) Bundesamt für Gesundheit
BAHA (Eng) bone anchored hearing aid
BAK (Eng) British anti-Lewisite (2,3-dimercaptopropanol)
BAL (Dan) bronkoalveolær lavage
BALT (Eng) bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue
BAN (Eng) British Approved Name
BAO (Eng) basal acid output
BAPC (Dutch) buffycoat-arme packed cells
BAPP () bleomycin + Adriamycin (doxorubicin) + cisplatin + prednisone (cancer chemotherapy regimen)
BAPSA (Fr) Budget Annexe des Prestations Sociales Agricoles
BAQIMEPH (Fr) Bureau d’Assurance Qualité et de l’Information Médico-Economique de l’Hospitalisation Privée
BAR (Eng) bronchial anaphylactic reaction
BARQA (Eng) British Association of Research Quality Assurance
BAS (Eng) glood group automated screening
BASDAI (Eng) Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index
BASFI (Eng) Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index
BASPCAN (Eng) British Assocition for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
BAT (Eng) brown adipose tissue
BAU (Eng) biologically active unit
BAV (Eng) bioavailability
BAVC (Fr) bloc auriculo-ventriculaire complete
BAVI (Fr) bloc-auricul-ventriculaire incomplet
BAVT (Port) bloqueio átrio ventricular total
Bb (Dan) Borrelia burgdorferi
BB (Eng) bin breeding (of mice)
BBB (Eng) blood-brain barrier
BBD (Dutch) Bureau Bijwerkingen Diergeneesmiddelen
BBDx (Ital) blocco di branca dextro
BBDI (Fr) bloc de branche droit incomplet
BB-Ebene (Ger) Beckenbodenebene [Hodge’s plane]
b. Bed. (Ger) bei Bedarf
BBG (Dutch) Bureau Bijwerkingen Geneesmiddelen
BBH (Dan) H:S Bispebjerg Hospital
BBK (Eng) Babinski
BBS (Dan) Bardet-Biedl-syndrom
BBSn (Ital) blocco di branca sinistro
BBT (Eng) basal body temperature
BC (Eng) bone conduction (audiology)
BCA (Eng) bichichonic acid
BCAA (Eng) branched-chain amino acid
BCAR (Eng) biopsy-confirmed acute reaction
BCC (Eng) basal cell carcinoma
BCDF (Eng) B-cell differentiation factor (immunology)
BCE (Eng) basal cell epitheliomas
BCF (Eng) bioconcentration factor
bcg (Eng) Ballistocardiogram (cardiology)
BCG (Dan) Bacille Calmette-Guérin [-vaccine]
BCGF (Eng) B-cell growth factor (immunology)
BCI (Eng) blunt cardiac injury
BCKDC (Eng) branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase complex
BCM (Eng) body cell mass
BCNU, BiCNU () carmustine
BCO (Fr) bronchopneumopathies chroniques obstructives
BCP (Eng) birth control pill
BCPIA (Fr) ballonet de contrepulsion intra-aortique
BCR (Eng) B cell receptors
BCRD (Span) bloqueo completo de rama derecha
BCRI (Span) bloqueo completo de rama izquierda
BCRIHH (Span) bloqueo completo de rama izquierda del has de His
BCS (Eng) biopharmaceutical classification system
BCT (Eng) bronchial challenge test
bd (Latin) bis in die (twice daily)
Bd (Swe) byrådirektör
BD (Dan) benzodiazepin
B-D (Eng) Beckton-Dickinson
BDA (Eng) British Dental Association
BDC (Fr) bouche du col
BdC (Fr) bruits du coeur
BDD (Eng) body dysmorphic disorder
BDd (Ger) Blutdruck diastolisch
BDE (Dutch) bijna dood ervaring
BDI (Eng) bin density index
BDM (Ger) Blutdruckmessung
BDN (Eng) basic development needs
bDNA (Eng) branched chain DNA (signal amplification)
BDNF (Eng) brain-derived neurotrophic factor
BDR (Eng) background diabetic retinopathy
BDs (Ger) Blutdruck systolisch
bds (Ger) beidseitig
BDT (Ger) Behandlungsdatenträger
BDZ (Eng) benzodiazepine
bdz. (Dutch) beiderzijds
BE (Dan) brysternæring
BEAB (Span) buena entrada de aire bilateral
Bedöm (Swe) sammanfattande bedömning
BECTS (Dan) benign partiel epilepsi med centrotemporale spikes hos børn = benign epilepsi med centrotemporale spikes = Rolandisk epilepsi
BED (Eng) biological equivalent dose
BEFE (Ger) bindegewebseiweißfreier Fleischeiweiß
BEG (Fr) bon état général
BEH (Fr) bulletin épidémiologique hebdomadaire
BEI (Span) borde esternal izquierdo
BEM (Eng) basal Eagle’s medium
BEMA (Eng) Benchmarking of European Medicines Agencies
BEME (Eng) best evidence medical education
BEP-20 () bleomycin + etoposide + cisplatin (cancer chemotherapy regimen)
BEPC (Fr) brevet d’études du premier cycle
BER (Dan) baseexcisionsreparation
BERA (Eng) brain-stem evoked response audiometry
BES (Dutch) boezemextrasystole
BESA (Eng) brain ellectrical source analysis
BET (Eng) benign essential tremor
BEV (Eng) beam’s eye view (radiotherapy)
BF (Dan) bifosfonat
BfArM (Ger) Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte
BFAV (Ger) Bundesforschungsanstalt für Viruskrankheiten der Tiere
BFEF (Fr) Base Française d’Evaluation en Santé
BFU (Eng) burst-forming units
BG (Eng) bronchocentraic granulomatosis
Bg/BG (Fr) Ballistocardiogramme (see bcg)
BGA (Eng) blood gas analysis
BGAR (Ger) bioptisch gesicherte Abstoßungsreaktion
BGD (Dutch) bedrijfsgeneeskundige dienst
BGDF (Eng) B-cell growth factor
B-Glu (Swe) blodglukos
BGMA (Eng) British Generics Manufacturers' Association
BGN (Fr) bacilles à Gram négative
BGP (Fr) bactérie gram positif
BGSA (Fr) biopsite glandes salivaires accessoires
BgVV (Ger) Bundesinstitut für gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz und Veterinärmedizin
BH (Fr) bilan hépatique
BHA (Eng) butylated hydroxyanisole
BHC (Fr) bilan hépatique complet
BHCG (Eng) beta human chorionic gonadotropin
BHE (Fr) (blood-brain barrier)
BHK (Eng) baby hamster kidney
BHRUT (Span) biometria hematica de rutina
BHV (Eng) bioprosthetic heart valve
BHyP (Span) bien hidrato y perfundido
BI (Dutch) betrouwbaarheidsinterval
B.I. (Port) bilhete de identidade
BIA (Ger) Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit
BIAM (Fr) Banque d'Informations Automatisées sur les Médicaments
BIB (Eng) brought in by
BIBRA (Eng) British Industrial Biological Research Association
BIC (Port) bicarbonato
BID (Fr) bloc incomplet droit
bid (Latin) twice a day (bis in die)
BIG (Dutch) (Wet op) beroepsbeoefenaars in de individuele gezondheidszorg
BIL. C (Fr) bilirubine conjuguée
BIL L (Fr) bilirubin libre
BIL T. (Fr) bilirubine totale
bilat (Swe) bilateralt
BILAT (Span) bilateral
bilt/2 (Eng) Van den Bergh's test (indirect bilirubin)
BIM (Fr) blocage intermaxillaire
BIP (Fr) diamètre bipariétal (foetal measurement)
BiPAP (Eng) bilevel positive airway pressure
BIRA (Eng) British Institute of Regulatory Affairs
BIRD (Span) bloqueo incompleto de rama derecha
BIRI (Span) bloqueo incompleto de rama izquierda
BIT (Fr) Bureau International de Travail (= ILO)
bitr (Swe) biträdande
BIVAD (Eng) biventricular assist device
BiVPM (Eng) biventricular pacemaker
BJ (Eng) biceps jerk
BJHS (Eng) benign joint hypermobility syndrom
BK (Eng) below knee
BKA (Eng) below-knee amputation
Bkg (Ger) Ballisto-gramm/kardiogramm (see bcg)
BKO (Eng) below-knee orthosis
BKS (Ger) Blutkalkspiegel
BKZ (Dutch) Budgettair Kader Zorg [Health Care Budgetary Framework]
BL (Port) balance
BLA (Eng) Biologics License Application (US)
BL CX (Eng) blood culture
BLH (Port) banco de leite humano
BLL (Ger) Bund für Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde
blp (Dan) blodprøver
BLS (Eng) basic life support
BLSD (Eng) basic life support and defibrillation
BLSE (Fr) b-lactamases à spectre étendu
blskr (Swe) blodsocker
BLST (Eng) bilateral single lung transplant
bltr (Swe) blodtryck
BLZ (Ger) Blutzucker
BM (Eng) biological monitoring
BMA (Eng) bone marrow aspiration
BMAA (Eng) beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine
BMC (Eng) bone mineral content
BMD (Eng) benchmark dose [toxicology]
BmedSci (Eng) Bachelor of Medical Sciences
BMG (Ger) Bundesministerium für Gesundheit
BMGF (Ger) Bundesinstitut für Gesundheit und Frauen (Austria)
BMI (Eng) body mass index (kg/m2)
BMB (Eng) basal metabolism
BMC (Eng) Biomedical Center (at Huddinge)
BMD (Eng) bone mineral density
BMFG (Ger) Bundesministerium für Frauen und Desundheit (Austria)
BMJ (Eng) British Medical Journal
BMJFFG (Ger) Bundesministerium für Jugend, Familie, Frauen und Gesundheit
BMO (Span) biopsia de médula ósea
BMP (Eng) bone morphogenic protein
BMR (Eng) basal metabolic rate
BMR-vaccin (Dutch) bof-mazelen-rubella-vaccin
BMS (Eng) bare-metal stent
BMSG (Ger) Bundesministerium für Soziale Sicherheit und Generationen (Austria)
BMT (Eng) bone marrow transplant(ation)
BMTx (Eng) bone marrow transplantation
BMU (Eng) basic multicellular units
BMW (Eng) balance-middle-weight
BN (Eng) brown Norway (rat)
BNCO (Span) broncopneumopatía obstructiva crónica (= COPD, COLD)
BNF (Eng) British National Formulary
BNHP (Span) bien hidratado, nutrido y perfundido
BNO (Eng) bowels not opened
BNP (Dan) B-type natriuretisk peptid
BNR (Ger) Berechtigtennummer
BNS (Ger) Blutnervenschranke
BO (Eng) bowels opened
B o Å (Swe) bedömning och åtgärd
BOB (Ger) Bundesoberbehörde
BOE (Dan) benign occipital epilepsi
BOEL (Dan) blik orienteret efter lyd
BOG (Dutch) programma BeleidsOnderzoek Geneesmiddelen [Medicines Policy Research Programme]
B.O. I (Eng) Billroth’s operation I
B.O. II (Eng) Billroth’s operation II
BOD (Eng) biochemical oxygen demand (environ.)
BOEL(-prov) (Swe) blicken-orienterar-efter-ljud (-prov)
Böl (Swe) Biträdande överläkare
BOLD (Eng) blood oxygen level dependent
BOM (Fr) biopsie ostéomédullaire
BOOP (Eng) bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia
BOP (Eng) bleeding on probing
BOPS (Ger) Bundesopiumstelle
BOR (Eng) bowels open regularly
BOS (Eng) break-out session
BOTE (Fr) bonne orientation dans le temps et dans l’espace
Bp (Latin) Bordetella pertussis
BP (Eng) blood pressure (or B.P.)
BPA (Dan) bilateral peritonsillær absces
BPAC (Ital) bypass aorto coronario
BPAD (Eng) bipolar affective disorder
BPB (Eng) black pigmented bacteroids
BPC (Eng) bulk pharmaceutical chemical
BPCG (Ital) broncopneumopatia cronica generale
BPCO (Fr) bronchopneumoathie chronique obstructive
BPD (Eng) borderline personality disorder
BPd (Eng) blood pressure diastolic
BPEG (Span) bajo peso para la edad gestacional
BPF (Eng) Brazilian purpuric fever
BPflV (Ger) Bundespflegesatzverordnung
BPH (Eng) benign prostatic hypertrophy
BPharm (Eng) Bachelor of Pharmacy
BPI (Eng) borderline personality index
BPL (Fr) bonnes pratiques de laboratoire
BPM (Fr) bas poids moléculaire
bpm (Eng) beats per minute
BPN (Fr) bronchopneumonie
BPO (Eng) borderline personality organisation
BPP (Eng) biophysical profile [used in OB/Gyn]
BPPH (Port) banco de preços practicados na area hospitalar
BPPV (Eng) benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
BPR (Dutch) bicepspeesreflex
Bprl (Swe) Biträdande provinsialläkare
BPRS (Eng) Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
BPRSA (Eng) Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale Augmented
BPs (Eng) blood pressure systolic
BPSB (Eng) blinded sampling with the protected-specimen brush
BPSD (Eng) behavioural and psychological symptoms of dimentia
BPTM (Fr) bucco-pharyngectomie transmandibulaire
BPV (Eng) benign positional vertigo
BQ (Span) bioquímica
BR (Eng) bed rest
BRA (Eng) brainstem response audiometry
BRAD (Eng) bradykinin
BRAO (Eng) branch retinal artery occlusion
BRAS (Eng) Belgium Regulatory Affairs Society
BRB (Eng) bright red blood
BRBPR (Eng) bright red blood per rectum
BRCA (Eng) breast cancer
BRD (Port) bloqueio de ramo direito
BrCN (Ger) Bromcyanid
BRD (Dutch) Bureau Registratie Diergeneesmiddelen
BrdU (Ger) Bromdesoxyuridin
BRE (Fr) balles rondes enrubannées (vet.)
BREF (Fr) bandage, repos, elevation, froid
Brg (Dutch) Besluit registratie geneesmiddelen
BRIC (Eng) benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis
BRIHH (Span) bloqueo de rama izquierda del has de His
BRMES (Eng) Bech-Rafaelsen Melancholia Scale
BRN (Fr) bruits respiratoires normaux
bronchoG (Fr) bronchogramme
BRP (Eng) bathroom privileges
BRPPR (Eng) bright red blood per rectum
BRR (Span) bilirubina
BrT (Eng) bilirubin turnover
BRVO (Eng) branch retinal vein occlusion
BS (Eng) bowel sounds
BSA (Eng) bovine serum albumin
BSAG (Fr) bloc segmentaire antérieur gauche
BSB (Ger) biologischer Sauerstoffbedarf (= Eng. BOD)
BSC (Eng) best supportive care
BSE (Dutch) bezinkingssnelheid van erytrocyten (= ESR)
BSG (Ger) Blutsenkungsgeschwindigkeit
BSH (Fr) bonne santé habituelle
BSI (Eng) Brief Symptom Inventory
BSMB (Dan) Bedre Sundhed for Mor og Barn [projekt]
BSO (Eng) bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
BSP () Bayer Schering Pharma
BSQ (Eng) Body Sensations Questionnaire
BSR (Eng) blood sedimentation rate (see also ESR)
BSS (Eng) balanced salt solution
BSSL (Eng) bile salt-stimulated lipase
BST (Dan) bedriftssundhedstjeneste (= occupational health service)
BSV (Ger) Bundesamt für Sozialversicherung [Switzerland]
BT (Dan) blodtryk
BTB (Dutch) bundeltakblock
BTBV (Eng) beat to beat variability (fetal heart rate)
BTC (Dutch) basaletemperatuurcurve
BTK (Eng) Bruton’s tyrosine kinase
BTPS (Eng) Body temperature and pressure saturated (in respiration)
btx (Dan) botulinumtoksin
BU (Fr) bandelette urinaire
B.U. (Dan) bakteriologisk undersøgelse
BUA (Dutch) Besluit Uitoefening Artsenijbereidkunst
BUAV (Eng) British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection
BUD (Eng) budesonide
BUI (Eng) brain uptake index
BUN (Eng) blood urea nitrogen
BUP (Swe) barn- och ungdomspsykiatri
BUP-DK (Dan) Børne- og UngdomsPsykiatrisk Selskab i Danmark
BUR (Fr) bureau des urgences
BURI (Eng) burimamide
BUS (Swe) Barn- och Ungdomssjukhuset (Lund)
BV (Dutch) borstvoeding
BVA (Dutch) bureau vertrouwensarts
BVAB (Eng) bacterial vaginosis-associated bacteria (1, 2 and 3)
BVC (Swe) barnavårdscentral
BVD (Eng) bovine viral diarrhoea
BVDV (Eng) bovine viral diarrhoea virus
BVM (Eng) bag valve mask
BW (Eng) body weight
BWA (Ger) Brustwandableitung
BWK (Ger) Brustwirbelkörper
BWO (Dutch) Blijvende Werk Onbekwaamheid
BWS (Dutch) beschut-wonenschaal [= schaal ontwikkeld om terugtrekgedrag van chronische psychiatrische patiënten te onderzoeken]
Bx (Dutch) biopsie (verricht)
BX (Span) biopsia
BysZ (Ger) Babinskisches Zeichen
BZ (Ger) Blutzucker
BZD (Eng) benzodiazepine
BzgA (Ger) Bundesverband für gesundheitliche Aufklärung
BZT (Fr) benzodiazépines
BZ-TP (Ger) Blutzuckertagesprofil
BZV (Dutch) biochemisch zuurstofverbruik
BZW (Dutch) begeleid zelfstandig wonen
c (Eng) capillary (respiration)
c' (Eng) end-capillary (respiration)
C (Eng) complement
C+ (Fr) avec contraste
C- (Fr) sans contraste
C 1-9 (Eng) complement factors 1-9
C1-ER (Dutch) C1-esteraseremmer
C2 (Eng) cluster 2 (tuberculosis subtype)
C3S (Fr) Contribution sociale de solidarité des sociétés
C&S (Eng) culture and sensitivity
CL (Eng) lung compliance (dynamic) (respiration)
CaO2 (Eng) arterial O2-content (respiration)
C(a-vDO2) (Eng) arterial-mixed venous O2 content difference (respiration)
CvO2 (Eng) mixed venous O2-content
CA (Eng) complete arrythmia
Ca (Fr) carcinome
CA-Nomenklatur (Ger) Chemical Abstract name
ca (Eng) carcinoma
CAA (Fr) chromatographie des acides aminés
CAB (Eng) coronary artery bypass
CAB-schema (Dutch) circulatie-ademweg-beademing-schema (bij reanimatie)
CABG (Eng) coronary artery bypass graft
CaBP (Eng) calcium binding protein
CAC (Latin/Eng) Codex Alimentarius Commission
C.à.c. (Fr) cuillère à café
CACP (Eng) camptodactyly, arthropathy, coxa vara and pericarditis
C.à.d. (Fr) cuillère à dessert
CAD (Dutch) consultatiebureau voor alcohol en drugs
CADASIL (Dan) cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopati med subkortikale infarkter og leukoencefalopati
CADASILM (Eng) CADASIL + migraine
CADD (Eng) computer-aided drug design
CADES (Fr) Caisse d'amortissement de la dette sociale
CADREAC (Eng) Collaboration Agreement of Drug Regulatory Authorities in European Union Associated Countries
CAE (Eng) carotid artery endarteriectomy
CAF () cyclophosphamide + Adriamycin (doxorubicin) + 5-fluorouracil (cancer chemotherapy regimen)
CAG (Dutch) coronaire angiografie
CAGE (Eng) cutdown, annoyed, guilty, eye opener
CAH (Eng) congenital adrenal hyperplasia
CAI (Eng) community-acquired infection
CAL (Eng) computer assisted learning
CaI (Fr) grande calorie (kilocalorie)
cal (Fr) calorie
CALLA (Eng) common ALL antigen
CALM (Eng) café au lait macules
CALPAS (Eng) California Psychotherapy Alliance Scales
CAM (Eng ) confusion assessment method
CAMEO (Eng) computer-assisted mechanistic evaluation
cAMP (Eng) cyclic adenosine monoophosphate
CAMR (Eng) Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research
CAMSP (Fr) centre d’action médico-sociale précoce
CAMU (Fr) Capacité d'Aide Médicale Urgente
CAN (Span) concentración absoluta de neutrófilos
CANAM (Fr) Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie des Professions (National Health Insurance Fund for the Professions)
c-ANCA (Eng) central antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
CANDA (Eng) computer assisted new drug application
cand.med.ind. (Dan) cand.med. i industriel medicin
CAO (Fr) conception assistée par ordinateur
CaO2 (Eng) arterial oxygen content
CAP (Eng) community-acquired pneumonia
cap(s) (Eng) capsule(s)
CAPD (Eng) continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
CAPEDOC (Fr) certificat d’aptitude à l’expertise du dommage corporel
CAPLA (Eng) computer assisted product licence application
CAR (Eng) carcinoma-associated retinopathy
CARA (Dutch) chronische aspecifieke respiratoire aandoeningen
CARDS (Eng) cardiology
CARE (Eng) Community Awareness Emergency Response
CAREB (Eng) Caribbean Epidemiology Centre
CARI (Eng) clinical amplitude/velocity reference imaging
CARIM (Dutch) Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht
CART (Eng) cocaine and amphetamine RNA transcript
CAS (Eng) carotid artery stent
C.à.s. (Fr) cuillère à soupe
CASA (Eng) computer-assisted sperm analysis
CASFM (Fr) Comité de l’Antibiogramme de la Société Française de Microbiologie
CASH (Eng) (Centers for Disease Control) Cancer and Steroid Hormone study
CaSR (Dan) calciumsensorreceptor
CASS (Eng) coronary artery surgery study
CAST (Eng) Canterbury Alcoholism Screening Test
CAT (Eng) choline acetyltransferase
CATCH (Eng) cardiac anomalies, anomalous facem thymic aplasia/hypoplasia, cleft palate, hypocalcaemia
CATH (Eng) catheterisation
CATI (Dan) computerassisteret telefoninterview
CATTP (Fr) centre d’accueil thérapeutique à temps partiel
CAV (Eng) cyloxan, adrimycin and vincristine
CAVH (Eng) continuous arteriovenous haemodiafiltration
CAVMAC (Fr) Caisse d'assurance vieillesse invalidité et maladie des cultes
CAVSD (Eng) complete atrioventricular septal defect
CAY (Span) leucocitos en cayado
CB (Dutch) consultatiebureau (= baby clinic)
C/B (Eng) complicated by
CBA (Eng) cost-benefit analysis
CBC (Eng) complete blood count
CBCL (Eng) Child Behaviour Checklist
CBD (Eng) common bile duct
CBER (Eng) Centre for Biologic Evaluation and Research
CBF (Eng) cerebral blood flow
CBG (Dutch) College ter beoordeling van geneesmiddelen [= Medicines Evaluation Board, MEB]
CBH (Eng) Claude Bernard-Horner (syndrome)
CBI (Eng) continuous bladder irrigation
CBM (Span) concentración bactericida minima
CBMC (Eng) cord blood mast cell
CBO (Dutch) Centraal Begeleidingsorgaan voor de Intercollegiale Toetsing
CBP (Dutch) chronisch benigne pijn
CBS (Dutch) Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
CBT (Eng) cognitive behavioural therapy
CBV (Eng) capillary blood velocity
CBW (Eng) corrected body weight
CBZ (Dan) carbamazepin
CC (Eng) chief complaint
cc (Eng) chief complaint
CCA (Eng) commonn carotid artery
CCAA (Fr) centre de cure ambulatoire en alcologie
CCABG (Eng) conventional coronary artery by-pass grafting
CCAM (Fr) Classification Commune des Actes Médicales
CCAQ (Fr) Comité Central d’Assurance Qualité
CCB (Eng) calcium channel blocker
CCBR (Eng) Centre for Clinical and Basic Research (Denmark, Den Danske Forskningsfond)
CCC (Eng) central corneal clouding
CCCl (Eng) cathodal closure clonus
CCD (Eng) charge-coupled device
CCDS (Eng) company core data sheet
C/C/E (Eng) clubbing, cyanosis, edema
CCE (Eng) clubbing, cynosis, edema
CCEE (Span) consultas externas (= outpatients)
CCF (Eng) congestive cardiac failure
CCG (Span) cinecoronariografia
CCHB (Eng) congenital complete heart block
CCHR (Eng) Canadian CT Head Rule
CCHS (Eng) congenital central hypoventilation syndrome
CCI (Eng) chronic coronary insufficiency
CCIA (Fr) Comité de Coordination Inter Agence (= Inter-Agency Coordination Committee, IACC)
CCID50 (Eng) cell culture infective dose 50%
CCIH (Port) Comissão de Controle de Infecção Hospitalar
CCK (Dutch) cholecystokinine
CCK-PZ (Fr) cholécystokinine-pancréozymine
CCL (Eng) complication and comorbidity level
CCLE (Eng) chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus
CCM (Eng) chronic care model
CCMH (Fr ) concentration corpusculaire moyenne en hémoglobine
CCMHP (Fr) chromatographine sur couche mince à haute performance
CCMO (Dutch) Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (Central Committee on Research involving Human Subjects)
CCMS (Fr) concentré à chaud en milieu synthétique
CCMSA (Fr) Caisse centrale de mutualité sociale agricole
CCMU (Fr) classification clinique des malades des urgences
CCNE (Fr) comité consultative national d'éthique (pour les sciences de la vie et de la santé)
CCO/A (Span) crónico/a
CCP (Eng) contagious caprine pleuropneumonia
CCPD (Eng) continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis
CCPDM (Port) Controle de Cadeia Produtiva e de Distribuicão de Substâncias
CCPPRB (Fr) Comité Consultatif de Protection des Personnes dans [se prêtant à] la Recherche Biomédicale
CCR (Eng) change control request
CCr (Eng) creatinine clearance
Ccr (Span) aclaramiento de creatinina
CCRA (Eng) Certified Clinical Research Associate
CCRC (Eng) Certified Clinical Research Coordinator
CCRP (Eng) Certified Clinical Research Professional
CCS (Eng) Canadian Cardiovascular Society
ccs (Latin) cum correctione sua
CCST (Eng) certificate of completion of specialist training
CCT (Dutch) centraal contacteringsteam
CCU (Eng) clean catch urine
CCV (Eng) compact cell volume
CD (Eng) candidate drug
C/D (Eng) cup to disc ratio
CD4+ (Eng) helper T cell (cluster of differentiation no. 4+)
CDAD (Dan) Clostridium difficile-associeret diaré
CDAI (Eng) Crohn's Disease Activity Index
CdAM (Fr) catalogue/classification des actes médicaux
CDC (Eng) Centers for Disease Control (and Prevention) (US)
C.d.C, (Fr) cahier des charges
CDD (Fr) contrat [de travail] à durée determine [= fixed-term contract)
CDEIS (Eng) Crohn’s Disease Endoscopic Index of Severity
CDER (Eng) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research [in FDA]
CDES (Fr) commissions départementales d’éducation spéciale
CDG (Eng) congenital disorders of glycosylation
CDGS (Eng) carbohydrage deficient glycoprotein syndrome
CDI (Eng) central diabetes insipidus
CDK (Eng) cadaver donor kidney
Cdk (Eng) cyclin-dependant kinase
CDM (Eng) clinical data management
CDMA (Eng) Canadian Drug Manufacturers Association
CD-MS (Eng) clinically definite multiple sclerosis
cDNA (Eng) complementary DNA
CDP (Eng) continuous distending pressure
CDR (Eng) Clinical Dementia Rating
CDS (Eng) continuous dopaminergic stimulation
cds (Dutch) costodiafragmatische sinus
CDSC (Eng) Communicable Diseases Surveillance Centre
CDSM (Eng) Committee on Dental and Surgical Materials
cdt (Eng) carbohydrate-deficient transferase
CE (Eng) centre-edge (angle on hip)
CEA (Eng) carcinoembryonic antigen
CEAP (Eng) clinical, etiology, anatomy, pathophysiology
CEC (Eng) Commission of the European Communities
CECOS (Fr) Centres d'Etude et de Conservation des Oeufs et du Sperme humains
CE-CT (Eng) contrast-enhanced computed tomography
CED (Eng) critical effect dose [toxicology]
CEE (Eng) conjugating equine estrogen
CEFIC (Fr) Conseil Européen des Fédérations des Industries Chimiques
CEG (Fr) carotide externe gauche
CEGM (Ital) concentrazione emoglobinica globulare media
CEGPR (Eng) certificate confirming eligibility for general practice registration
CEIC (Span) comité ético de investigación clinica
CEIO (Fr) corps étranger intra-oculaire
CEIP (Fr) Centre d’Evaluation and d’Information sur la Pharmacodépendence
CEKU (Dan) Center for Klinisk Uddannelse
CEM (Fr) champ éléctromagnetique
CE-MRA (Eng) contrast-enhanced MR angiography
CEMTV (Dan) Center for Evaluering og Medicinsk Teknologivurdering
CEN (Fr) Comité Européen de Normalisation
CEOM (Fr) Conférence Internationale des Ordres des Médecins
CEP (Eng) counterelectrophoresis
CEPA (Eng) Canadian Environmental Protection Act
CEPC (Fr) Centre Européen de Prévention et de Contrôle
CEPH (Eng) cephalic (presentation)
C.E.P.S (Eng) corporate electronic publishing system
CER (Latin) caries, extractio, restauratio
Cer (Fr) céramide
CERA (Eng) continuous erythropoiesis receptor activator
CERC (Fr) centre d’évaluation et de recherché sur le cancer
CERFA (Fr) Centre d’Enregistrement des Formules Administratifs
CES (Eng) critical effect size [toxicology]
cés (Fr) comprimés
CESAM (Fr) Centre d'Enseignement de la Statitistique Appliquée à la Médecine et à la biologie humaine
CESR (Eng) certificate confirming eligibility for specialist registration
CESU (Fr) centre d’enseignement des soins d’urgence
CETP (Eng) cholesteryl ester transfer protein
CEU (Eng) continuing education unit
C.Ext. (Span) consultas externas (= outpatients)
CE-Winkel (Ger) Centrum-Erker-Winkel (= centre-edge angle of Wiberg)
CF (Dan) koloniseringsfaktor
CFA (Eng) complete Freund's adjuvant
CFE (Fr) Caisse des français à l'étranger
CFEF (Fr) Collège Français d’Echographie Foetale
CFF (Eng) critical flicker frequency
CFH (Dutch) Commissie Farmaceutische Hulp [Pharmaceutical Care Committee] [of CVZ, q.v.]
CFI (Eng) cardiac function index
CFLP (Eng) Carworth Farm Lane - Petter (Swiss mice)
CFM (Dan) central fedtfordeling
CFO (Eng) critical feeding operations
CFR (Eng) Code of Federal Regulations (US)
CFRD (Eng) cystic fibrosis-related diabetes
CFS (Eng) Certificate of Free Sale
CFST (Dan) Center for Sundheds-telematik
CFU (Eng) colony-forming unit
CFVs (Eng) cyclical variations in coronary blood flow
CFX/Cfx (Eng) circumflex artery
CG (Fr) colon gauche
cg (Eng) centigram
CGA (Span) camp de gran aumento (high-magnification field)
CGB (Span) concentración de globulos blancos
CGD (Span) cirurgia general y digestiva
CG-EA (Eng) continuous glucose-error grid analysis
CGH (Eng) comparative genomic hydridisation
CGI (Eng) Clinical Global Impression
CGL (Eng) chronic granulocytic leukaemia
CGMH (Fr) concentration globulaire moyenne en hémoglobine
cGMP (Eng) current good manufacturing practice
cGMP (Eng) current Good Manufacturing Practice
CGMS (Eng) continuous glucose monitoring system
CGR (Fr) concentré de globules rouges (= PRC)
CGRP (Dan) calcitonin genrelateret peptid
CGS (Span) coma Glasgow score
CH (Fr) centre hospitalier
Ch (Fr) Charrière (in English ‘French’, abbreviated to ‘Fr’ or ‘F’ [catheters etc]
CHAAAE (Port) corada, hidratada, anictérica, acianótica, afebril e eupneica
CHAI (Eng) Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection
Charr (Ger) Charrière
CHB (Eng) compete heart block
ChB (Eng) Bachelor of Surgery
Ch.-B. (Ger) Chargenbezeichnung (batch no.)
CHBA (Fr) centre hospialier du Bois l’Abbaye (Seraing)
CHC (Fr) carcinome hépatocellulaire
CHCM (Span) concentración de hemoglobina corpuscular media
CHD (Eng) coronary heart disease
CHE (Ger) Cholezystektomie
ChE (Eng) cholinesterase
Chemo (Eng) chemotherapy
chemo tx (Eng) chemotherapy
CHEP (Fr) crico-hyoïdo-épiglotto-pexie
CHF (Eng) congestive heart failure
CHG (Dutch) College voor Huisartsgeneeskunde (= Joint Committee on Vocational Training for General Practice)
CHI (Eng) Commission for Health Improvement
CHIC (Fr) centre hospitalier inter-communal
Chir (Fr) chirurgie
CHMP (Eng) Committee for Medical Products for Human Use
CHO (Eng) Chinese hamster ovary
CHOC (Eng) Chinese hamster ovary cells
CHOL (Eng) cholesterol
Chol (Fr) cholestérol
chöl (Swe) cheföverläkare
choly (Eng) cholycystectomy
CHORIO (Eng) chorioamnionitis
CHOP () cyclophosphamide + vincristine (Oncovine) + prednisone + doxorubicin
CHP (Fr) crico-hyoïdo-pexie
CHR (Fr) centre hospitalier régional
CHROMIC (Eng) chromic gut (suture material)
CHRS (Fr) Centre de réadaptation sociale
CHRU (Fr) centre hospitalier regional universitaire
CHS (Eng) compressive hip screw
CHSCT (Fr) Comité d'Hygiène, de Sécurité et des Conditions de Travail
CHSF (Eng) Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation
ChTX (Eng) charybdotoxin
CHU (Fr) centre hospitalier universitaire
CHW (Eng) community health workers
CHZ (Dutch) coronaire hartziekte
CI (Dan) cochleaimplantat
Ci (Eng) Curie
CIA (Fr) communication intra-auriculaire (= atrial septal defect)
CIB (Eng) Clinical Investigator's Brochure
CIC (Dutch) circulerende immunocomplexen
CICU (Eng) cardiac intensive care unit
CID (Eng) combined immune deficiency
CIDP (Eng) chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
CIE (Eng) counterimmunoelectrophoresis
CIG (Fr) carotide interne gauche
CIH (Fr) Conférence Internationale d’Harmonisation
CII (Span) carótida interna izquierda
CIM (Fr) concentration inhibitrice minimale
CIM-10 (Fr) 10e classification internationale des maladies
CIMAH (Eng) Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazard regulations
CIMS (Eng) clinical investigations monitoring system
CIN (Dan) cervikal intraepitelial neoplasi
CINP (Latin) Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum
CINV (Eng) chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
CIOMS (Eng) Council for International Organisations of Medical Sciences (WHO)
CIP (Eng) cleaning in place
CIP-1 (Eng) cdk-interacting protein
CIR (Eng) committed information rate
CIRC (Fr) Centre International de Recherche sur le Cancer
CIRSE (Eng) Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe
CIS (Eng) Chemical Information System
cis (Eng) carcinoma in situ
CISC (Eng) clean intermittent self-catheterisation
CISIH (Fr) Centre d’information et de soins de l’immunodéficience humaine
CISP (Fr) classification internationale de soins primaires
CISPROQUIM (Span) Centro de Informaciíon de Seguridad sobre Productos
CISTM (Eng) Conference of the International Societ of Travel Medicine
cisto (Span) cistoscopia
CIT (Dan) konventionel insulinbehandling
CITE (Dutch) Chirurgisch Intensieve Therapie Eenheid
CIV (Eng) continuous intravenous
CIVD (Fr) coagulation intravasculaire disséminée/diffuse
CJD (Eng) Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
CK (Eng) creatine kinase
CKB (Dan) kreatinkinase-isoenzym B
CKCL (Dutch) centraal klinisch chemisch laboratorium
CKI (Eng) chronic kidney insufficiency
CKMB (Dan) kreatinkinase-isoenzym MB (also CK-MB)
CL (cardiology) (Eng) Chest-left arm lead
CLA (Eng) chemiluminescent assay
CLB (Dutch) Centraal Laboratorium van de Bloedtransfusiedienst
CL CR (Span) clearance de creatinina
CLD (Eng) chronic liver disease
CLE (Eng) clear lens exchange/extraction
CL&F (Eng) Compound Logistics & Formulations
CLFP (Fr) col long fermé postérieur
CLHP (Fr) chromatographie liquide à haute performance
CLIS (Fr) carcinoma lobulaire in situ
CLL (Dutch) chronische lymfatische leukemie
CLM (Ital) coltura linfocitaria mista
CLO (Eng) Campylobacter-like organism
CLP (Ital) corpo luteo persistente
Clr (Fr) clearance
CLSC (Fr) Centres locaux de services communautaires
CLSM-zorg (Dutch) continue, langdurige, systematische en multidisciplinaire zorg
CM (Eng) contrast medium
CMA (Eng) ceinture de maintien abdominale
CMAS (Fr) complications et comorbidités associées sévères
Cmax (Eng) concentration maximum
CMB (Fr) concentration minimale bactericide
CMC (Eng) chemistry, manufacturing and control
CMD (Eng) Coordination group for Mutual recognition and Decentralised procedures
CME (Dan) kontinuerlig medicinsk uddannelse
c.mes (Fr) cuillère-mesure
CMF (Eng) cyclophosphamide + methotrexate + 5-fluorouracil (cancer chemotherapy regimen)
CMG (Eng) clinical management group
CMH (Fr) test de Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel
CMHO (Fr) cardiomyopathie hypertrophique obstructive
CMI (Eng) cell-mediated immunity
CML (Eng) chronic myeloid/myelocytic leukaemia
CMLP (Dutch) Centrum Medico Legale Psychologie
CMML (Eng) chronic myelomonocytic anaemia
CMNO (Fr) cardiomyopathie non-obstructive
CMO (Dutch) Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek
CMP (Eng) cardiomyopathy
CMPD (Ital) cardiomiopatia dilatativa
CMPR (Fr) centre médico-psychologique régional
CMR (Eng) clinical materials requisition
C mott (Eng) Mott cell
CMP (Fr) centre médicopsychologique
CMPA (Eng) cow’s milk protein allergy
CMPD (Ital) cardiomiopatia dilatativa
CMPS (Eng) Cesarec-Marke Personality Scheme (psych. testing)
CMR (Eng) Centre for Medicines Research
CMS (Eng) concerned member state
CMT (Eng) cervical motion tenderness
CMU (Fr) Couverture maladie universelle
CMV (Dan) cytomegalovirus
CN (Eng) cranial nerves
CNAF (Fr) Caisse nationale d'allocations familiales
CNAM (Fr) Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
CNAMTS (Fr) Caisse Nationale de l'Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs et des Salariés (Salaried Employees Mutual Insurance Fund)
CNAVTS (Fr) Caisse nationale d'assurance vieillesse des travailleurs salaries
CNBPC (Eng) China National Biological Products Corporation
CNC (Eng) computerised numerical control
CNCL (Fr) Comité National Consultatif de Labellisation
CNCPI (Fr) Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle
CNDO (Eng) complete neglect of differential overlap
CNEH (Fr ) Centre National de l’Equipement Hospitalier
CNEVA-LPB (Fr) Centre National d’Etudes Vétérinaires et Alimentaires - Laboratoire de Pathologie Bovine
CNG (Span) coronariografia
CNIL (Fr) commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés
CNIS (Eng) carotid non-invasive study
CNM (Eng) centronuclear myopathy
CNP (Fr) coût non proportionnel (non-proportional cost)
CNPC (Fr) cancer non à petites cellules
CNPF (Fr) Conseil National du Patronat Français
Cnps (Fr) Centre National des Professions de Santé
CNRS (Fr) Centre Nationale pour la Recherche Scientifique
CNRV (Fr) Centre National de Recherche Zootechnique
CNS (Eng) central nervous system
CNV (Eng) contingent negative variation
CNW (Eng) certified nurse midwife
CO (Eng) cardiac output
Co (Eng) coenzyme
co (Fr) comprimé
c/o (Eng) complaining of
COA (Eng) certificate of analysis
CoA (Eng) coenzyme A
COAD (Eng) chronic obstructive airways disease
COB (Span) cuadro de obstruccion bronquial
COC (Eng) combined oral contraceptive
COCM (Eng) congestive cardiomyopathy
COD (Eng) chemical oxygen demand (environ.)
CODECS (Fr) Connaissances et Décisions en Économie de Santé
CoFS (Eng) certificate of free sale
COGS (Eng) cost of goods sold
COHb (Eng) carboxyhaemoglobin
COI (Eng) cost of illness
col (Latin) (on prescription) cola (= filter)
COL (Span) colesterol
COLD (Eng) chronic obstructive lung disease
COLELAP (Span) colecistectomia laparoscopica
Collect-AP (Fr) Collectivités - Assistance Publique
comp. (Span) comprimido
COMP (Eng) Comité des medicaments orphelins/Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products [EU]
COMT (Eng) catechol-o-methyltransferase
CON-A (Eng) concavalin-A
conc. (Latin) concentratus
Conf (Ital) confetto
Conj (Ger) Conjunktiva
const. (Latin) constituens
CONT (Span) contracción
cont. (Lat/Dan) continuat
COP () cyclophosphamide + vincristine + prednisolone (cancer chemotherapy regimen)
COPD (Eng) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
COPP () cyclophosphamide + vincristine + procarbazine + prednisolone (cancer chemotherapy regimen)
CoPuB (Swe/Lat) cor-pulm.-buk (in diagnosis)
COPUM (Eng) congenital obstructing posterior urethral membrane
CoQ (Eng) coenzyme Q
COR (Latin) heart
cor. (Eng) coronal (in MRI)
COREPER (Eng) Committee of Permanent Representatives
Coro (Fr) coronarographie
COS (Eng) Certification of Suitability (of monographs [Ph.Eur.]
COSH (Eng) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
CoSHH (Eng) control of substances hazardous to health
Cosm (Fr) clairance osmotique
COSTART (Eng) Coding System for a Thesaurus of Adverse Reaction Terms
COT (Span) cirurgía ortopédica
Cother (Eng) concomitant therapy
COTOREP (Fr) Commission Technique d’Orientation et de Reclassement Profressionel
COV (Fr) composés organiques volatiles
COX (Eng) cyclooxygenase
Coxib (Fr) inhibiteur des COX2
CP (Dan) cerebral parese
C/P (Latin) cor/pulmo
cp (Fr) comprimé
CPA (Eng) care planning approach
CPAM (Fr) Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie
CPAP (Eng) continuous positive airway pressure
CPAS (Fr) centre publique d'aide sociale
CPB (Eng) cardiopulmonary bypass (surgery)
CPC (Fr ) coeur pulmonaire chronique
CPCh (Fr) coeur pulmonaire chronique
CPD (Eng) Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Directorate
CPD/CME (Eng) continuing professional development/continuing medical education
cpdos (Span) comprimidos
CPE (Eng) cytopathic effect
CPG (Fr) chromatographie en phase gazeuse
CPH (Eng) Certificate in Public Health
CPHS (Eng) committee for the protection of human subjects
CPI (Fr) cardiopathie ischémique
CPIA (Fr) contre-pulsion per ballonet intra-aortique
CPK (Eng) creatine phosphokinase
CPL (Span) cirurgia plastica y reparadora
CPM (Dan) cerebral pontinmyelinolyse
cpm (Eng) counts per minute
CPMA (Fr) centre de procreation médicalement assistée
CPME (Fr) Comité Permanent des Médecins Européens
CPMP (Eng) Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products (EMEA; EU)
CPMS (Fr) centre psycho-médico-social
CPN (Eng) community psychiatric nurse
CPNS (Fr) carotides palpées et non soufflantes
CPO (Fr) constipation provoquée par les opiacés
CPP (Eng) cerebral perfusion pressure
CPPAR (Port) Centro de Pesquias em Sanidade Animale
CPPC (Fr) cancers pilmonaires à petites cellules
CPPD (Eng) calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate
CPPS (Eng) chronic pelvic pain syndrome
CPPV (Eng) continuous positive pressure ventilation
CPqGM (Port) Centro de Pesquisa Gonçalo Moniz
CPqHEC (Port) Centro de Pesquisa René Rachour
CPR (Eng) cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CPRE (Fr) chloangiographie pancréatographie retrograde (par voie) endoscopique
CPRS (Eng) complex regional pain syndrome
CPS (Eng) carbamyl phosphate synthetase
cps. (Ital) capsula
CPSG (Span) convulsiones parciales secundariamente generalizadas
CPSTA (Eng) cost per successfully treated attack
CPT (Fr) capacité pulmonaire totale
CPU (Eng) coproporphyrins in the urine
CPUE (Fr) capacité pulmonaire utilisable à l’effort
C pulm stat (Fr) compliance pulmonaire statique
CPV (Eng) canine parvovirus
CPVI (Dan) cirkumferentiel pulmonal veneisolation
CPX (Eng) cardiopulmonary exercise
CPZ (Eng) chlorpromazine
CPZNO (Eng) chlorpromazine N-oxide
CQI (Eng) continuous quality improvement
CR (cardiology) (Eng) chest-right arm lead
CR (Dan) Cancerregisteret
cr. (Lat) crasse (coarsely)
CRA (Eng) clinical research associate
CRAM (Fr) Caisse Régionale d’Assurance Maladie
CRAO (Eng) central retinal artery occlusion
CRAP (Fr) coefficient de risqué d’accouchement prématurée
CRB (Eng) case record book
CRC (Eng) clinical research coordinator
CRCM (Fr) centres de ressources de de compétences de la mucoviscidose
CRD (Eng) chronic respiratory disease
CRDS (Fr) Contribution au remboursement de la dette sociale
CREA (Fr) compte rendu d’essais analytiques
CREAI (Fr) Centre Régional pour l’Enfance et l’Asolescence Inadaptées
créat. (Fr) créatinine
CREDES (Fr) Centre de Recherche, d’Etude et de Documentation en Economie de la Santé
Credoc (Fr) Centre de recherche pour l'étude et l'observation des conditions de vie
Cr51-EDTA (Eng) Cr-51-labelled ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid
CREI (Fr) compte rendu d’essais industriels
cresc. (Latin) crescat (= increase [dosage]) (used in Danish)
CREST (Eng) calcinosis, Raynaud, esophageal dysphagia, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia
CRF (Eng) chronic renal failure
CRG (Dutch) Commissie Richtlijnen Gevoeligheidsbepalingen
CRH (Eng) corticotropin releasing hormone
CRI (Eng) chronic renal insufficiency
CRIE (Eng) crossed radioimmunoelectrophoresis
CRL (Eng) crown-rump length
CRM (Eng) cardiorespiratory monitoring (aka partial channel poly(somno)graphy or polygraphy)
CRMV (Port) Conselho regional de medecina veterinária
CRN-Aids (Port) Centroes de Referência Nacional de Aids
CRO (Eng) contract research organisation
CRP (Dan) C-reaktivt protein
CRPS (Eng) complex regional pain syndrome
CRPV (Fr) centre régional de pharmacovigilance
CRRT (Eng) continuous renal replacement therapy
CRS (Eng) chemical reference substance
CRT (Eng) cell residence time
CRTS (Fr) Centre Régional de Transfusion Sanguine
CRVO (Eng) central retinal vein occlusion
CRVVC (Ger) chronisch rezidivierende Vulvovaginalcandidose
CS (Eng) circumscribed scleroderma
C/S (Eng) Caesarean section
Cs (Fr) conscience
cs (Eng) saturation concentration of dug in diffusion layer
c.s. (Latin) cum suis (used in Dutch)
C&S (Eng) culture and sensitivity
CSA (Eng) Controlled Substances Act
CsA (Eng) cyclosporin A
CSAS (Dan) centralt søvnapnøsyndrom
CSB (Ger) chemischer Sauerstoffbedarf
CSC (Eng) central study coordinator
c.s.c. (Latin) cum/sine correctione
CSD (Span) conteo sanguíneo diferenciado
CSE (Eng) cross-sectional echo
C-section (Eng) caesarean section
CSeREMG (Ital) Centro studi e richerche in medicine generale
CSEO (Fr) concentration sans effet(s) observé(s) (= NOEC)
CSF (Eng) cerebrospinal fluid
Csg (Fr) contribution sociale généralisée [supplementary social security contribution]
CSH (Fr) cellules souches hématopoïétiques
CSHPF (Fr) Conseil supérieur d'hygiène publique de France
CSI (Eng) core safety information
CSII (Dan) insulinpumpebehandling
CSIS (Fr) Conseil Stratégique des Industries de Santé
CSK (Swe) Centrala Sjukhuset Kristianstad
CSM (Eng) Committee on Safety of Medicines
CSME (Eng) clinically significant macular edema
CSNE (Fr) coopérant au service national de l’entreprise
CSOM (Eng) chronic suppurative otitis media
CSP (Eng) chiral stationary phase
c. spec. (Fr) compliance spécifique
C-spine (Eng) cervival spine
CSPV (Fr) Centre Suissue de Pharmacovigilance
CSR (Eng) clinical study report
CsRsSs (Span) (pulsos) carotídeos rítmicos, simétricos
CSS (Dan) Churg-Strauss’ syndrom
CST (Eng) contraction stress test
CSTH (Fr) Comité de Sécurité Transfusionnelle et d’Hémovigilance
Csv (Swe) cerebrospinalvätska
CSV (Dan) cerebrospinalvæske
CSWS (Eng) continuous spike waves during slow wave sleep
CT (Dan) koleratoksin
ct (Eng) concentration of drug in dissolution
CTA (Eng) clear to auscultation
ctA (Ger) chemisch-technischer Assistent
CTAB (Dan) cetyltrimethylammonium-bromid
Ctal (Ger) Talspiegel [= trough level]
CT-antigen (Dan) cancer testis-antigen
CTC (Eng) Clinical Trial Certificate
CTCG (Span) convulsiones tónico clónicos generalizadas
CTD (Eng) cumulative trauma disorder
CT-DST (Port) Centros de Treinamento em Doençaos Sexualmente Transmissívelis
CTEPH (Eng) chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
CTG (Dan) kardiotokografi
Ctgb (Dutch) College voor de toelating van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen
CTH (Eng) Certificate in Travel Health
C thor stat (Fr) compliance thoracique statique
CTI50 (Eng) convulsion threshold increase 50%
CTIP (Fr) Centre de traitement de l’information du PMSI
CTJ (Fr) coût de traitement journalier
CTK (Dan) CT-kolografi
CTL (Eng) cytotoxic T-lymphocyte
CTM (Eng) clinical trials materials
CTMC (Eng.) connective tissue mast cells (immunology)
CTMP (Eng) clinical trial of a marketed product
CTN (Eng) Clinical Trial Notification (Australia(
cTNM (Eng) clinical TNM
CTO (Ital) Commissione Terapeutica Ospedaliera
CTP (Eng) clinical trial protocol
CTR (Dan) central tilskudsregister
CTS (Eng) carpal tunnel syndrome
CTV (Eng) clinical target volume
CTX (Eng) Clinical Trial Exemption [Certificate]
CTZ (Eng) chemoreceptive trigger zone
CU (Eng) counting units
Cu (Fr) clairance urée
CUA (Eng) cost-utility analysis
CUEEP (Fr) Centre Université-Economique d’Education Permanente
CUF (Ital) Commissione Unica del Farmaco
CUG (Fr) concentré unitaire de granulocytes
CUP (Fr) concentré unitaire de plaquettes
CUPS (Eng) cancer of unknown primary site
CUS (Fr) cardiogramme ultrasonique
CUSA (Eng) cavitational ultrasonic surgical aspiration/aspirator
CUT (Eng) content uniformity test
cuti (Fr) cuti-réaction
CV (Eng) closing volume (respiration)
CVA (Dutch) cerebrovasculair accident
C + V + A (Dan) koronararteriografi, ventrikulografi og aortografi
CVAS (Span) catarro de vias aereas superiors
CVAT (Eng) costo-vertebral angle tenderness
CVB () cisplatin + vinblastin + bleomycin (cancer chemotherapy regimen)
CVC (Eng) central venous catheter (central line)
CVD (Dutch) centraal veneuze druk
CVE (Eng) cerebrovascular examination
CVE TE (Ital) cardioversione elettrica transesofagea
CVF (Fr) capacité vitale forcée
CVH (Eng) common variable hypogammaglobulinaemia
CVI (Eng) cerebrovascular insufficiency
CVID (Eng) common variable immunodeficiency (or immune deficiency)
CVK (Swe) central venkateter
CVL (Eng) cerebrovascular lesion
CVLP (Eng) chimeric virus-like particle
CVMP (Eng) Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products
CVN (Eng) central venous nutrition
CVP (Eng) central venous pressure
CVR (Fr) capacité vitale résiduelle
CVRF (Eng) cardiovascular risk factors
CVS (Dutch) chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom
CVSF (Eng) conduction velocity of the slower fibres (ulnar nerve)
CVT (Eng) congenital vertical talus
CVU (Dan) Centre for Videregående Uddannelser
CVVH (Dan) kontinuerlig venovenøs hæmodiafiltration
CVVHDF (Eng) continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration
CVZ (Dutch) College voor Zorgverzekeringen [Health Care Insurance Board]
CvZ (Dutch) Classificatie van Ziekten
CW (Eng) continuous wave (lasers)
c/w (Eng) consistent with
CWD (Eng) chronic wasting disease
CWE (Eng) constant work exercise
CWH (Ger) Cotton Wool Herd
CWK (Dutch) cervicale wervelkolom
CWT (Eng) Colour-Word Test (psychological testing)
CWZ (Dutch) Canisius-Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis (Nijmegen)
CX (Eng) circumflex artery
Cx (Eng) cervix
cx (Swe) cervix
CXp (Fr) circomflexe proximale (= LCXp)
CXR (Eng) chest X-ray
Cy (Eng) cyanosis
CyA (Eng) cyclosporin A
CyC (Span) cabeza y cuello
cyl (Ger) cylindrisch
CyO (Span) consciente y orientado/a
cysto (Eng) cystoscopic examination
cytol (Swe) cytologisk
Cz () central (electrode, on head)
CZP (Dan) clonazepam
CZS (Dutch) centraal zenuwstelsel
D (Dan) døgn
d. (Latin) da (give, dispense)
D1 (Eng) first diagonal branch
D2 (Eng) second diagonal branch
D5LR (Eng) dextrose 5% in lactated Ringer’s solution
D5NS (Eng) dextrose 5% in normal saline
D5W (Eng) dextrose 5% in water
DL (Eng) diffusion capacity ("transfer factor")
DLCO (Eng) diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide
DLO2 (Eng) diffusion capacity for oxygen
D1, 2, 3 (Fr) dérivation 1, 2, 3 (cardiology)
DA (Eng) dopamine
DAA (Span) diarrea asociada a antibioóticos
DAB (Ger) Deutsches Arzneibuch
DAC (Eng) disease awareness campaign
DAD (Eng) diode array detection
DAE (Eng) discontinuation due to adverse event
DAF (Span) derivación aorto-femoral
DAG (Ger) Diacylglycerol
dagant (Swe) daganteckning
dagl (Swe) dagligen
DAHD (Span) desorden de falta de atención hyperactividad (= ADHD)
DAI (Eng) drug attitude inventory
DAINE (Span) drogas antiinflamatorios no esteroideas
DAK (Dan) Det Almenmedicinske Kvalitetsprojekt
DALE (Eng) disability-adjusted life expectancy
DALM (Eng) dysplasia-orientated lesion or mass
DALY (Eng) disability-adjusted life years
DAM (Fr) demande d’autorisation de modification
DAMM (Fr) Demande d'Autorisation de Mise au Marché
DAMOS (Eng) drug application methodology with optical storage
DAMP (Eng) deficits in attention, motor control and perception
DAN (Fr) douleur aiguë du nouveau-né
DANAK (Eng) Danish Accreditation
DAO (Dan) Danske Anæstesiologers Organisation
Dao (Fr) dissection aortique
DAP (Eng) dose-area product
DaPT (Span) difteria, pertusis acelular, tétanos
DAR (Fr) duration de l’action résiduelle
D-Arzt (Ger) Durchgangsarzt
DAS (Eng) double antibody sandwich
DASAIM (Dan) Dansk Selskab for Anæstesiologi og Intensiv Medicin
DASI (Eng) Duke Activity Status Index
DASL (Dan) Dansk Selskab for Hepatologi
DAT (Eng) differential agglutination titration
DATASUS (Port) Departamento de Informática do SUS
dATP (Fr) désoxy-ATP
DAV (Fr) différence artério-veineuse
DAW (Ger) differenzierte Årztewerbung
DB (Dan) dobbeltblindet
Dbl (Ger) Durchblutung
DBC (Dutch) diagnoses behandeling combinatie [= DTC]
DBCG (Eng) Danish Breast Cancer Cooperative Group
DBD (Eng) disruptive behaviour disorders
DBP (Eng) diastolic blood pressure
DBPCFC (Dan) dobbeltblindet, placebokontrolleret fødevareprovokation
DBS (Eng) deep brain stimulation
DBSD (Eng) Dictionary Based Semantic Disambiguation
DBT (Span) diabetes
D&C (Eng) dilatation and curettage
DC (Dan) dendritcelle
D/C (Eng) discharge(d)
D&C (Eng) dilatation and curettage
DCA (Eng) directional coronary atherectomy
DCB (Port) Denominaçãos Communs Brasileiras
DCBA (Eng) dichlorobenzoic acid
DCBV (Port) distúrbio cerebral vascular
DCC (Eng) dextran-coated charcoal
D-C-C (Span) desayuno, comida y cena
DCCG (Dan) Danish Colorectal Cancer Group
DCCT (Eng) diabetes control and complications trial
DCD (Fr) décédé
DCE (Port) doença coronária estável
DCEM (Fr) deuxième cycle d’études médicales
DCF (Eng) data clarification form
DCG (Fr) décompensation cardiaque gauche
DCh (Eng) Doctor of Surgery
DCI (Fr) Dénomination Commune Internationale
DCIP (Eng) dichloroisopropanol
DCIR (Fr) Dénomination Commune Internationale Recommandée
DCIS (Eng) ductal carcinoma in situ
DCIt (Ital) Denominazioni Communi Italiane
DCM (Port) doença cardíaca
DCO (Eng) diffusion capacity of oxygen
DCP (Eng) Decentralised Procedure
DCR (Fr) dacrocystorhinostomie
DCS (Eng) distributed control system
DCSI (Ital) development core safety information
DCT (Eng) drug challenge test
DCTB (Dan) Dansk Center for Translationel Brystkræftforskning
dCTP (Fr) désoxy-CTP
DCZ (Span) peso desnudo con zapatos
DD (Dan) døgndiurese
d.d. (Latin) [used in Dutch] de die (3 d.d. = 3 x daily)
dd (Dan) dags dato
DD (Fr) diagnostic différentiel
d.D. (Ger) der Deklaration
DDA (Span) deorden de falta de atención (= ADD)
DDASS (Fr) Direction Départmentale des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales
DDAVP (Eng) deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin
DDB (Fr) dilatation des bronches
DDC (Eng) 2',3'-dideoxycytidine (immunology)
ddc (Fr) des deux côtés
DDD (Dan) definerede døgndoser
DDD/t.i.d. (Swe) definerad daglig dos per 1 000 invånare och dag
DDE (Span) disnea de esfuerzo
DDG (Fr) date de début de grossesse
DDH (Eng) development dysplasia of the hip
DDI (Eng) didavosine
dd in d (Eng) from day to day
ddl (Fr) degré de liberté
DDM (Fr) dysharmonies dento-maxillaires
DdP (Fr) demandeur de projet
DDR (Fr) date des dernières règles
DDS (Eng) doctor of general surgery
DDSP (Eng) dorsal displacement of the soft palate
DDVG (Fr) dimension diastolique du ventricule gauche (= LVED)
DDVI (Span) diámetro diastólico de ventrículo izquierdo
DDX (Eng) doctors and dentists exemption
Ddx (Eng) differential diagnosis
DE (Eng) dextrose equivalents
DE (50) (Fr) dose efficace (50) - see ED (50)
DEA (Eng) Drug Enforcement Agency (US)
DEAE (Fr) diéthylaminoéthyl
DEC (Fr) détection électrochemicale
DECP 50 (Fr) dose d'effet cytopathique 50%
DECS (Eng) Dual Employed Coping Scales
DEG (Eng) diethylene glycol
DEGUM (Ger) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin
DEHP (Eng) di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
DEJZ (Eng) dermo-epidermal junction zone
DELM (Eng) Department of Epidemiology and Disease Control
DEM (Fr) débit expiratoire maximal
dem (Latin) deminuatur [used in Danish]
DEMEB (Fr) Direction de l’Evaluation des Médicaments et des Produits Biologiques
DEMS (Dan) Dansk Etnomedicinsk Selskab
DEP (Fr) débit expiratoire de pointe (= PEF)
DER (Span) derecho
DERBH (Fr) diplôme d’études et de recherches en biologie humaine
derm (Fr) dermatologie
DES (Dan) Dansk Endokrinologisk Selskab
DESC (Fr) diplôme d’études supérieures spécialisées
DESS (Fr) diplôme d’études spécialisées
dest. (Latin) destillatus
DEVD (Span) doble entrada del ventrículo derecho
DEVI (Span) doble entrada del ventrículo izquierdo
DEX (Eng) dexamethasone
DEXA (Eng) dual energy X-ray absorptiometry
DF (Eng) degrees of freedom
df (Eng) degree of freedom
D.farinae (Latin) Dermatophagoides farinae
DFA (Eng) deep femoral artery
DFD (Span) densitometria fotónica dual
DFE (Eng) dilated fundus examination
DFF (Eng) diastolic forward flow
DFG (Fr) débit de filtration glomérulaire
DFH (Span) difenilhidantoína
DFKS (Dan) Dansk Forening for Klinisk Sexologi
DFLE (Eng) disability-free life expectancy
DFO (Dan) desferrioxamin
DFP (Ger) Dosisflächenprodukt
DFS (Eng) disease-free survival
DFU (Span) densitometria de fotón único
DFZ (Ger) dendritische Follikelzellen
DG (Ger) Darmgeräusche
Dg (Ger) (erste grosse) Diagonalast
dg. (Dan) døgn
DGAS (Fr) Direction générale de l’action sociale
DGD (Dan) Dansk Galde Database
DGE (Ger) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung
DGF (Eng) delayed graft function
DGH (Eng) district general hospital
DGHM (Ger) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie
DGI (Eng) disseminated gonococcal infection
DGIS (Eng) DiGeorge’s syndrome
DGKS (Ger) Diplomierte Gesundheits- und Krankenschwester
DGM (Ital) diametro globulare medio
DGN (Dutch) Dialysegroep Nederland
DGPC (Port) Direccão-Geral de Proteccão das Culturas
DGPharmMed (Ger) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pharmazeutische Medizin
DGRST (Fr) Délégation Générale à la Recherche Scientifique et Technique
DGS (Fr) Direction générale de la santé
dGTP (Fr) désoxy-0GTP
DGV (Dutch) stichting DGV, Instituut voor verantwoord geneesmiddelengebruik [Institute for the Responsible Use of Medicines]
DGW (Dutch) diergeneesmiddelenwet
DH (Fr) durée d’hospitalisation
D/H (Eng) drug history
DHA (Eng) docosahexaenoic acid
DHB (Ger) Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin
DHBP (Eng) dehydrobenzperidol
DHCP (Eng) Dear Health Care Professional (letter)
DHE (Dan) dihæmatoporfyrin-ether/ester
DHEA (Eng) dehydroepiandrosterone
DHEAS (Dan) dihydroepiandrosteronsulfat
DHETE (Eng) dihydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid
DHGP (Eng) gancyclovir
DHM (Ger) Deutsches Herzzentrum München
DHODH (Eng) dihydroorotate deshydrogenase
DHOS (Fr) Direction de l'Hospitalisation et de l'Organisation des Soins Réunion
DHPC (Eng) Direct Healthcare Professional Communication
DHP (Eng) dihydropyridine
DHR (Dan) diskushøjdereduktion
DHS (Eng) demographic health surveys
DHT (Eng) dihydrotestosterone
DHx (Eng) drug history
DI (Eng) diabetes insipidus
DIA (Eng) Drug Information Association
Diag (Fr) diagnostic
Diag1 (Fr) diagonale 1
Diag2 (Fr) diagonale 2
diam teled (Span) diámetro telediastólico
diap (Eng) diaphyseal
DIC (Eng) disseminated intravascular coagualopathy
DICC50 (Fr) dose infectieuse 50% en culture de cellules
DICOM (Eng) Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
DICT50 (Fr) dose infectieuse 50% sur culture de tissu
DID (Eng) delayed ischaemic dysfunction/deterioration
DIDMOAD (Dan) Wolframs syndrom, karakteriseret af diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optisk atrofi og døvhed
DIEP (Eng) deep inferior epigastric perforator
DIF (Eng) direct immunofluorescence
DIFF (Eng) differential blood count
Diff.-BB (Ger) Differential-Blutbild
dig (Fr) (appareil) digestif
DIG (Ger) disseminierte intravasale Gerinnung
DIGA (Fr) position dorso-antérieure gauche (de foetus) see LDA (Eng)
DIK (Ger) disseminierte intravasale Koagulation
dil (Eng) dilatation, dilated, dilation
DIL (Eng) diltiazem
DIM (Fr) Département d’Information Médicale
dim. (Latin) diminuat (used in Danish)
DIMDI (Ger) Deutsches Institut für Medizinische Dokumentation und Information
DiMeR (Ital) Dipartimento di Medicina Riabilitiva
DIN (Eng) disease impact number
DIND (Eng) delayed ischemic neurological deficits
DIO (Fr) distance/diameter inter-orbitaire
DIOE (Eng) diamètre inter-orbitaire externe
DIOS (Eng) distal intestinal obstructive syndrome
DIP (Eng) distal interphalangeal [joint]
DIPAF (Port) Divisão Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária de Portos, Aeroportos e Fronteiras
DIRVISH (Eng) direct visual hybridisation
DISH (Eng) diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
DISI (Eng) dorsiflexed intercalated segment instability
DIT (Eng) diidotyrosine
Di-Te-Ki (Dan) difteri-stivkrampe-kighoste
DIU (Eng) drug-induced uveitis
div (Latin) (on prescription) divide (= divide)
DIVA (Eng) digital intravenous arteriography
DIVLD (Fr) dispositif intraveneux de longue durée
DJA (Fr) dose journalière acceptable
DJD (Eng) degenerative joint disease
DK (Ger) Dränagekatheter
DKA (Dan) diabetisk ketoacidose
DKG (Ger) Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft
DKIP (Swe) dikloroisopropanol
DKMS (Ger) Deutsche Knochenmarkspendendatei
DKST (Dan) Dansk Selskab for Klinisk Telemedicin
DL (Dan) Dieulafoy-læsion
Dl (Fr) douleur
dl (Swe) distriktläkare
d.l. (Eng) detection limit
DL (50) (Fr) dose létale (50) - see LD (50)
D-LAD (Eng) distal left anterior ascending
DLAO (Port) dupla lesão aórtica
DLB (Eng) dementia with Lewy bodies
DLBCL (Eng) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
DLco (Eng) diffusing capacity of carbon monoxide in lungs
DLD (Fr) décubitus lateral droit
DLE (Eng) discoid lupus erythematosus
DLG (Fr) décubitus latéral gauche
DLI (Dan) Dansk Lægemiddelinformation A/S
DLM (Port) dupla lesão mitral
DLN (Span) dentro de limites normales
DLP (Eng) dose length product
DLU (Fr) Durée Limite d'Utilisation
DLZ (Ger) Durchleuchtungszeit
d.m. (Eng) dry matter
DM (Eng) diabetes mellitus
DMA (Eng) Danish Medines Agency (= LMS)
DMARD (Eng) disease-modifying antirheumatic drug
DMB (Fr) dystrophie musculaire de Becker
DMC (Eng) Drug Monitoring Committee
DMCG (Dan) de danske multidisciplinære cancergrupper
DMCJ (Span) diabetes mellitus de comienzo juvenil
DMD (Eng) disease-modifying drug
DME (Ital) diabete minima emolizzante
DMEM (Eng) Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium
DMF (Eng) drug master file
DMG (Dan) Dansk Melanom Gruppe
DMHD (Eng) dimethyl hexanedione
DMID (Span) diabetes mellitus insulino dependiente
DMS (Fr) durée moyenne de séjour
DMIT (Ital) diabete mellito insulino-dipendente
Dmix (Eng) diffuse mixed (lymphocytic and histiocytic)
DMLA (Fr) dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge
DMME (Fr) debit maximal median expiratoire
DMNID (Span ) diabetes mellitus no insulino dependiente
DML (Fr) déchirure musclo-ligamentaire
DMO (Fr) densité minérale osseuse
DMOS (Fr) diverses mesures d’ordre social
DMP (Fr) dossier médical personnel
DMPK (Eng) drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics
DMPP (Ger) Diamethylpiperazine
DMPS (Dan) dimercaptopropansulfat
DMR (Eng) Device Master Record
DMS (Dan) Dansk Medicinsk Selskab
DMSA (Dan) dimercaptoravsyre
DMSO (Eng) dimethylsulphoxide
DMT (Fr) dose maximale tolérable
DMU (Fr) dispositif médical à usage unique
DNA (Eng) deoxyribonucleic acid
DNAp (Eng) DNA polymerase
DNA-p (Fr) fraction principale du DNA
DNAR (Eng) do not attempt resuscitation
Dnase (Fr) deoxyribonucléase
DNCG (Ger/Lat) Dinatrium Cromoglicicum
DNET (Eng) dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour
DNF (Fr) dégénerescence neuro-fibrillaire
DNI (Eng) do not intubate
DNID (Fr) diabète non-insulino-dépendent
DNN (Span) despresión neonata
DNPH (Eng) dinitrophenylhydrazine
DNPM (Port) desenvolvimento neuro-psico-motor
DNR (Eng) do not resuscitate
DNS (Ger) Desoxyribonucleinsäure
DNU (Fr) dyspepsia non ulcéreuse
D/N+V (Eng) diarrhea/nausea and vomiting
DO (Eng) dopamine
D/O (Eng) disorder
DO2 (Eng) dissolved oxygen
DOA (Eng) date of admission
DOB (Eng) date of birth
DOC (Eng) dissolved organic carbon (in soils)
doc (Swe) docent
DOCA (Eng) de-oxy corticosterone acetate
DOE (Eng) dyspnoea on exertion
DOI (Fr) Direction de l'Organisation et de l'Informatique
DOPA (Eng) 3,3-dihydroxyphenylalanine
DOQI (Eng) dialysis outcomes quality initiative
DORT (Port) distúrbio osteomuscular relacionado ao trabalho
DOT (Eng) directly observed therapy
DOTE (Span) desorientación temporoespecial
DOU (Eng) direct observation unit
DO2I (Eng) oxygen delivery index
DP (Eng) Doppler pressure
dp (Fr) depuis
DP50 (Fr) dose protectrice 50%
DPAP (Eng) diastolic pulmonary artery pressure
DPC (Fr) duodéno-pancréatomie céphalique
DPCA (Fr) dialyse péritonéale continue ambulatoire
DPE (Fr) débit pulmonaire effectif
DPG (Eng) 2,2-diphosphoglycerate
DPH (Eng) diphenylhydantoin
DPI (Eng) dry powder inhaler
DPL (Eng) diagnostic peritoneal lavage
DPM (Fr) désintégrations par minute
DPN (Fr) diagnostic prenatal
DPOC (Port) doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica
DPP (Span) desprendimiento precoz de placenta
DPPI (Span) derivación portosistémica percutanea intrahepática
DPPNI (Fr) décollement prématuré d’un placenta normalement inséré
DPS (Span) déficit de preteína S
DPT () Dermatophagoides
DPTP (Eng) DPY-poliovirus vaccine
DPV (Fr) décollement postérieur du vitré
DPx (Span) diagnóstico principal
DQ (Eng) design qualification
DR (Eng) diabetic retinopathy
DRA (Eng) Drug Regulatory Authority
DPAC (Span) diálisis periotoneal ambulatoria continua (= CAPD)
DPASV (Eng) differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry
DPCA (Span) dialysis peritoneal crónica ambulatoria
DPE (Fr) dossier patient électronique
DPI (Span) demente, postrado, incontinente
DPL (Eng) diagnostic peritoneal lavage
DPN (Span) disnea paroxística nocturna
DPP (Fr) dilatation à petite paume (obstetrics)
DPS (Dan) Dansk Psykiatrisk Selskab
DPT (Latin) Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus
dpt () diopter
DPV (Span) desprendimiento de vitreo posterior
dpv (Dutch) dagen post vaccinatie
DQ (Eng) design qualification
DQSE (Fr) Direction Qualité Sécurité Environnement
DR (Port) descolamento de retina
DRAE (Eng) drug-related adverse event
drag (Swe) dragé
DRASS (Fr) Direciton Régionale des Affairs Sanitaires and Sociales
DRC (Fr) dystrophie rachidienne de croissance
DRDG (Fr) Département de Recherche et Développement Galénique
DRE (Eng) diagnostic/digital rectal examination
DREES (Fr) Direction de la Recherches, des Etudes, de l’Evaluation et des Statistiques
Dres.med. (Ger) Doctores medicinae
DRESS (Eng) drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
DREZ (Eng) dorsal root entry zone
DRG (Dan) diagnoserelaterede grupper.
DRG-pris (Dan) pris for diagnose-relaterede grupper
Dr h.c. (Latin) doctor honoris causa
DRIRE (Fr) direction régionale de l’industrie, de la recherché et de l’environnement
DRK (Ger) das Deutsche Rote Kreuz
DRPLA (Eng) dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy
DRR (Eng) digitally reconstructed radiograph
DRS (Fr) douleur rétrosternale
DRSP (Fr) drospirénone
DRUG (Ger) distales Radioulnargelenk
DRUJ (Eng) distal radioulnar joint
DRVL (Dan) Dansk Register for Vanskelig Luftvej
DRVV (Eng) dilute Russell venom viper
d.s. (Dutch) droge stof/drogestofpercentage
DS (Dan) dissemineret sklerose [= multiple sclerosis]
D/S (Eng) dextrose-saline solution
DSA (Dan) Dansk Selskab for Allergologi
DSAI (Fr) dépistage simple des anticorps irréguliers
DSAIM (Dan) Dansk Selskab for Anæstesiologi og Intensiv Medicin
DSAM (Dan) Dansk Selskab for Almen Medicin
DSAV (Span) defecto del septo auriculoventricular
DSC (Eng) differential scanning calorimetry
DSCG (Eng) Danish Secretariat for Clinical Guidelines (= SfR in Danish)
dsDNA (Eng) double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid
DSDF (Dan) Dansk Studiegruppe for Den Diabetiske Fod
DSE (Fr) dose sans effet
DSFP (Dan) Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed
DSID (Span) diabetes sacarina insulínodependiente
DSIM (Dan) Dansk Selskab for Intern Medicin
DSIP (Eng) delta sleep-inducing peptide
DSIT (Dan) Dansk Selskab for Intensiv Terapi
dsk (Swe) distrikssköterska
DSKS (Dan) Dansk Selskab for Kvalitet i Sundhedssektoren
d-sköt (Swe) distriktssköterska
DSM (Eng) Drug Safety Monitoring
DSMB (Eng) Drug Safety Monitoring Board
DSM-IV (Eng) (American Psychiatric Association) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition
DSO (Eng) drug safety officer
DSOG (Dan) Dansk Selskab for Obstetrik og Gynækologi
DSPaM (Dan) Dansk Selskab for Palliativ Medicin
DSPC (Eng) di-saturated phosphatidyl choline
D.sp.nr. (Dan) Dansk Specialitetsnummer
DSR (Span) distrofia simpatico refleja
DSPR (Dan) diagnostisk sand positivrate
DSR (Eng) dynamic spatial reconstruction
DSS (Eng) Drug Safety and Surveillance
Dssn (Latin) da signa suo nomine [used in Norway, signer med sit navn]
DSST (Eng) Digital Symbol Substitution Test
DST (Eng) dexamethasone suppression test
DSTA (Span) demencia senile tipo Alzheimer
DSUR (Eng) developmental safety update report
DSV (Span) defecto del septo ventricular
DSVG (Fr) dimension systolique du ventricule gauche (= LVES)
DSZ (Span) peso desnudo sin zapatos
DT (Dan) diastolisk tryk
dT (Span) difteria, tétanos para adultos
d/t (Eng) due to
DT2 (Fr) diabète type 2
DTA (Span) defecto del tabique auricular (= ASD)
DTC (Eng) direct-to-consumer [drug advertising]
DTCA (Eng) direct-to-consumer advertising
DTDVI (Span) diámetro telediastolico de ventriculo izquierdo
DTF (Fr) distance talon-fesse (heel to buttock distance)
dTGV (Span) dextrotrasposición de los grandes vasos
DTH (Eng) delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction
DTh (Fr) diamètre thoracique interne
DTI (Eng) Doppler tissue imaging
DTIC (Eng) dacarbazine
DTN (Span) defecto del tubo neural
DTP (Eng) diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis
DTPA (Dan) diethylen-triamin-penta-acetat (diethylen-triamin-eddikesyre)
DTR (Eng) deep tendon reflexes
DTS (Fr) dépense total de santé
DTs (Latin) delirium tremens
DTSVI (Span) diámetro telesistolico de ventriculo izquierdo
DTT (Fr) drain transtympanique
DTTAB (Eng) diphtheria, tetanus, typhoid and paratyphoid A and B
DTTOD (Span) drenaje transtimpánico de oído derecho
DTTOI (Span) drenaje transtimpánico de oído izquierdo
DTV (Eng) deer tick virus
DU (Eng) duodenal ulcer
DUAG (Eng) Danish University Antidepressant Group
DUB (Eng) dysfunctional uterine bleeding
DUDS (Dan) Dansk Ultralydsdiagnostisk Selskab
DUR (Eng) dfferential uptake ratio
DV (Fr) décubitus ventral
D&V (Eng) diarrhoea and vomiting
DVA (Port) disfunção válvula aórtica
DVC (Fr) dérivation ventriculo-cardiaque
DVE (Fr) distribution de volume érythrocytaire
DVG (Fr) dysfonctionnement ventriculaire gauche
DVI (Span) disfunción ventricular izquierda
DVM (Eng) diurnal variation of mood
DVP (Fr) dérivation ventricul-péritonéale
DVPA (Span) drenaje venos pulmonar anómalo
Dvpt (Fr) développement
DVR (Ger) Datenverarbeitungsregister
DVT (Eng) deep-vein thrombosis
DW (Eng) distribution width
D/W (Eng) dextrose in water
D/w (Eng) discuss with
DWI (Eng) diffusion-weighted imaging (MRI)
DWZ (Dutch) dorsale wervelzuil
DX (Span) diagnóstico
DXA (Eng) dual (energy) X-ray absorptiometry
Dx (Eng) diagnosis
dx, dxt (Latin) dexter (= right)
DXA (Dan) dobbeltenergi røntgenabsorption
DXL (Eng) dual X-ray and laser
DXMS (Eng) dexamethasone
DXP (Eng) dextropropoxyphene
DXT (Eng) deep X-ray treatment
DyL (Span) dilatación y legrado
DZ (Ger) Durchleuchtungszeit
Dz (Eng) disease
E, e (Eng/Ger) expiratory / exspiratorisch (respiration)
e (Fr) absorbance molaire
E (Fr) élastance
E1 (Eng) estrone
E2 (Eng) estradiol
E3 (Eng) estriol
EA (Dan) epiduralanæstesi
e.a. (Fr) entre autres
EAA (Eng) essential amino acid
EAACI (Eng) European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology
EAB (Span) equilibrio ácido-base
EABV (Eng) endarterial blood volume
EAC (Fr) erythrocyte-anticorps-complément
EACH (Eng) European Association for Communication in Healthcare
EAD (Eng) early afterpolarisation
EAE (Ital) encefalomielitie acuta emorragica
EAEC (Eng) entero-aggregant E. coli
EAF (Eng) eosinophil activating factor
EAK (Ger) Eidgenössische Arzneimittelkommission
EAM (Eng) external auditory meatus
EAN (Eng) European Article Numbering
EANM (Eng) European Association of Nuclear Medicine
EAO (Eng) European Association for Osseointegration
EAP (Span) edema agudo de pulmón
EAS (Ger) Erregungsausbreitungsstörung
EASD (Eng) European Association for the Study of Diabetes
EASn (Ital) extrasistoli atriali sinistri (cardiology)
EASS (Eng) extracellular actin scavenger system
EAST (Ger) Enzym-Allergo-Sorbent-Test
EAV (Dutch) eenheidsafleveringsverpakking
EB (Dan) enkeltblindet
EBA (Eng) European Blood Alliance
EBD (Ger) ergänzende bilanzierte Diät
EBIC (Eng) European Brain Injury Consortium
EBL (Eng) estimated blood loss
RBLSE (Fr) entérobactéries productrices de béta-lactamases à spectre étendu
EBM (Dan) evidensbaseret medicin
EBMT (Fr) European Group for Blood and Bone Marrow Transplant
EBNA (Eng) Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen
EBO (Eng) endobrachyoesophage
EBR (Fr) efficacité biologique relative
EBRT (Eng) external beam radiation therapy
EBUS (Eng) endobronchial ultrasound
EBUS-TBNA (Eng) endobronchial sultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration biopsy
EBV (Eng) Epstein-Barr virus
EC (Eng) effective concentration
e.c. (Eng) extracellular
e-c (Eng) enteric-coated
ECA (Eng) external carotid artery
ECAA (Ital) epatite cronica attiva autoimmune
ECAE (Span) enfermedad cardiovascular arteriosclerótica
ECBC (Fr) examen cytobacteriologique des crachats
ECBU (Fr) examen cytobactériologique des urines/urinaire
ECC (Eng) extracorporeal circulation
ECCE (Eng) European Council on Chiropractic Education
ECCO (Eng) European Cancer Conference
ECD (Eng) electrochemical detection
ECDC (Eng) European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
eCDT (Eng) electronic common technical document
ECDEU (Eng) early clinical drug evaulation unit
ECEF (Eng) eosinophil cytotoxic enhancing factor
ECF (Eng) eosinophil chemotactic factor
ECG (Eng) electrocardiogram
ECH (Eng) epicholorohydrin
ECHO (Eng) echocardiography
ECI (Eng) extra-corporeal irritation
e.c.i. (Latin) e causa ignorata [used in Dutch]
ECL (Eng) enterochromaffin-like
ECM (Eng) extracellular matrix
ECMO (Eng) extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
ECN (Eng) early candidate notification
ECO (Fr) extenseur commun des orteils
Eco (Span) ecografía
ECO 2D (Span) ecografía bidimensional
ECOG (Eng) Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
ECoG (Dan) elektrokortikografi
E.coli (Latin) Escherichia coli
ECP (Eng) eosinophil cationic protein
ECPHIN (Eng) EC Pharmaceutical Information Network
ECR (Eng) extra contractual referral
ECRC (Fr) essais cliniques randomizes controlés
eCRF (Eng) electronic case report form
ECRL (Latin) extensor carpi radialis longus
ECRP (Eng) endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogram
ECS (Eng) endocannabinoid system
EC-SOD (Dan) ekstracellulær hypokalciurisk hyperkalcæmi
ECT (Dan) elektrochokterapi
ECUN (Fr) entérocolite ulcéro-nérosante [du nouveau-né]
ECV (Span) enfermedad cardiovascular
ECVH (Span) enfermedad cardiovascular hipertensiva
ED (Eng) erectile dysfunction
ED50 (Eng) median effective dose
EDA (Eng) exploratory data analysis
EDB (Latin) extensor digitorum brevis
EDC (Eng) expected/estimated date of confinement
EDD (Eng) estimated date of delivery
EDF (Fr) extension, dérotation, flexion
EDI (Eng) Electronic Data Interchange
EDIFACT (Eng) Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport [standard]
EDL (Eng) Essential Drug List
EDM (Eng) electronic document management
EDMD (Eng) Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
EDMF (Eng) European Drug Master File
EDP (Eng) energy dependent phase
ED (Eng) everyday combined (pill)
EDMF (Eng) European Drug Master File
EDQM (Eng) European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines
EDPS (Fr) exempt d’organismes pathogens spécifiques (= SPF)
EDRF (Eng) endothelium-derived relaxing factor
EDS (Dan) Ehlers-Danlos syndrom
EDSS (Eng) Expanded Disability Status Scale
EDT (Eng) emergency duty team
EDTA (Eng) ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid
EDV (Eng) end-diastolic volume
EDXA (Eng) energy dispersive X-ray analysis
EE (Eng) eosinophilic esophagitis
e.e. (Eng) enantiometer excess
EEA (Eng) European Economic Area
EECC (Span) ensayos clínicos
EEE (Fr) Espace Economique Européenne (= EEA)
EEG (Eng) electroencephalogram
EEI (Span) esfínter esofágico inferior
EEII (Span) estremidades inferiores
EENT (Eng) eye, ear, nose, throat
EER (Fr) épuration extra-rénale
EES (Eng) everolimus-eluting stent
EET (Eng) epoxyeicosatrienoic acid
EF (Dan) ekstrem fedme
EFA (Eng) enhancing factor of allergy
EFF (Eng) effacement (of the cervix)
EFG (Span) Especialidad Farmacéutica Genérica
EFGCP (Eng) European Forum for Good Clinical Practice
EFM (Eng) electronic fetal monitoring
EFPIA (Eng) European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations
EFR (Fr) exploration fonctionelle respiratoire
EFS (Eng) electrical field stimulation
EFW (Eng) estimated fetus/fetal weight
EG (Eng) embryonic germ (cells)
EGA (Eng) European Generic medicines Association
EGC (Eng) early gastric carcinoma
EGD (Eng) eosinophilic gastroduodenoscopy
EGF (Eng) epidermal growth factor
EGFR (Eng) epithelial growth factor receptor
eGFR (Eng) estimated glomerular filtration rate
eg gl (Swe) egna glasögon (ophthalmology)
EGID (Eng) eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorder
EGO (Ital) esofagogastroduodenoscopia
EGTA (Eng) ethylene glycol-bis (b-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N’,N’-tetraacetic acid
EGTM (Eng) European Group on Tumour Markers
EGW (Ger) Einwohnergleichwert (environ.)
EH (Eng) eye history
EHBO (Dutch) eerste hulp bij ongelukken
EHEC (Eng) enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli
eHF (Dan) ekstensivt hydrolyseret modermælkserstatning
EHF (Eng) ebola haemorrhagic factor
EHM (Eng) external heart massage
EHMA (Eng) European Health Management Association
EHN (Eng) European Heart Network
EHPAD (Fr) Etablissement d’Hébergement pour Personnes Agées Dépendantes
EI (Fr) effet indésirable
EIA (Eng) enzyme immunoassay
EIC (Eng) epidermal inclusion cyst
EID (Fr) Entente interdépartementale pour la démoustication du littoral méditerranéen
EIG (Fr) événement indésirable grave
EII (Span) enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal
EIGI (Fr) effets indésirables graves inattendus
EIH (Span) estancia intra-hospitalaria
EIM (Eng) electrical impedance myography
EINECS (Eng) European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances
EIT (Ital) evento ischemico transitorio
EJ (Eng) external jugular
EJA (Fr) exposition journalière admissible (= PDE)
EJM (Fr) entre jour même
EK (Ger) Ethikkommission
EKA (Ger) Expositionsäquivalent für krebserzeugende Arbeitsstoffe
EKBB (Ger) Ethikkommission beider Basel
EKC (Dan) Elektivt Kirurgisk Center [Frederiksberg Hospital]
EKG (Dan) elektrokardiogram
EKH (Swe) epiklorhydrin
EKK (Dutch) endogene kreatinineklaring
EKN (Ger) Einzelknopfnaht
Ekstr. (Dan) ekstremiteter
EKZ (Ger) extrakorporale Zirkulation
e.l. (Dan) egen læge
ELA (Eng) establishment licence application (US)
ELAM (Eng) endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule
ELF (Eng) elective low forceps
el.fys. (Dan) elektrofysiologisk undersøgelse
ELHI (Eng) European Leaders for Health Care Improvement
ELISA (Eng) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
ELSCS (Eng) emergency lower segment caesarean section
ELT (Eng) endovenous laser treatment
elts (Eng) elements
ELU (Eng) enzyme-linked immunoassay unit
ELVS (Eng) echocardiographic left ventricular shortening
ELWP (Dutch) externe leer-/werkperiode
EM (Dan) elektronmikroskopi
EMA (Eng) European Midwives Association
EMBL (Eng) European Molecular Biology Laboratory
EMC (Eng) electromagnetic compatibility
EMCDDA (Eng) European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addication
EMD (Eng) Emergency Medicine Department
EME (Fr) état de mal épileptique
EMEA (Dan) Det europæiske lægemiddelagentur
EMG (Eng) electromy(el)ogram/electromyography
EMH (Span) enfermedad de la membrana hialina
EMI (Fr) epaisseur intima media (assessed on Doppler imaging study)
e.m.i. (Eng) elderly mentally ill
EMIT (Eng) enzyme multiplication immunoassay technique
EMLC (Eng) European Midwives Liaison Committee
EMLA (Eng) eutectic mixture of local analgetics
EMN (Eng) European Myeloma Network
EMO (Eng) European Medical Organisation
EMS (Fr) établissement médico-social [= nursing home]
EMSP (Fr) équipe mobile soins palliatifs
EMT (Eng) emergency medical treatment
EMTC (Span) enfermedad mixta del tejido conectivo
EMU (Eng) early-morning (specimen of) urine
EMW (Eng) early morning waking
EN (Eng) enteral nutrition
ENA (Eng) enalapril
ENAP (Eng) excisional new attachment procedure
END (Span) endoscopía
ENFET (Eng) enzyme field effect transistor
ENG (Eng) head engaged (baby)
enh (Swe) enhet
ENL (Latin) erythema nodosum leprosum
ENMG (Eng) electroneuromyography
ENNO (Eng) European Network of Nurses Organisations
ENOG (Eng) electroneurography
ENRD (Eng) endoscopy-negative reflux disease
ENS (Fr) énolase neurone spécifique
ENT (Eng) ear, nose and throat
enzm (Dan) enzymmængde
EO (Span) eosinófilos
E/O (Eng) evidence of
e.o. (Dan) efter ordre
E.O. (Ital) esame obiettivo (= physical examination)
EOA (Eng) effective opening area
EOCCD (Eng) European Organisation for the Control of Circulatory Diseases
EOD (Fr) estomac, œsophage, duodénum
EOG (Eng) electro-oculogram/electro-oculography
EOJ (Dan) elektronisk omsorgsjournal
EOM (Eng) extraocular movement
EOMI (Eng) extraocular movements intact
EON (Ital) esame obiettivo neurologico
EOPA (Span) estudio post-autorización de tipo observacional
EOPS (Fr) Exempt d'Organismes Pathogènes Spécifiques
EOQ (Eng) European Organisation for Quality
EORTC (Eng) European Organisation for Research on Treatment of Cancer
EOS (Eng) end of study
Eos (Eng) eosinophils
EOT (Port) entubação orotraqueal
EP (Eng) European Pharmacopoeia
Ep (Fr) épanchement pleural
e p (Fr) en passant [used in Swedish]
EPA (Eng) Environmental Protection Agency
EPAP (Eng) expiratory positive airway pressure
EPAR (Eng) European Public Assessment Report
EPBRS (Eng) European Pharmacopoeia Biological Refence Substance
EPBS (Eng) European Association for Professions in Biomedical Science
EPC (Eng) entothelial progenitor cell
EPCO (Span) enfermedad pulmonar crónica obstructiva (= COPD)
EPCRS (Eng) European Pharmacopoeia Chemical Reference Substance
EPD (Fr) espace péridurale
EPEC (Eng) enteropathogenic E. coli
EPF (Fr) erytheme pigmenté fixe
EpG (Eng) eggs per gram
EPH gestosis (Eng/Ger) Edema/proteinuria/hypertension gestosis
EPHA (Eng) European Public Health Alliance
EPHMRA (Eng) European Pharmaceutical Market Research Association
EPI (Eng) extended programme of immunisation (WHO)
EPIC (Eng) Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage
EPIG (Span) epigastrio
epikath (Dan) epidural katheter
EPIN (Eng) epinephrine
epi-pumpe (Dan) epidural pumpe
EPIS (Eng) episiotomy
EPIT (Span) epitelio
EPJ (Dan) elektronisk patientjournal
EPK (Swe) erytrocytpartikelkoncentration
EPL (Eng) effective patent life
EPM (Span) excitación psicomotriz
EPN (Swe) etikpövningsnämnd
EPO (Eng) erythropoietin
EPOC (Span) enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica
EPPI (Fr) eau pour préparation injectable
EPR (Eng) electronic patient record
Epr (Swe) Extra provinsialläkare
EPRG (Eng) European Pharmacovigilance Research Group
EPS (Eng) extrapyramidal symptoms/syndrome
EPSP (Dan) excitatorisk postsynaptisk potentiale
EPSS (Eng) E-point to septal separation
EPT (Eng) (o)estrogen and progestin therapy
EPU (Fr) électrophorèse des proteins urinaires
EPX (Fr) époux/épouse
Eq (Fr) équivalent
Eq Ac-b (Span) equilibrio ácido-base
EQUALIS (Swe) Extern kvalitetssäkring inom laboratoriemedicin i Sverige
ER (Dan) østrogenreceptor
E+R (Ger) Erreger und Resistenz
ERA (Eng) electric response audiometry
ERB (Ger) Erregungsrückbildung (repolarization)
ERC (Dan) endoskopisk retrograd kolangiografi
Erc (Dan) erythrocytter
ERCP (Dan) endoskopisk retrograd kolangiopankreatikografi
ERBD (Eng) endoscopic-retrograde biliary drainage
ERBS (Ger) Erregungsrückbildungsstörung
ERC (Eng) endoscopic-retrograde cholangiography
ERCP (Eng) endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
ERD (Eng) erosive reflux disease
ERE (Eng) estrogen responsive element
ERF (Eng) enzyme releasing factor
ERG (Ger) Elektrookulogramm
EG (Fr) électrorétinogramme
EPV (Eng) events per variable
ERGE (Span) enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico
ERICA (Eng) estrogen-receptor immuno-cytochemical assay (identification of estrogen-receptor proteins)
Erk. (Ger) Erkrankung
EROD (Eng) 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase
ERP (Eng) endoscopic retrograde pancreatography
ERPC (Eng) evacuation of retained products of conception
ERPF (Eng) effective renal plasma flow
ERS (Ger) Erregungsrückbildungsstörung (cardiology)
ERT (Eng) estrogen replacement therapy
ERTF (Span) etapa final de enfermedad renal (= ESRD)
ERV (Eng) expiratory reserve volume
ES (Dan) endoskopisk sfinkterektomi
ESA (Eng) erythropoeisis-stimulating agent
ESAF (Eng) endothelial cell angiogenic factor
ESB (Fr) encéphalopathie spongiforme bovine
ESBL (Eng) extended spectrum beta-lactamase
ESBLPE (Eng) extended-spectrum beta-lactamase–producing enterobacteriaceae
ESC (Eng) European Society of Cardiology
ESCA (Eng) electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
ECSMID (Eng) European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
ESD (Eng) electrostatic discharge
ESF (Fr) extrémité supérieur du fémur
ESHD (Span) estenosis subaórtica hipertrófica dinámica
ESHI (Span) estenosis subaórtica hipertrófica idiopática
ESI (Eng) epidural steroid injection
ES(-Kompressen) (Ger) eingeschlagene Schnittkanten
ESLD (Eng) end-stage liver disease
ESM (Eng) ejection systolic murmur
e.s.mi.i. (Eng) elderly severely mentally ill
ESMO (Eng) European Society for Medical Oncology
ESN (Fr) examen sous narcose
ESO (Span) esófago/esofágico
e s o (Swe) efter/enligt särskild ordination
ESP (Span) espiración/espiratorio
ESPA (Eng) European Sterilisation Packaging Association
ESPDR (Eng) end-systolic pressure-diameter reltion
ESPGHAN (Eng) European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
ESR (Eng) erythrocyte sedimentation rate
ESRD (Eng) end-stage renal disease
ESRS (Eng) extrapyramidal symptom rating scale
ESS (Eng) Epworth Sleepiness Scale
ESST (Fr) encéphalopathie spongiformes subaigue transmissible
ESSV (Fr) extrasystole supraventriculaire
EST (Fr) exsanguinotransfusion
ESTI (Eng) Electronic Standards for Transfer of Information
ESTRI (Eng) Electronic Transfer of Regulatory Information Gateway
ESUR (Eng) European Society of Urogenital Radiology
ESV (Eng) end-systolic volume
ESWL (Eng) extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy
ET (Dan) ernæringstilstand
ETA (Eng) endotracheal aspirate
ETB (Ger) empfohlene Tagesdosis
ETC (Eng) epirubicin, paclitaxel and cyclophosphamide
ETE (Span) ecocardiografía transesofágica
ETEC (Dan) enterotoksigene Escherichia coli
ETF (Dan) ekstremt tidligt født
Etio (Fr) étiologie
ETN (Latin) erythema toxicum neonatorum
ETO (Eng) extended trochanteric osteotomy
EtO (Eng) ethylene oxide
ETOH (Eng) ethanol
ETOMEP (Eng) European Technical Office for Medical Products
ETP (Ger) epilepsie-typische Potentiale
ETRS (Eng) European Tissue Repair Society
ETS (Fr) établissement de transfusion sanguine
ETT (Eng) exercise tolerance test
ETt (Eng) endotracheal tube
EU (Eng) endotoxin unit
EUA (Eng) examination under anaesthesia
EUCALB (Eng) European Concerted Action on Lyme Borreliosis
EUCOMED (Eng) European Confederation of Medical Devices Associations
EUDRA (Eng) European Union Drug Regulatory Authorities
EudraCT (Eng) European drug application for clinical trials
EUG (Dutch) extra-uteriene graviditeit
EUL (Dan) endoskopisk ultralyd
EUL-FNA (Dan) endoskopisk ultralydvejledt finnålsaspirationsbiopsi
EuropASI (Eng) European Addiction Severity Index
EUS (Eng) external urethral sphincter
EUS-FNA (Eng) endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration
EUSOL (Eng) Edinburgh University solution
EV (Eng) EudraVigilance
ev (Span) endovenoso (= iv)
e.v. (Ital) endovena
EVA (Eng) ethylene vinyl acetate (copolymer)
EVB (Ger) Erythrozytenverteilungsbreite (= RDW)
EVD (Eng) external ventricular drain
EVF (Dan) erytrocyt volumen fraktion
EVLW (Eng) extravascular lung water
EVS (Dutch) elektronisch voorschrijfsysteem [see EPS]
EVSI (Fr) espérance de vice sans incapacité
EVT (Eng) empirically validated treatment
EWCL (Eng) extended-ear contact lens
EWG (Eng) expert working group
EYLS (Eng) equity-adjusted years of life saved
EVMPD (Eng) EudraVigilance Medical Product Dictionary
EWET (Eng) enlarged waist combined with elevated triglycerides
EWMA (Eng) European Wound Management Association
EX (Span) examen
Ex (Eng) on examination
exc (Eng) excision
EX FIX (Eng) external fixation
Ex. läk. (Swe) Extra läkare
EX LAP (Eng) exploratory laparotomy
EXP (Span) expirado
exp. iv. (Swe) expeditionsintervall
EXPL (Span) exploradora
EXT (Eng) extremities
ext (Eng) external
extr (Swe) extremitet
EZ (Ger) Ernährungszustand
EZV (Ger) Extrazellulärvolumen
F (Dan) fæces
F+ (Fr) fièvre
f (Dan) fastende
f. (Latin) formula
Fab (Eng) antigen-binding fragment (of immunoglobulin)
Fc (Eng) -ditto- combines with complement (immunology)
FA (Dan) fysisk aktivitet
fa (Ital) fibrillazione atriale
FAAS (Eng) flameless atomic absorption spectrometry
FAB (Eng) French-American-British
Fab (Eng) antigen binding fragment
FABP (Dan) fedtsyrebindingsprotein
FAC (Span) fosfatasa ácida
FACS (Eng) Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
FACT (Eng) Foundation for Accreditation of Cellular Therapy
FAD (Eng) flavine adenine dinucleotide
FADL (Dan) Foreningen Af Danske Lægestuderende
FAEP (Ger) Frühe akustisch evozierte Potentiale
FAF (Eng) fatty acid free
FAH (Eng) Factor VIII antihemofilico
FAI (Span) frontoanterior izquierda
FAKL (Dan) Foreningen af Kommunallæger
FAKS (Dan) Foreningen af Kroniske Smertepatienter
FAL (Span) fosfatasa alcalina
FAM (Ger) Fertigarzneimittel
FAME (Span) fármacos modificadores de la enfermedad (= DMARDs)
FAN (Fr) facteur anti-nucléaire
FANS (Ital) farmaci antiinflammatori non-steroide [= NSAIDs]
FANT (Span) fontanela anterior no tensa
FAO (Eng) Food and Agriculture Organisation
FAP (Dan) familiær adenomatøs polypose
FAPS (Dan) Foreningen af Praktiserende Speciallæger
FAR (Eng) final assessment report
FaR (Swe) fysisk aktivitet på recept
farm (Swe) farmakologi (-sk)
FARAL (Span) fármacos antreumáticos de acción lenta (= SAARDs)
FARES (Fr) Fondation contre les Affections Respiratoires and pour l’Education à la Santé
Farmindustria (Ital) Association of Italian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
FAS (Dan) Foreningen af Speciallæger
FASEB (Eng) Federation of the American Societies for Experimental Biology
FASS (Swe) Farmacevtiska specialiteter I Sverige
FAST (Eng) Fourier acquisition in the steady state (in MR)
FAT (Eng) fluorescent antibody technique/test
FAU (Eng) fetal assessment unit
FAV (Fr) fistule artério-veineuse
FB (Eng) foreign body
F/B (Eng) followed by
FBA (Ger) Fingerspitzenbodenabstand
FBC (Eng) full blood count
FBG/S (Eng) fasting blood glucose/sugar
FBHH (Eng) familial benign hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia
FBK (Dan) fremskredet brystkræft
FBM (Eng) fetal breathing movements
FBS (Eng) fasting blood sugar
FBSS (Eng) failed back surgery syndrome
FC (Eng) flow compensation (in MR)
Fc (Fr) fraction cristallisable
f-c (Eng) film-coated
FCA (Eng) Freund's complete adjuvant
FCC (Eng) food chemical codex
FCE (Span) factor de crecimiento epidérmico
FCF (Span) frecuencia cardíaca fetal
FCG (Ital) fonocardiografia
FCHL (Eng) familial combined hyperlipidaemia
FCKW (Ger) Fluorchlorkohlenwassertoff(e) (= CFC)
FCM (Fr) fréquence cardiaque maximum
FCMT (Span) frequencia cardiáca maxima teórica
F_CO2 (Eng) end-expiratory CO2 concentration
FCP (Fr) fonds commun de placement
FCR (Dutch) fludarabine, cyclofosfamide, retaximab
FCRB (Cat) Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomédica
FCS (Eng) fetal calf serum
FCV (Fr) frottis cervico-vaginal
FD (Eng) forceps delivery
Fd (Ger) Fundus
FDA (Eng) fluorescein diacetyl (microscopy)
FDC (Dan) follikulære dendritiske celler
FDDF (Eng) fast-dissolving dosage form
FDE (Ger) Farbdopplerechokardiographie
FDG (Dan) 18F-deoxy-glukose (= fluorodeoxyglukose)
FDG-PET (Dan) 2-[F-18]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glukose-PET
FDI (Eng) feeder density index
FDN (Span) fecha de nacimiento
FDP (Eng) fibrin(ogen) degradation product
FDR (Fr) facteur de risque
FDRCV (Fr) facteur de risque cardio vasculaire
FE (Eng) functional enquiry
FEC (Fr) formulaire d'exposé de cas
FEDESA (Fr) European Federation of Animal Health Associations
FEF (Eng) forced expiratory flow
FEF 25%-75% (Ital) flusso medio espiratorio tra il 25% ed il 75% della CVF
FEH (Eng) family eye history
FEHAP (Fr) Fédération des Etablissements Hospitaliers et d'Assistance Privé
FEK (Swe) Forskningsetikkommitté
FeL (Eng) feline leukaemia
FEM (Eng) femoral
FEMA (Eng) failure modes and effects analysis
FENa (Eng) fractional excretion of sodium
FEP (Span) flujo pico espiratorio
FER (Eng) fractional esterification rate
FES (Eng) functional electrical stimulation
FESS (Eng) functionel endoscopic sinus surgery
FET (Eng) forced expiration time
FEV (Dan) forceret ekspiratorisk volumen
FEV1 (Dan) forceret ekspiratorisk volumen i første sekund
FEVD (Fr) fraction d’éjection du ventricule droit
FEVG (Fr) fraction d’éjection du ventricule gauche
FF (Eng) filtration fraction
FFA (Eng) free fatty acids
FFAMCE (Fr) Fédération Française des Associations de Médecins Conseils Experts
FFbH (Ger) Funktionsfragebogen Hannover
f.f.d. (Swe) föregående fosterdel (obstetrics)
FFI (Fr) faisant fonction d’interne
FFM (Dan) fedtfri masse
FFP (Dan) frisk frosset plasma
FFR (Eng) fractional flow reserve
FFT (Dan) faldforebyggende træning
FFV (Ger) Finger-Finger Versuch (= finger-to-finger test)
FG (Fr) filtration glomérulaire
fg. (Dan) fungerende
FGD (Eng) functional gastrointestinal disorders
FGF (Eng) fibroblast growth factor
FGH (Dutch) familiaire gecombineerde hyperlipidemie
FGR (Span) filtrado glomerular
FGS (Ger) Fettgewebsstück
FH (Dan) fundus hypertonicus
FHA (Eng) filamentous haemogglutin
F-Hb (Swe) fekal hemoglobin
FHF (Eng) fulminant hepatic failure
FHH/R (Eng) fetal heart heard/regular
FHL (Eng) familial haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
FHR (Dan) føtal heart rate
FHS (Swe) förvärvad hjärnskada
FHTG (Eng) familial hypertriglyceridaemia
FHV (Swe) företagshälsovård
FHx (Eng) family history
FI (Fr) facteur intrinsèque
FIBC (Eng) flexible intermediate bulk containers
Fibro (Fr) fibroscopie
FIC (Span) fluido intracelular
FICS (Eng) Fellow of the International College of Surgeons
FID (Fr) fosse iliaque droite
Fidd (Eng) fibrin D-dimer
Fidte (Fr) fosse iliaque droite
FIE (Eng) feline infectious enteritis
Fiehp (Fr) Fédération intersyndicale des établissements d’hospitalisation privée
FIF (Eng) forced inspiratory flow
FIG (Fr) fosse iliaque gauche
FIGO (Fr) Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d’Obstétrique
FII (Span) fosa ilíaca izquierda
FIO2 (Eng) inspiratory O2 concentration
FIARO (Ital) Federazione Italiana Associazioni Regionali Ospedaliere
FID (Eng) flame ionisation detector
FIGO (Fr) Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et Obsétrique
FIM (Eng) functional independence measure
FIMMG (Ital) Federazione Italiana dei Medici di Medicina Generale
FIMR (Eng ) functional ischaemic mitral regurgitation
Finess (Fr) Fichier National des Etablissements Sanitaires et Sociaux
FiO2 (Eng) fraction of inspired/inhaled oxygen
FIP () International Pharmaceutical Federation
FISH (Dan) fluorescens (fluorescerende) in situ-hybridisering
FIT (Fr) fiche d'information thérapeutique
FITS (Fr) Fonds International de Solidarité Therapeutique
FIV (Eng) forced inspiratory volume
FIVETE (Fr) fécondation in vitro et transfert d'embryon
FK (Swe) försäkringskassa
fk (Swe) fältkontroll (in radiotherapy)
FKDS (Ger) farbkodierte Duplexsonographie
FKG (Swe) fonokardiografi
FKK (Dan) Forskningsrådet for Kultur og Kommunikation
FL (Eng) fetal length
Fl (Swe) Första läkare
FL/HL (Ger) Femurlänge/Humeruslänge
fl (Eng) fluid
FLA (Ger) Fluoreszenzangiographie
Fla (Span) flora
FLAIR (Eng) fluid-attenuated inversion recovery
fldr (Swe) föräldrar
FLC (Fr) forme à libération contrôlée
FLEX (Span) flexión
Flex Sig (Eng) flexible sigmoidoscopy
FLI (Fr) forme à libération immediate
FLIA (Span) familiia
FLJ (Swe) fosterljud (obstetrics)
FLM (Eng) fetal lung maturity test
FLOS (Dan) Forskningscenter for Ledelse og Organisation i Sygehusvæsenet
FLP (Fr) (sustained release form)
FM (Eng) Facilities Management
FMA (Dan) forældre med alkoholmisbrug
fmb (Dan) føtomaternel blødning
FMC (Fr) formation médicale continue
FMD (Eng) foot-and-mouth disease (vet.)
FMEA (Eng) failure modes and effects analysis
FMECA (Eng) fiailure mode, effects and criticality analysis
FMF (Dan) familiær middelhavsfeber
FMG (Eng) foreign medical graduate
FMGMS (Eng) foreign medical graduate examination in the medical sciences
FMH (Latin) Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum [Swiss Medical Association]
FML (Fr) fibre musculaire lisse
FMLP (Eng) formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine
FMMP (Span) Fundacion Medica de Mar del Plata
FMN (Fr) flavine mononucléotide
FMP (Eng) final menstrual period
FMR-1 (Eng) fragile X mental retardation - 1
fMRI (Eng) functional MRI (q.v.)
FMS (Dutch) fulminante meningokokkensepsis
FMSS (Fr) fibre musculaire striée squelettique
FMT (Dan) føtomaternel transfusion
FMTC (Eng) familial medullary thyroid cancer
FN (Fr) faux négatifs
F&N (Eng) febrile and neutropenic
FNA (Dutch) fijnenaaldaspiratie
FNAB (Eng) fine-needle aspiration biopsy
FNAC (Dan) finnålsaspirationscytologi
FNB (Eng) Food and Nutrition Board (USA)
FNCLCC (Fr) Fédération des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer
FND (Fr) fosse nasale droite
FNG (Fr) fosse nasale gauche
FNH (Eng) focal nodular hyperplasia
FNMF (Fr) Fédération nationale de la mutualité française
FNOM CeO (ITAL) Federazione Nazionalw degli Ordini dei Medicini-Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri
FNP (Eng) fine-needle puncture
FNT (Dutch) Federatie van Nederlandse Trombosediensten
FNU (Dan) Forskningsrådet for Natur og Univers
FNV (Ger) Finger-Nase-Versuch (finger-to-nose test)
FO (Eng) focused operation
FOB (Eng) fibre-optic bronchoscopy
FOBT (Eng) faecal occult blood test
FOD (Ger) frontookzipitaler Durchmesser
FOFI (Ital) Federazione Ordini Farmacisti Italiani
FOGD (Fr) fibroscopie oeso-gastro-duodénale
FOOSH (Eng) fall on outstretched hand
FOP (Fr) Foramen ovale perméable
FOQ (Fr) fiche observation qualité
föreg. (Swe) föregående (cf f.f.d.)
fort. (Latin) fortis
FOS (Eng) full of stool
FOT (Eng) forced oscillation technique
FoU (Swe) forskning och utveckling
FOV (Eng) field of view (in MR)
FOX (Eng) forkhead-box
FP (Dan) facialisparese
fp (Swe) försöksperson
F + P (Fr) face et profil (radiography, = anteroposterior [AP] and lateral)
FPD (Eng) flame photometric detector
FPG (Dan) fasteplasmaglukose
FPI (Span) frontoposterior izquierda
FPIA (Eng) fluorescence polarisation immunoassay
FPP (Span) fecha probable de parto
FPPP (Fr) fermeture plan par plan [wound closed in layers]
FPR (Span) flujo plasmático renal
FPRE (Span) flujo plasmático renal efectivo
fPSA (Eng) false PSA
FQ (Span) fisicoquímico
FQ1 (Fr) formation qualifiante 1e année
fqt (Fr) fréquement
FR (Eng) Federal Register
Fr (Eng) French (see ‘Ch’ – Charrière)
fr. (Cat) fracción
FRA (Ital) febbre reumatica acuta
fra (Span) fiebre reumàtica aguda
FRALE (Eng) frangible anchor-linked effector
FRC (Eng) functional residual capacity
FRCGP (Eng) Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners
FRCP (Eng) Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
FRCS (Eng) Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
FRCV (Fr) facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires
FRE (Fr) Fonds de Roulement d'Exploitation
FREC (Span ) frecuentes
FRH (Eng) follicle-releasing hormone
FRI (Eng) Fractionation Research Inc.
FRK (Swe) Finlands Röda Kors (= Finnish Red Cross)
FRM (Fr) fauteuil roulant manuel
FROM (Eng) full range of movement
FS (Dan) facialisschwannom
FSa (Eng) full analysis set
FSC (Span) flujo sanguíneo cerebral
FSD (Eng) female sexual dysfunction
FSE (Dan) Forskningsrådet for Samfund og Erhverv
FSG (Eng ) fingerstick gluclose
FSGS (Eng) focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
FSH (Eng) follicle-stimulating/follicular stimulating hormone
FSL (Fr) flux sanguine local
FSME (Ger) Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis
FSPF (Fr) Fédération des Syndicats Pharmaceutiques de France
FSPs (Eng) fibrin split products
FSR (Span) flujo sanguíneo renal
FSS (Dan) Forskningsrådet for Sundhed og Sygdom
FST (Ger) Fluss-, Schmier und Trennmittel
FT3 (Eng) free T3
FT4 (Eng) free T4
FTA (Eng) fault tree analysis
FTA-ABS (Eng) fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (test)
FTbl. (Ger) Filmtablette
FTD (Eng) formal thought disorder
FTI (Eng) farnesyl protein transferase inhibitor
FTIR (Eng) Fourier transform infrared spectrometry
FTN (Eng) finger-to-nose
FTND (Eng) full-term normal delivery
FTO (Dutch) Farmaco Therapie Overleg
FTP (Dan) Forskningsrådet for Teknologi og Produktion
FTT (Eng) failure-to-thrive
FTTO (Dutch) Farmacotherapeutisch Transmuraal Overleg [Interdisciplinary Pharmacotherapeutic Forum]
FU (Eng) follow-up
F/U (Eng) follow-up
FUAP (Dan) Faglig Udvikling i Almen Praksis
FUFOL (Fr) fluoro-uracile + acide folinique
FUM (Span) fecha de última menstruación
FUO (Eng) fever of unknown/undetermined origin
FUR (Span) fecha de últimas reglas (= LMP)
FUT (Dan) fysisk uddannelse og træning [military]
FUTA (Ger) Fahruntauglichkeitsaufklärung
FV (Dan) fødselsvægt
fv (Norw) fostervann
FVA (Dan) fødevareallergi
FVAR (Eng) Final Variation Assessment Report
FVC (Eng) forced vital capacity
FVE (Eng) Federation of Veterinarians of Europe
FVF (Ger) Flimmerverschmelzungsfrequenz (= flicker fusion frequency)
FVL (Dan) faktor V Leiden
FVO (Dan) fødevareoverfølsomhed
FVR (Eng) feline rhinotracheitis virus
FVS (Eng) fetal valproate syndrome
FVT (Ital) fremito vocale tattile
FWHM (Eng) full width at half maximum
FX (Eng) fracture
fx/Fx (Eng) fracture
fys (Swe) fysikalisk (undersökning)
Fz () frontal (electrode)
FZ (Ger) Fingerzählen: an ophthalmological test for the ability to count fingers (= CF in Engish)
fz (Dutch) fysiologisch zout
FZhEL1 (Russ) (FEV1)
, G, _ (Fr) gradient ventriculaire
(cardiology) (Eng) ventricular gradient
G (Eng) gonorrhoea
g (Eng) gram
G1,2,3 etc. (Fr) grossesse 1, 2, 3 etc.
G#P# (Latin) gravida # para #
G2 (Latin) gravida 2 (2nd pregnancy)
G6P (Eng) glucose-6-phosphate
G6PD (Eng) glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
GA (Dan) gestationsalder
g.a. (Dutch) geen afwijkingen
GA1 (Eng) glutaric acidaemia
GAAZ (Dutch) geriatrische afdeling van een algemeen ziekenhuis
GAB (Span) gasometría arterial basal
GABA (Eng) gamma-aminobutyric acid
GAD (Dan) glutaminsyredecarboxylase
gad (Eng) gadolinium chelates
GAD2 (Dan) glutamatdecarboxylase 2
GADD (Eng) growth-arrest DNA damage-inducible
ga-DTPA (Dan) gadolinium-diethylen-triamin-penta-acetat
GAF (Eng) Global Assessment of Functioning
GAG (Dan) glykosaminoglykan
GAJ (Fr) glycémie à jeun
Gal (Fr) galactose
Galant (Eng) Galant's reflex
GALP (Eng) Good Automated Laboratory Practice
GALT (Eng) gut-associated lymphoid tissue
Gamma-GT (Fr) gamma-glutamyl transférase
GAMP (Eng) Good Automated Manufacturing Practice
GAO (Fr) glaucoma à angle ouvert
GAP (Dan) galdestenskorreleret akut pankreatitis
Gap (Eng) interslice gap (in MR protocols)
GAPZ (Dutch) geriatrische afdeling van een psychiatrisch ziekenhuis
GAQ (Fr) Groupe d'Amélioration de la Qualité
GARF (Eng) Global Assessment of Relational Functioning
GARFT (Eng) glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase
GAS (Eng) Global Assessment Scale
gastroc (Eng) gastrocnemius
GAU (Ger) grösster anzunehmender Unfall (nuclear technology)
GAUZ (Dutch) geriatrische afdeling van een universitair ziekenhuis
GAVI (Eng) Global Alliance on Vaccines and Immunisation
GB (Eng) gallbladder
GB-3 (Fr) globotriaosylcéramide
g.b. (Dutch) geen bijzonderheden
GBD (Eng) global burden of disease
GBL (Dan) gammabutyrolaceton
GBM (Dan) gestationel diabetes mellitus
Gbn (Ger) Gläser bessern nicht
GBP (Eng) good business practice
GBS (Dan) Guillain-Barrés syndrom
GC (Eng) gas chromatography
gc (Swe) gonorré
GC-ECD (Eng) gas chromatography with electron capture detection
GC/FID (Eng) gas chromatography/flame ionisation detection
GCLP (Eng) Good Control Laboratory Practice
GC/MS (Eng) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
GCP (Eng) Good Clinical Practice
GCP-V (Ger) GCP-Verordnung
GCRP (Eng) Good Clinical Research Practice
GCS (Eng) glucocorticosteroid
GCSF (Eng) granulocyte colony stimulating factor
GCT (Dan) granularcelletumor
GCVP (Eng) glood computer validation practices
GD (Fr) grande distinction
gda (Dutch) geen duidelijke afwijkingen
GDE (Span) grande
GDF (Eng) Global Drug Facility
GDM (Dan) gestationel diabetes mellitus
GDNF (Eng) glial cell-line derived neutrotrophic factor
GDP (Eng) Good Distribution Practice
GDS (Eng) geriatric depression scale
GDSA (Fr) gaz du sang artériel
GDVG (Ger) Gesundheitsdienst- und Verbraucherschutzgesetz
GDx (Eng) glaucoma detection system
GE (Eng) gastroesophageal
gé (Fr) gélule
GE (2-) (Ger) Gefässerkrankung ((two-)vessel disease)
GEA (Dan) gastroenteroanastomose
GEB (Ger) grosse Eigenblutbehandlung
Geb.Nr. (Ger) Gebührennummer
GEDV (Eng) global end diastolic volume
GEF (Eng) glycosylation enhancing factor
Gef (Ger) Gefäße
GEFS (Eng) Generalised Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures
gel. (Ger) gelesen [checked by person who dictated]
GEM (Fr) glomérulo-néphrite extra-membraneuse
GEMs (Eng) gemini of the coiled bodies
GEMSA (Fr) groupes d'etude multicentriques des services d'accueil.
GEN (Eng) genetics
gen (Eng) general
gen mod (Eng) generalised moderate
gen.utr. (Latin) genu(s) utriusque
GEO (Eng) genetically engineered organism
G-EPJ/GEPJ (Dan) grundstrukturen for elektronisk patientjournal
GEPKA (Dan) Grundstruktur for Elektronisk Patientjournal, Prototype, Klinisk Afprøvning
GERD (Eng) gastroesophageal reflux disease
GE reflux (Eng) gastroesophageal reflux [scan]
GERI (Eng) geriatrics
GES (Fr) gestes élémentaires de survie
GEST (Span) gestacional
GET (Eng) general endotracheal
GETT (Eng) general, endotracheal tube (anaesthesia)
GEU (Fr) grossesse extra-utérine
GF (Eng) growth factor
GFAP (Eng) glial fibrillary acidic protein
GFATM (Dan) Globale Fond til bekæmpelse af Aids, TB og Malaria
GFR (Eng) glomerular filtration rate
GG (Ger) Geburtsgewicht
GGD (Dutch) gemeenschappelijke gezondheidsdienst
GGf (Eng) glial growth factor
GGL (Fr) ganglions
GGLAS (Port) gerencia geral de laboratarios de saude publica
GGO (Dutch) genetisch gemanipuleerde organismen (= GMO)
ggr (Swe) gånger
GGT (Dan) gamma-glutamyl-transferase
GGTP (Eng) gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
GGZ (Dutch) geestelijke gezondheidszorg
GH (Eng) growth hormone
GHA (Dan) generaliseret hypermobilitas articulorum
GHB (Dan) gammahydroxybuturat
GHb (Eng) glycosylated haemoglobin
GHBP (Eng) growth hormone binding protein
GHM (Fr) groupes homogènes de maladies [diagnosis related groups]
GHP (Eng) Good Hospital Practice
GHR (Fr) grossesse à haut risque
GHRF (Eng) growth hormone releasing factor
GHRH (Eng) growth hormone-releasing hormone
GHRIH (Eng) growth hormone releasing inhibiting hormone
GI (Eng) gastrointestinal
GIA (Eng) gastrointestinal anastomosis
GIB (Eng) gastrointestinal bleeding
GIC (Eng) glass ionomer cement
GIF (Eng) glycosylation inhibition factor
GIFAP (Fr) Groupement International des Associations Nationales de Fabricants de Produits Agrochimiques
GIFIC (Fr) Groupe Intersyndical de Fournisseurs de l'Industrie Chimique
GIFT (Eng) gamete intrafallopian transfer
GIK (Dan) glukose-insulin-kalium-infusion
GILSP (Eng) Good Industrial Large-Scale Practice
GIN (Span) ginecologia
GINA (Eng) Global Initiative for Asthma
GIP (Eng) gastric inhibitory peptide
GIR (Eng) glucose infusion rate
GIS (Dan) geografiske informationssystemer
GISA (Eng) glycopeptide insensitive Staphylococcus aureus
GISSI (Ital) Gruppo italiano per lo studio della Streptochinase nell' Infarto miocardico
GIST (Dan) gastrointestinal stromatumor
GIT (Eng) gastro-intestinal tract
GIU (Fr) grossesse intra-utérine
GIZ (Ger) Glassionomerzement (dentistry)
GK (Dan) glukokortikoid
GKV (Ger) gesetzliche Krankenversicherung
g.l. (Span) grados de libertad
GLC (Eng) glaucoma
Glc (Fr) glucose
GLDH (Eng) glutamate dehydrogenase
GLO (Span) glucemia
GLP (Dan) glukagonlignende peptid
GLP-1 (Eng) glucagon-like peptide-1
GLT (Eng) glucose loading test
Glu (Fr) glutamate
GM (Fr) grand mal
GMA (Dan) glatmuskelcelle-aktin
GMC (Dutch) Geneesmiddelencommissie (Belgium)
GM-CSF (Eng) granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
GMD (Span) ganancia media diaria
GME (Fr) germes multi-résistants
GMFM (Eng) gross motor function measure
GMM (Eng) genetically modified microorganism
GMN (Fr) goîte multinodulaire
GMNMP (Span) glomerulonefritis membranoproliferativa
GMNPE (Span) glomerulonefritis post estreptocóccia
GMO (Dan) genetisk modificeret organisme
GMOI (Fr) gammapathie monoclonale d’origine indéterminée
GMP (Eng) Good Manufacturing Practice
GMPc (Fr) GMP cyclique
GMR (Eng) gallops, murmurs, rubs
GMTs (Eng) geometric mean titres
GN (Eng) glomerular nephritis
GNA (Fr) gomérulonéphrite aiguë
GNAPS (Fr) gomérulonéphrite aiguë post-streptococcique
GNB (Eng) Gram-negative bacilli
GNC (Fr) syndrome de glomérulonéphrite chronique
GNEM (Fr) glomérulonéphrite extra-membranaire
GNMP (Fr) glomérulonéphrite membrano-proliférative
GNR (Eng) Gram-negative rod
GNRP (Fr) syndrome de glomérulonéphrite rapidement progressive
GnRH (Eng) gonadotrophin releasing hormone
GO (Fr) Gynécologie-Obstétrique
GOÄ (Ger) Gebührenordnung für Ärzte
GOD (Eng) glucose oxidase
GOO (Eng) gastric outlet obstruction
GORD (Eng) gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
GOT (Eng) glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
GOX (Eng) glyphosphate oxydoreductase
GP (Dan) galdestenspankreatitis
G-P- (Eng) gravida, para (pregnancies, deliveries)
GPAO (Fr) Gestion de Production Assistée par Ordinateur
GPC (Eng) Gram-positive coccus
GPCR (Eng) G protein-coupled receptors
GPF (Eng) glomerular plasma flow
GPIA (Eng) Generic Pharmaceutical Industry Association
GPM (Eng) general preventive medicine
GPP (Eng) Good Pharmacy Practice
GPR (Dan) godt partielt respons
GPS (Dan) mobiltelefon med satellitovervågning
GPT (Eng) glutamate pyruvate transaminase
Gpt/l (Ger) Gammapartikel/l
Gpx (Eng) glutathione peroxide
GPU (Eng) guinea-pig unit
GQ (Eng) general qualification
GQM (Fr) gain quotidien moyen
GR (Eng) glucocorticoid receptor
gr (Eng) grain
grag. (Span) gragea
gral. (Span) general
GRAS (Eng) generally recognised as safe
GRC (Fr) globules rouges congelés
GRE (Eng) gradient echo series (in MRI)
GRF (Eng) growth hormone-releasing factor
GRH (Eng) growth hormone-releasing hormone
GRK (Dan) G-receptor-kinase
GRP (Eng) Good Regulatory Practice
GRT (Span) geriatria
GRTH (Fr) generalised resistance thyroid hormone
Grx (Eng) gravida
GS (Dan) det grønne system (et patientregistersystem)
GSA (Span) gases de/en sangre arterial (= ABG)
GSD (Eng) gestational sac diameter
GSG (Ger) Gesundheitsstrukturgesetz
GSI (Eng) genuine stress incontinence
GSK (Eng) GlaxoSmithKline
GSL (Eng) General Sales List
GSP (Eng) Good Study Practice
GST (Eng) glutathione-S-transferase
GSV (Eng) great saphenous vein
GSW (Eng) gun shot wound
GT (Dan) Gastaut type = sent indsættende idiopatisk occipital epilepsi i barnealderen
gt (Latin) gutta [drop]
GTBB (Fr) groupe de travail sur les bébés à risque
GTM (Eng) global trial manager
GTN (Dan) glyceryltrinitrat
GTNDO (Fr) Groupe Technique National de Définition des Objectifs de Santé Publique
GTP (Eng) guanosine triphosphate
GT-Stopfen (Ger) Gefriertrocknungsstophen
GTT (Eng) glucose tolerance test
gtt (Lat ) guttae [drops]
GTV (Eng) gross tumor volume
GU (Eng) gastric ulcer
GUM (Eng) genitourinary medicine
GUP (Eng) Good Uncertainty Practice
GUS (Eng) genitourinary system
GUT (Eng) genitourinary tract
GV (Span) globo vesical
G/V (Ger) Gewicht/Volumen
GVH (Eng) graft-versus-host (GVHR = reaction, GVHD = disease)
GVHD (Eng) graft versus host disease
GVM (Fr) volume globulaire moyen [mean corpuscular volume – MCV]
GVO (Dutch) gezondheidsvoorlichting en –opvoeding
GVS (Dutch) geneesmiddelenvergoedingssysteem [Medicines Reimbursement System]
Gw (Ger) Gesamtwert
GxP (Eng) [term referring collectively to GCP, GLP, GMP]
GYN (Eng) gynaecology
gyn (Swe) gynekologisk
GxP (Eng) good [pharmaceutical] practice
GXT (Eng) graded exercise stress test
GyO (Span) ginecología y obstetricia
H () Hoffmann (reflex)
H2 (Eng) histamine 2
H2RA (Dan) H2-receptorantagonist
h (Eng) hour
HA (Dan ) hereditært angioødem
HAA (Eng) hepatitis-assoiated antigen
h.a. (Dutch) huisarts
HAART (Dan) højaktiv antiretroviral terapi
HAC (Span) hiperplasia adrenal congénita
HACA (Eng) human anti-chimeric antibody
HACCP (Eng) hazard analysis critical control points
HACE (Eng) high-altitude cerebral edema
HACT (Span) hormona adrenocorticotrópica
HACU (Eng) high-affinity choline uptake
HAD (Fr) hospitalisation à domicile
HADS-D (Eng/Ger) Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale – Deutsche Version
HAE (Dutch) hereditair angio-oedeem
HAES (Dan) hydroxyethylstivelse
HAG (Fr) hypertrophie atriale gauche
hagro (Dutch) huisartsengroep
HAH (Eng) hospital at home
HAI (Eng) haemagglutination-inibiting/inhibition
haio (Dutch) huisarts in opleiding
HALE (Eng) health-adjusted life expectancy
HALH (Fr) hemi-anopsie latérale homonyme
HALS (Dan) hiv-associeret lipodystrofisyndrom
HALY (Eng) health-adjusted life years
HAMA (Eng) Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety
HAMD (Eng) Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
HA-Milch (Ger) hypoallergene Milch
HAP (Eng) hospital-acquired pneumonia
HAPE (Eng) high-altitude pulmonary edema
HAQ (Eng) health assessment questionnaire
HA-Nr. (Ger) Herstellungsanweisung
HAR (Dutch) hemagglutinatie-remmende (antistoftiter)
HARS (Eng) Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (cf. HAMA)
HAS (Eng) Hamilton Anxiety Scale
HÄS (Ger) Hydroxyäthylstärke
HASL (Eng) hypothetical active-site lattice
HAST (Ger) Hauptstamm
HAT-SO (Fr) hysterectomie abdominale totale – salping-ovarectomie
HAU (Eng) haemagglutinin units
HAV (Eng) hepatitis A virus
HAZOP (Eng) hazard and operability study
Hb (Dan) hemoglobin
HB (Ger) Handbewegungen: an ophthalmological test for the ability to assess movements of the hand (= HM in Eng.)
HBA (Span) hipertrofia biauricular
HBAG (Fr) hémibloc antérieur gauche
HBAI (Span) hemíbloqueo anterior izquierdo
HBcAg (Eng) hepatitis B core antigen
HbCO (Eng) carboxyhaemoglobin
HBD (Eng) healthy blood donor
HbE (Ger) Hämoglobingehalt pro Erythrozyt
HBe-Ag (Eng) hepatitis B envelope antigen
HBIG (Eng) hepatitis B immunoglobulin
HbO2 (Fr) oxyhémoglobine
HBP (Span) hiperplasia benigna de la próstata
HBPG (Fr) hémibloc postérieur gauche
HBPI (Span) hemibloqueo posterior izquierdo
HBPM (Fr) héparines à/de bas poids moléculaire
HBsAg (Eng) hepatitis B surface antigen
HBT (Swe) homosexuella, bisexuella och transpersoner (= LGBT, qv)
HBV (Eng) hepatitis B virus
Hbw (Ger) Handbewegungen
HC (Eng) haemoglobin concentration
HCA (Eng) healthcare assistant
HC/AC (Eng) head circumference-to-abdominal circumference (ratio)
HCAI (Eng) healthcare-associated infections
HCAP (Eng) healthcare-associated pneumonia
HCC (Eng) hepatocellular carcinoma
HCD (Fr) hypochondre droit
HCFA (Eng) Health Care Financing Administration
HCFCs (Eng) hydrochlorofluorcarbons
HCG (Dan) humant choriongonadotropin
HCH (Eng) hospital care at home
HCL (Eng) hard contact lens
HCM (Eng) hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
HCP (Eng) healthcare provider
HCPB (Dan) Hovedstadens Center for Prospektive Befolkningsstudier
HCS (Eng) heparin-coated stent
HCS (Eng) human chorionic somatomammotropin
HCT (Span) hidroclorotiazidas
Hct (Eng) haematocrit
HCTZ (Eng) hydrochlorthiazide
HCV (Eng) hog cholera virus
HCW (Eng) health care worker
Hcy (Eng) homocysteine
HD (Dan) henvisningsdiagnose
H de C (Span) hidratos de carbono
HDA (Span) hemorragia digestiva alta
HDB (Span) hemorragaia digestiva baja
HDC (Fr) hernie discale cervicacle
HDCVV (Span) hemodiálisis continua venovenosa
HDD (Fr) hernie discale dorsale
HDFAVC (Span) hemodiafiltración arteriovenosa continua
HDG (Ger) Hauptdiagnosengruppe
HDH (Fr) hémorragie digestive haute
HDI (Dan) hexamethylen-diisocyanat
HDJ (Fr) hôpital du jour
HDL (Eng) high-density lipoprotein
HDM (Dan) husstøvmider
HDLM (Fr) histoire de la maladie
HDN (Eng) haemolytic disease of newborn
HDNV (Fr) hémodilution normovolémique
HDR (Fr) high-dose radiation
HDT (Eng) heat distortion temperature
HDU (Eng) high-dependency unit
HDW (Eng) haemoglobin concentration distribution width
HE (Span) hemodinámicamente estable
H&E (Eng) haematoxyline and eosine
HeALY (Eng) healthy life years
HEC (Eng) haemorrhagic Escherichia coli
HED (Fr) hématome extradural
HEENT (Eng) head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
HEFA (Eng) The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
HEGP (Fr) Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou (Paris)
HELLP (Eng) haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets
HEM (Eng) health effect monitoring
HEMA (Eng) hydroxyl-ethyl methacrylate
HEME/ONC (Eng) haematology/oncology
HEP (Ger) Histaminäquivalent (im Prickhauttest)
HEP-2 (Fr) human epithelioma pharynx 2
HEPA (Eng) high efficiency particulate air
HepBsAg (Eng) hepatitis B surface antigen
hERG (Eng) human ether-a-go-go related gene
HES (Dan) hypereosinofilt syndrom
hESC (Eng) human embryonic stem cell
HETE (Eng) hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid
HEV (Eng) hepatitis E virus
HF (Dan) håndkøbsmidler i frihandel (= OTC, open sale)
Hf (Norw) helseforetak
HFA (Eng) high-functioning autism
HFCVV (Span) hemofiltración continua venovenosa
HFK (Dan) hoftefrakturkirurgi
HFPPV (Eng) High frequency positive pressure ventilation
HG (Dan) heterotrop graviditet
Hg (Eng) haemoglobin
HGA (Ger) hintere Glaskörperabhebung
HGAC (Eng) Human Genetics Advisory Committee
Hgb (Eng) haemoglobin
HGB (Eng) haemoglobin
HGE (Eng) human granulocytic ehrlichiosis
HGF (Eng) hepatocyte growth factor
HGH (Eng) human growth hormone
HGOP (Fr) hyperglycémie orale provoquée
HGPO (Fr) hyperglycémie provoquée [par voie] orale
HGPRT (Eng) hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribasyl transferase
HGT (Eng) height
HGV (Eng) hepatitis G virus
HH (Eng) hiatus/hiatal hernia
H/H (Dan) hæmoglobin/hæmatokrit
HHD (Ger) Hemmhofdurchmesser (diameter of inhibitory zone)
HH-HW (Ger) Hornhaut-Hinterwand
HHM (Dan) humoral hyperkalcæmi ved malignitet
HHN- (Ger) Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden..
HHV (Eng) human herpesvirus
HI (Dan) hæmolyseindeks
HIA (Eng) health impact assessment
HIB (Fr) hernie inguinale bilatérale
Hib (Eng) Haemophilus influenza type B
HIC (Eng) hydrophobic interaction chromatography
HID (Fr) hernie inguinale droite
HIDS (Eng) hyper IgD syndrome
HIE (Dan) hyoksisk isk_misk encefalopati
HIES (Eng) hyper IgE syndrome
HIFU (Eng) high intensity focused ultrasound
HIG (Fr) hernie inguinale gauche
HIGA (Span) Hospital Interzonal General de Agudos
HIMA (Eng) Health Industry Manufacturers Association
HIMS (Eng) hyper IgM syndrome
HIPA (Eng) heparin-induced platelet activation
HIPIP (Eng) Hospital Information, Performance Information Program
HIS (Dutch) huisartsinformatiesysteem
HISS (Eng) head injury severity scale
HIST (Eng) histamine
HIT (Eng) heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
HIV (Dan) humant immundefekt virus
HIV CT (Eng) HIV counselling and testing
HIV-G (Eng) HIV-associated gingivitis
HIV-P (Eng) HIV-associated periodontitis
HJR (Eng) hepatojugular reflex
HK (Fr) hypokinésie
HKB (Swe) hälsokonsekvensbeskrivning (= health impact assessment, HIA)
HKL (Ger) Herzkatheterlabor
HKST (Ger) Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand
HKV (Ger) Hacken-Knie-Versuch
HKW (Ger) Halogen-Wasserkohlenstoff
HL (Eng) Hooded Lister (rat)
HLA (Dan) humant leukocyt-antigen
HLB (Eng) hydrophilic-lipophilic balance
HKD (Eng) hyperkinetic disorder
HLE (Eng) healthy life expectancy
HLH (Eng) haematophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
HLH G (Fr) hémianopsie latérale homonyme gauche
HLHS (Ger) hypoplastisches Linksherzsyndrom
HLM (Dan) hjerte-lunge-maskine
HLO (Ger) Helicobacter (H. pyloris)
HLPN (Fr) hyperleucocytose à polynucléaires neutrophiles
HLR (Eng) heart-lung resuscitation
HLTs (Eng) high-level terms
HLV (Eng) herpes-like virus
HM (Eng) human milk
HMA (Eng) Heads of Medicines Agencies
HMC (Span) hemoglobina corpuscular media
HMD (Span) hijo de madre diabética
HME (Eng) human monocytic erlichiosis
HMFG (Eng) human milk fat globulin
HMG (Fr) hépatomégalie
hMG (Eng) human menopausal gonadotropin
HM-HT (Ger) Herzmuskelhypertrophie
HMO (Eng) Health Maintenance Organization
HMPAO (Dan) hexamethyl propylen-amin-oxim
HMPC (Eng) Committee for Herbal Medicinal Products
hMGP (Eng) human matrix GIa protein
hMPV (Dan) human metapneumovirus
HMR (Fr) (syndrome des) hématuries macroscopiques récidivantes
Hmt (Span) [haematocrit]
HMS (Dan) hypermobilitetssyndrom(et)
HMTA (Eng) hexamethylenetetramine
HMV (Eng) hours of mechanical ventilation
HMW (Eng) high molecular weight
HN (Fr) hors nomenclature
HNAP (Ger) Hirnnervenaustrittspunkte
HNAST (Ger) Hirnnervenaustrittspunkte
HNF (Fr) héparine non-fractionée [= unfractionated heparin]
HNIG (Eng) human normal immunoglobulin
HNP (Eng) herniation of [herniated] nucleus pulposus
HNPCC (Eng) hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer
HNPU (Eng) has not passed urine
HO (Eng) house officer
ho. (Ger) hierorts (Austrian)
hö (Swe) höger
HoA (Eng) Heads of Agencies
hOAT1 (Eng) human organic anion transporter 1
HOB (Eng) head of bed
HOCM (Eng) hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
hOCT1 (Eng) human organic cation transporter 1
HOH (Eng) hard of hearing
HOMA (Eng) homeostatsis model assessment
HOMA-IR (Eng) homeostasis model of insulin resistance
HONK (Eng) hyperosmolar non-kerotic state
HOPS (Ger) hirnorganisches Psychosyndrom
HOSM (Eng) high osmolality contrast medium
HOT (Ger) hämatogene Oxydationstherapie
HP (Dutch) huispostnummer
HPA (Eng) hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
HPAL (Eng) Hamburg Pain Adjective List
HPB (Eng) Health Protection Board (Canada)
HPC (Eng) history of presenting complaint
HPc (Eng) capillary hydrostatic pressure
HPD (Dan) hæmatoporfyrinderivat
HPETE (Ger) Hydroxy-peroxy-eicosa-Tetraensäure
HPF (Eng) high power field
hpf (Eng) high-power field
hP-GH (Eng) human placental growth hormone
hpGRF-40 (Eng) human pancreas growth hormone-releasing factor-40
HPI (Eng) history of present illness
HPif (Eng) interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure
HPL (Dutch) humane placentale lactogeen
HPLC (Eng) high-performance liquid chromatography
HPLC-GPC (Eng) high-performance liquid chromatography – gel permeation chromatography
HPN (Fr) hydrocéphalie à pression normale
HPO (Fr) hyperglycémie provoquée par voie orale [= oral GTT]
HPOI (Eng) history of present illness
HPN (Span) hemoglobinuria paroxística nocturna
HPOA (Eng) hypophyseal-pituitary-ovarian axis
HPP (Eng) human pancreatic polypeptide
HPT (Swe) hyperparatyreoidism
HPV (Eng) human papillomavirus
HQ (Span) herida quirúrgica
HR (Dan) hormoneceptorer
HRA (Eng) histamine-releasing activity
HRB (Fr) hyperréactivité bronchique
HRCT (Eng) high-resolution CT
HRE (Eng) hormone responsive element
HR-CGH (Dan) højopløsningskomparativ genomisk hybridisering
HRCT (Dan) højopløsningscomputertomografi
HRG (Eng) histidine-rich glycoprotein
HRI (Eng) Hagedorn Research Institute
HROP (Eng) horseradish peroxidase
HRP (Eng) horseradish peroxidase
HRPE (Eng) human retinal pigment epithelium
HRS (Eng) health research system
HRST (Ger) Herzrhythmusstörung
HRT (Eng) hormone replacement therapy
HRV (Eng) heart rate variability
HS (Dan) Hovedstadens Sygehusfællesskab
HS I + II + ? (Eng) heart sounds 1 and 2 (+? added sounds)
hs (Latin) hora somni (= at bedtime)
HSA (Eng) human serum albumin
HSAL (Ger) Hamburger Schmerzadjektiveliste
HSAN (Dan) hereditær sensorisk og autonom neuropati
HSC (Eng) haematopoietic stem cell
HSCC (Eng) hybrid systems, computation and control
HSD (Fr) hématome sous-dural
HSE (Dan) højt specialiseret enhed
HSF (Fr) hyalinose segmentaire et focale
HSG (Fr) hystérosalpingographie
HSHC (Fr) hémisuccinate d’hydrocortisone
HSIL (Dutch) hooggraadige squameuze itnra-epitheliale laesie
HSL (Eng) hormone-sensitive lipase
HSM (Eng) hepatosplenomegaly
HSMG (Fr) hépatosplenomégalie
HSMN (Eng) hereditary sensory motor neuropathy
HSN (Swe) hälso- och sjukvårdsnämnden
HSP (Eng) Hennoch Shonlein Purpura
Hsp (Eng) heat shock proteins
HSR (Ger) Harnsäure
HST (Ger) Hirn-Schädel-Trauma
Hst (Ger) Harnstoff
HSV (Eng) herpes simplex virus
Ht (Dutch) hematocriet
HT (Dan) hormonterapi
HTA (Eng) Health Technology Assessment
HTAP (Fr) hypertension artérielle pulmonaire [= PAH]
HTE (Span) hipertensión endocraneana
HTG (Dutch) hematogram, hematotachografie
Hte (Fr) hématocrite
HTF (Eng) high torque floppy (guidewire for angioplasty)
HTIC (Fr) hypertension intracrânienne
HTLV (Eng) human T-lymphtropic virus
HTN (Eng) hypertension
HTO (Span) hematocrito
HTP (Fr) hypertension portale
HTQ (Ger) Herz-Thorax Quotient
HTS (Eng) high-throughout screening
HTSH (Eng) human thyroid stimulating hormone
HTLV (Eng) human T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma viris
HTLX (Eng) heart and lung transplantation
HTN (Eng) hypertension
HTP (Fr) hypertension pulmonaire
HTQ (Ger) Herz-Thorax-Quadrant
HTS (Eng) heel to shin test
HTx (Eng) heart transplant(ation)
HU (Eng) Hounsfield unit
HUCH (Eng) Helsinki University Central Hospital
HUGO (Eng) Human Genome Organisation
HUS (Dutch) hemolytisch uremisch syndroom
HV (Fr) hémorragie vitréenne
HVA (Eng) homovanilic acid
HVAA (Eng) heated vaporisation atomic absorption
HVB (Swe) hem för vård eller boende
HVD (Eng) high-vacuum distillation
HVE (Port) hipertrofia ventricular esquerda
HVG (Fr) hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche
HVH (Dan) højvolumenhospital
HVI (Span) hipertrofia de ventrículo izquierdo
HVL (Ger) Hypophysenvorderlappen
HVLP (Eng) hybrid virus-like particle
HVT (Eng) healthy volunteer trials
HW (Ger) Hinterwand
HWA (Ger) Hinterhauptwandabstand (occiput-wall distance)
HWI (Ger) Harnwegsinfektion
HWK (Ger) Halswirbelkörper
HWS (Ger) Halswirbelsäule
HWZ (Ger) Halbwertszeit
HX (Dan) (see HA, HF); explanation by Danish Medicines Agency: HX betyder, at du kun kan købe én pakning af lægemidlet pr. dag og kun i bestemte tilladte (små) pakningsstørrelser. Ønsker du en større pakning, kan den kun købes på apotekerne, herunder apoteksfilialer og apoteksudsalg.
Hx (Eng) history
HY (Port) hysteria
HYE (Eng) healthy years equivalents
hypo (Eng) hypodermically
HX (Dan) (see HA, HF); explanation by Danish Medicines Agency: HX betyder, at du kun kan købe én pakning af lægemidlet pr. dag og kun i bestemte tilladte (små) pakningsstørrelser. Ønsker du en større pakning, kan den kun købes på apotekerne, herunder apoteksfilialer og apoteksudsalg.
Hx (Eng) history (of)
HY (Fi) Helsingin yliopisto (= University of Helsinki)
HYKS (Fi) Helsingin yliopistollinen keskussairaala (= HUCH, qv)
HypoG (Fr) hypogastre
HZV (Eng) herpes zoster virus
HZVA (Ger) Herstellung, Zubereitung, Vertrieb und Anwendung [types of pharmaceutical waste]
I (Eng) inspiratory
I3 sin (Latin) [third left intercostal space] (used in Swedish)
IÅ (Swe) intelligensålder
i.a. (Eng) intra-arterial (ly)
ia (Swe) intraarteriellt
IA (Eng) interim analysis
i.a. (Dan) ingen anmærkning
IABP (Eng) intraaortic balloon pump
IABC (Eng) intraortic balloon counterpulsation
IABVD (Span) independiente para las actividades básicas de la vida diaria
IAC (Eng) internal auditory canal
IACB (Eng) improvement in actual clinical benefit
IACC (Eng) Inter-Agency Coordination Committee (WHO)
IAD (Fr) insémination artificielle par donneur
IADE (Fr) infirmière anésthésiste diplomé d’état
IADL (Eng) instrumental activities of daily living
IADM (Dutch) van insuline afhankelijke diabetes mellitus
IAE (Span) inseminación artificial por esposo (= AIH)
IAG (Span) indice de albúmina y globulina
IAHA (Eng) immunoallergic haemolytic anaemia
IAM (Fr) infarctus aigu du myocarde
IAMI (Fr) insuffisance artérielle des members inférieurs
IAMLT (Eng) International Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists
IAMRA (Dan) forum for tilsyndsmyndighederne etc.
IAO (Fr) infirmiere d'accueil et d'orientation
IAo (Fr) insuffisance aortique
IAP (Ital) ipertensione arteriosa polmonare
IAR (Eng) infusion associated reaction
IARC (Eng) International Agency for Research on Cancer
IASP (Eng) International Association for the Study of Pain
IAT (Swe) indirekt antiglobulinteknik/antiglobulintest
IB (Eng) investigator's brochure
IBC (Eng) intermediate bulk container
IBD (Eng) inflammatory bowel disease
IBE (Eng) individual bioequivalency
IBL (Swe) Institutet för Biomedicinsk Laboratorievetenskap (Swedish Institute for Biomedical Laboratory Science)
IBNR (Engi) incurred but not reported
IBODE (Fr) Infirmière de Bloc Opératoire Diplômé d’Etat
IBP (Eng) invasive blood pressure
IBR (Eng) infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
IBS (Eng) irritable bowel syndrome
IBW (Eng) ideal body weight
IC (Eng) informed consent
IC50 (Eng) inhibiting concentration 50%
IC95% (Fr) intervalle de confiance à 95%
i.c. (Eng) intracellular
ICA (Dan) øcelle-antistof
Ica (Fr) inhibiteur calcique
ICALIN (Fr) Indice composite d'évaluation des activités de Lutte contre les Infections Nosocomiales
ICAM (Eng) intercellular adhesion molecule
ICC (Eng) intraclass correlation coefficient
ICCS (Eng) International Children's Continence Society
ICD (Dan) implanterbar defibrillator
ICDH (Eng) isocitic dehydrogenase
ICDRG (Eng) International Contact Dermatitis Research Group
ICE (Eng) intermittent cyclical etidronate
ICER (Eng) incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
ICF (Eng) intracellular fluid
ICG (Eng) indocyanine green
ICH (Eng) International Conference on Harmonisation (of technical requirements for registration of pharmaceuticals for human use)
ICIN (Dutch) Interuniversitair Cardiologisch Instituut Nederland
ICK (Eng) inhibitor of cyclin-dependant kinase
ICL (Eng) intraocular contact lens
ICM (Eng) International Confederation of Midwives
ICMJE (Eng) Committee of Medical Journal Editors
ICN (Eng) International Council of Nurses
ICNIRP (Dan) International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection
ICO (Port) insuficiência cardíaca obstrutiva
ICOMT (Fr) inhibiteur de la catéchol-O-methyltransférase
ICP (Eng) intracranial pressure
ICPC (Eng) International Classification of Primary Care
ICPI (Eng) Intracerebral Pathogenicity Index
ICPM (Eng) International Classification of Procedures in Medicine
ICR (Dutch) intercostale ruimte
ICRT (Eng) International Consumer Research and Testing Organisation
ICS (Eng) inhaled corticosteroid
ICSH (Eng) interstitial-cell stimulating hormone (= LH)
ICSI (Eng.) intracytoplasmic sperm injection/injector
ICSRs (Eng) Individual Case Safety Reports
ICT (Dan) intrakutantest
ICU (Eng) intensive-care unit
ICV (Eng) intracerebrovascular
ICVA (Eng) ischemic cerebrovascular accident
ICVD (Dan) ischaemic cerebrovascular disease
ID (Dan) imprintingdefekt
I&D (Eng) incision and drainage
Id (Eng) idiotype
i.d. (Eng) intradermal(ly)
id (Eng) infectious disease
IDA (Eng) Interchange of Data between Administrations
IDB (Fr) Investigator’s Drug Brochure
IDC (Eng) in-dwelling catheter
IDD (Span) internación domiciliaria diferencial
IDDM (Eng) insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
IDE (Fr) infirmier/infirmière diplômé(e) d’état (= SRN)
IDEC (Fr) inhibiteur de l’enzyme de conversion de l’angiotensine
IDET (Eng) intradiscal electrothermal therapy
IDF (Dan) Immun Defekt Foreningen
IDM (Fr) infarctus du myocarde
IDP (Fr) indice de disribution des plaquettes
IDSA (Eng) irritability, depression, self-irritability, anxiety
IDL (Eng) intermediate-density lipoprotein
IDM (Fr) infarctus du myocarde
IDR (Eng) intradermal
IDU (Eng) intravenous drug user
IDV (Eng) intermittent demand ventilation
IDW (Eng) ideal body weight
IE (Dan) infektiøs endokardit
I&E (Eng) Instrumentation and Equipment
I-Ebene (Ger) Interspinalebene [Hodge’s planes]
IEC (Eng) independent ethics committee
IECA (Fr) inhibiteurs de l'enzyme de conversion de l'angiotensine
IECAS (Span) inhibidores des enzima de conversión de la angiotensina
IEE (Span) immunoensayo de enzimas (= EIA)
IEG (Eng) immediate early gene
IEL (Eng) intra-epithelial lymphocytes
IELT (Eng) intravaginal ejaculation latency time
IELTS (Eng) international English language testing system
IEP (Fr) imunoélectrophorèse
IEPS (Fr) immunoélectrophorèse des protéines sériques
IES (Span) índice de eritrosedimentación (= ESR)
IF (Eng) intrinsic factor
IFA (Eng) immunofluorescent antibody
IFAH (Eng) International Federation for Animal Health
IFAT (Eng) Immunofluorescent Antibody Test
IFD (Fr) immunofluorescence directe
IFG (Eng) impared fasting glucose
IFI (Fr) immunofluorescence indirecte
IFLG (Eng) improved formate lactose glutamate
IFM (Fr) Intergroupe Francophone du Myélome
IFN (Dan ) interferon
IFOE (Dan) idiopatisk fotosensitiv occipital epilepsi
IFPMA (Eng) International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations
IfSG (Ger) Infektionsschutzgesetz
IFST (Eng) International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth
IFT (Eng) indirect fluorescence test
IG (Dutch) intensieve geneeskunde
Ig (Eng) immunoglobulin
IgA (Eng) immunoglobulin A
IGD (Span) infección gonocócica diseminada
IgD (Eng) immunoglobulin D
IgE (Eng) immunoglobulin E
IGF (Eng) insulin-like growth factor
IGFBP (Eng) insulin-like growth factor-binding protein
IGFIR (Eng) insulin-line growth factor I-receptor
igG (Eng) immunoglobulin G
IgG anti-D (Dan) anti-D immunoglobulin
IGGSD (Eng) IgG subclass defect
IGM (Swe) informationsgranskningsmannen
IgM (Eng) immunoglobulin M
IGPA (Eng) International Generic Pharmaceutical Alliance
IGR (Fr) Institut Gustave Roussy
IGRA (Eng) interferon-gamma releases assays
IGS (Eng) isotonic glucose solution
IGT (Eng) impaired glucose tolerance
IGV (Fr) Institut Gustave Roussy
IGVG (Dutch) Instituut voor Geneesmiddelen, Veiligheid en Gedrag
IGZ (Dutch) Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg
IH (Eng) inguinal hernia
IHA (Eng) indirect haemagglutination--IHA test
IHC (Eng) inner hair cells (of ear)
IHD (Eng) ischaemic heart disease
IHE (Swe) Institutet för hälso- och sjukvårdsekonomi (Lund)
IHEA (Eng) International Health Economics Association
IHN (Fr) insuffisance hépatique néonatale
IHP (Fr) interne des hôpitaux de Paris
IHS (Dan) iskæmisk hjertesygdom
IHSS (Eng) idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
II (Eng) icteric index
IIA (Fr) invagination intestinale aiguë
IIEF (Eng) International Index of Erectile Function
IIF (Ger) indirekte Immunofluoreszenz
IJ (Eng) internal jugular
i.k. (Dan) ikke kendt
IK (Ger) Institutionskennzeichen
IKA (Dutch) Integraal Kankercentrum Amsterdam
IKC's (Dutch) integrale kankercentra
IKER (Dutch) incrementele kosteneffektiviteitsratio
IKMN (Dutch) Integraal Kankercentrum Midden Nederland
IKR (Dutch) Integraal Kankercentrum Rotterdam
IKRK (Ger) Internationales Komitee des Roten Kreuzes
IKS (Ger) Interkantonale Kontrollstelle für Heilmittel
IKST (Dutch) Integraal Kankercentrum Stedendriehoek Twente
IKZ (Dutch) Integraal Kankercentrum Zuid
IL (Dan) interleukin
IL 1, 2, 3, etc. (Eng) interleukin 1, 2, 3, etc.
IL-2Ra (Eng) interleukin 2 receptor antagonist
ILAE (Eng) International League Against Epilepsy
ILCOR (Eng) Interntional Liaison Committee on Resuscitation
ILD (Eng) interstitial lung disease
ILI (Eng) influenza-like illness
ILP (Eng) isolated limb perfusion
ILS (Dan) influenzalignende symptomer
ILVD (Eng) ischaemic left ventricular dysfunction
ILVEN (Eng) infllammatory linear verrucous epidermal naevus
im (Eng) intramuscular (ly)
IM (Eng) intramuscular
IMA (Eng) internal mammary artery
IMACS (Eng) Image Management Archiving and Communication System
IMAO (Fr) inhibiteur de la monoamine oxydase
IMB (Eng) intermenstrual bleeding
IMC (Fr) insuffisance motrice cérébrale (= cerebral palsy)
IMCA (Eng) Icelandic Medicines Control Agency (Lyfjastofnun)
IMCI (Eng) Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
IMCL (Eng) intramyocellular lipid
IMD (Dutch) intima-mediadikte
IMG (Fr) interne en médecine générale
IMI (Eng) inferior myocardial infarction
IMIG (Eng) intramuscular immunoglobulin
IML (Fr) Institut Médico-Légal
IMLS (Eng) internal mammary lymphoscintigraphy
IMM (Fr) Institut Mutualiste Montsouris
IMO (Ital) [arteria del] margine ottuso
IMOC (Fr) insuffisance moteur cérébral
IMP (Eng) investigational materials plan
IMPD (Eng) investigational medicinal product dossier
IMRAD (Eng) introduction, matreials and methods, results and discussion
IMRT (Dan) intensitetsmoduleret radioterapi
IMS (Fr) inspection médicale scolaire
IMSS (Span) Instituto mexicano de seguridad social
IMT (Dan) intima media-tykkelse
IMV (Eng) intermittent mandatory ventilation
IN (Fr) infection nosocomiale
i.n. (Eng) intranasal (ly)
INA (Norw) ikke nærmere angitt [= NOS]
INAIL (Ital) Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione Contro Infortuni sul Lavoro
INAMI (Fr) Institut National d'Assurance Maladie Invalidité
INASTI (Fr) Institut National d’Assurance Sociale pour Travailleurs Indépendants
INC (Span) incompleto
INC AB (Eng) incomplete abortion
INCI (Eng) International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients
INCQS (Port) Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade em Saúde
IND (Eng) indomethacin
INDA (Enf) Investigational New Drug Application (US)
INDO () indomethacin
INDSR (Eng) investigational new drug safety report
inf (Eng) inferior
INF (Eng) interferon
INFRAMED (Port) Instituto nacional de farmácia e do medicamento
Infl (Fr) inflammatoire
infl (Swe) inflammation
inh. (Span) inhalación
INHTA (Eng) International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment
inj (Eng) inject
inkomp (Swe) inkompensation
INM (Span) inmunologia
INMi (Ital) Instituto Nazionale Malattie Infettive
INN (Eng) international non-proprietary name
INNTI (Fr) inhibiteur non nucléosidique de la transcripase inverse
INO (Eng) internuclear ophthalmoplegia
iNOS (Dan) inducérbar nitrogenoxidsyntase
INPS (Ital) Istituto Nazionale della Previdenzia Sociale
INR (Eng) international normalised ratio
INRCA (Ital) Istituto Nazionale Riposo e Cura Anziani
inrem (Swe) inremitterad
INRS (Fr) Institut Nationale de Recherche et de Sécurité
INS (Eng) International Network Services
INSEE (Fr) Institut national de statistiques et des études économiques
INSERM (Fr) Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale
INSP (Eng) inspiration
insuff (Swe) insufficiens
INT (Fr) intubation naso trachéale
int (Eng) internal
INTI (Fr) inhibiteurs nucléosidiques de la transcriptase inverse (du VIH) (= NRTI)
INVIMA (Span) Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos (Colombia)
INVS (Fr) Institut de veille sanitatire
IO (Eng) intraosseous
IOA (Span) incontinencia de orina de apremio
IOC (Eng) intraoperative cholangiography
IOE (Span) incontinencia de orina de esfuerzo
IOEO (Eng) intraoral and extraoral examination
I&O (Eng) input and output
IOD (Dutch) intra-oculaire druk
IOL (Eng) intraocular lens
IOP (Eng) intraocular pressure
IOPC (Eng) inducible osteogenic precursor cell
IOPS (Fr) indemne d’organismes pathogènes spécifiques (= SPF)
IOT (Fr) intubation oro-trachéale
IOTC (Eng) International Obesity Task Force
IOV (Eng) iso-oscillatory volume
IP (Dan) intraperitonealt
IP3 (Eng) inositol triphosphate
i.p. (Eng) intraperitoneal(ly)
IPAP (Eng) inspiratory positive airway pressure
IPB (Ital) ipertrofia prostatica benigna
IPBV (Eng) intrapulmonary blood volume
IPC (Eng) in-process control
IPCI (Eng) integrated primary care information
IPE (Fr) insuffisance pancréatique exogène
IPEC (Eng) International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council
IPEX (Eng) immunodysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked
IPF (Dan) idiopatisk lungefibrose
IPG (Eng) impedance plethysmography
IPI (Eng) International Product Information
IPK (Ger) In-Prozeß-Kontrolle (= IPC)
IPL (Dan) intenst pulserende lys
IPM (Eng) in-process material
IPNP (Eng) intermittent positive negative pressure ventilation
IPOPI (Eng) International Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiency
IPP (Eng) intermittent positive pressure
IPPA (Eng) inspect, palpate, percuss, auscultate
IPPB (Eng) intermittent positive pressure breathing
IPPV (Eng) intermittent positive pressure ventilation
IPRG (Eng) interdisciplinary pharmacogenomics review group
IPRO (Eng) independent pharmaceutical research organization
IPS (Eng) systolic pressure index.
IPSC (Fr) index de pression systolique de cheville
IPSP (Ger) inhibitorisches postsynaptisches Potential
IPSS (Eng) International Prostate Symptom Score
IPT (Eng) intermittent preventive (or presumptive) therapy [for malaria]
IP-TFS (Dan) industrielt fremstillet transfedtsyre
IPTi (Eng) intermittent preventive (or presumptive) therapy in infants
IPTp (Eng) intermittent preventive (or presumptive) therapy in pregnancy
IPV (Eng) inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine
IQ (Eng) installation qualification
IQR (Eng) inter-quartile range
IQS (Eng) International Quality Standards
IR (Eng) immediate release
I/R (Fr) ischémie - reperfusion
IRA (Dan) ileorektal anastomose
IRB (Eng) institutional review board
IRBBB (Eng) incomplete right bundle branch block
IRC (Fr) insuffisance rénale chronique
IRCCS (Ital) Istituto di recovero e cura e carettere scientifico
IRCT (Eng) International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims
IRD (Eng) immune restoration disease
IRDS (Eng) infant respiratory distress syndrome
IRENA (Ger) intensivierte Rehabilitationsnachsorge
IRF (Dan) Institut for Rationel Farmacoterapi
IR genes (Eng) immune response genes
gènes IR (Fr) gènes de réponse immune
IRI (Eng) immunoreactive insulin
IRLSSG (Eng) International Restless Legs Syndrome Group
IRM (Fr) imagerie par résonance magnétique
IRMA (Eng) intraretinal microvascular abnormalities
IRMS (Eng) isotope ratio mass spectrometry
IRPTC (Eng) International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals
IRRC (Dan) ikke-resektabel rectumcancer [ICD C20.9]
IRS (Dan) insulinreceptorsubstrat
IRSC (Fr) Institut de Recherche sur le Cancer
IRSNA (Fr) Inhibiteurs de la Recapture de la Sérotonine et de la Noradrénaline
IRT (Eng) isovolumetric relaxation time
IRV (Eng) inspiratory reserve volume
IS (Dan) infantil spasme (= Wests syndrom)
i.S. (Ger) in serum
ISA (Eng) intrinsic sympathomimetic action
ISAGA (Eng) immunosorbent agglutination assay
ISAM (Eng) Intravenous-streptokinase-in-acute-myocardial-infarction study (American)
ISD (Fr) index systolique de pression distale
ISE (Eng) integrated summary of efficacy
ISFTeH (Eng) International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth
ISG (Ger) Iliosakralgelenk
ISGA (Eng) Investigator's Stated Global Assessment
ISGC (Fr) Inventaire et Surfaces Grandes Cultures
ISI (Eng) Institute for Scientific Information (see also NIQ)
ISIS (Dutch) infectieziekte surveillance informatiesysteem
ISL (Fr) insuffisance surrénalienne lente
ISM (Eng) intrinsic sympathomimetic (activity)
ISO (Eng) International Standards Organisation
ISOP (Eng) isoproterenol
ISP (Fr) intérêt de santé public
ISPA (Fr) intérêt de santé public attendu
ISPAD (Eng) International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes
ISPE (Eng) International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering
ISQ (Latin) in status quo (= nothing has changed)
ISRB (Eng) Integrated Summary of Risk Benefit
ISRRT (Eng) International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists
ISRS (Fr) inhibiteur sélectif de la recapture de la sérotonine
ISRSNA (Fr) inhibiteurs spécifique de la recapture de la sérotonine et de la noradrénaline
ISS (Eng) International Severity Score
ISSCR (Eng) International Society for Stem Cell Research
ISSD (Eng) infantile sialic acid storage disease
ISSH (Eng) idiopathic subvalvular septal hypertrophy
IST (Eng) Isaacs set test
ISTAHC (Eng) International Society for Health Technology Assessment in Health Care
ISTM (Eng) International Society of Travel Medicine
ISUP (Eng) International Society of Urologic Pathology
IT (Eng) intrathecal(ly)
ITA (Dan) intensivafsnit
ITBV (Eng) intrathoracic blood volume
ITE (Dutch) Intensieve Therapie Eenheid
ITG (Fr) interruption thérapeutique de grossesse
ITL (Fr) indice de thyroxine libre
ITN (Ger) Intubationsnarkose
ITP (Dan) idiopatisk trombocytopenisk purpura
i. Tr. (Ger.) im Trockenzustand
ITT (Fr) incapacité totale temporaire
ITTV (Dan) intratorakalt termalt volumen
ITU (Eng) intensive therapy unit
ITV (Fr) Intégrale temps-vitesse
IU (Eng) international unit
IUAC (Eng) International Union Against Cancer
IUB (Dan) individual ukonventionel behandling
IUCD (Eng) intrauterine contraceptive device
IUD (Eng) intrauterine device
IUFD (Eng) intra-uterine fetal demise
IUGR (Eng) intrauterine growth retardation
IUIS (Eng) International Union of Immunological Societies
IUM (Eng) intrauterine monitoring
IUP (Eng) intrauterine pregnancy
IUPAC (Eng) International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
IUPC (Eng) intra-uterine pressure catheter
IUS (Dutch) intra-uterien systeem
IUU (Port) incontinência urinária de urgência
IV (Ger) Interferenzvisus
iv (Eng) intravenous(ly)
IV (Eng) inspired volume
IVA (Eng) inferior interventricular artery
IVAK (Swe) intensiv akut
IVAS (Port) infeccão de vias aéreas superiores
IVB (Fr) insuffisance vertébrobasilaire
IVC (Eng) inferior vena cava
IVD (Eng) in-vitro diagnostics
IVDA (Eng) intravenous drug abuser
IVDD (Eng) In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive (EU)
IVDK (Ger) Informationsverbund Dermatologischer Kliniken (Information Network of Departments of Dermatology)
IVDU (Eng) intravenous drug user/use
IVF (Eng) in-vitro fertilization
IVG (Fr) insufficance ventriculaire gauche
IV-GGT (Eng) intravenous glucose tolerance test
IVH (Fr) insufficance ventriculaire hypertrophe
IVIG (Eng) intravenous immunoglobulin
IVL (Fr) intra veineux lent
i.V.m. (Ger) in Verbindung mit
IVI (Eng) intravenous infusion
IVL (Fr) intraveineux lent
IVONT (Eng) in-vitro ovum nuclear transplantation
IVP (Eng) intravenous pyelography/pyelogram
IVRI (Fr) infections des voies respiratoires inférieures
IVRS (Eng) interactive voice randomisation service
IVRT (Eng) isovolumic relaxation time
IVS (Eng) intra-vaginal slingplasty
I/V/S (Fr) intubé ventilé sédaté
IVSd (Eng) interventricular septum diastole
IVSE (Fr) (perfusion) intraveineuse à la seringue électrique
IVU (Eng) intravenous urogram/urography
IVUS (Dan) intrakoronar ultralydsskanning
Ix (Eng) investigations
IY (Span) ingurgitación yugular
IZD (Span) izquierdo
J (Eng) jaundice
j (Fr) jour
JA (Fr) jambier antérieur
JACCOL (Eng) jaundice, anaemia, clubbing, cyanosis, oedema, lymphadenopathy
JAE (Dan) juvenilabsenceepilepsi
JAK (Dan) Janus-kinase
JAMA (Eng) Journal of the American Medical Association
JB (Fr) jambier postérieur
JC (Span) juicio clinico
JCA (Eng) juvenile chronic arthritis
JCPTGP (Eng) Joint Committee for Postgraduate Testing in General Practice
JCR (Eng) Journal Citation Reports
JE (Dan) japansk encefalitis
Jejuno (Fr) jéjunostomie
Jg (Ger) Jäger Lesetafeln
JGA (Eng) juxtaglomerular apparatus
JGZ (Dutch) Jeugdgezondheitszorg
JH (Eng) juvenile hormone
JI (Swe) järninlagring
JIA (Dan) juvenil idiopatisk artrit
JIG (Eng) Joint Implementation Group
J&J (Eng) Johnson & Johnson
JK (Ger) jetzige Krankheit
JL (Ger) jetziges Leiden
JMA (Eng) Japan Medical Association
JMF (Eng) Jeffre Modell Foundation
JNDA (Eng) Japanese Drug Application
JP (Eng) jugular pulse
JPC (Eng) Japanese Pharmaceutical Codex
JPMA (Eng) Japanese Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association
jr. (Dan) journal
JL (Ger) jetziges Leiden
JPh (Dutch) Janssen Pharmaceutica
JRA (Eng) juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
JVD (Eng) jugular venous distension
JVP (Eng) jugular venous pressure
K (Eng) knee jerk/reflex
KA (Ger) Krankheitsanamnese
k.A. (Ger) keine Angaben
KA (Fr) constante d’association
KAD (Dan) kateter à demeure
KAG (Dan) koronar arteriografi/angiografi
KAI (Ger) Knöchel-Arm-Index
KAP (Dutch) konijn anti-paard-totaalserum
KAPP (Eng) Karolinska Psychodynamic Profile
KAR (Dutch ) konijn anti-rund totaalserum
KAS (Dan) Københavns Amtssygehus(e)
KASAM (Swe) känsla av sammanhang
KBC (Swe) konsultations- och behandlingscentral
KBE (Ger) koloniebildende Einheit (see CFU)
kbp (Eng) kilobase pair
KBR (Ger) Komplementbindungsreaktion
KBT (Swe) kognitiv beteendeterapi
KBU (Dan) klinisk brystundersøgelse
KBV (Ger) kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung
KCA (Dutch) klein chemisch afval
kcal (Eng) kilocalorie (food calorie)
KCS (Eng) keratoconjunctivitis sicca
kD (Eng) kilodalton
KD (Fr) constante de dissociation
KDM (Eng) known diabetes mellitus
KE (Dan) kapselendoskopi
KEA (Dutch) kosteneffectiviteitsanalyse
KEB (Ger) kleine Eigenblutbehandlung
KEK (Dan) kontrastekkokardiografi
kel (Eng) elimination rate constant
KELA (Fi) Kansaneläkelaitos (= Social Insurance Institution of Finland)
kem (Swe) kemisk(t)
KemI (Swe) Kemikalieinspektionen (= Swedish Chemicals Agency)
KET () ketoprofen
KETO (Swe) ketolifen
KF (Dan) knæfleksioner
KFU (Dan) Komitéen Flygtninge Under Jorden
KG (Ger) Körpergewicht
KGW (Ger) Körpergewicht
KH (Dutch) koolhydraten
Kh. (Ger) Krankheit
KHF (Dan) knæ-hæl forsøg
KHG (Ger) Krankenhausfinanzierungsgesetz
KHI (Dan) kronisk hjerteinsufficiens
KHK (Ger) koronare Herzkrankheit
KHV (Ger) Knie-Hacken-Versuch (heel-knee(-shin) test)
KI (Dan) kernikterus (klassisk akut bilirubin encefalopati)
Ki (Fr) constante d’inhibition
KIA (Dan) klinisk immunologisk afdeling
KIBA (Swe) kirurgisk intensivbehandlingsavdelning
KI DS (Swe) Karolinska Institutet Danderyds Sjukhus
KIM-KIT (Dan) kan ikke maskeventileres - kan ikke trakealintuberes
KIP (Eng) kinase inhibitory protein
kir (Swe) kirurgisk
kir. (Fi) kirurgia, kirurginen (surgery, surgical)
KIS (Ger) Krakenhausinformationssystem
KISS (Dan) kvalitet i Sønderjyllands sundhedsvæsen
KIU (Eng) kallidinogase inactivating unit
KIVA (Swe) kirurgisk intensivvårdsavdelning
KJ (Eng) knee jerk
KJGD (Ger) Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitsdienst
KK (Ger) Kleinkind
KKA (Dan) Klinisk Kemisk Afdeling
KKS (Ger) Kallikrein-Kinin-System
k.k. Vz. (Ger) keine knocherne Verletzungszeichen
KL (Ger) Körperlänge
Kl. (Ger) Klappe (= extension, Austria)
kl. (Dutch) klachten
KLBB (Ger) kleines Blutbild
KLEM (Dutch) Vereniging van Klinisch Embryologen
KLH (Eng) keyhole lymphet haemocyanin
Klifo (Ger) klinische Forschung
klin (Swe) klinik, klinisk
KLL (Fi) krooninen lymfaattinen leukemia (= CLL, qv)
KLV (Ger) Krankenpflege-Leistungsverordnung
KM (Ger) Kontrastmittel
Km (Fr) constante de Michaelis-Menten
KMA (Ger) Kuhmilch-Allergie
KML (Swe) kronisk myeloisk leukemi
KMP (Ger) Knochenmarkpunktion
KMS (Dan) Klinisk Måle System (database system)
KMT (Dan) knoglemarvstransplantation
KM-U (Ger) Kontrastmitteluntersuchung
KNMG (Dutch) Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging ter bevordering van de Geneeskunde
KNMP (Dutch) Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij ter bevordering der Pharmacie [Royal Dutch Association for the Advancement of Pharmacy]
KNO (Dutch) keel, neus en oor(heelkunde)
KO (Dan) konventionel operativ teknik
Ko. (Ger) Kontrolle (follow-up)
KOF (Dan) Kræftplan og Forskning [committee]
KÖF (Ger) (Aorten-)Klappenöffnungsfläche
KOL (Swe) kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom
KOLS (Norw) kronisk obstruktiv lungesykdom
komm. (Ger) kommissarisch (= acting)
Konf. (Norw) Konferere (= check, compare)
KOPAC B (Dutch) kwaliteit, ontstekingsverschijnselen, plaveiselepitheel, andere afwijkingen endometrium, cilinderepitheel endocervix; 'B' = boordeelbaarheid van het uitstrijkpreparaat
KP (Dan) kardiopulmonalt
kp (Eng) kiloponds
KPR (Dutch) kniepeesreflex
KPS (Fr) kératite ponctuéesuperficielle
Kps (Ger) Kapsel
KPTT (Span) tiempo de tromboplastina parcial activada con kaolin
KRA (Swe) kommunens rehabilitationsavdelning
KRAM (Dan) kost, rygning, alkohol og motion [risikofaktorer]
KRC (Dan) kolorektal cancer
kron (Swe) kronisk(t)
KRS (Dan) kronisk rhinosinuitis
KS (Eng) Karposi’s sarcoma
K-SADS (Eng) Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia
KSD (Swe) kammarseptumdefekt
KSDH (Dan) kronisk subduralt hæmatom
KST (Ger) Kostenstelle
KSTH (Ger) Kreislaufstillstand in tiefer Hypothermie
KSVLS (Dan) kronisk systemisk vaskulær lækagesyndrom
KT (Dutch) kamertemperatuur
KTD (Dan) karnitintransporterdefekt
KTP (Eng) potassium titanyl phosphate
KTQ (Ger) Kooperation für Transparenz und Qualität
KTS (Dan) karpaltunnelsyndrom
ktr. (Norw.) kontroll
KTVO (Fr) cathéterisme veine ombilicale
KU (Ger) Kopfumfang
KÜ (Ger) Kostenübernahme
KUA (Dutch) kostenutiliteitsanalyse
KUB (Eng) kidneys, ureters, bladder (= abdominal X-ray)
KVAI (Dan) kollegial vejledning om abort og indvandrerkvinder
KVE (Dutch) kolonievormende eenheden
KVG (Ger) Krankenversicherungsgesetz
KVIS (Dan) kvalitetsudvikling i speciallægepraksis
KVO (Eng) keep vein open
KVP (Fi) keskiverenpaine (= mean arterial pressure)
KW (Ger) Kohlenwasserstoff
KY (Fi) kansainvälinen yksikkö (= International Unit, IU)
KZH (Ger) Kinderzahnheilkunde
KzH (Ger) krank zu Hause
L (Eng) long/oblique diameter (cardiology)
LA (Eng) local anaesthesia
l.a. (Latin) lege artis
l a (Swe) lokalanestesi
LA/Ao ratio (Eng) ratio of left atrial diameter to aortic diameter
lab (Eng) laboratory
LABA (Dan) langtidsvirkende beta-2-agonist
LAC (Eng) laceration
LABC (Latin) lymphadenosis benigna cutis
LACI (Eng) lacunar infarct
LAD (Eng) left anterior descending (coronary artery)
LADd (Eng) left anterior descending distal
LADm (Eng) left anterior descending mid
LADp (Eng) left anterior descending proximal
LAE (Span) leukemia aguda eritroide
LAF (Eng) laminar air flow
LAGB (Eng) laparascopic adjustable gastric banding
LAH (Eng) left anterior hemiblock
LAHB (Eng) left anterior hemiblock
LAI (Eng) leukocyte adhesion inhibition
Läk (Swe) läkare
LAL (Fr) leucémie aiguë lymphoblastique
LaL (Eng) Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate Test
LAM (Eng) Laboratory Animal Medicine
LAMA (Fr) liquide amniotique méconiale ancien
LAMega (Span) leucemia aguda megacariocitica
LAMF (Fr) liquide amniotique méconiale frais
LAMMo (Span) leucemia aguda mielomonocitica
LAMo (Span) leucemia aguda monocitica
LAO (Eng) left anterior oblique
LAP (Eng) left atrial pressure
lap (Eng) laparoscopy
lap chole (Eng) laparoscopic cholecystectomy
LAR (Eng) left anterior resection
Lareb (Dutch) stichting Landelijke Registratie en Evaluatie Bijwerkingen [National Registration and Evaluation of Side-Effects Trust]
LAS (Eng) low amplitude signals [cardiology]
las (Swe) lasarett
LASIK (Dan) laser in situ keratomeliusis
lat (Eng) lateral
LAT (Dan) antistofundersøgelse for legionella
LATer (Ital) legge sugli agenti terapeutici [Switzerland]
LATS (Eng) long-acting thyroid stimulator
LAVH (Dan) laparoskopisk assisteret vaginal hysterektomi
LB (Dan) livstruende blødning
LBA (Fr) lavage broncho-alvéolaire
LBB (Eng) left-bundle branch
LBBB (Eng) left bundle branch block
LBC (Eng) liquid-based cytology
LBD (Eng) Lewy body dementia
LBO (Eng) large bowel obstruction
LBP (Eng) low back pain
LBS (Eng) liver biopsy specimen
LBTB (Dutch) linker bundeltak blokkade
LBW (Eng) lean body weight
LC (Eng) laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Lc (Ital) leucociti
l.c. (Ital) limite di confidenza
L&C (Eng) light and convergence
LC2 (Eng) low copy cluster 2 (tuberculosis subtype)
LCA (Eng) left coronary artery
LCAE (Fr) ligament croisé antéro-externe
LCAO (Eng) linear combination of atomic orbitals
LCAT (Eng) lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase
LCC (Fr) longueur crânio-caudale (= CRL)
LCD (Eng) low-calorie diet
LCF (Span) latidos cardíacos fetales
LCH (Eng) left heart cath
LCI (Dutch) Landelijke Coördinatiestructuur Infectiebestrijding
LCIS (Eng) lobular carcinoma in situ
LCL (Eng) lateral collateral ligament
LCM (Eng) left costal margin
LC/MS (Eng) liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
LC/MS/MS (Eng) liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
LCP (Fr) ligament croisé postérieur
LCPUFA (Eng) long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
LCR (Eng) ligase chain reaction
LCS (Eng) low constant suction
LCX/LCx (Eng) left circumflex
LCXd (Eng) left circumflex distal
LCXp (Eng) left circumflex proximal
LD50 (Eng) lethall dose 50%
LD (Dan) loopdiuretika
L&D (Eng) labour and delivery
LDA (Eng) left dorso-anterior position (of foetus)
LDC-c (Eng) cholesterol contained in LDL lipoproteins
LDF (Eng) laser Doppler flow
LDH (Dan) laktatdehydrogenase
LDL (Eng) low-density lipoprotein
LDM (Eng) low-density microsomes
LDR (Eng) low dose radiation
LDT (Fr) ligature des trompes
LE (Dan) lungeemboli
LEAD (Fr) lupus érythémateux aigu disséminé
LEC (Fr) liquide extra-cellulaire
LECOc (Fr) lithotrities extra-corporelle par onde de choc
LED (Dan) lavenergidiæt
LEEM (Fr) Les Entreprises du Médicament
LEEP (Eng) loop electrical excision of portio (of cervix) (aka LLETZ or LOOP)
LEF (Dan) lavenergifraktur
leg läk (Swe) legitimerad läkare
LEHR (Eng) low-energy high-resolution
LEI (Fr) limitante élastique interne
LEMP (Fr) leucoencéphalopathie multifocale progressive
LEO (Span) lesión ocupante de espacio
LEOCH (Span) litrotripisa extracorpórea con ondas de choque (= ESWL)
LER (Port) lesão por esforço repetitivo
LES (Eng) lower esophageal sphincter
LEU (Span) leucocitos
LF (Eng) lethal factor
LFOV (Eng) large field of view
LFP (Eng) liver function parameters
LFT (Eng) liver function test
LFU (Dan) lungfunktionsundersøgelse
LG (Dutch) levend gewicht
lg (Swe) lönegrad (in employment certificates, etc.)
LGA (Eng) large for gestational age
LGBT (Eng) lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons
LGC (Span) leukemia granulocítica crónica
LGV (Latin) lymphograloma venereum
LGI (Eng) lower gastrointesinal
LGIB (Eng) lower gastrointestinal bleed
LGL (Eng) large granular lymphocyte
lgll (Latin) lymphoglandulae
LGM (Fr) lesion glomérulaire minime
LGMD (Eng) limb girdle muscular dystrophy
LGV (Fr) lymphogranulome vénérienne
lf-Stufen (Ger) logarithmische Stufen
LH (Eng) luteinising hormone
LHF (Eng) left-sided heart failure
LHK (Ger) Linksherzkatheter
LHRF (Eng) luteinising hormone releasing factor
LHRH (Eng) luteinising hormone releasing hormone
LHV (Dutch) Landelijke Huisartsenvereniging [National Association of General Practitioners]
LI (Dan) Lægemiddelinformationscentralen
LIAB (Ital) laparoisterectomia con annessiectomia bilaterale
LIC (Dan) jernkoncentration i leveren
LID (Fr) lobe inférieur droit
LIF (Dan) Lægemiddelindustriforeningen (Danish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry)
LIG (Fr) lobe inférieur gauche
LIH (Eng) left inguinal hernia
LII (Span) lóbulo inferior izquierdo
LIG (Fr) lobe inférieur gauche
LIMA (Eng) left interior/internal mammary artery
LIMS (Eng) Laboratory Information Management System
LIN (Fr) limite inférieure normale
LINF (Span) linfocitos
LIO (Span) lente intraocular
LIPCOF (Eng) lid parallel cojunctival folds
LIPS (Fr) Laboratoire Interrégional de Police Scientifique
LIQ (Span) liquido
LIS (Ger) Laborinformationssystem
LISA (Fr) Libre Service Agricole
Ll (Swe) Länsläkare
LIF (Swe) Läkemedelsindustriföreningen
LINFO (Swe) Läkemedelsinformation AB
LISS (Eng) low ionic strength solution
LITA (Eng) left interior thoracic artery
LK (Dan) laparoskopisk kolecystektomi
LKCT (Dan) leukocyttype
LKH (Dutch) linkerkamerhypertrofie
LKKS (Eng) liver, kidney, kidney, spleen
LKM (Eng) liver-kidney microsome
LKP (Ger) Leiter der klinischen Prüfung
LKS (Ger) Lymphknotenschwellung
LKZ (Ger) Lebendkeimzahl
LL (Port) látero lateral
LLA (Fr) leucémie lympholastique aiguë
LLC (Fr) leucémie lymphoïde chronique
LLE (Eng) left lower extremity
LLETZ (Eng) large loop excision of transformation zone (aka LOOP or LEEP)
LLI (Fr) ligament lateral intérieur/interne
LLQ (Eng) left lower quadrant
LLL (Eng) left lower lobe (lung)
LLQ (Eng) left lower quadrant (abdomen)
LLSB (Eng) left lower sternal border
LLT (Eng) low-level term
LL-verpleeg- (Dutch) leerlingverpleegkundige
kundige ()
LM (Eng) light microscopy
Lm (Swe) läkemedel
LMA (Eng) laryngeal mask airway
LMBG (Ger) Lebensmittel- und Bedarfsgegenständegesetz
LMC (Fr) leucémie myéloïde chronique
LMCA (Eng) left main coronary artery
LMD (Eng) local medical doctor
LME (Dan) lægemiddelmetaboliserende enzym
LMH (Eng) low-molecular heparin
LMI (Eng) leucocyte migration inihibition (immunology)
LMKV (Ger) Lebensmittelkennzeichnungsverordnung
LMM (Eng) lentigo (/lentiginous) maligna melanoma
LMMC (Fr) leucémie myelomonocytaire chronique
LMN (Eng) lower motor neurone
L+M+N- (Fr) pupilles réactives à la lumière, yeux mobiles, pas de nystagme
LMNL (Eng) lower motor neuron lesion
LMNP (Eng) last menstrual normal period
LMP (Eng) last menstrual period
LMR (Dutch) landelijke medische registratie
LMS (Dan) Lægemiddelstyrelsen
LMT (Fr) leucoencéphalopathie multifocale progressive
LMW (Eng) low molecular weight
LMWH (Eng) low molecular weight heparin
LN (Eng) lymph node
LND (Eng) lymph node dissection
LNG (Fr) lévonorgestrel
LNH (Fr) lymphome non-hodgkinien
LNMP (Eng) last normal menstrual period
LNS (Eng ) Lesch-Nyhn syndrome
LO (Dutch) lichamelijk onderzoek
Lo (Eng) lipoxygenase
LOA (Eng) left occiput anterior
LOAEL (Eng) lowest observed adverse effect level (toxicol.)
LOAL (Eng) lowest observed adverse effect level
LOC (Eng) loss of consciousness
LOCF (Eng) last observation carried forward
LOCM (Eng) low osmolality contrast medium
LOD (Eng) limit(s) of detection
LOE (Span) lesión ocupante de espacio
LOEL (Eng) lowest observed effect level (toxicol.)
LOES (Span) lesiones ocupantes del espacio
LOH (Eng) loss of heterozygosity
LOP (Eng) left occiput posterior
LOQ (Eng) limit(s) of quantification
LOS (Eng) lower oesophageal sphincter
LP (Eng) lumbar puncture
Lp (Eng) linearly polarised (in MR)
LPC (Eng) leukocyte particle concentration
LPGD (Fr) la plus grande distinction
LPH (Eng) left posterior hemiblock
LPK (Swe) leukocytpartikelconcentration
LPL (Fr) lipoprotéine lipase
lpm (Span) latidos por minuto
LPN (Eng) licensed practical nurse (US)
LPR (Dan) Landspatientregistret
LPRPDE (Fr) loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels et les documents électroniques (= PIPEDA, Canada)
LPS (Dan) lipopolysakkarid
LPT (Swe) lagen om pyskiatrisk tvångsvård (1991)
LPU (Dan) Den Landsdækkende Patienttilfredshedsundersøgelse
LPV (Fr) leucomalacie périventriculaire
LQ (Eng) lower quartile
LQTS (Dan) langt QT-syndrom
LR (Cat) limts de referència
LRD (Dan) lænderygdegeneration
LREC (Eng) local research ethics committee
LRM (Fr) Laboratoire de Recherches Macromoléculaires
LRS (Dan) lænderygsmerter
LRSI (Fr) loges rénales simples et indolores
LRT (Eng) lower respiratory tract
LRTD (Eng) lower respiratory tract disease
LRV (Swe) lag om rättspsykatrisk tvångsvård
L/S (Eng) lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio
LS (Eng) lumbosacral
Ls (Swe) lokalstatus (in diagnostics)
LSA (Eng) latex slide agglutination (test)
LSB (Eng) left sternal border
LSCS (Eng) lower segment caesarean section
LSCHE (Eng) laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy
LSD (Eng) lysergic acid diethylamide
LSE (Eng) left sternal edge
LSG (Fr) lobe supérieur gauche
LSI (Span) lóbulo superior izquierdo
LSIL (Dutch) laaggradige squameuze intra-epitheliale laesie
LSK (Ger) Laparoskopie
LSN (Fr) limite supérieure de la normale
LSPV (Swe) lagen om beredande av sluten psykiatrisk vård i vissa fall
LSS (Swe) Lagen on stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (Act Concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments)
LSU (Eng) life support unit
LSVC (Eng) left superior vena cava
LT (Dan) varmelabilt enterotoksin
lt (Eng) left
lt. (Ger) laut
LTA (Dutch) Landelijke Transmurale Afspraken [National Interdisciplinary Agreements]
LTE (Port) lobo esquerdo da tiróide
LTG (Ger) Low Tension Glaucoma
LTK (Ger) Laserthermokeratoplastik
LTL (Eng) laparoscopic tubal ligation
LTO (Swe) Lagen om tillfälligt omhändertagande
LTP (Eng) lipid transfer protein
LTS (Eng) lateral tarsal strip
LTV (Eng) long-term variability (fetal heart rate)
LTx (Eng) lung transplantation
LUC (Eng) large unstained cell
LUCAS (Eng) Lund University Cardiac Arrest System
LUE (Eng) left upper extremity
LUF (Fr) Lipiodol Ultra-Fluide
Lufu (Ger) Lungenfunktionsuntersuchung
LUL (Eng) left upper lobe (lung)
LULA (Dan) laparoskopi under lokal anæstesi
LUMC (Dutch) Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum
LUNA (Eng) laparoscopic uterosacral/uterine nerve ablation
LUQ (Eng) left upper quadrant (abdomen)
LUSCS (Eng) lower uterine segment caesarean section
LUT (Dan) urinantigenundersøgelse for legionella
LUTD (Eng) lower urinary tract dysfunction
LUTS (Eng) lower urinary tract symptoms
LuTu (Ger) Lungentumor
LV (Eng) left ventricle
LVA (Ger) Landesversicherungsansalt
LVAD (Eng) left ventricular assist device
LVD (Eng) left ventricular dilatation
LVED (Eng) left ventricular end-diastolic dimension
LVEDP (Eng) left ventricular end-diastolic pressure
LVEF (Eng) left ventricular ejection fraction
LVES (Eng) left ventricular end-systolic dimension
LVF (Eng) left ventricular failure
LVFS (Swe) Läkemedelsverkets författningssamling
LVFW (Eng) left ventricle free wall
LV FXN (Eng) left ventricular function
LVH (Eng) left ventricular hypertrophy
LVM (Swe) Lag om vård av missbrukare i vissa fall
L&W (Eng) living and well
LVAD (Eng) left ventricular assist device
LVD (Eng) left ventricular dysfunction
LVDd (Eng) left ventricular diameter diastole
LVDs (Eng) left ventricular diameter systole
LVEDD (Eng) left ventricular end-diastolic diameter
LVEDP (Eng) left-ventricular end-diastolic pressure
LVEF (Eng) left-ventricular ejection fraction
LVESD (Eng) left-ventricular end-systolic diameter
LVF (Eng) left ventricular failure
LVH (Dan) lavvolumenhospital
LVI (Eng) left ventricular deficiency
LVM (Swe) lagen om vård av missbrukare i vissa fall
LVMI (Eng) LV mass index
LVN (Eng) licensed vocational nurse
LVOT (Eng) left ventricle outflow tract
LVP (Eng) left ventricular pressure
LVPWd (Eng) left ventricular posterior wall diastole
LVPWs (Eng) left ventricular posterior wall systole
LVST (Eng) Lee Silverman voice therapy
LVSWI (Eng) left ventricular stroke work index
LVU (Swe) lagen om vård av unga [Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act]
L/W (Eng) living and well
L&W (Eng ) living ane well
LWS (Ger) Lendenwirbelsäule
LWZ (Dutch) lumbale wervelzuil
LYHKI (Fi) lyhythoitoinen kirurgia, lyhytkirurgia (short-stay surgery)
LYHS (Swe) lagen om yrkesverksamhet på hälso- och sjukvårdens område
LYS (Eng) life-year saved
LYTES (Eng) electrolytes
LZ (Eng) lower zone
LZ-EKG (Ger) Langzeitelektrokardiogram
M (Eng) monocyte
M+ (Fr) métastases
m (Eng) murmur
m. (Latin) misce
^m (Fr) même
M1 (Eng) [a segment (the most proximal) of the MCA]
MA (Dan) mucocele appendicis
MAA (Eng) marketing authorisation application
MAb (Eng) monoclonal antibody
MAC (Dutch) maximaal aanvaarde concentratie
MACE (Eng) major adverse cardovascular event
MAD (Eng) mean deviation (statistics)
MADC (Fr) matière azotée digestible cheval
MADD (Eng) mixed anxiety and depressive disorder
MADRS (Eng) Montgomery-Asberg Depression Scale
MADSAM (Eng) multifocal acquired sensory and motor neuropathy
MAF (Eng) macrophage activating factor
MAG (Eng) myelin-associated glycoprotein
MAggF (Eng) macrophage aggregation factor
MAGI (Eng) male accessory gland infection
MAH (Eng) marketing authorisation holder
MAI (Dutch) mitotische activiteit-index
MAIC (Fr) mycobacterium avium intracellulaire
MAJ (Fr) mise à jour
MAK (Ger) monoklonaler Antikörper
MAL (Eng) mid axillary line
MALT (Eng) mucosa/mucous/mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue
MALTOM (Eng) mucous membrane associated lymphocytoid tissue lymphoma
MAME (Eng) mid-air medical emergency
Mamo (Fr) mamographie
mane (Latin) in the morning
MAnr (Dan) markedføringstilladelsesnummer
MANOVA (Eng) multivariate analysis of variance
MAoBP (Eng) mean aortic blood pressure
MAO (Eng) monoamine oxidase
MAOI (Eng) monoamine oxidase inhibitor
MAoP (Eng) mean aortic pressure
MAP (Eng) magnesium - ammonium - phosphate
MAPA (Fr) monitoring ambulatoire de la pression artérielle
MAPC (Eng) multipotent adult progenitor cell
MAPCA (Eng) major aortopulmonary collateral artery
MAR (Dan) melanomassocieret retinopati
Marg (Ger) (der große) Marginalast
Marg2 (Fr) Marginale 2 (= OM2)
Marg3 (Fr) Marginale 3 (= OM3)
MARS (Eng) molecular adsorbents recirculating system
MARTHE (Fr) Mission d'Appui de la Réforme de la Tarification d'Hébergement en Etablissement
MAS () Eng
MASC (Eng) Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children
MASP (Eng) MBL-associated serin protease
massefr. (Dan) massefraktion
massek. (Dan) massekoncentration
massem. (Dan) massemængde
MAST (Eng) multiple allergen simultaneous test
MAT (Dan) mikroagglutinationstest
MAU (Eng) medical assessment unit
MAV (Fr) malformation artério-veineuse
MAVA (Swe) medicinsk akutvårdsavdelning
MB (Fr) mastopathie bénigne
Mb (Fr) member
MBC (Eng) minimum bactericidal concentration
MBI (Eng) minor brain injury
MBChB (Eng) Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MBL (Dan) mannosebindende lektin [tidligere mannanbindende protein]
MBP (Eng) major basic protein
MBq (Eng) millibecquerel
MBRVO (Eng) macular branch retinal vein occlusion
MBS (Eng) methyl methacrylate/butadiene/styrene
MBT (Dutch) maximaal toelaatbare blootstelling
MBUJ (Eng) membrano-bulbo-urethral junction
MC (Span) muestra coriónica
mc (Eng) millicurie
MC4R (Dan) melanocortin-4-receptoren
MCA (Dutch) Medisch Centrum Alkmaar
MCAD (Eng) medium chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase
MCAS (Eng) Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System
MCB (Eng) master cell bank
MCC (Eng) mother and child care (WHO)
MCD (Eng) mean cell diameter
MCE (Fr) massage cardiaque externe
MCF (Eng) macrophagic chemotactic factor
mcg (Eng) microgram
MCH (Eng) mean cell haemoglobin
MCHC (Eng) mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration
MCHP (Eng) methylhydroxy chalcone polymer
mCi () millicurie
MCID (Eng) minimal clinically important difference
MCJ (Fr) maladie Creutzfeldt-Jakob
MCL (Eng) mantle cell lymphoma
MCM (Port) masa corporal magra
MCO (Eng) managed care organisation
MCP (Dan) metacarpofalangeal
mCRC (Eng) metastatic colorectal cancer
MCS (Eng) master cell stock
M, C & S (Eng) microscopy, culture and sensitivity (of bacteria)
MCT (Eng) medium-chain triglycerides
MCTD (Eng) mixed connective tissue diseases
MCUG (Eng) micturition cystourography
MCUPH (Fr) maître de conference des universities – praticien hospitalier
MCUPHCD (Fr) maître de conference des universities – praticien hospitalier en odontologie
MCV (Dan) middelcellevolumen
MCW (Eng) maternal and child welfare
MD (Eng) multiple dose
MDA (Eng) methylenedioxyamphetamine
MDC (Eng) major diagnostic category
MdC (Ital) mezzo di contrasto
MDCT (Dan) multidetektor CT
MDD (Eng) Medical Devices Directive (EU)
MdE (Ger) Minderung der Erwerbsfähigkeit
MDEA (Eng) methylenedioxyethylamphetamine
MDF (Eng) myocardial depressant factor
MDI (Dan) methylen-diphenyl-diisocyanat
MDL (Dutch) maag, darm en lever
MDMA (Dan) 4-methylen-dioxy-meth-amphetamin (ecstasy)
MDR (Eng) multidrug resistance-related
MDRA (Eng) Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Affairs
MDRD (Eng) modification of the diet in renal disease
MDRTB (Eng) multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis
MDS (Dan) Miller-Dieker-syndrom
mds (Dutch) manisch-depressieve stoornis
MDT (Eng) mean dissolution time
MDV (Eng) mucosal disease virus
MDW (Dutch) Marktwerking, Deregulering en Wetgevingskwaliteit [Market Forces, Deregulation and Quality of Legislation]
ME (Eng) myalgic encephalomyelitis
MEA (Eng) multiple endocrine adenomatosis
MEB (Dutch) Medicines Evaluation Board (Netherlands)
MEC (Dutch) Medisch-Ethische Commissie
Mec (Eng) meconium
MECA (Eng) mecamylamine
MED (Eng) minimum erythema dose
med (Swe) medicinsk, medicin
med kand (Swe) medicine kandidat
med lic (Swe) medicine licentiat
med.gr. (Dan) medio gradu
MedDRA (Eng) Medical Dictionary for Drug Regulatory Affairs
mEDF (Eng) murine eosinophil detection factor
MEDIF (Eng) Medical Information Form
MEDLARS (Eng) Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System
MEDS (Eng) medicines
MEE (Eng) middle ear effusion
MEF (Eng) maximum expiratory flow
MEFZ (Dutch) mono-ethylfumaarzuur
MEFV (Eng) maximum expiratory flow volume
MEG (Eng) monoethylene glycol
MEH (Fr) méningoencéphalite herpétique
MEK (Eng) methyl ethyl ketone
MEL (Eng) maximum exposure limit
MELAS (Dan) myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes
MELS (Eng) membrane-enriched lauryl sulphate
MEM (Eng) minimal essential medium
MEN (Dan) multipel endokrin neoplasi
MENST (Dan) malign epiteloid nerveskedetumor
MEO (Span) músculos extraoculares
MEOI (Span) movimientos extraoculares intactos
MEOPA (Fr) mélange équimolaire d’oxygène et de protoxyde d'azote
MEOS (Eng) microsomal ethanol oxidising system
MEP (Span) meningoencefalitis purulenta
MEPY (Eng) mepyramine
mEq (Eng) milliequivalent
MER (Eng) molar esterification rate
MES (Eng) 2-[N-morpholino] ethanesulfonic acid
MeSeA (Eng) Medicinal eSubmission and eApproval [Belgium]
MET (Span) metílico
METC (Dutch) Medisch Ethische Toetsingscommissie (= Independent Review Board)
Metha (Eng) methacholine
MetHb (Eng) methaemoglobin
Méti-R (Fr) resistant à la méticilline
Mets (Eng) metastases
Méti-S (Fr) sensible à la méticilline
MF (Eng) myelofibrosis
MFAP4 (Dan) mikrofibril-associeret protein 4
MFE's (Dutch) multifunctionele eenheden
MFH (Eng) malignant fibrous histiocytoma
MFIU (Fr) mort foetale in utero
MFK (Fr) mastopathie fibrokystique
MFM (Eng) maternal fetal medicine
MFO (Eng) mixed function oxidase
MFR (Dan) mæslinger, fåresyge, røde hunde
MFT (Eng) media fill test
MF y C (Span) Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria
MG (Fr) malformations génitales
mg (Eng) milligram
m.g. (Lat/Dan) magno gradu
MGC (Dutch) Medisch Genetisch Centrum
MGD (Eng) mean gestational sac diameter
MGF (Eng) maternal grandfather
MGM (Eng) maternal grandmother
mgr. (Ger) mittelgradig
MGT (Fr) maladie gestationnelle trophoblastique
M/G-test (Swe) Mottagare/Givare-test
MGUS (Eng) monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance
MG1 (Fr) première marginale
MH (Span) mucosas húmedas
MHA (Eng) major histocompatibility antigen
MHC (Eng) major histocompatibility complex (MHC classes: 1, 2, 3)
MHD (Fr) mesures hygiénodiététiques
MHK (Ger) minimale hemmende Konzentration
MHN (Latin ) morbus hemolyticus neonatorum (= HDN)
MHRA (Eng) Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
MHS (Ger) Mittelhirnsyndrom
MHV (Swe) mödrahälsovård
MHW (Eng) Ministry of Health and Welfare (Japan)
MI (Dan) mitralinsufficiens
MIA (Span) movimientos involuntarios anormales
MIBG-Scan (Eng) 133I-metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy
MIB (Eng) methoxyisobutylisonitrile
MIBE (Eng) measles inclusion body encephalitis
Mibi (Ger) Mikrobiologie
MIBT (Eng) multiple individual breath test
MIC (Eng) mean inhibitory concentration
MICI (Fr) maladies inflammatoires chroniques intestinales (= IBD)
MICS (Eng) minimally invasive cardiac surgery
MICU (Eng) medical intensive care unit
MID (Dutch) multi-infarct dementie
MIDA (Eng) Myocardial Ischemia Dynamic Analysis (Philips)
MIDCAB (Eng) minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass
MIDD (Eng) maternally inherited diabetes and deafness
MIE (Dan) medicinsk intraktabel epilepsi
Mie (Fr) maladie
MIE/CD (Port) mamaria-coronária direita
MIE/DA (Port) mamaria-diagonal anterior
MIF (Eng) migration inhibition factor (in immunology)
Mf (Latin) Mycosis fungoides
MII (Span) miembro inferior izquierdo
MIH (Eng) master of international health
MIHR (Eng) minimal(ly) invasive hip resurfacing
miic (Eng) mean inter-item correlation
MIK (Ger) Maximale Immissions-Konzentration
mikr (Swe) mikroskopisk
Mil (Swe) Militärtjänstgöring (in Meritförteckning för läkare)
MILDT (Fr) Mission interministérielle de lutte contre la drogue et la toxicomanie
MIMS (Eng) Monthly Index of Medical Specialities
min (Eng) minute
MINE (Eng) Medicines Information Network for Europe
Minf (Fr) membres inférieurs
MIP (Eng) maximum-intensity projection
MIPS (Eng) Medical Interactions Process Systems
MIR (Span) medicina interna
MIS (Dan) Meldesystemet for Smitsomme Sygdomme
mit. (Latin) mitis weak
MITE (Dutch) Medisch Intensieve Therapie Eenheid
mitte (Latin) dispense this number of tablets
MIU (Eng) million international units
MIV (Span) medicina intensiva
MIVA (Swe) medicinsk intensivvårdsavdelning
µkat (Swe) microkatal (see ‘katal’ in Dorland’s)
MK (Dan) meningeal karcinomatose
MKADD (Eng) map kinase activity death domain
MKD (Dutch) medisch kleuterdagverblijf
MKE (Ger) Mitralklappenersatz
MKG (Ger) Mund-Kiefer-Gesicht
MKH (Swe) alfa-monoklorhydrin
M-klap (Dan) mitralklap
MKP (Ger) Mitralklappenprolaps
MKS (Ger) Maul- und Klauenseuche (vet.)
ML (Eng) midline
ml. (Ger) männlich
MLC (Eng) mixed lymphocyte culture
MLD (Eng) minimum/minimal lumen diameter
MLOS (Eng) mean length of stay
MLR (Eng) mixed lymphocyte reaction
MLSS (Eng) Multi Lingual Survey System
MLTI (MLTCI) (Eng) mixed lymphocyte target (cell) interaction test
MM (Dan) malignt melanom
mm (Norw) mormunn
M&M (Eng) morbidity and mortality
MMA (Eng) methylmalonic aciduria
MMAD (Eng) mass median aerodynamic diameter
mMAST (Dan) modificeret MAST (MalmøMAST)
MMC (Eng) minimum migrating complex
MMEAS (Ger) maximale mitterlexspriatorische Atemstromstärke (in respiration)
MMEFR (Eng) mid-maximal expiratory flow rate
MMG (Eng) mechanomyography
MMG/PLS (Ital) Medici di Medicina Generale/Pediatri di Libera Scelta
MMH (Fr) maladie des membranes hyalines
MMII (Span) miembros inferiors
MMN (Eng) multifocal motor neuropathy
MMP (Eng) multiple medical problems
MMPI (Eng) matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors
MMR (Eng) measles, mumps, rubella
MMS (Eng) methyl methanesulphate
MMSE (Eng) Mini Mental State [or Status] Evaluation
MMSS (Span) miembros superiors
MMT (Eng) mini-mental test
MMTS (Dan) metastatisk medullært tværsnitssyndrom
MMTT (Eng) ed meal tolerance test
MMV (Eng) maximum minute volume
Mn (Fr) métanéphrine
MNC (Span) medicina nuclear
MNCV (Eng) motor nerve conduction velocity
MND (Eng) motor neurone disease
MNE (Fr) médicament non-expérimental
MNG (Ger) mitterer Nasengang
MNHL (Eng) malignant non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
MNI (Fr) mononucléose infectieuse
MNI (Ital) mononucleosis infettive
MNN (Eng) maternal newborn nursing
MNS (Swe) malignt neuroleptikasyndrom
MNSA (Ital) malattia del nodo senoatriale
MNT (Eng) Marke-Nyman Test (psych. testing)
MO (Eng) microscopie optique
mo (Eng) month
MoAb, MOAB (Eng) monoclonal antibody
Mo, Ac () see Ac Mo
MOA (Eng) mode of action
MOAS (Eng) Modified Overt Aggression Scale
MOC (Eng) Management of Change
MODY (Eng) maturity-onset diabetes of the young
MOE (Eng) margin of exposure
MOF (Dan) svigt på tre eller flere organsystemer
MÖF (Ger) Mitralklappenöffnungsfläche
MOH (Dan) medicinoverforbrugshovedpine
MOI (Eng) multiplicity of infection
MoK (Swe) medicinisk och kirurgisk
mol wt (Eng) molecular weight
MOM (Eng) milk of magnesia
MoM (Eng) multiple of the mean
MON (Fr) modes opératoires normalisés [= SOP]
Mono (Eng) monocytes
MOPP (Eng) methotrexate-oncovin-prednisone-procarbazine
MOPS (Eng) 3-[N-morpholino] propanesulfonic acid
MOR (Span) movimientos oculares rápidos
MORL (Port) movimentos oculares de rastreio lento
MoS (Swe) mun(håla) och svalg
MOS (Eng) margin of safety
mOsm (Span) milliosmoles
MOT (Fr) myosite ossifiante traumatique
Mot (Ger) Motilität
MOTSA (Eng) multiple overlapping thin slab acquisition (in MR)
MOTT (Eng) mycobacteria other than tuberculosis
mott (Swe) mottagning
mott ant (Swe) mottagnings anteckning
MOU (Eng) memorandum of understanding
MOV (Dutch) meervoudig onverzadigde vetzuren
MP (Fr) matières protéiques
MPA (Eng) medroxyprogesterone acetate
MPAP (Eng) mean pulmonary artery pressure
MPC (Eng) medical practice committee
MPD (Eng) maximum permissible dose
MPG (Ger) Medizinproduktegesetz
MPGN (Eng) membrano-proliferative glomerulonephritis
MPI (Dan) myokardiescintigrafi
MPL (Eng) mouse potency level
MPLB (Eng) maximum permissible lung burden (toxicol.)
MPM (Dutch) maligne medothelioom van de pleura
MPO (Eng) myeloperoxidase
MPR (Eng) multiplanar reconstruction
MPRGAE (Eng) magnetism-prepared 3-D gradient echo
MPS (Eng) mononuclear phagocytic system
MPT (Dan) antistofundersøgelse for Mycoplasma pneumoniae
MPTP (Eng) 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine
MPV (Eng) mean platelet volume
MPVP (Fr) matière premère vrac purifée
MPW (Eng) medical process waste
MQS (Eng) medication quantification score
MR (Dan) magnetisk resonans
m/r (Eng) modified release
MRA (Eng) magnetic resonance angiography
MRC (Dutch) minimum remmende concentratie
MRCP (Dan) magnetisk resonans kolangiopankreatikografi
MRCS (Eng) Member of the Royal College of Surgeons
MRD (Eng) mean reference diameter
MREC (Eng) multicentre research ethics committee
MRF (Eng) melanocyte releasing factor
MRFG (Eng) Mutual Recognition Facilitation Group
MRI (Eng) magnetic resonance imaging
MRK (Dan) MR-kolografi
MRL (Eng) maximum residue limit
mRNA (Eng) messenger ribonucleic acid
MRP (Eng) mutual recognition procedure
MRPA (Fr) maison de repos pour personnes agées
MRPE (Eng) microencapsulated ragweed pollen extract
MRPM (Eng) murine resident peritoneal macrophage
MRP2 (Eng) multidrug resistance associated protein type 2
MRrhTSH (Eng) Modified Release Recombinant Human Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
MRS (Dan) minimal restsygdom
MRSA (Dan) methicillinresistent Staphylococcus aureus
MRSE (Eng) methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis
MRT (Eng) mean residence time
MRZ (Ger) Maser, Rötel, Zoster
MS (Eng) malabsorption syndrome
Ms (Fr) mois
ms (Eng) millisecond
MSA (Dan) multipel systematrofi
m.s.a. (Span) mésclese según arte [magistral preparations]
MSAFP (Eng) maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
MSC (Eng) mesenchymal stem cells
MSCT (Eng) multislice CT [computed tomography]
MSD (Eng) mean gestational sac diameter
MSDS (Eng) material safety data sheet
MSE (Eng) mental status/state examination
MSER (Eng) mean systolic ejection rate
MSF (Eng) macrophage slowing factor
MSFC (Eng) multiple sclerosis functional composite
MSH (Eng) melanocyte-stimulating hormone
MSI (Dan) mikrosatellitinstabilitet
MSICU (Enf) medical-surgical intensive care unit
MSIH (Eng) microsatellite instability high
MSIL (Eng) microsatellite instability low
MsIs (Span) miembros inferiores
msk (Swe) matsked
MSL (Eng) midsternal line
MSLT (Dan) multipel søvnlatenstest
MSM (Dan) mænd, der har sex med mænd
MSN (Fr) mort subite du nourisson/nouveau-né
MSNR (Ger) Maßnahmenummer
MSS (Dan) meningoseptisk shock
MSSA (Eng) methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus
MSSU (Eng) mid-stream specimen of urine
MST (Dan) multipel subpial transektion
MSTI (Fr) matière sèche totale intégrée (vet.)
MSU (Eng) midstream urine
MSUD (Eng) maple syrup urinary disease
MSV (Eng) master seed virus
MT (Fr) médecin traitant
M/T [rapport] (Fr) rapport malade/témoin
mtA (Ger) medizinisch-technischer Assistent
MTA (Eng) medical technology assessment
MTB (Latin) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
MTC (Dutch) minimum toxische concentratie
MTD (Eng) maximum tolerated dose
mtDNA (Dan) mitokondrielt DNA
MTE (Eng) mitochondrial trifunctional enzyme
MTEV (Eng) maladie thrombo-embolique veineuse (= VTE)
MTF (Dan) meget tidligt født
mtf (Span) metatarsofalangeal
MTEV (Fr) maladie de thromboembolisme vasculaire
MTHFR (Dan) methylentetrahydrofolatreduktase
mTHPC (Dan) metatetrahydroxylphenylchlorin
MTLE (Dan) mesial temporallapsepielpsi
MT-nummer (Norw) Markedføringstillatelsen-nummer
MTP (Eng) microsomal triglyceride transfer protein
MTR (Dutch) maximaal toelaatbar risico(niveau)
MTRA (Ger) medizinisch-technischer Radiologieassistent
MTS (Dan) mesial temporal sklerose
MTT (Dan) middeltransittid
MTV (Dan) medicinsk teknologivurdering
MTVE (Fr) maladie thromboembolique veineuse
MTX (Dan) methotrexat
MU (Eng) monitor unit
MUCP (Eng) maximum urethral closing pressure
MUFA (Eng) monounsaturated fatty acids
MUG (Dutch) Mobiele Urgentie Groep [Belgium]
MUGA (Eng) multiple gated/multigated acquisition [scan]
Multip (Eng) multipara
MUS (Dan) medarbejderudviklingssamtale
MV (Dan) minutvolumen (= CO, cardiac output)
MVA (Dan) medicinsk visitationsafsnit
MVBD (Port) murmúrio vesicular bem distribuido
MVC (Dan) maksimal voluntær kontraktionskraft
MVD (Eng) mitral valve disease
MVG (Fr) masse ventriculaire gauche
MVI (Eng) multivitamins
MVM (Dan) kombineret multivitaminmineralpille
MVO (Eng) mean venous outflow
MVO2 (Fr) consummation d’oxygène du myocarde
MVP (Eng) mitral valve prolapse
MVR (Eng) mitral valve replacement
MVU (Ital) murmure vescicolare uguale
MVV (Eng) maximal voluntary ventilation
MVZ (Ger) Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum
MW (Eng) molecular weight
MWCB (Eng) manufacturer’s working cell bank
MWV (Ger) maximale willkürliche Ventilation (in respiration; see AGW)
Mx (Eng) management
mx (Eng) mixture
MYBI (Dan) myokardiebiopsi
Mydr (Ger) Mydriase
MYH (Dan) Mut Y homolog
MZ (Eng) middle zone
N (Eng) neutrophil
N/ (Ger) nachrichtlich
n (Eng) neuro
n+ (Fr) nausées
NA (Eng) noradrenaline
N/A (Eng) not applicable
n.A. (Ger) nach Angabe
NAA (Dan) N-acetylaspartat
NAb (Dan) neutraliserende antistoffer
NAB (Eng) National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
NABM (Fr) Nomenclature des Actes de Biologie Médicale
NABP (Eng) National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
NABS (Eng) normal active bowel sounds
NAC (Dan) N-acetylcystein
NACB (Eng) National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry
NACPME (Eng) National Advisory Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education
NACS (Eng) Nordic Association of Clinical Sexology
NAD (Eng) nothing abnormal discovered/detected
NAD+ (Eng) oxidized form of nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide
NADH (Eng) nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide
NADHTR (Eng) nicotinic adenine dinucleotide (reduced) tetrazolium reductase
NADP (Eng) nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate
NADP+ (Eng) oxidized form of nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide
NADPH (Eng) nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate
NAEL (Eng) no adverse effect level
NAFLD (Eng) non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
NAI (Eng) non-accidental injury
NAIP (Eng) neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein
NAIS (Ger) nicht-adrenerges inhibitorisches Nervensystem
NÄL (Swe) Norra Älvsborgs Länssjukhus
NAM (Eng) National Agency for Medicines (Finland) (Lääkelaitos)
NAMC (Span) nefrotoxicidad asociada a medios de contraste
NAN (Eng) Nordic Article Number
NANA (Eng) N-acetyl neuraminic acid
NANC (Ger) nicht-adrenerges, nicht-cholinerges inhibitorisches Nervensystem
NAO (Fr) normal assembly operations
NAP (Fr) neuroleptiques à action prolongée
NAPQI (Eng) N-acetyl-parabenzoquinone-imine [metabolite of paracetamol]
NAPS (Eng) nerve agent pre-treatment set
NAQ (Fr) niveau de qualité admissible
NARI (Eng) noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors
NAS (Dan) nyrearteriestenose
NASBA (Eng) nucleic acid sequence-based amplification
NASH (Eng) non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
NAU (Ger) Untersuchung unter Narkose (Eng. EUA)
NAV (Dutch) Nederlandse Anthropogenetische Vereniging
NAVA (Swe) närakutvårdsavdelning
NAW (Ger) Notarztwagen
NB (Dan) neuroborreliose
Nb (Latin) Nippostrongylus brasiliensis
NBD (Eng) neurogenic bladder dysfunction (or: disorder)
NBE (Eng) new biological entity
NBF (Eng) neutral buffered formol
NBI (Eng) no bone injury
NBKS (Ger) Nierenbeckenkelchsystem
NBL (Swe) Nämnden för bedömning av läkemedelsreklam
NBM (Eng) nil by mouth
NBR EMB (Fr) nombre d’emballages
NBT (Eng) nitro blue tetrazolium
NBZ (Ger) Nüchternblutzucker
NC (Eng) non-conformity
NCA (Eng) neurocirculatory asthenia (cardiology)
NCAH (Eng) non-classic adrenal hyperplasia
NCAT (Eng) normocephalic atraumatic
NCB (Fr) névralgie cervicobrachiale
NCD (Eng) non-communicable disease
NCE (Eng) new chemical entity
NCEC (Eng) National Chemical Emergency Centre
NCEP (Eng) National Cholesterol Education Program
NCES (Ger) nicht-cholinerges exzitatorisches Nervensystem
nCPAP (Eng) nasal continuous positive airway pressure
NCPE (Span) nervio ciático popliteo externo
NCF (Eng) neutrophil chemotactic factor
NCI (Eng) National Cancer Institute
NCPIE (Eng) National Council on Patient Information and Education
NCR (Span) neurocirurgia
NCS (Eng) neocarinostatin
NCSP (Eng) Nordic Classification of Surgical Procedures
NCV (Eng) nerve conduction velocity
ND (Eng) not detected
nd (Eng) non-distended
NDA (Eng) New Drug Application
NDBB (Eng) needle-directed breast biopsies
NDD (Ital) natura da definire
NDIR (Eng) non-dispersive infrared spectrophotometry
NDMA (Eng) Non-Prescription Drug Manufacturers Association
NDN (Port) nada digno de notas
ndp (Ital) nulla di particolare (= NAD)
NDS (Eng) new drug submission
NE (Eng) niacin equivalents
NEB (Eng) nebuliser
NEBSS (Eng) National Examination Board for Supervisory Studies
NEC (Eng) necrotising/necrotic enterocolitis
NEDC (Fr) nutrition entérale à debit constant/continu
NEF (Span) nefrologia
NEFA (Eng) non-esterified fatty acids
neFarma (Dutch) Nederlandse Associatie van de Farmaceutische Industrie
NEG (Eng) nonenzymatic glycosylation
neg (Swe) negativ
NEJM (Eng) New England Journal of Medicine
NEL (Eng) no effect level (toxicol.)
NEM (Fr) N-éthyl-maléimide
NEMESIS (Eng) Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study
NEMO (Eng) nuclear factor kappa essential modulator
N/Eng (Eng) not engaged
NEO (Span) neonatologia
néo (Fr) néoplasie
NeoTect SPECT (Dan) SPECT udført med den radioaktivt mærkede somatostatinanalog 99mTc-depreotid
NEP (Fr) nettoyage en place
NEPI (Swe) Nätverk för läkemedelsepidemiologi
NER (Dan) nukleotid excisionsreparation
NERD (Eng) non-erosive reflux disease
NET (Dan) neuroendokrin tumor
NEVIL (Fr) naevus épidermique verruqueux inflammatoire linéaire
NF (Eng) nephritic factor
NF-1 (Dan) neurofibromatose type 1 (Recklinghausens sygdom)
NFA (Ger) Notfallambulanz
NFA(R) (Eng) no further action (required)
NF-AT (Eng) nuclear factor activated T-cell
NFO (Eng) normal feding operations
NFP (Fr) non-fonctionnement primitif
NFR (Eng) not for resuscitation
NFS (Fr) numération formule sanguine (= complete blood count, CBC)
NG (Eng) nasogastric
Ng (Eng) nanogram
NGF (Eng) nerve growth factor
NGMN (Dan) norelgestromin
NGO (Span) nariz, gargantua y oídos
NGT (Eng) nasogastric tube
ngtb (Dutch) niet goed te bepalen
NGU (Eng) non-gonococcal urethritis
NH (Eng) nursing home
NHA (Fr) niveau hydro-aérique
NHC (Span) número de historía clínica
NHCAP (Span) número hospital/centro atención primaria
NHG (Dutch) Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap [Dutch Society of General Practitioners]
NHL (Eng) non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
NHLBI (Eng) National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
NHS (Eng) normal human serum
NI (Eng) nosocomial infection
NIA (Fr) numéro d'identification administrative
NIADM (Dutch) niet van insuline afhankelijke diabetes mellitus
NIAID (Eng) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
NIBP (Eng) non-invasive blood pressure
NIBSC (Eng) National Institute for Biological Standards Control
NIC (Dutch) Nationaal Influenza Centrum
NICE (Eng) National Institute for Clinical Excellence
NICHD (Eng) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
NICO (Eng) neuralgia-inducing cavitational osteonecrosis
NICU (Eng) Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
NIDD (Eng) non-insulin-dependent diabetes
NIDDM (Eng) non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
NIEV (Fr) néoplasie intra-épithéliale de la vulve
NIF () nifedipine
NIGZ (Dutch) Nationaal Instituut voor Gezondheidsbevordering en Ziektepreventie
NIH (Eng) National Institutes of Health
NIHSS (Eng) National Institute of Health Stroke Scale
NIL (Span) neumonia intersticial linfoide
NIOSH (Eng) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NIP (Dan) Det Nationale Indikatorprojekt
NIPD (Eng) nightly intermittent peritoneal dialysis
NIPPV (Eng) nasal inspiratory (or intermittent) positive pressure ventilation
NIQ (Fr) Normes Internes de Qualité
NIR (Eng) near infrared
NIRB (Eng) non-institutional review board
NIS (Dan) natriumjodidsymporter
NIV (Dan) noninvasiv ventilation
NIVEL (Dutch) Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek van de Gezondheidszorg
NIZW (Dutch) [Netherlands Institute for Care and Welfare]
NJF (Swe) Nordisk Jordemor Förbund
NK (Eng) natural killer (cell)
nk. (Dutch) nauwkeurig
NKA (Eng) no known allergies
NKDA (Eng) no known drug allergies
NKF (Eng) National Kidney Foundation
NKI (Dutch) Nederlands Kanker Instituut
NKMA (Eng) no known medical allergies
NKO (Dutch) neus-keel-oren
NL (Fr) neuroleptique
NLA (Eng) neuroleptananalgesia
NLE (Eng) neonatal lupus erythematosus
NLG (Ger) Nervenleitgeschwindigkeit
NLI (Span) neuomonía linfoidea intersticial
NLP (Eng) Natural Language Processor
NLPC (Fr) néphrolithomie percutanée
NLSB (Swe) Nämnden för läkares specialistbehörighet
NLV (Eng) Norwalk-like virus
NM (Eng) nodular melanoma
NMBA (Eng) neuromuscular blocking agent
NMBAI (Dan) neuromuskulært blokerende stoffer med intermediær virkningsvarighed
NMD (Nor) Norsk Medisinaldepot
NMDA (Eng) N-methyl-D-aspartate
NME (Eng) new molecular entity
NMH (Ger) niedermolekulares Heparin
NMHC (Dan) nonmelanomhudcancer
NMI (Dan) Nævnet for Medicinsk Informationsmaterial (Danish Board of Drug Advertising)
NML (Nor) Nordisk Medisinsk Laborantgruppe
NMN (Fr) normoétanéphrine
nmol (Eng) nanomole
NMP (Eng) N-methylpyrollidone
NMR (Eng) nuclear magnetic resonance [= MRI]
NMS (Eng) neuroleptic malignant syndrome
NMSC (Eng) non-melanotic skin cancer
NMT (Eng) not more than
NN (Dan) Novo Nordisk
n.n. (Ger) nicht nachweisbar
NNB (Ger) nicht näher bezeichnet
NNBSD (Eng) non-neuropathic bladder sphincter dysfunction
NNH (Eng) number needed to harm
NNNT (Dutch) Nieuwe Nederlandse Niertest
n.n.o. (Dutch) niet nader omschreven
NNR (Dan) De Nordiske Næringsstofanbefalinger
NNRTI (Dan) nonnukleosidreverstranskriptasehæmmer
NNS (Eng) number needed to screen
n.n. spez. (Ger) nicht näher spezifiziert
NNT (Eng) number needed to treat
NNU (Eng) neonatal unit
NO (Fr) nerf optique
no. (Latin) numero
NOAEL (Eng) no observed adverse effect level (toxicol.)
NOAL (Eng) no observable adverse effects level
NOB (Dan) nonoperativ behandling
NOCT (Span) nocturno
nocte (Latin) at night/in the evening
NOD (Eng) non-obese diabetic (mouse)
NOE (Eng) nuclear Overhausen effects (in NMR spectra)
NOEC (Eng) no observed effect concentration
NOEL (Eng) no observed effect level
NOF (Fr) neck of femur
NOIAA (Fr) neuropathie optique ischémique antérieure aiguë
NOKLUS (Nor) Norsk kvalitetsforbedring av laboratorievirksomhet utenfor sykehus
NOP (Eng) neurocular plane
NOS (Eng) not otherwise specified
NOSA (Eng) non-organ-specific antibodies
NOSIE (Eng) nurses’ observation scale for inpatient evaluation
NP (Eng) national procedure
NPAD (Fr) nutrition parentérale à domicile
NPB (Span) nada por boca
NPC (Span) nutrición parenteral central
NPCB (Eng) National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau
NPCR (Eng) normalized protein catabolic rate
NPDRP (Ger) nicht-proliferative diabetische RP
NPF (Eng) net filtration pressure
NPG (Dutch) Nationaal Programma Grieppreventie
NPH (Eng) normal pressure hydrocephalus
NPL (Ger) Neoplasma
NPO (Eng) neurotic personality organisation
NPP (Eng) new permeation pathways
NPR (Eng) no patient response
nPNA (Eng) normalized protein equvivalent of total nitrogen appearance
NPRF (Ger) Nachprüfung
NPSA (Eng) National Pagient Safety Agency (UK)
NPT (Fr) nutrition parentérale totale
NPTS (Eng) non-perforating trabeculosclerotomy
NPU (Eng) not passed urine
NPY (Dan) neuropeptid Y
NQA (Fr) Niveau de Qualité Admissible
NR (Eng) no result
n/r (Eng) not remarkable
NREM (Eng) non-REM; non-rapid eye movements
NRI (Eng) norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
NRL (Span) neurologia
NRS (Dan) nakkestivhed og rygstivhed
NRTI (Dan) nukleosid reverstranskriptasehæmmer
NS (Eng) normal saline
N/S (Eng) next step [vet]
n.s. (Eng) not significant
NSA (Ger) Nabelschnurarterie
nsa (Fr) non-spécifié ailleurs
NSAH (Fr) neuropathie sensitive et autonome héréditaire
NSAID (Eng) non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NSApH (Ger) Nabelschnurarterien-pH (cord blood pH)
NSAR (Ger.) non-steroidales Antirheumatikum
NSB (Eng) non-specific binding
NSBGP (Eng) non-specific bowel gas pattern
NSC (Eng) neural stem cell
NSCLC (Eng) non-small cell lung cancer
NSE (Eng) neuron-specific enolase (tumour marker)
NSF (Eng) no significant finding [vet]
NSHPT (Dan) neonatal svær hyperparatyroidisme
NSI (Eng) National Science Indicators
NSILA (Eng) non-suppressible insulin-like activity
NSK (Norw) Norsk Sykepleierforbund
NSL (Eng) Nuremberg Self-evaluation List
NSM (Swe) näst senaste mens
NSMH (Fr) neuropathie sensitivo-motrice héréditaire
NSP (Fr) ne sais pas
NSR (Eng) normal sinus rhythm
NST (Eng) non-stress test
nst (Swe) normalstor
NSTEMI (Eng) non-ST-elevations AMI
NSSTTW’s (Eng) nonspecific ST, T wave changes
NSVD (Eng) normal spontaneous vaginal delivery
NSVT (Eng) non-sustained ventricular tachycardia
N&T (Eng) nose and throat
NT (Eng) nuchal translucency
nt (Eng) non-tender
NTA (Eng) Nordic Telemedicine Association
NTBR (Eng) not to be resuscitated
NTD (Eng) neural tube defect
NTE (Span) necrosis tóxico epidémida
NTG (Eng) nitroglycerin
NTI (Eng) non-thyroidal illness
NTL (Dan) nonterapeutisk laparotomi
NTM (Eng) non-tuberculous mycobacteria
NTP (Eng) negative topical pressure
NT-proBNP (Dan) N-terminal pro B-type natriuretisk peptid
NTU (Eng) nephelometric turbidity unit
NTvG (Dutch) Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
NTZ (Eng) nitazoxanide
NUCS (Eng) nuclear medicine
NUD (Latin) non ultra descriptus (in diagnostics)
NUDS (Eng) North-Western University Disability Scale
nue (Ger) nüchtern
NUS (Swe) Norrlands universitetssjukhus
nuv sjd (Swe) nuvarande sjukdom
NV (Eng) normal values
Nv (Eng) next visit
N/V (Eng) nausea and vomiting
N&V (Eng) nausea and vomiting
NVALT (Dutch) Nederlandse Vereniging van Artsen voor Longziekten en Tuberculose
nvCJD (Eng) new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
NVD (Eng) neovascularisation of the disc
NVE (Eng) native valve endocarditis
NVI (Eng) neovascularisation of the iris
NVK (Dan) nyrevenekaterisation
NVO (Span) nada via oral [= NPO/NMB]
NVOG (Dutch) Nederlandse Vereniging voor Obstetrie en Gynaecologie
NVPO (Fr) nausées et vomissements postopératoires
NVR (Eng) non-volatile residue
NVS (Dan) n. vagus-simulator
NVT (Span) nacido vivo a termino
NVVA (Dutch) Nederlandse Vereniging van VerpleeghuisArtsen
NVvP (Dutch) Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie
NVvR (Dutch) Nederlandse Vereniging voor Radiologie
NVZA (Dutch) Nederlandse Vereniging van Ziekenhuisapothekers
NW (Ger) Normalwert
n.W. (Ger) nach Westergren (ESR, usually omitted in English)
Nw (Ger) Nebenwirkung
nx (Fr) normaux
NYD (Eng) not yet diagnosed
NYHA (Eng) New York Heart Association
NYR (Eng) not yet registered
NZA (Ger) neurozirkulatorische Asthenia (cardiology)
NZN (Ger) Nävuszellnävus
O (Span) orejuelas
OI (Eng) estrone
OII (Eng) estradiol
OIII (Eng) estriol
O2 (Eng) oxygen
O2ER (Eng) oxygen extraction ratio
O&O (Dutch) onderzoek en ontwikkeling
OA (Dan) oralt antidiabetikum
OÄ (Ger) Oberärztin
O/A (Ital) olio/acqua
OAB (Dan) overaktiv blære (overaktiv blæresyndrom)
oab (Eng) on anhydrous base
OAD (Eng) oral antidiabetics
OAE (Dan) otoakustisk emission
OAF (Dan) overtrædelse af formalia
OAG (Fr) oblique antérieur gauche
OAI (Span) occipitoanterior izquierda
OAP (Eng) oscillatory afterpotentials (cardiology)
OAR (Fr) ordonnane à renouveler
OAS (Dan) oplevelse af sammenhæng
oasfb (Eng) on anhydrous solvent free basis
OATP (Eng) organic anion transporting polypeptides
OB (Eng) occult blood
o.B. (Ger) ohne Befund (Eng. nad)
OBB (Eng) occult blood bead
Obd (Latin) (on prescription) Obduc
OBE (Eng) out-of-body experience
OBG (Span) obstetrician/ginecologia
Ob/Gyn (Eng) obstetrics and gynaecology
Obj. (Dan) objektiv undersøgelse (= physical examination)
obj (Swe) objektiv
OBR (Eng) optimised background regimen
OBS (Eng) organic brain syndrome
obs. pro (Lat/Dan) observation for
obs (Swe) observation
OBST (Span) obstrucción
obv (Dutch) op basis van
OC (Eng) oral contraceptive/contraception
OCD (Eng) obsessive-compulsive disorder
OCE (Fr) oestrogènes conjugués équins
OCI (Span) orificio cervical interno
Oclin (Ital) ordinanza del 17 ottobre 2001 sulle sperimentazioni cliniche con agenti terapeutici [Switzerland[
OCNE (Eng) off colour, not eating [vet]
OCP (Eng) oral contraceptive pill
OCT (Eng) optical coherence tomography
Oculogutt (Latin) oculoguttae (eye drops)
OD (Dan) osteitis deformans
od (Eng) once daily
O.D. (Fr) oreillette droite
ODA (Eng) Orphan Drug Act [USA]
ODD (Eng) oppositional defiant disorder
ODF (Fr) ortho-dento-faciale
ODFR (Eng) oxygen-derived free radical
odl (Swe) odling
ODN (Span) odontologia
ODQ (Eng) on direct questionining
ODR (Eng) oxygen diffusion rate
ods (Dutch) oogdruppels
ODT (Eng) orally disintegrating tablets
ODTS (Eng) overseas doctors training scheme
OE (Dan) overekstremitet
O/E (Eng) on examination
o.e. (Dan) overekstremitet
O-Ebene (Ger) obere Scoßfugenrandebene [Hodge's planes]
OECC (Eng) ostium externum of the cervical canal
OED (Eng) organ electrodermal diagnostics
OEDT (Fr) Office Européen Drogue Toxicomanie
OEL (Eng) occupational exposure limit
OES (Eng) occupational exposure standards
OF (Dan) osteoporotisk fraktur
O/F (Eng) off food [vet]
OFA (Eng) oncofoetal antigen (immunology)
OFO (Ger) offenes Foramen ovale
OFR (Eng) oxygen free radical
OFSP (Fr) Office federal de la santé publique [Switzerland]
OFT (Span) oftalmologia
OG (Dan) osmolalitetgab
og. (Swe) ogift
O&G (Eng) obstetrics and gynaecology
OGD (Eng) oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
ØGB (Dan) øvre gastrointestinal blødning
ØGD (Dan) øsofagogastroduodenoskopi
OGE (Fr) organs génitaux externes
OGM (Ital) organi genitali maschili
OGS (Eng) orthostatic grading scale
OGTT (Dan) [per]oral glukosetolerancetest
OH (Fr) alcool/alcoolique
OHB (Fr) oxygénothérapie hyperbare
OHD (Dan) hydroxy-vitamin D
o.h.h. (Swe) och hans hustru
OHIM (Eng) Office for Harmonisation of the Internal Market
OHS (Eng) occupational health service
OHSS (Eng) ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
OHT (Ger) okuläre Hypertension
OI (Eng) ovulation induction
OIB (Ger) operative Intensivbehandlung
OICM (Fr) Office intercantonal des medicaments
OIDA (Fr) (présentation) occipito-illiaque droite antérieure
OIDP (Fr) (présentation) occipito-illiaque droite postérieure
OIDT (Fr) (présentation) occipito-illiaque droite transverse
OIGA (Fr) (présentation) occipito-illiaque gauche antérieure
OIGP (Fr) (présentation) occipito-illiaque gauche postérieure
OIGT (Fr) (présentation) occipito-illiaque gauche transverse
OIE (Fr) Office International des Epizooties
OIH (Eng) orthoiodohippurate
OIN (Span) oftalmoplejía internuclear
OIT (Fr) organisation internationale du travail
OK (Dan) overkrydsning
o.K. (Ger) ohne Korrektur
OKN (Eng) optokinetic nystagmus
OKT (Eng) (numbered) monoclonal antibodies used to identify surface markers of human T cells
OL (Finn) Oulun Diakonissaloitos
Öl (Swe) Överläkare
ÖLI/öli (Swe) övre luftvägsinfektion
OLA (Swe) olykysfallsambulans
OLE (Dan) Organisationen af Læger i Erhvervslivet
OLM (Eng) opioid-like medication
OLS (Eng) ordinary least squares [statistics]
OLT (Eng) orthotopic liver transplant
OM (Eng) otitis media
om (Latin) in the morning
OM1 (Eng) obtuse margin 1
OMA (Fr) otite moyenne aiguë
OMC (Fr) oedeme maculaire cystoïde
OMD (Ital) otite media destra
OMCL (Eng) Official Medicines Control Laboratory
OMCX (Fr) optuse marginal de la circonflexe [= marginal branch of the circumflex artery)
OMF (Ger) Osteomyelofibrose
OMG (Fr) organisme génétiquement modifiée
OMI (Fr) oedème des membres inférieures
OMIM (Eng) Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
O.M.inf. (Fr) oedème des membres inférieurs
OMM (Span) otitis media maligna
omn hor (Latin) every hour
OMPK (Fr) ovaries micropolykystiques
OMS (Fr) Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (= WHO)
oms/h (Swe) luftomsättning per timme
OMT (Fr) Organisation Mondiale de Travail
ON (Eng) optic nerve
on (Lat) every night/at night
ONA (Fr) ostéonécrose avasculaire
o.n.A. (Ger) ohne nähere Angaben
ONATF (Fr) ostéonécrose aseptique de la tête fémorale
ONC (Ital) ordinanza sulla circolazione stradale
ONDAM (Fr) Objectif national des dépenses d'assurance maladie
ONE (Fr) office de la naissance et de l’enfance
ONG (Fr) organisation non-gouvernamentale
ÖNH (Swe) öron-, näs- och hals-
ØNH (Dan) øre-, næse- og hals-
ONIAM (Fr) Office national d’imdeminisation des accidents médicaux
ONM (Span) osteonecrosis del maxilar
Onu (Fr) Organisation des Nations Unies
ONR (Span) orden de no reanimar
ONSS (Fr) office nationale de la sécurité sociale pour travailleurs
ONUSIDA (Fr) UNAIDS [joint United Nations Programme on AIDS/HIV)
OO (Fr) otéome ostéoïde
o o (Dan) oversigt over
OOA (Dan) oversigt over abdomen
OOB (Eng) out of bed
OOH (Eng) out of hours [vet]
OOKP (Eng) osteo-odonto-dermato prosthesis
OOS (Eng) out-of-specification (result)
OOT (Eng) object-oriented technology
OP (Eng) operate/operation
op (Dan/Lat) observatio pro
OPA (Eng) outpatient appointment
opB (Ger) ohne pathologischen Befund
OPBL (Dan) obstetrisk plexus brachialis-læsion
OPc (Eng) capillary colloid osmotic pressure
OPC (Eng) one-point-cut (ampoule)
OPCAB (Eng) off-pump coronary artery bypass
OPD (Eng) Original Pack Dispensing
OPG (Dan) osteoprotegerin
OPI (Span) occipitoposterior izquierda
OPif (Eng) interstitial fluid osmotic pressure
OPN (Fr) (longueur de l’)os propre du nez
OPO (Dan) osteoporose
OPRD (Eng) opioid receptor delta
OPRM (Eng) opioid receptor mu
OPS (Eng) Office of Pharmaceutical Science
OPSI (Eng) overwhelming postsplenectomy infection
OPU (Eng) ovum pick-up
OPV (Eng) oral polio vaccine
OQ (Eng) operational qualification
OR (Dan) odds-ratio
o.R. (Ger) ohne Religion
ORA (Eng) Office of Regulatory Affairs
ORC (Ital) oscilloscopio a raggi catodici
ord (Swe) ordination
ORIF (Eng) open reduction with internal fixation (of fracture)
ORL (Eng) otorhinolaryngology
ORN (Fr) ostéoradionécrose
ORR (Eng) objective response rate
ORS (Eng) oral rehydration solution
Ors (Fr) Organisation Régionale de la Santé
ORSEC (Fr) organisation des secours
ORT (Eng) oral rehydration therapy
OS (Latin) oculus sinister
OSA (Dan) obstruktiv søvnapnø
O-säkert (Swe) noll-säkert (ie. ej säkert; in diagnostics)
OSAS (Dan) obstruktiv søvnapnø syndrom
OSATS (Eng) objective structured assessment of technical skills
OSD (Dan) okkult spinal dysrafisme
OSF (Eng) organ-system failure
OSG (Ger) oberes Sprunggelenk (= talotibiofibular joint)
OSHO (Ger) Ostdeutsche Studiengruppe für Hämatologie und Onkologie
OSM (Fr) otite séromuqueuse
o.spl. (Dan) oversygeplejerske
Osr (Ger) Oberschwester
OsSC (Ital) Osservatore Nazionale sulla Sperimentazione Clinica dei Medicinali
OstA (Ger) Oberstabarzt
OT (Eng) occupational therapist
OTA (Swe) ortopedisk avdelning
OTC (Eng) over the counter
OTD (Eng) out the door
OTE (Span) orientado en tiempo y espacio
Otogutt (Latin) otoguttae (ear drops)
OTIPM (Eng) occupational therapy intervention process model
OT/PT (Eng) occupational therapy/physiotherapy
OU (Latin) oculus utriusque/uterque
o.u. (Latin ) oculus utriusque/uterque [used in Norwegian]
OUH (Dan) Odense Universitetshospital
OV (Span) ordenes verbales
ÖV (Swe) öppen vård
OVC (Eng) orphans and vulnerable children
OVE (Eng) occlusive vascular events
ovl. (Dan) overlæge
OVP (Fr) Office pour la Vulgarisation Pharmaceutique
O/W (Eng) otherwise
OWIG (Ger) Ordnungswidrigkeitsgesetz
oxLDL (Dan) oxideret LDL
oxPEN (Eng) oxidative pentophosphate pathway
OXY (Eng) oxybutynin
Ox3 (Eng) oriented to person, place and time
OyT (Span) ortopedia y traumatología
Oz () occipital (electrode)
P (Dan) plasma
p (Fr) probabilité
P ()
P2 (Eng) pulmonary second sound
PB (Eng) barometer pressure (respiration)
Pc (Eng) capillary pressure (respiration)
Pei (Eng) end-inspiratory pressure (respiration)
PI (Eng) partial pressure of a gas in the inhaled gas mixture (respiration)
Pres (Eng) maximum inspiratory pressure (respiration)
P&A (Eng) percussion and auscultation
P and P (Eng) prothrombin-proconvertin test
P et P (Fr) épreuve de prothrombine-proconvertine
P + P (Ger) Prothrombin-Proconvertin-Test
PΨH (Eng) past psychiatric history
p.a. (Fr) phosphatase alkaline
PA (Dan) peritonsillær absces
pa (Fr) pertussis acellulaire (vaccin)
PAA (Ital) poliomielite anteriore acuta
PAAF (Span) punción-aspiración con aguja fina
PAaO2 (Span) gradiente alvéolo-arterial de oxígeno
PAAZ'en (Dutch) psychiatrische afdelingen van algemene ziekenhuizen
PA-Behandlung (Ger) Parodontalbehandlung
PAC (Eng) plasma aldosterone concentration
Paca (Fr) Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
PACD (Eng) peripheral arterial occlusive disease
PACE (Eng) Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly
PACI (Eng) partial anterior circulation infarct
PaCO2 (Eng) partial pressure of arterial CO2
PACO2 (Eng) partial pressure of alveolar CO2
PACS (Eng) picture archive and communication system
PACT (Eng) prescribing analysis and cost data
PACU (Eng) post-anaesthesia care unit
PAD (Eng) peripheral artery [or arterial] disease
PADES (Span) programa de atencion domiciliaria y equip soporte
PADP (Eng) pulmonary artery diastolic pressure
PAE (Eng) peripheral arterial examination
PAEG (Span) peso adecuado para la edad gestacional
PAF (Eng) platelet activating factor
PAG (Eng) pulmonary angiography
PAGB (Eng) Proprietary Association of Great Britain
PAGE (Eng) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
PAGO (Dutch) periodieke arbeidsgezondheidskundig onderzoek
PAH (Eng) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
PAHO (Eng) Pan-American Health Organisation
PAH-1 (Eng) plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
PAI-1 (Eng) plasminogen activator inhibitor 1
PAKW (Ger) polyzyklischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoff
PAL (Fr) phosphatases alcalines (leucocytaires)
PALGA-systeem (Dutch) Pathologisch-Anatomisch Landelijk Geautomatiseerd Archief
Palp (Eng) palpable
palp. (Dan) palpable
palp (Swe) palpera, palpabel, palpation
PALS (Eng) Paediatric Advanced Life Support
PAM (Dutch) paard anti-humaan-totaalserum
PAMO (Span) punción aspirativa de medulla ósea
PAN (Eng) Pesticide Action Network
P-ANCA (Eng) perinuclear ANCA
PANSS (Eng) positive and negative syndrome scale
PAO (Eng) peak acid outlet
PAo (Fr) pression aortique
PAO ()
PaO2 (Eng) alveolar partial oxygen pressure
PAOD (Eng) peripheral arterial occlusive disease
PAOP (Eng) pulmonary artery occluded pressure
PAP (Eng) pulmonary artery pressure
Pap (Eng) Papanicolaou test/smear
PAPI (Ital) punto d'angolo postero-interno (postero-medial angle)
PAPM (Fr) pression artérielle pulmonaire moyenne
PAPO (Fr) pression artérielle pulmonaire obstrué
PAPOVA (Eng) papilloma, polyome, simian vacuolating virus
PAPP-A (Eng) pregnancy associated plasma protein A
PAPS (Fr ) phospho-adénosine phosphosulphate
PAPs (Fr) pression artérielle pulmonaire systolique
PAQ (Fr) Processus d'Amélioration de la Qualité
PAR (Eng) preliminary assessment report
PARM (Fr) permanencier auxiliaire de régulation médicale
PAR (Ger) pseudo-allergische Reaktion
PARmi (Fr) pression artérielle rétinienne minimum
park (Dan) partikelkoncentration
PAS (Eng) para-aminosalicylic acid
PASAT (Eng.) Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test
PASI (Eng) psoriasis area and severity index
PAS-PAD (Fr) pressions artérielles systolique-diastolique
PASS (Eng) post-authorisation safety study
PAT, PA Tach. (Eng) paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
pat (Swe) patient
PAT (Fr) pression atriale droite
patol (Swe) patologisk
PATT (Fr) praticien attaché
PAVB (Eng) partial atrioventricular block
PAVK (Ger) periphäre arterielle Verschlusskrankheit (= PAOD)
PAWK (Eng) pulmonary artery wedge pessure
PAZA (Dutch) Postanaesthesie Zorgafdeling
PB (Dan) phenobarbital
Pb (Fr) problème
PBC (Dan) primær biliær cirrose
PBD (Swe) preliminärbedömning
PBE (Ger) Plaque-bildende Einheit
pbe. (Span) probable
PBEF (Eng) pre-B-cell-enhancing factor
PBF (Eng) peripheral blood flow
PBG (Eng) porphobilinogen
PBH (Fr) ponction-biopsie hépatique
PBI (Eng) protein-bound iodine
PBL (Eng) peripheral blood lymphocytes
PBLT (Eng) point of balanced ligamentous tension
PBMT (Eng) point of balanced membranous tension [osteopathy]
PBO (Port) paralisia braquial obstétrica
PBP (Eng) penicillin-binding protein
PBPC (Eng) peripheral blood progenerator cells
PBR (Fr) punction-biopsie rénale
PBS (Eng) phosphate-buffered saline
PBSCT (Eng) peripheral blood stem cell transplantation
PBTD (Dan) pancreasbevarende total duodenektomi
PBU (Swe) psykiatrisk barn- och ungdomsvård
PBZ (Ger) primär biliäre Zirrhose
PC (Dan) pyramidalcelle
pc (Swe) penicilin
p.c. (Ital) punto di congelamento
PCA (Eng) patient-controlled analgesia
PCAIV (Eng) patient-controlled anaesthetic IV
PCB (Eng) polychlorinated biphenyl
PCC (Eng) primary cell culture
PCCL (Eng) patient clinical complexity level
PCD (Dan) programmeret celledød
PCDB (Eng) patient-controlled double-blind
PCE (Eng) phenylcyclohexylethylamine
PCEA (Eng) patient-controlled epidural analgesia
PCEM (Fr) premier cycle d'études médicales
PCF (Eng) process change file
PCG (Eng) primary care groups
PCH (Fr) praticien du care hospitalier
PCI (Eng) percutaneous coronary intervention
PCIME (Fr) prise en charge intégrale des maladies d’enfant
PCJ (Fr) polyarthrite chronique juvenile
PCK (Eng) protein kinase C
PCKD (Eng) polycystic kidney disease
PCL (Eng) postieror cruciate ligament
PCLA (Eng) percutaneous luminary coronary angioplasty
PCM (Eng) pacemaker
PCMK (Eng) pacemaker
PCN (Eng) penicillin
PCNA (Eng) profilterating cell nuclear antigen
PCO (Eng) posterior capsular opacity
PCO2 (Eng) partial pressure of carbon dioxide
PaCO2 (Eng) arterial partial CO2 pressure
PCoA (Eng) posterior communicating artery
PCOD (Eng) polycystic ovarian disease
PCONT (Fr) praticien contractuel
PCOS (Dan) polycystisk ovariesyndrom
PCP (Eng) Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
PCPB (Fr) pression capillaire pulmonaire bloquée
PCR (Dan) polymerasekædereaktion
Pcr (Eng) phosphocreatine
PCRE (Eng) post-cholangiopancreatic retrograde endoscopy
PCS (Eng) psychiatric crisis service
PCSA (Eng) potentially clinically significant abnormalities
PCT (Dan) procalcitonin
PCTS (Eng) pre-clinical trial supply
PCU (Fr) phénylcétonurie
PCV (Eng) packed-cell volume
PCW (Eng) pulmonary capillary wedge
PCWP (Eng) pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
PCZ () prochlorperazine
PD (Dan) lungesygdom
P/D (Eng) proton density
PDA (Dan) personlig digital assistent
PDBu () phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate
PDC (Fr) produit de contraste
PdC (Fr) perte de connaissance
PDD (Eng) primary degenerative disease
PDE (Eng) permitted daily exposure
PDEI (Eng) pharmaceutical electronic data interchange
PDF (Eng) probability density function
PDGF (Eng) platelet-derived growth factor
PDGFC (Eng) platelet-derived growth factor C
PDI (Fr) produit dose longueur
PDIF (Span) presión diferencial
PDK (Dan) peritonealdialysekateter
PDL (Fr) produit dose longueur
PDM (Fr) potential de membrane
PDMA (Eng) Prescription Drug Marketing Act
PDN (Dan) Pharmacoepidemiologic Prescription Database of North Jutland
PDP (Eng) product development protocol
PDPH (Eng) postdural puncture headache
PDR (Eng) Physicians’ Desk Reference
PDRP (Ger) proliferative diabetische Retinopathie
PDS (Eng) paroxysmal depolarising shift
PdS (Fr) prise de sang
PDT (Eng) photodynamic therapy
pdt (Fr) pendant
PDTM (Fr) pas de ticket moderateur
PDUFA (Eng) Prescription Drug Free User Act
PDV (Ger) Patientendatenverwaltung
PDW (Eng) platelet distribution width
PDX (Eng) principal diagnosis
PE (Dan) phenylephrin
Pé (Fr) pression
PEA (Eng) pulseless electrical activity
PEARL (Eng) pupils equal and reacting to light
PEB (Fr) poche des eaux bombante
pec (Eng) pectoralis
PEC (Fr) prise en charge
PED (Fr) pays en voie de développement
peds (Eng) paediatrics
PEEP (Dan) positivt sluteksspiratorisk tryk
PEF (Eng) perfloxacin
PEFR (Eng) peak expiratory flow rate (respiration)
PEFRAS (Eng) Pan-European Federation of Regulatory Affairs Societies
PEG (Dan) perkutan endoskopisk gastrostomi
PEH (Dan) paraøsofagealt hernie
PEI (Eng) polyethenimide
PEL (Eng) permissible exposure level (toxicol.)
PEM (Dan) personlig elektronisk medicinprofil
PENL (Eng) primary extra-nodal localization
PEP (Eng) positive expiratory pressure
PEPCK (Fr) phosphoénol pyruvate carboxykinase
PER (Eng) Pharmaceutical Evaluation Report
PERF (Eng) Pan European Regulatory Forum
perf (Fr) perfusion
PERL (Eng) pupils equal and reactive to light
PERLA (Eng) pupils equal and reactive to light and accommodation
PERRL (Eng) pupils equal, round, reactive to light
PERRLA (Eng) pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation
Perop (Fr) per-opératoire
PES (Eng) programmed electrical stimulation
PESS (Fr) panencéphalite sclerosante subaiguë
PET (Dan) positronemissionstomografi
PetCO2 (Eng) end-tidal CO2 pressure
PETP (Eng) polyethylene terephthalate
PEV (Fr) programme élargi de vaccination (WHO)
PEVD (Fr) pays en voie de développement
PEX (Ger) Pseudoexfoliation
PF (Eng) peak filling
PF3 (Fr) facteur 3 plaquettaire
PF4 (Eng) platelet factor 4
PFA (Eng) plaque-forming cell
pfa (Eng) pure free acid
PFAPA (Eng) periodic fever, adenitis, pharyngitis, aphthae)
pfb (Eng) pure free base
PFC (Fr) plasma frais congelé
PFD (Span) presión de fin de diastole
PFE (Span) peso fetal estimado
PFGE (Eng) pulsed-field gel electrophoresis
PFH (Eng) patient-focused hospital
PFO (Eng) patent foramen ovale
PFP (Ital) paralisi facciale periferica
PFR (Eng) peak flow rate
PFC (Eng) plaque-forming cell
PFK (Eng) phosphofructokinase
PFM (Dan) perifer fedtfordeling
PFN (Eng) proximal femoral nail
Pfs (Fr) parfois
PFT (Eng) pulmonary function test
PFU (Eng) plaque-forming unit
PFZ (Dutch) phosphaat (gebufferd) fysiologisch zoutoplossing
PG (Dan) prostaglandin
6-PG (Fr) 6-prostaglandine
pg (Eng) picogram
PGA (Eng) potato glucose agar
PGC1 (Eng) peroxisome proliferator receptor gamma coactivator 1
PGDF (Eng) platelet growth and differentiation factor
PGE (Fr) prostaglandine E
PGE 1 (Eng) prostaglandin E1
PGES (Eng) prostaglandin E-synthesase
PGEU (Eng) Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union
PGF (Eng) paternal grandfather
PGH (Eng) placental growth hormone
PGI ()
PGL (Eng) persistent generalised lymphadenopathy
P-Glu (Swe) plasmaglukos
PGM (Eng) paternal grandmother
PGO (Dutch) periodiek geneeskundig onderzoek
Pgp (Eng) P-glycoprotein
PGR (Eng) physician’s global rating
PgR (Eng) progesterone receptor
PGX (Eng) prostacyclin
PH (Eng) past history
pH () hydrogen ion concentration
PHA (Dan) phytohæmagglutinin
PHACO (Eng) phacoemulsificatoin
PHARM (Fr) pharmacien
PHB (Eng) polyhydroxybutyrate
PHC (Eng) primary health care
PHE () phenytoin
PhEur (Eng) European Pharmacopoeia
PHGW (Lat/Swe) purpura hypergammaglobulinemica Waldenström
PHF (Eng) paired helicoïcal filaments
pHF (Dan) partielt hydrolyseret modermælkserstatning
PHFU (Fr) praticien hospitalier function universitaire
PHI (Eng) peptide histidine isoleucine
pHi (Fr) pH interstitiel
PHM (Eng) peptide histidine methionine
PHN (Fr) plasma humain normal
Phos. alc. (Fr) phosphatase alcaline
PHP (Span) plan de hidratación parenteral
PHPT (Dan) primær hyperparatyroidisme
pHPT (Eng) primary hyperparathyroidism
PhRMA (Eng) Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
PHS (Eng) Public Health Service (US)
PHT (Fr) phénytoïne
PHTLS (Eng) prehospital trauma life support
PHTPA (Fr) praticien hospitalier – temps partiel
PHU (Fr) praticien hospitalier universitaire
PHx (Eng) previous medical history
Phy (Fr) physiologique
PhZNr (Ger) Pharmazentralnummer
PI (Dan) prognostisk indeks
Pi (Fr) phosphate inorganique
p.i. (Eng) post-infection
PIA (Eng) Pharmaceutical Industries Association
PIC (Eng) Pharmceutical Inspection Convention
PICA (Eng) posterior inferior cerebellar artery
PICC (Eng) peripherally inserted central catheter
PiCCO (Eng) pulse-induced contour cardiac output
PICNR (Span) pupilas isocoricas normoreactivas
PICO (Eng) population, intervention, comparison, outcome
PICU (Eng) Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
PID (Eng) pelvic inflammatory disease
PIE (Eng) positive ion emission
PIF (Eng) prolactin inhibiting factor
PIFR (Eng) peak inspiratory flow rate
PIH (Eng) pregnancy-induced hypertension
PIL (Eng) Patient Information Leaflet
PIM (Eng) Product Information Management
PIMS (Eng) patient information management system
PIN (Eng) prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
PINR (Eng) pupils isocoric, normally reactive
PIO (Fr) pression intra-oculaire
PION (Ger) posteriore ischämische Opticusneuropathie
PIP (Eng) proximal interphalangeal (joint)
PIPEDA (Eng) Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada)
PIR (Fr) pouvoir inhibiteur résiduel
PIRLA (Span) pupilas isocóricas y reactivas a la luz y la acomodación
PISA (Eng) proximal isovelocity surface area
PIT (Eng) plasma iron turnover
PITC (Eng) phenylisothiocyanate
PIU (Dan) Patientinformantundersøgelsen
PIV (Eng) posterior interventricular ramus of the right coronary artery
PI3 (Eng) parainfluenza 3
PJ (Ger) Praktisches Jahr
PK (Dutch) phrarmacokinetiek
PKA (Ger) pharmazeutisch-kaufmännische Angestellte
PKC (Eng) protein kinase C
PKE (Ger) Pulmonalklappenersatz
PKL (Dan) postgradut klinisk lektor
P-klap (Dan) pulmonalklap
PKP (Ger) penetrierende Keratoplastik
PKRAD (Fr) polykystose rénale autosomique dominante
PKRAR (Fr) polykystose rénale autosomique récessive
PKU (Dan) phenylketonuri
PKZ (Ger) Preise und Kennzeichen [Austria]
PL (Eng) perception of light
p.l. (Fr) ponction lombaire
PLA (Eng) parallel-line (radioimmuno)assay
PLAB (Eng) Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board
plan åtg (Swe) planerad åtgärd
PLAQ (Span) plaquetas
PLC (Eng) platelet concentrate
PLEDS (Eng) periodic lateralised epileptiform discharges
PLG (Eng) persistent generalised lymphadenopathy
PlGF (Eng) placental growth factor protein
PLHIV (Eng) people living with HIV
PLIF (Eng) posterolateral interbody fusion
PLL (Eng) poly(L-lysine)
PLM (Eng) periodic leg movements
PLMS (Eng) periodic leg movements during sleep
PLOMS (Nor) pleie- og omsorgssystemet
PLOT (Fr) pas de lesion osseuse traumatique
PLOTD (Fr) pas de lesion osseuse traumatique décelée
PLP (Eng) prolonged latent phase (of labour)
PLR (Eng) Product Licence Renewal
PLS (Dan) primær lateralsklerose
PLT (Eng) platelet
PLTc (Eng) platelet concentrates
PLV (Eng) produit de lait de vache
plv (Latin) pulvis [= powder]
PM (Eng) pacemaker
p.m. (Eng) presystolic murmur
PMA (Eng) partial modification application
PMB (Dan) postmenopausal blødning
PMC (Eng) perimyocarditis
PMD (Eng) primary medical doctor
PMDA (Eng) Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency (Japan)
PMDI (Eng) pressurised metered-dose inhaler
PME (Fr) pas de moyens extraordinaires
PMETB (Eng) Postgrduate Medical Education and Training Board
PMF (Eng) Plant Master File
PMH (Eng) past/previous medical history
PMHx (Eng) past/previous medical history
PMI (Eng) point of maximum intensity; point of maximum impulse [heart murmurs]
PMK (Eng) pacemaker
PML (Eng) part-time maternity leave
PMLR (Eng) percutaneous myocardial laser revascularisation
PMM (Dan) phosphomanomutase
PMMA (Eng) polymethylmethacrylate
PMN (Eng) polymorphonuclear
PMNL (Eng) polymorphomononuclear leucocyte
PMO (Fr) ponction de moelle osseuse
pmol (Eng) picomole
PMR (Eng) percutaneous myocardial revascularisation
PMRS (Eng) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service
PMS (Dutch) premenstrueel syndroom
PMSI (Fr) Programme/project de médicalisation des systèmes d’information
PMT (Dutch) Psychomedische Team
PMTCT (Eng) prevention of mother to child transmission
PMVE (Eng) polymethyl vinyl ether
PN (Eng) percussion note
p.n. (Latin) pro necessitate [used in Danish]
PNA (Fr) pyelonéphrite aiguë
PNB (Fr) produit brut national
PNBX (Eng) prostate needle biopsy
PNC (Fr) prix de la non-conformité
PND (Eng) paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
PNE (Fr) polynucléaires éosinophiles
PNES (Dan) psykogent anfald
PNET (Dan) primitiv neuroektodermal tumor
Pneu (Ger) Pneumothorax
PNF (Eng) proprioceptive muscular faciliation (physiotherapy)
PNH (Eng) paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria/haematuria
PNI (Fr) mesure de la pression artérielle de façon non invasive
PNLAT (Fr) programme nationale de lutte antituberculose
PNN (Eng) polymorphonuclear neutrophils
PNO (Fr) pneumothorax
PNP (Dan) polyneuropati
PNS (Eng) peripheral nervous system
PNT (Fr) pression négative tropique
PNV (Eng) prenatal vitamins
PNx (Eng) pneumothorax
PO (Latin) per os
p.o. (Latin) per os (by mouth, orally)
po (Swe) peroralt
PO (Fr) perimeter ombilical
PaO20.21 (Eng) arterial partial O2 pressure at FIO2 = 0.21
PaO21.0 (Eng) arterial partial O2 pressure at FIO2 = 1.0
PvO2 (Eng) mixed venous O2 pressure
PO2 (Eng) partial pressure of oxygen
POA (Ger) peridurale Opiatanalgesie
POB (Dutch) pijn op borst
POBA (Eng) plain old balloon angioplasty
POBT (Dan) perioperativ blodtransfusion
POC (Eng) point of care
POCI (Eng) posterior circulation infarct
POCS (Fr) pointes-ondes continues pendant le sommeil
POCT (Eng) point-of-care testing
POD (Eng) post-operative day
POEMS (Dan) polyneuropati, organomegali, endokrinopatier, M-komponent, skin disorder[-syndrom]
POI (Port) pós-operatório imediato
Pol (Swe) poliklinikläkare
pol (Swe) poliklinisk
polop (Swe) poliklinisk operation
poly-HEMA (Eng) poly(hydroxyethylmethacrylate)
POM (Eng) prescription-only medicine
POMC (Dan) proopiomelanocortin
POMS (Eng) Profile of Mood States
PONV (Eng) post-operative nausea and vomiting
POP (Eng) progestogen-only pill
pop (Eng) popliteal
POPQ (Eng) pelvic organ prolapse quantification
PORP (Eng) partial ossicular replacement prosthesis
POS (Eng) polycystic ovary syndrome
Pos (Eng) position sense
pos (Swe) positive
Posm (Eng) pression osmotique
POSOM (Swe) psykiskt och socialt omhändertagande vid olyckor eller katastrofer
post. (Eng) posterior
POST (Span) posterior
POT (Span) reflejos osteotendinosos
POW (Eng) Powassan (virus)
POWG (Ger) primäres Offenwinkelglaukom
PP (Dan) koagulationsfaktor II-VII-X
p.p. (Dan) perifer puls
pp (Eng) post-prandial
PPA (Fr) peste porcine africaine (vet.)
PPAR (Eng) peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
PPARd (Eng) peroxisome proliferator receptor delta
PPARg2 (Eng) peroxisome proliferative activated receptor gamma 2
PPB (Fr) plaie par balle
PPBS (Eng) postprandial blood sugar
PPC (Fr) peste porcine classique
PPCD (Fr) pyrophosphate de calcium dihydraté
pPCI (Eng) primary percutaneous crononory intervention
PPCN (Fr) pression positive continue nasale
PPCU (Fr) première prise en charge urgente
ppd (Dutch) postpartum depressie
PPD (Eng) purified protein derivative (of tuberculin)
PPE (Eng) personal protective equipment
PPEF (Port) pressão positiva expiratório final
PPF (Eng) plasma protein fraction
PPG (Eng) postprandial glucose
PPH (Eng) postpartum haemorrhage
PPHN (Dan) persisterende pulmonal hypertension hos nyfødte børn
PPI (Dan) protonpumpeinhibitor
PPi (Fr) pyrophosphate inorganique
p.p.i. (Fr) (eau) pour préparations injectibles
p-piller (Swe) preventivpiller
PPJ (Fr) paquets par jour
PPKO (Dan) primært planocellulært karcinom i ovariet
PPL (Span) puño percussion lumbar
PPLO (Eng) pleuropneumonia-like organisms
PPM (Fr) prix public Maroc
ppm (Eng) parts per million
PPN (Eng) peripheral parenteral nutrition
PPO (Eng) preferred provider organisation
PPP (Eng) platelet-poor plasma
PPPP (Eng) peripartum pelvic pain
PPR (Fr) pseudopolyarthrite rhumatoïde
PPRIS (Span) pulsos periféricos, regulares, iguales y simétricos
PPRF (Eng) paramedian reticular formation of the pons
PPROM (Eng) prolonged preterm rupture of membranes
PPRS (Eng) Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme
PPS (Eng) per protocol set
PPs (Eng) peripheral pulses
PPSB (Fr) prothrombne proconvertine facteur Stuart antihémophilique B
PPT (Eng) pressure pain threshold
P-PTH (Dan) plasma-parathyroideahormon
PPTL (Eng) post-portum tubal ligation
PPV (Dutch) positief voorspellende waarde
PpV (Eng) pars plana vitrectomy
PPWD (Eng) Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive
PQ (Eng) performance qualification
PQS (Eng) polar qualification system
p.r. (Eng) per rectum
PR (Dan) partielt respons
P.R. (Span) precio de referencia
PR1G (Fr) professeur 1 grade en odontologie
PR2G (Fr) professeur 2 grade en odontologie
PRA (Eng) plasma renin activity
PRAG (Fr) professeur agrégé détaché dans l’enseignement supérieur
PRBC (Eng) packed red blood cells
PRC (Eng) packed red cells
PRCA (Eng) pure red cell aplasia
PRCIU (Span) probable retraso del crecimiento intrauterine
PRE (Fr) période réfractaire efficace
PRED (Eng) prednisolone
PRELEX (Eng) presbyopic lens exchange
PREOP (Span) preoperatorio
Preop (Fr) pré-opératoire
prep (Swe) preparat
pre-pro ANF (Eng) pre-pro-atrio-natriuretic factor
PRH (Eng) prolactin releasing hormone
PRHO (Eng) pre-registration house officer
PRIFAS (Fr) Programme de Recherches Interdisciplinaires Français sur les Acridiens du Soleil
Prim. (Ger) Primarius/Primaria (Austria, = Chefarzt in Germany)
Primip (Latin) primipara
PRIND (Eng) prolonged reversible ischaemic neurological deficits
prion (Eng) proteinaceous infectious particle
PRIST (Ger) Papier-Radio-Immunosorbent-Test
PRIVIREAL (Eng) Privacy in Research Ethics and Law
PRK (Eng) photorefractive keratectomy
PRL (Eng) phacic refractive lens
Prl (Swe) Provinsialläkare
PRN (Eng) packaging reference number
p.r.n. (Latin) pro re nata (as needed, as required)
PRNP (Fr) polyradiculoneuropathie
pro-ANF (Eng) pro-atrio-natriuretic factor
PROBE (Eng) prospective, randomised, open-label blinded end-point classification [study design]
PROM (Eng) premature rupture of membranes
PROP (Eng) propranolol
propon (Dutch) preoperatief onderzoek
propy (Eng) prophylaxis
Prot. (Fr) protéine
PROT (Span) proteínas
Pro time (Eng) prothrombin time
PRP (Eng) platelet-rich plasma
PRPP (Eng) phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate
PRR (Fr) période réfractaire relative
PRS (Eng) pervasive refusal syndrome
PRT (Eng) plasma recalcification time
PRTH (Eng) selective pituitary resistance to thyroid hormone
PS (Eng) phosphatidylserine
p.s. (Lat/Dan) per secundam (intentionem)
PSA (Dan) prostataspecifikt antigen
PSB (Eng) protected-specimen brush
PSC (Eng) primary sclerosing cholangitis
PSCH (Eng) peripheral stem cell harvest
PSD (Fr) pression sanguine diastolique
PSDI (Eng) positive symptom distress index
PSDS (Ger) Paranoid-Depressivitäts-Skala
PSDS/D-S (Ger ) Paranoid-Depressivitäts-Skala und Depressivitäts-Skala
PSE (Fr) pousse-seringue électrique [= syringe driver]
PSF (Fr) ponction/prélèvement de sang fœtal
PSG (Dan) polysomnografi
PSGB (Eng) Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
PSGL (Fr) psychologue consultant
PSgo (Fr) pression sytoloque du gros orteil
PSH (Eng) past surgical history
PSI (Fr) plan de services individualisé
PSI-1,2 (Fr) préseniline – 1 et 2
PSM (Eng) pan-systolic murmur
PSN (Ital) parto spontaneo normale
PSO (Fr) procédure opératoire standard
PSP (Fr) phénolsulphopthaléine
PSPH (Fr) [privés] participant au service public hospitalier
PSQ (Span) psiquiatria
PSR (Ger) Patellarsehnenreflex
P4SR (Eng) predicted 4-hour sweat rate
PSRA (Dutch) post-streptokokken-reactieve-artritis
PSRU (Eng) periodic safety report updates
PSS (Eng) progressive systemic scleroderma
pSS (Eng) primary Sjögren’s syndrome
PSSHN (Eng) Performance Status Scale for Head and Neck Cancer
PST (Eng) patient self-testing
PSTI (Eng) pancreatic serum trypsin inhibitor
PSTV (Eng) paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
PSU (Eng) polysulfone
PSUR (Dan) periodisk sikkerhedsopdatering
PSVT (Eng) paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
PT (Dan) Panyiotopoulos epilepsi
Pt (Eng) patient
pt (Eng) patient
pt. (Dan) patient
Pt. (Fr) point
PTA (Dutch) percutane transluminale angioplastiek
PTB (Fr) prothrombine
PTBD (Eng) percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage
PTC (Eng) percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
PTC (Eng) percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
PTCA (Eng) percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
PTDiag1 (Fr) pontage diagonale 1
PT IVA (Fr) pontage IVA (= graft LAD)
PtcO2 (Eng) transcutaneous partial O2 pressure
PTCR (Eng) percutaneous transluminal coronary reperfusion
PTD (Fr) pression télédiastolique
PT D (Fr) pontage droite (= graft RCA)
PTDVD (Fr) pression télédiastolique ventriculaire droite
PTDVG (Fr) pression télédiastolique ventriculaire gauche
PTE (Span) paciente
PTEA (Port) perda transepidérmica de água
PTFE (Eng) polytetrafluoroethylene
PTG (Fr) prothèse totale du genou
PTH (Dan) parathyroideahormon
PTHC (Eng) percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
PTHrP (Dan) parathyroideahormonrelateret peptid
PTI (Fr) purpura thrombopénique idiopathique
PTK (Ger) phototherapeutische Keratektomie
PTL (Eng) pre-term labour
PTLD (Eng) post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease
ptm (Eng) pneumotachometer
PT Marg (Fr) pontage marginale (= graft OM)
PTME (Fr) prévention de transmission mère-enfant
pTMN (Eng) pathological tumour-node-metastasis
Ptn (Fr) protéine
PTO (Ital ) punto
PTOG (Span) prueba de tolerancia oral a la glucosa
PTP (Eng) posterior tibial pulse
PTR (Ger) perkutane Punktionstracheotomie
pts (Eng) patients
PTs (Eng) preferred terms
PTS (Eng) permanent threshold shift (hearing)
PTSD (Eng) post-traumatic stress disorder
PTSMA (Eng) percutaneous transluminal septal myocardial ablation
PTT (Eng) partial thromboplastin time
PTU (Eng) propylthiouracil
PTV (Dan) pulmonært termalt volumen
PTW (Eng) price to wholesaler
PTWI (Eng) provisional tolerable weekly intake
PTWR (Eng) post-take ward round
PTX (Dan) paratyroidektomi
PTZ (Ger) partielle Thromboplastinzeit
PU (Eng) Prast unit (lab testing)
PUB (Dan) perforation - ulcus - blødning
PUBS (Eng) percutaneous umbilical blood sampling
PUD (Eng) peptic ulcer disease
PUFA (Eng) polyunsaturated fatty acids
PUI (Span) puntos ureterales inferiores
PUK's (Dutch) psychiatrische universiteitsklinieken
PUFA (Eng) polyunsaturated fatty acids
PUI (Fr) pharmacie à usage intérieur
pulm (Fr) pulmonaire
pulv. (Latin) pulveratus
PUM (Fr) potentiels d’unité motrice
PUMA (Eng) paediatric use marketing authorization
PUO (Eng) pyrexia of unknown origin
PU/PD (Eng) polyuria/polydipsia [vet]
PUPH (Fr) professeur des universités - praticien hospitalier
PUPHC (Fr) professeur des universities – praticien hospitalier consultant
PUPHCD (Fr) professeur des universities – praticien hospitalier en odontologie
pur. (Latin) purificatus
PUS (Span) puntos ureterales superiors
PUT (Dan) urinantigenundersøgelse for pneumokokker
PUVA (Fr) psoralène + UV-A
PV (Eng) parvovirus
Pv (Eng) predictive value
p.v. (Fr) poids vif (of animal)
p/v (Fr) poids/volume
p.v. (Latin) per vaginam
PVA (Fr) plasma viro-atténué
PVAR (Eng) Preliminary Variation Assessment Report
PVC (Eng) premature ventricular contraction
PVCU (Latin) portio vaginalis cervicis uteri
PVD (Eng) peripheral vascular disease
PVE (Eng) prosthetic valve endocarditis
PVF (Eng) pulmonary venous flow
PVG (Fr) pression veineuse gauche
PVI (Dan) pulmonal veneisolation
PVM (Fr) prothèse valvulaire mitrale
PVO (Ital) poliovaccino orale
PVneg (Dan) negative prædiktive værdi
PVP (Dan) perkutan vertebroplastik
PVPE (Fr) pas venu, pas excusé
PVpos (Dan) positive prædiktive værdi
PVPP (Eng) polyvinyl polypyrolidone
PVR (Eng) pulmonary vascular resistance
PVS (Eng) persistent vegetative state
PVSM (Eng) portable vital signs monitoring system
PVT (Eng) pulseless ventricular tachycardia
PVY (Span) pulso venoso yugular
PW (Dutch) Pharmaceutisch Weekblad
Pw (Eng) pertussis whole cell (vaccine)
PWC (Eng) patient working capacity (in psychotherapy)
PWD (Eng) pulse-wave Doppler echocardiography
PWG (Eng) Permanent Working Group of European Junior Doctors
PWI (Eng) perfusion-weighted imaging (MRI)
PWM (Eng) pokeweed mitogen
PWP (Eng) pulmonary wedge pressure
PWPB (Eng) purified water puncture biopsy
PX (Span) pronóstico
Px (Eng) prognosis
px (Swe) provexcision
PXR (Eng) pregnane X receptor
PYD (Dan) pyrindomæne
PyF (Span) piel y faneras
PYFU (Eng) person-years of follow-up
PYLL (Eng) potential years of life lost
Pyz (Eng) pyramidal reflexes
Pz () parietal (electrode)
PZ (Fr) pancréozymine
PZN (Ger) Pharmazentralnummer
PZR (Ger) professionelle Zahnreinigung
PZWL (Polish) Pastwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich
Q (Eng) flow
q (Latin) quaque (each, every)
q1d (Latin) quaque 1 die (every day)
q2h (Latin) quaque 2 hora (every two hours)
q4h (Latin) quaque 4 hora (every four hours)
Q; QB (Fr) débit cardiaque
QS/QT (Eng) shunt volume (intra- or extracardial)
QA (Eng) quality assurance
QALE (Eng) quality-adjusted life expectancy
QALY (Eng) quality-adjusted life years
qam (Latin) each morning
QAP (Eng) Quality Activity Plan
q.b.p. (Ital) quanto bisogna per (= q.s.p.)
QC (Eng) quality control
Qc (Fr) débit cardiaque
QCA (Eng) quantitative coronary analysis
QCM (Fr) qualité à choix multiples
QCT (Eng) quantitative computed tomography
QD (Latin) quantum doloris
qd (Latin) quaque die [every day]
QDC (Eng) quinacrine dehydrochloride
QDR (Eng) quantitative digital radiography
qds (latin) four times a day
QF (Ger) Querfinger (Eng. fingerbreadths, e.g. liver x fingerbreadths below
QFB (Span) quimico farmaceutico biologo
q.h. (Latin) quaque hora [every hour]
qhs (Latin) quaque hora somni [= every night, bedtime]
QI (Fr) quotient intellectuel
qid (Latin) quater in die [4 times a day]
QIED (Fr) quadrant infero-externe droit
QIEG (Fr) quadrant infero-externe gauche
QIID (Fr) quadrant infero-interne droit
QIIG (Fr) quadrant infero-interne gauche
QIP (Fr) quotient intellectuel ”performance”
QIV (Fr) quotient intellectual verbal
q l (Latin) quantum libet
QMI (Fr) quantité maximale ingérée
qns (Eng) quantity not sufficient
qod (Latin) quoque die tertio [= every other day]
QOL/QoL (Eng) quality of life
QOS (Eng) quality overall summary
QP (Eng) qualified person
qpm (Latin) each evening
QPP (Eng) quality frrom the patient’s perspective (qestionnaire)
qq (Fr) quelques
qqh (Latin) quaque quarta [every quarter of an hour]
QR (Fr) quotient respiratoire
QRD (Eng) Quality Review of Documents
QROC (Fr) questions à réponses ouvertes et courtes
QS (Fr) quadrant supérieur [of breast]
q.s. (Fr) quantité suffisante
QSE (Eng) Quality Safety Efficacy
QSED (Fr) quadrant supero-externe droit
QSEG (Fr) quadrant supero-externe gauche
QSID (Fr) quadrant supero-interne droit
QSIG (Fr) quadrant supero-interne gauche
qsp (Fr) quantité suffisante pour
QTc (Eng) corrected QT (interval)
QTL (Eng) quantitative trait loci
Quf. (Ger) Querfinger
QUI (Eng) qualitative ultrasound index
QUL (Swe) Qvalitet-Utveckling-Ledarskap
QWP (Eng) Quality Working Party (CHMP)
QX (Span) quírúrgico
R (Eng) right
R: en (Fr) en réserve
RO (Fr) regurgitation/reflux
r (Eng) correlation coefficient
R1 (Dan) makroskopisk radikal operation
R2 (Dan) radikal operation, hvor der efterlades synligt arvæv
R1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Ger) Herzton (erster, zweiter, dritter, vierter, fünfter)
Raw (Eng) airways resistance (respiration)
RA (Dan) reumatoid artrit
RAA (Fr) rhumatisme articulaire aigu
RAAA (Dan) rumperet abdominalt aortaaneurisme
RAAS (Eng) renin angiotensin aldosterone system
RAB (Dan) registreret alternativ behandler
RAC (Fr) rétrécissement aortique calcifié
RACS (Fr) respiration, activité circulatoire spontané
RAD (Eng) right axis deviation
Rad (Eng) radial pulse
RADIC (Fr) réseau d’aide à domicile pour les insuffisants cardiaques
RAEB (Eng) refractory anaemia with excess of blasts
RAEBT (Eng) refractory anaemia with excess of blasts in transformation
RAEFAR (Span) registro y autorización de especialidades farmacéuticas
RAF (Span) reacción adversa al fármaco
RAG (Eng) radionuclide angiocardiography
RAGE (Eng) receptor for advanced glyceration end-product
RaH (Swe) radiumhemmet [at Karolinska Hospital]
RAI (Fr) recherche d’anticorps irréguliers
RAIU (Eng) radioactive iodine uptake
R.alcaline (Fr) réserve alcaline
RAM (Span) Reacciones Adversas a los Medicamentos
RAMC (Span) reacciones adversas medicamentos conocidas
RAN (Span) ranurado (scored)
RANK (Eng) receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B
RANKL (Eng) receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand
RAO (Eng) right anterior oblique (artery)
RAo (Fr) rétrécissement aortique
RAP (Eng) right atrial presure
RAPD (Ger) relatives afferentes Pupillendefizit
RAPE (Fr) rupture artificielle de la poche des eaux
RAPS (Eng) Regulatory Affairs Professional Society (US)
RAR (Fr) résection antérieure du rectum
Rari (Ger) Rachenring
RAS (Dan) recidiverende abdominalsmerter
RASC (Fr) réservoir d’accès sous-cutanée
RASK (Dan) Roskilde Amts Sygehus, Køge
RAST (Dan) radioallergosorbent-test
RAU (Span) retención aguda urinaria
RAV (Swe) Referensgruppen för antiviral terapi
RAW (Eng) airways resistance
RB (Eng) retinoblastoma
R/B (Eng) referred by
RB1 (Dan) retinoblastomgen
RBB (Ger) rotes Blutbild
RBBB (Eng) right bundle branch block
RBC (Eng) red blood cell
RBD (Fr) register belge du diabète
RBF (Eng) renal blood flow
RBL (Eng) rat basophilic leukaemia
RBP (Eng) retinol binding protein
RBC (Eng) red blood cell (count)
RBE (Eng) relative biological effectiveness
RBF (Eng) renal blood flow
RBP (Eng) retinol binding protein
RBS (Eng) random blood sugar
RBTB (Dutch) rechterbundeltakblok
RBW (Ger) relative biologische Wirksamkeit
RC (Fr) rythme cardiaque
RCA (Eng) right coronary artery
RCAd (Eng) right coronary artery distal
RCAm (Eng) right coronary artery mid
RCAp (Eng) right coronary artery proximal
rCBV (Eng) relative cerebral blood volume
RC1w (Eng) recheck 1 week [vet]
RCC (Eng) renal cell carcinoma
RCCP (Fr) retard de croissance constitutionnel à la puberté
RCCR (Eng) Review and Change Control Request
RCD (Port) recesso costal direito
RCF (Fr) rythme cardiaque foetal
RCFID (Eng) Registration Committee for Import of Drug
RCG (Eng/Fr) radiocardiogram/radiocardiogramme
RCGP (Eng) Royal College of General Practitioners
RCH (Fr) rectocolite hémorragique [= ulcerative colitis]
R-CHOP (Eng) ritudimab-CHOP
RCI (Port) ritmo cardíaco irregular
RCIU (Fr) retard(ation) de croissance intra-utérine
RCM (Eng) right costal margin
RCMI (Fr) radiothérapie conformationnelle avec modulation d’intensité
RCN (Eng) Royal College of Nursing
RCOG (Eng) Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
RCP (Eng) Royal College of Physicians
RCR (Port) ritmo cardíaco regular
RCR 2T (Port) ritmo cardiáco regular em 2 tempos
RCS (Eng) Royal College of Surgeons
RCT (Eng) randomised controlled trial
RCUH (Fr) rectocolite ulcéro-hémorragique
RCX (Eng) ramus circumflexus
RCUH (Fr) rectocolite ulcéro-hémorragique
RD (Dan) rejsediaré
R.d. (Dan) røntgendiagnos
RDA (Eng) recommended daily allowance
RDC (Ital) reazione di deviazione del complemento
RDE (Eng) remote data entry
R.dg. (Latin) ramus diagonalis
RDI (Dutch) relatieve dosis intensiteit
Rdn (Ger) Randnummer
rDNA (Eng) recombinant DNA
RDP (Latin) ramus descendens posterior
RDS (Eng) respiratory distress syndrome (of newborn)
RDT (Span) oncologia radioterapapica
RDU (Ger) rektal-digitale Untersuchung
RDV (Fr) rendezvous
RDW (Eng) red cell distribution width
RDWr (Eng) reticulocyte red blood cell distribution width
RE (Eng) retinol equivalent
RE1 (Fr) rotation externe coude à corps
RE2 (Fr) rotation externe ABD [abduction] à 90º
REAL (Eng) Revised European American Classification of Lymphoid Neoplasms
REBLAS (Port) Red Brasileira de Laboratórios de Saúde
REC (Eng) research ethics committee
REG (Port) regular estado geral
Rec (Swe) recept
RECUB (Span) recubierto
Reg (Eng) registrar
REH (Span) rehabilitación
reit. (Latin) reiteretur
RELIS (Nor) regionale legemiddelinformasjonssenter
REM (Eng) rapid eye movement
REOP (Port) reoperação
REP () Fr
RER (Dan) rekombinationsreparation
RES (Dan) retikuloendoteliale system
RESP (Span) respiratorio
resurin (Swe) residualurin
RETV (Span) resección endoscópica transvesical
REU (Span) reumatología
REUP (Eng) transurethral resection of the prostate
RF (Dan) retroperitoneal fibrose
Rf (Eng) retention factor
RFA (Dan) radiofrekvensablation
RFC (Ital) reazione di fissazione del complemento
RFI (Eng) renal failure index
RFLP (Eng) restriction fragment length polymorphism
RFO (Eng) radio-guided focused operation
RfD (Eng) reference dose
RFLP (Eng) restriction fragment length polymorphism
RfS (Dan) Register for Selvmordsforsøg
RFSU (Swe) Riksförbundet för sexuell upplysning
RFT (Eng) renal function test
RFV (Swe) Riksförsäkringsverket
RFW (Eng) rapid-filling wave (cardiology)
RG (Ger) Rasselgeräusche
r.g. (Dan) rest gemmes
RGB (Span) recuento de globules blancos
RGE (Fr) reflux gastro-oesophagien
RGO (Fr) reflux gastro-oesophagien
RGPT (Fr) règlement général pour la protection du travail
RH (Dan) Rigshospitalet (Copenhagen University Hospital)
Rh (Eng) Rhesus
Rh+ (Eng) Rhesus (factor) positive
Rh- (Eng) Rhesus (factor) negative
rh (Swe) rörelsehindrad
RHA (Span) ruidos hidroaéreos
RHC (Eng) right heart catheter
RHD (Eng) rheumatic heart disease
Rheum (Eng) rheumatology
RHF (Eng) right-sided heart failure
RhF (Eng) rheumatic fever
RHJ (Fr) reflux hépato-jugulaire
Rh prof (Dan) Rhesusimmunoprofylakse
r-hu EPO (Eng) recombinant human erythropoietin
RhuG-CSF (Eng) pre-combinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor
RHY (Span) reflujo hepatoyugular
RI (Eng) Ratholing Index
R/I (Eng) rule in
RIA (Eng) radioactive iodine uptake
RIBA (Dan) rekombinant immunoblot assay
RiBo (Ger) Rippenbogen
RICP (Eng) raised intracranial pressure
RID (Eng) remission-inducing drugs
RIF (Eng) right iliac fossa
RIG (Eng) rabies immunoglobulin
RIGA (Eng) right inferior gastric artery
RIH (Eng) right inguinal hernia
RIK (Dan) ren intermitterende kateterisation
RIKK (Dan) den regionale infrastruktur for klinisk kræftforskning
RiLiBÄK (Ger) Richtlinien der Bundesärztekammer zur Qualitätssicherung in medizinischen Laboratorien
RIMA (Eng) right internal mammary artery
RIMS (Eng) resonant ionisation mass spectrometry
RIN (Span) razón internactional normalizada (= INR)
RIND (Eng) reversible ischaemic neurological deficit
RIO (Dutch) Regionaal Indicatie Orgaan
RIP (Latin) ramus interventricularis posterior (= PD, PDA)
R.I.P. (Dutch) ruimte-innemend process
RIPT (Eng) repeated insult patch test
RIR (Ital) reazione di ipersensibilità ritardata
RIS (Eng) resonant ionisation spectroscopy
RIST (Eng) radioimmunosorbent test
RITA (Eng) right interior thoracic artery
RIVA (Fr) rythme idio-ventriculaire accéléré
RIVM (Dutch) Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
RIVP (Latin ) ramus interventricularis posterior (= posterior descending artery)
RJ (Port) ritmo juncional
RKg; RKG (Ger) Radiokardiogramm
RKI (Ger) Robert-Koch-Institut, Bundesinstitut für Infektionskrankheiten und nichtübertragbare Krankheiten
RKT (Dan) radiokemoterapi
RL (Fr) radicaux libres
R/L (Eng) right/left
RLC (Fr) régime légèrement constipant
RLD (Eng) reference lumen diameter
RLE (Eng) right lower extremity
RLL (Eng) right lower lobe (lung)
RLM (Ital) reazione linfocitaria mista
RLQ (Eng) right lower quadrant (abdomen)
RLS (Eng) restless legs syndrome
RLX (Fr) récessif lié à l’X
RM (Eng) reference material
RMC (Ital) residio medico-cirurgico
RMH (Span) resonancia menstrual habitual
RMI (Fr) revenue minimum d’insertion
RML (Eng) right mediolateral
RMM (Fr) relation médecin-malade
RMN (Fr) résonance magnétique nucléaire
RMO (Eng) resident medical officer
RMP (Span) reflejos músculares profundos
RMS (Eng) Reference Member State
RMSF (Eng) Rocky Mountain spotted fever
RN (Eng) registered nurse
RNA (Eng) ribonucleic acid
RNase (Eng) ribonuclease
RNBPEG (Span) recién nacido de bajo peso para la edad gestacional
RNBPN (Span) recién nacido de bajo peso al nacer
RNEF (Eng) radionuclide ejection fraction
RNG (Ger) Radiounuklidgemisch
RNOH (Eng) Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
RNP (Span) recien nacido premature
RNPAEG (Span) recién nacido de peso adecuado para la edad gestacional
RNPT (Span) recién nacido pretermino
RNS (Ger) Ribonucleinsäure
RNT (Span) recién nacido a termino
R/O (Eng) rule out
RO (Dan) mikroskopisk radikal operation
ROC (Fr) réflexe oculo-cardiaque
ROD (Ital) raggruppamento omogenei dei diagnosi [= DRG]
ROI (Eng) region of interest
ROM (Eng) range of motion/movement
ROMI (Eng) rule-out myocardial infarction
ROP (Eng) retinopathy of prematurity
ROPP (Eng) rolled-on pilfer-proof closure
ROS (Eng) reactive oxygen species
ROT (Fr) réflexes ostéotendineux
RP (Dutch) Relatieve Potentie
rp. (Latin) recipe (= Rx) [used in Danish]
RPA (Eng) resection and primary anastomosis
RPC (Ital) rene policistico
RPCA (Fr) résistance à la protéine C activée
RPD (Latin) ramus posterior descendens
RPDE (Fr) rupture de la poche des eaux
RPE (Eng) rating of perceived exertion
RPF (Eng) renal plasma flow
RPG (Port) reeducação postural global
RPGN (Eng) rapidly progressing glomerulonephritis
RPHPLC (Eng) reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography
RPLD (Latin) ramus posterolateralis dexter
RPLND (Eng) retroperitoneal lymph node dissection
RPLS (Eng) reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome
RPM (Fr) résidue post-mictionelle [= post-void residual urine]
rpm (Span) respiraciones por minuto
RPMI (Eng) Rosewell Park Memorial Insitute (medium)
RPN (Port) respiração por pressão negativa
RPP (Eng) rate-pressure product
RPPC (Port) respiração por pressão positiva continua nas vias aéras
RPPDE (Fr) rupture premature de la poche des eaux
RPR (Eng) rapid plasma reagin
RPs (Fr) rhumatisme psoriasique [= psoriatic arthritis]
RPSGB (Eng) Royal Pharmaceutical Committee of Great Britain
RPV (Fr) rupture paroi ventriculaire
RQ (Eng) respiratory quotient
RQW (Ger) Rissquetschwunde
RR (Dan) relativ risiko
RRA (Eng) radioreceptor assay
RRE (Eng) raloxifene responsive elements
RRF (Fr) réadaptation, rééducation fonctionnelle
RRMS (Eng) relapsing-remitting MS
RRO (Fr) rougeole, rubéole, oreillons
RRP (Eng) radical retropubic prostatectomy
RRR (Eng) regular rate and rhythm
RRT (Eng) relative retention time (chromatography)
RRR-TV (Eng) rhesus-human reassortant rotavirus tetravalent virus
RS (Dan) risikoscore
RSA (Fr) résumé de sortie anonyme
RSB (Eng) right sternal border
RsCsRs (Span) ruidos cardícos rítmicos
RSC (Span) rectosigmoideoscopia
RSCF (Span) rectosigmoideoscopia flexible
RSCR (Span) rectosigmoideoscopia rigida
RSD (Eng) relative standard deviation
RSE (Eng) right strernal edge
RSI (Eng) repetitive strain injury
RSM (Span) resonsable de seguridad de medicamentos [= DSO]
RSNA (Eng) Radiological Society of North America
RSNP (Fr) rapports sexuels non protégés
RSO (Eng) resident surgical officer
RSP (Eng) respirable particulates
RSPE (Fr) rupture spontanée des poches d’eaux
RSR (Eng) regular sinus rhythm
RSS (Fr) résumé de sortie standardisé
RSSE (Eng) Russian spring-summer encephalitis
RSV (Dan) respiratorisk syncytialvirus
RSVC (Eng) right superior vena cava
rt; RT (Eng) room temperature
RT (Dutch) rectaal toucher
Rt (Eng) residence time
RTA (Eng) renal tubular acidosis
RTbl. (Ger) Retardtablette
RTC (Eng) return to clinic
Rtc (Eng) reticulocyte
RTCA (Port) reflexo tônico cervical assimétrico
RTE (Fr) radiothérapie externe
(r)t-PA (Eng) (recombinant) tissue-type plasminogen activator
RTECS (Eng) Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances
rtg (Dan) røntgen (X-ray)
rtgus (Swe) röntgenundersökning
RTH (Fr) radiothérapie
RTI (Eng) respiratory tract infection
RTIA (Frr) rupture traumatique de l’isthme aortique
RTP (Eng) rapid transfer ports
rTP (Eng) recombinant tissue plasminogen
RT-PCR (Dan) revers transkriptase-polymerasekædereaktion
RTTE (Span) resistente
RTU (Eng) ready-to-use (solution)
RTUP (Fr) resection transurétrale de la prostate
RTUV (Fr) resection transuréthrale de la vessie
RU (Fr) réaction urinaire
RUA (Span) retención urinaria aguda
RUE (Eng) right upper extremity
RUG (Eng) retrograde urethrogram
RUH (Dan) rapporteringssystemet vedr. utilsigtede hændelser
RUL (Eng) right upper lobe (lung)
RUQ (Eng) right upper quadrant (abdomen)
RUSUCU (Fr) réaction urinaire, sédiment urinaire, culture urinaire
RV (Dutch) risicoverschil
RVA (Fr) résistance des voies aériennes
RVAD (Eng) right ventricular assist device
RVD (Eng) reference lumen diameter
RVEDP (Eng) right-ventricular end-diastolic pressure
RVEF (Eng) right-ventricular ejection fraction
RVF (Eng) right ventricular failure
RVFW (Eng) right ventricular free wall
RVG (Dutch) register van verpakte geneesmiddelen
RVH (Eng) right ventricular hypertrophy
RVI (Span) retroventricular izquierda
RV&IVP (Fr) rétro ventriculaire & interventriculaire postérieure
RVK (Dan) regional videnskabsetisk komité
RVM (Fr) remplacement valvule mitrale
RVMI (Eng) right ventricular myocardial infarction
RVP (Dutch) Rijksvaccinatieprogramma
RVR (Eng) rapid ventricular response
RVS (Fr) resistances vasculaires sytémiques
RVSI (Fr) resistances vasculaires systémiques indexes
RVSP (Eng) right ventricular systolic pressure
RVT (Dutch) rust- en verzorgingstehuis
RVU (Fr) reflux vésico-uréthrale
RW (Ger) Randwinkel
RWTH (Ger) Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule
RX (Ital) radiografia
Rx (Eng) treatment
RXT (Ital) roentgenterapia
RXV (Span) radiologia vascular intervencionista
RXT (Span) radioterapia
RYK (Dan) Rygmarvsskadede i Danmark
RyR (Dan) ryanodinreceptor
S (Dan) serum
Σ (Fr) syndrome
s. (Fr) semaine
S/ (Span) sin
S1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Eng) heart sound (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th)
SA (Dan) spinal anæstesi
S&A (Eng) sugar and acetone
SAA (Eng) serum amyloid A
SAAG (Eng) serum ascites albumin gradient
SAAK (Ger) schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe für angewandte Krebsforschung
SAARDs (Eng) slow-acting antirheumatic drugs
SAB (Eng) spontaneous abortion
SAC (Eng) safety assessment code [e.g. SAC score]
SACD (Eng) subacute combined degeneration
SACE (Eng) serum angiotensin-converting enzyme
SAD (Eng) seasonal affective disorder
SADAM (Fr) syndrome algo-dysfonctionnel de l’articulatino manoducateur
SADD (Eng) standardised assessment of depressive disorders
SADM (Eng) sodium azide dextrose medium
SADR (Eng) serious adverse drug reaction
SAE (Dan) selektiv arteriel embolisation
SAF (Fr) syndrome d’alcoolisme foetale
SAG (Eng) Scientific Advisory Group
SAG-M (Dan) saltvand + adenine, glucose og mannitol
SAH (Eng) subarachnoid haemorrhage
SAHOS (Fr) syndrome d'apnées/hypopnées obstructives du sommeil
SAI (Fr) sans autre indication
SAJ (Fr) services d’aide à la jeunesse
SAKS (Dan) Dansk Selskab for Artrotopisk Kirurgi og Sportstraumatologi
SAL (Eng) sterility assurance level
SAM (Fr) soulèvement antérieur de la (valve) mitrale
SAMM (Eng) Safety Assessment of Marketed Medicines
SAMR (Fr) Staphylococcus aureus méti(cilline) résistant [= MRSA]
SAMS (Fr) Staphylococcus aureus méti(cilline) sensible [= MSSA]
SAMTR (Span) estafilococo aureus meticilino resistente
SAMTS (Span) estafilococo aureus meticilino sensible
SAMU (Fr) Sérvice d'Aide Médicale d'Urgence
SAN (FR) Service d’accueil d’urgences
SanPol (Ger) Sanitätspolizei (Switzerland)
SANS (Eng) scale for assessment of negative symptoms
SaO2 (Eng) arterial oxygen saturation
SAOS (Fr) syndrome d’apnée obstructive du sommeil
SAP (Eng) sensory action potential
SAPHO (Fr) synovite, acne, pustulose palmo-plantaire, hyperostose (sacrée), ostéite (manubrio-sternale)
SAPL (Fr) syndrome des antiphospholipides
SAPS (Eng) simplified acute physiology score
SAR (Eng) suspected adverse reaction
SARA (Port) síndrome de angústia respiratória no adulto
SARM (Fr) Staph aureus méticilline resistant
SARS (Dan) svært, akut, respiratorisk syndrom
SARSS (Eng) suspected adverse reaction surveillance scheme
SAS (Eng) Statistical Analysis System
SASN (Fr) spondylarthropathies séro-négatives
SAT (Eng) subacute thrombosis
SAU (Fr) services d’accueil d'urgences
SAV (Dan) specifik allergivaccination
SAWP (Eng) Scientific Advice Working Party
SB (Eng) single breath
S/b (Eng) seen by
SBA (Eng) Summary Basis of Approval (US)
sb. (Span) sobre
SBE (Eng) subacute bacterial endocarditis
SBF (Eng) small bowel follow-through
SBFT (Eng) small bowel follow-through
SBG (Eng) serum blood glucose
SBH (Ger) Säure-Basen-Haushalt
SBI (Eng) sulcus bleeding index
SBIR (Eng) Simply the Best Internet Randomisation
SBL (Ger) Sekundärblastom
SBLG (Swe) Svenska Barnleukemigruppen
SBO (Eng) small bowel obstruction
SBP (Eng) systolic blood pressure
SBS (Eng) shaken baby syndrome
SBT (Dan) strakt-benløft-test
SBU (Swe) Statens beredning för medicinsk utvärdering
SC (Eng) study coordinator
s.c. (Eng) subcutaneous(ly)
s/c (Span) sin complicaciones
SCA (Eng) spinocerebellar atrophy
SCAC (Eng) Swiss Study Group for Complementary and Alternative Methods in Cancer
SCAG (Eng) Sandoz Clinical Assessment Geriatric Scale
SCASEST (Span) syndrome coronario agudo sin elevación del segmento ST
SCB (Fr) surface cutanée brûlée
SCBF (Eng) superficial cutaneous blood flow
SCBU (Eng) special care baby unit
SCC (Eng) squamous cell carcinoma
SCD (Eng) sudden cardiac death
SCE (Eng) sister chromatid exchange
SCF (Eng) Scientific Committee for Food
SCI (Eng) Science Citation Index
SCID (Eng) severe combined immunodeficiency
SCIG (Eng) subcutaneous immunoglobulin
SCIWORA (Eng) spinal cord injury without radiologic abnormality
SCL (Eng) soft contact lens
SCL-58 (Eng) symptoms check list; 58 items
SCL-70 (Eng) scleroderma
SCLC (Dan) småcellet lungecancer
SCLCA (Eng) small-cell lung cancer
SCLE (Eng) subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
SCM (Eng) sternocleiodomastoid
SCMB (Span) ventilación mecánica control sincronizada
SCN (Eng) suprachiasmatic nuclei
SCNT (Eng) somatic cell nuclear transfer
SCO (Span) syndrome cerebral orgánico
SCOR (Eng) skin conditions (cancers) in organ recipients
SCP (Fr) société civile professionnelle
SCR (Eng) stringent complete response
sCR (Eng) stringent complete response
SCS (Eng) spinal cord stimulation
SCT (Eng) stem cell transplantation
sCT (Fr) salmon calcitonin
SCV (Fr) système cardiovasculaire
SD (Eng) Study Director
S/D (Span) su despacho
Sd. (Span) síndrome
sd (Fr) syndrome
SDA (Eng) strand displacement amplification
SDAT (Eng) senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type
SDB (Eng) sleep disordered breathing
SDF (Fr) sans domicile fixe
SD-Fkt (Ger) Schilddrüsenfunktion
SDGF (Eng) smooth muscle cell derived growth factor
SDH (Eng) sorbitol dehydrogenase
SDI (Fr) souple, dépressible, indolore
SDIP+ (Fr) (abdomen) souple, depressible, indolore, péristaltisme present
SDL (Fr) syndrome des loges
SDLC (Eng) system development life cycle
SDM (Dan) diabetes mellitus diagnosticeret ved screening
s/d/m (Ger) systolisch/diastolish/mittel
SDMV (Fr) syndrome de défaillance multiviscérale
SDO (Ital) Scheda di Dimissione Ospedaliera
SDP (Eng) single-donor plasma
Sdp (Ger) Siedepunkt
SDR (Dan) selektiv dorsal eller posterior rhizotomi
SDRA (Fr) syndrome de détresse respiratoire de l’adulte [or aigu]
SDS (Eng) sodium dodecyl sulphate
SDS-PAGE (Eng) sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
SDV (Eng) source data verification
SDx (Eng) secondary diagnosis
SE (Dan) status epilepticus
Se (Fr) sensibilité
s/e (Eng) side effect
SEAR (Eng) Safety, Efficacy and Adverse Reactions Sibcommittee 9of CSM)
SEC (Eng) soft elastic capsule
sec. (Fr) sécable
sed rate (Eng) sedimentation rate
SEE (Eng) substernal epicardial echocardiogram
SEER (Eng) Purveillance, Epidemiology and End results
SEES (Fr) sonde d’entraînement électrosystolique
SEF (Fr) stimulation éléctrique fonctionnel
SEG (Eng) soft elastic gelatin capsule
seg (Fr) segment
SEGD (Span) seriada esófago gastroduodenal
SEI (Ger) subepitheliale Infiltrate
SELS (Eng) Surface Evaluation of Living Skin
SEM (Eng) systolic ejection murmur
sem (Fr) semaine
SEN (Eng) state-enrolled nurse
SEP (Eng) sensory evoked potential
sep. (Latin) seponat (= discontinue) [used in Danish]
SEPP (Fr) service externe de prévention et protection du travail
SER (Eng) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
SERM (Eng) specific estrogen receptor modulator
SERT (Dan) serotonintransporter
SES (Eng) socio-economic status
se/sp (Eng) sensitivity/specificity
SEU (Ital) sindrome emolitico-uremica
SHE (Dutch) spoedeisende hulp
SEM (Eng) standard error of mean
SEMS (Dan) selvekspanderende metalstent
SEP (Eng) somatosensory evoked potentials
SER (Eng) somatosensory evoked responses
SERM (Dan) selektive østrogen-receptor-modulatorer
SES (Eng) socioeconomic status
se/sp (Eng) sensitivity/specificity
SEUP (Span) sociedad espanol de urgencies prediatricas
SEVA (Eng) Single Event Analysis
SF (Eng) swine fever [vet]
sf (Swe) synfält
SFA (Eng) suppression factor of allergy
SFAR (Fr) Société française d’anesthésie et de réanimation
SFC (Eng) spinal fluid count
SFF (Eng) systolic forward flow
SFH (Eng) stroma-free haemoglobin
SFJ (Eng) saphenofemoral junction
SFK (Dutch) Stichting Farmaceutische Kengetallen [Pharmaceutical Statistics Trust]
SFKK (Swe) Svensk förening för klinisk kemi
SFM (Fr) Sociéte Française de Microbiologie
SFO (Eng) simple feeding operations
SFPC (Fr) Sociéte Française de Pharmacie Clinique
SfR (Dan) Sekretariatet for Referenceprogrammer (see DSCG)
SFT (Ger) Serofarbtest
SFTG (Fr) Société Française de Toxicologie Génétique
SFU (Dan) Sygesikringens Forhandlingsudvalg
SFV (Eng) superficial femoral vein
SG (Eng) Supporting Guidance
SGA (Eng) small for gestational age
SGAW (Eng) specific airways conductance
SGB (Fr) syndrome de Guillain-Barré
SGC (Span) sistema de gestión de la calidad
SGFM (Fr) sage-femme consultant
SGI (Fr) sérum glucose isotonique
SGLVG (Dutch) sterk gedragsgestoorde licht verstandelijk gehandicapten
SGA (Eng) small for gestational age
SGB (Ger) Sozialgesetzbuch
SGC (Ger) Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie
SGI (Ger) Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Intensivmedizin
SGIO (Ger) Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Internistische Onkologie
SGK (Ger) Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kardiologie
SGO (Ger) Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Onkologie
SGOT (Eng) serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (same as AST)
SGP (Fr) système de gestion du personnel
SGPT (Eng) serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (same as ALT)
SGRE (Span ) sangre
SGRQ (Eng) St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire
SGS (Fr) syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren
SH (Eng) social history
SHA (Eng) strategic health authority
SHBG (Eng) sex-hormone binding globulin
SHFM (Eng) split-hand/foot malformation
SHIV (Eng) simian/human immunodeficiency virus
SHO (Eng) senior house officer
SHP (Eng) small heterodimer partner
SHPT (Dan) sekundær hyperparatyroidisme
SHR (Eng) spontaneously hypertensive rats
SHT (Ger) Schädel-Hirn-Trauma
SHU (Fr) syndrome hémolytique urémique
SHx (Eng) social history
SI (Dutch) sacro-iliacaal (gewricht)
SIAD (Fr) soins impossibles à domicile
SIADH (Eng) syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion
SIAK (Ger) Schweizerisches Institut für Angewandte Krebsforschung
SIC (Port) segundo informações colhidas
SICU (Eng) surgical intensive care unit
s.i.d (Latin) semel in die (once a day)
SIDA (Fr) syndrome d'immunodéficit acquis
SIDS (Eng) sudden infant death syndrome
SIG (Ger) Sakroiliakalgelenk
SIGA (Fr) (présentation) sacroiliaque gauche inférieure
SIGAD (Eng) selective IgA deficiency
SIH (Fr) système d’information de radiologie
SIJ (Eng) sacroiliac joint
SIK (Dan) steril intermitterende katerisation
SIL (Eng) squamous intraepithelial lesion
SI-ledstest (Dan) sakroiliacaledstest
SILK (Swe) Svensk Internmedicinsk Leverklubb
SIM (Fr) soins materno-infantils (WHO)
SIMS (Eng) secondary ion mass spectroscopy
SIMV (Eng) synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation
SIN (Span) Sistema Internacional de Numeractión
sin (Latin) sinistralis
s.in. (Latin) solve in [= dissolve in]
SINDIF (Swe) Svenska Instrument- och diagnostikaföreningen
SIO (Fr) sphincter inférieur de l'oesophage
SIOP (Fr) Société Internationale d’Oncologie Pédiatrique
SIP (Eng) sickness impact profile
SIPP (Fr) service interne de prévention et protection au travail
SIR (Dan) standardiseret incidensratio
siRNA (Eng) small interfering RNA
SIRS (Dan) sepsis og systemisk inflammatorisk respons
SiS (Swe) Statents institutionsstyrelse [National Board of Institutional care]
SISCOMEX (Port) sistema integrado de comércio exterior
SIV (Eng) simian immunodeficiency virus
SJ (Eng) supinator jerk
SJCA (Eng) systemic juvenile chronic arthritis
sjd (Swe) sjukdom
sjd förl (Swe) sjukdomsförlopp
sjg (Swe) sjukgymnast
SJS (Dan) Stevens-Johnsons syndrom
SK (Eng) streptokinase
sk (Swe) subkutant
SKA (Dan) Sammenslutningen af Kræftafdelingen
SKAK (Ger) Schweizerische Studiengruppe für komplementäre und alternative Methoden bei Krebs (see ’SCAC’)
SKL (Ger) Schweizerisches Krebsliga
SKP (Dutch) samenvatting van de kenmerken van het product (= SPC)
SKS (Dan) Sygehusvæsenets Klassifikationssystem
SKT (Ger) Syndrom-Kurztest
Skt (Ger) Skalenteilung (= scale division in liquid chromatography)
SL (Fr) sinus longitudinal
s.l. (Eng) sublingual(ly)
sl. (Span) sublingual
SLA (Eng) Service Level Agreement
SLAF (Fr) sclérose latérale amyotrophique familale
SLAM (Eng) signaling lymphocyte activation molecule
SLAP (Latin) superior labrum anterior posterior
SLD (Eng) scapholunate dissociation
SLE (Dan) systemisk lupus erythematosus
Slg (Ger) Sammlung
SLI (Fr) stimulation lumineuse intermittente
SLK (Ger) Spitalleistungskatalog [Switzerland]
SLMF (Swe) Svensk Lungmedicinsk Förening
SLN (Eng) sentinel lymph node
SLO (Eng) scanning laser ophthalmoscopy
SLP (Ital) sopravivenza libera de progressione
SLR (Eng) straight leg raise/raising
SLS (Fr) sinus longutidinal supérieur
SLT (Span) síndrome de lisis tumoral
SLV (Norw) Statens legemiddelverk
SLVL (Eng) splenic lymphoma with villous lymphocytes
SM (Eng) site manager
sm. (Dan) smerte
SMA (Dan) spinal muskelatrofi
SMAL (Ital) servizio locale della medicina preventiva
SMART (Eng) Submission Management and Review Tracking
sMAST (Eng) short MAST
SMBG (Eng) self-monitoring of blood glucose
SMC (Eng) smooth muscle cell
SMCC (Eng) silicified microcrystalline cellulose
SMD (Fr) syndrome myélodysplasique
SME (Eng) significant medical event
SMF (Eng) Site Master File
SMG (Fr) splénomégalie
SMI (Swe) Smittskyddsinstitutet
SML (Swe) smittskyddslagen
SMON (Eng) subacute myelo-optic neuropathy
SMP (Fr) scintigraphie myocardique de perfusion
SmPC (Eng) summary of product characteristics
SMR (Dan) standardiseret mortalitetsrate
SMRP (Eng) serum mesothelin-related protein
SMS (Ital) soffio mesosistolico
SMUR (Fr) Service Médical d’Urgence et de Réanimation
SMX (Fr) sulfméthoxazole
SMZ (Eng) sulfamethoxazole
SN (Dan) spasmus nutans (børneneurologisk tilstand)
SMR (Dan) standardiseret mortalitetsratio
SNA (Fr) système nerveux autonome
SNAP (Eng) sensory nerve action potential
SNARL (Eng) suggested no adverse response level
SNB (Eng) sentinel node biopsy
SNC (Fr) système nerveux central
SNDA (Eng) supplemental new drug application
SNDS (Eng) supplementary new drug submission
SNF (Eng) skilled nursing facility
SNG (Fr) sonde naso gastrique
SNIP (Eng) sniff nasal inspiratory pressure
Snjmg (Fr) Syndicat National des Jeunes Médecins Généralistes
SNOMED (Eng) Systematised Nomenclature of Medicine
SNOMED-CT (Eng) Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terms
SNP (Eng) single nucleotide polymorphism
SNR (Eng) signal-to-noise ratio
SNRIs (Eng) Serotonin and Noradrenaline Re-uptake Inhibitors
SNUR (Eng) significant new use rule
SNV (Fr) système nerveux végétatif
SO (Swe) sjukvårdsområde
SOA (Dutch) seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen
SOAP (Eng) Subjective (data), Objective (data), Assessment (and) Plan
SOB (Eng) shortness of breath
SOBAR (Eng) shortness of breath at rest
SOBOE (Eng) shortness of breath on exertion
SOC (Eng) system organ class
Socl (Swe) Socialläkare
SaO2 (Eng) arterial oxygen saturation
SVO2 (Eng) mixed venous oxygen saturation
SOC (Eng) system organ class/classification (in MedDRA)
SOD (Eng) superoxide dismutase
SOEB (Swe) salpingo-ooforektomi bilateral
SOEP (Dutch) subjectieve (gegevens), objectieve (gegevens), evaluatie en plan
SOFA (Eng) sepsis organ failure assessment
SOFAS (Eng) Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale
SOFCOT (Fr) Société Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologie
SOL (Eng) space-occupying lesion
SoL (Swe) Socialtjänstlagen
SOM (Dan) sekretorisk otis media
SOMF (Span) sangre oculta en materia fecal
soln (Eng) solution
SOM (Eng) secretory otitis media
SOMPK (Fr) syndrome des ovaires micropolykystiques
SOP (Eng) standard operating procedure
SOREM (Eng) sleep-onset REM period
SOS (Ital) soffio olosistolico
Sös (Swe) Södersjukhuset (Stockholm)
s.o.s. (Latin) si opus sit (if necessary)
SP (Fr) potential sensitive
sp (Fr) sams particularités
S/P (Latin) status post (e.g. S/P cardiac arrest)
Sp (Dan) spinalvæske
SPA (Eng) single-photo absorptionometry
SP-A (Dan) surfaktant protein A
SPAP (Eng) systolic pulmonary artery pressure
SPC (Eng) summary of product characteristics
SPD (Eng) symphysis pubis dysfunction
SPE (Eng) solid phase extraction
spec (Fr) specimen
SPECT (Eng) single photon emission computed tomography
SPEP (Eng) serum protein electropheresis
SPF (Eng) specific pathogen-free
SPGR (Eng) spoiled gradient reversal (in MR)
sp gr (Eng) specific gravity
sph (Ger) sphärisch
SPI (Fr) sciatique poplité interne
SPID (Fr) syndrome polyalgique idiopathique diffuse/disséminé
SPIE (Fr) service provincial d’information sur l’environnement
SPIHA (Eng) solid-phase indirect haemadsorption assay
SPIO (Eng) small particles of iron oxide
SPIR (Dan) spironolacton
SPJ (Fr) services de protection de la jeunesse
SPL (Dan) spironolacton
SPM (Eng) statistical parametric mapping (in PET scan)
s.p.m. (Ital) secondo prescrizione medica
SPMS (Eng) secondary progressive MS
SPN (Dan) solitære pulmonale noduli
SPO (Fr) suites post-opératoires
SPP (Fr) service de soins pédiatriques
SpR (Eng) specialist registrar
SPR (Fi) Suomen Punainen Risti (= Finnish Red Cross)
Spri (Swe) Sjukvårdens och socialvårdens planerings- och rationaliseringsinstitut
SPRM (Eng) selective progesterone receptor modulator
SPS (Fr) soins primaires de santé
SPT (Dan) hudpriktest
SPUK (Ger) spezialisierte Unterkommission
SRT (Fr) série de rapports techniques (WHO)
SPV (Dutch) sociaal-psychiatrische verpleegkundige
SPVI (Dan) segmental ostial pulmonal veneisolation
SQ (Eng) subcutaneous
sqp (Eng) sufficient quanitity of product
Sr (Ger) Schwester
SR (Dan) sænkningsreaktion
SRA (Fr) système rénine angiotensine
S/RA (Port) sem roncos aparentes
SRAA (Fr) système réticulé activateur ascendant
SRAS (Fr) syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère
SRC (Dutch) Specialisten Registratie Commissie
SRE (Fr) système réticulo-endothélial
SRF (Eng) sustained release formulation
SRH (Fr) système réticulo-histiocytaire
SRHR (Swe) sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter
SRID (Eng) single radial immunodiffusion
SRIF (Eng) somatoproin release inhibiting factor
SRIS (Span) syndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica
SRIs (Eng) Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors
SRLF (Fr) Société de la Réanimation de Langue Française
SRM (Eng) specified risk materials
SRN (Eng) state-registered nurse
SRO (Fr) syndrome respiratoire obstructif
SROM (Eng) spontaneous rupture of membranes
SRP (Eng) Separation Research Programme
SRS (Dan) somatistatinreceptorskintigrafi
SRS-A (Eng) slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis
SRT (Eng) Simple Reaction Time
SRY (Eng) sex-determining region of chromosome Y
SS (Dan) sallasygdom
ss (Fr) sans
S/S (Port) sem poros
S&S (Eng) signs and symptoms
SSA (Eng) sicca syndrome A
SSB (Eng) sicca syndrome B
SSC (Eng) study site coordinator
SSCP (Eng) single-stranded conformational polymorphism
SSD (Eng) surface shadow display
SSE (Eng) soap suds enema
SSEP (Eng) somato-sensory evoked potentials
SSF (Swe) Svensk sjuksköterskeföreningen (Swedish Society of Nursing)
SSFA (Ital) Società di Scienze Farmacologiche Applicate
SSG (Fr) syndrome septique grave
SSI (Dan) Statens Serum Institut
SSIAD (Fr) supplémentaires de soins infirmiers à domicile
ssk (Swe) sjuksköterska
SSKI (Eng) saturated solution of potassium iodide
SSL (Ger) Scheitel-Steiß-Länge
SSLF (Eng) sacro-spinous ligament fixation
SSM (Eng) superficial((ly)) spreading melanoma
SSN (Eng) Swedish Society of Nursing
SSNS (Eng) sick sinus node syndrome
SSO (Eng) superior sphincter of the oesophagus
SSP (Fr) service de soins palliatifs
SSPE (Eng) subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
SSPP (Fr) solution stable de protéine plasmatique
SSR (Eng) surface shadow rendering
SSRI (Eng) selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
ssRNA (Eng) single-strand RNA
SSRS (Eng) Social Skills Rating System
SSS (Eng) sick sinus syndrome
SSSS (Eng) staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
SST (Eng) scalp stimualtion test
SSTI (Eng) skin and soft-tissue infections
SSVD (Ital) Struttura Semplice a Valenza Dipartimentale
SSVF (Dan) Statens sundhedsvidenskabelige Forskningsråd
SSW (Ger) Schwangerschaftswoche
SsyPC (Span) sensibilidad superficial y profunda conservadas
ST (Fr) sang total
S/T (Eng) spontaneous/timed (mode)
St (Fr) stade
STa (Eng) heat-stable toxin
Stabw. (Ger) Standardabweichung
STAI (Eng) state-trait anxiety inventory
STAKES (Fi) Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tutkimus- ja kehittämiskeskus (National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health)
STAT (Eng) signal transducer and activator of transcription
stat (Latin) statim [= immediately]
St bic (Eng) standard bicarbonate (‘alkali reserve’ is more usual)
STC (Span) syndrome del tunnel carpiano
St.c. [et p.] (Latin) stethoscopia cordis [et pulmonum] (used in Danish)
STD (Eng) sexually transmitted disease
St. d (Ital) stato dopo
STD 10 (Eng) severe toxicity or death in 10%
std. (Norw) stadium
Stdl (Swe) Stadsdistriktsläkare
1:eStdl (Swe) Första stadsdistriktsläkare
StE (Ger) Stärkeeinheit
STEAR (Eng) selective tissue estrogen activity regulator
STEL (Eng) short-term exposure limit
STEMI (Eng) ST-elevation myocardial infarction
ster. (Latin) sterilisatus
Sterlab (Dutch) Stichting Erkenning Laboratoria
STG (Ger) Strömungsgeräusch
STH (Eng) somatotropic hormone
STI (Eng) sexually transmitted infection
STIKO (Ger) Ständige Impfkommission (des Bundesgesundheitsamtes)
STIR (Eng) short TI inversion recovery (MR)
Sti VD (Fr) stimulation ventriculaire droite programmée
STK (Span) estreptoquinasa
stl. (Ger) seitlich
st.L. (Ger) stenopäische Lücke
STLY (Fi) Suomen Työterveyslääkariyhdistys ry (Finnish Association of Occupational Physicians)
STN (Eng) subthalamic nucleus
St.n. (Ger) Status nach
stoffr. (Dan) stoffraktion
stofk. (Dan) stofkoncentration
stofm. (Dan) stofmængde
st p (Latin) status post
STP (Eng) standard temperature and pressure
St.p. (Dan/Latin) stethoscopia pulmonum
STPD (Eng) standard temperature and pressure, dry
stph (Swe) stenopeiskt hål
STPM (Fr) syndrome de tension prémenstruelle
STR (Eng) single twitch response (EMG)
STRAMA (Swe) Strategigruppen för Rationell Antibiotikaanvändning och Minskad Antibiotikaresistens
strep (Eng) Streptococcus
STS (Eng) single twitch stimulation (EMG)
STT (Eng) serial thrombin time
STTB (Fr) syndrome de la traversée thoraco-brachiale
STX (Eng) stricture
STZ (Eng) serum-treated zymosan
SU (Fr) système urologique
SUA (Eng) serum uric acid
SUB (Dan) selvundersøgelse af brystet
subl. (Latin) sublimates
subt. (Latin) subtiliter [= finely]
SUCC (Span) succión
SUD (Eng) sudden unexpected death
SUDEP (Eng) sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
SUE (Eng) serious unexpected event
SUI (Eng) stress urinary incontinence
SUNCT (Eng) sudden unilateral neuralgiform pain with conjunctival tearing
SUP (Dan) Standardiseret Udtræk af Patientdata [database]
Sup (Fr) supérieur
sup. (Span) supositorio
SUPAC (Eng) scale-up and post-approval changes
suPAR (Dan) den soluble urokinasereceptor
suPAR(I-III) (Dan) Tre-, to- og et-domæne suPAR
suppo (Eng) suppository
SUS (Fr) soins urgents specializes
SUSAR (Eng) suspected unexpected serious adverse reactions
SUSP (Span) supensión
susp (Fr) suspicion
SUV (Eng) standardised uptake value (PET scan)
SV (Dan) slagvolumen
SVA (Ger) Schweizerischer Apothekerverein
SLB (Ger) Salbenverband
SVC (Eng) superior vena cava
SVD (Eng) swine vesicular disease
SVES (Eng) supraventricular extrasystole
SVG (Eng) saphenous vein graft
SVI (Eng) stroke volume index
SVK (Ger) Schweizerischer Verband für Gemeinschaftsaufgaben der Krankenversicherer
SVLS (Dan) systemisk vaskulær lækagesyndrom
SVM (Fr) syndrome vasomoteur
SVO (Port) Serviço de Verifição de Obitos
SvO2 (Eng) mixed venous oxygen saturation
SVOT (Ger) Schweizerischer Verband der Orthopädie-Techniker
SVP (Eng) saphenous vein patch
SVR (Eng) systemic vascular resistance
SVRI (Eng) systemic vascular resistance index
SVT (Eng) supraventricular tachycardia
sv.t. (Dan) svarende til
SW (Eng) social work
SWD (Eng) synthetic wound dressings
SWEDIS (Eng) Swedish side-effects register
SWI (Eng) stroke work index
Swissmedic (Eng) Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products
swk (Dutch) schildwachtklier
SWM (Eng) spatial working memory
SWS (Eng) slow wave sleep
SWV (Eng) Swiss Vancouver (mice)
Sx (Eng) symptoms
SXR (Eng) steroid xenobiotics receptor
Sympto (Fr) symtomatique
Sz (Eng) seizure
SZA (Dutch) specifiek ziekenhuisafval
SZE (Fr) syndrome de Zollinger-Ellison
SZR (Eng) seizure
T (Eng) temperature
T0 (Fr) température
T1/2 (Eng) half-life
T1DM (Dan) type 1-diabetes mellitus
T2A (Fr) tarification à l'activité
T2DM (Dan) type 2-diabetes mellitus
T3 (Eng) triidothyronine
T4 (Eng) thyroxine (tetraiodothyronine)
T4 (Fr) lymphocyte coopérateur
T8 (Eng) suppressor T-cells (=TS)
t+ (Fr) toux
T&A (Eng) tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
tA (Ger) technischer Assistent
Ta (Span) temperatura
Ta; Tp (Eng) atrial wave (cardiology)
tR (Eng) retention time
TA (Dan) Takayasus arteritis
T&A (Eng) tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
TAA (Dan) tumorassocieret antigen
TAB (Eng) therapeutic (induced) abortion
tab. (Span) tableta
TABC (Fr) tronc artériel brachio-céphalique
Tabs (Eng) tablets
TAC (Eng) total aerobic count
TACFA (Fr) tachy-arythmie complète par fibrillation auriculaire
TACI (Eng) total anterior circulation infarct
TachyC (Fr) tachycardie
TAD (Span) tension arterial diastólica
TAE (Dan) transarteriel embolisering
TAF (Dan) total antal formalia
TAG (Eng) therapeutic advisory group
TAH (Eng) transient arterial hyptertension
TAH BSO (Eng) total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingoophorectomy
TAM (Fr) technicien agent de maîtrise
TAMI (Eng) thrombolysis angioplasty in myocardial infarction
TAMO (Span) transplante autólogo de médula ósea
TAO (Dan) thyroidea-associeret orbitopati
TAP (Fr) tachycardie auriculaire paroxystique
TAPE (Eng) three-axis peritoneal evaluation
TAPP (Eng) transabdominal pre-peritoneal
TAPSE (Fr) tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion ratio
TAR (Fr) traitement antireflux
TARGA (Span) tratamiento antiretroviral de gran actividad
TARV (Port) terapia antiretroviral
TAS (Eng) Therapeutic Alliance Scale (psychotherapy)
TASH (Ital) titolo antistreptoialuronidasico
TASK (Ital) titolo antistreptochinasico
TASL (Ital) titolo antistreptolisinico
TAT (Eng) turnaround time
Tat (Eng) transcription and translation
TATI (Eng) tumour-associated trypsin inhibitor
TATT (Eng) tired all the time
TATTA (Fr) transposition antérieure de la tuberosité tibiale antérieure
TAX (Span) temperatura axilar
TB (Dan) tuberkulose
Tb (Port) tuberculose
tb. (Ger) tastbar
TBARS (Eng) thiobarbituric acid reactive substance
Tbc (Ger) Tuberkulose
TBC (Ital) tuberculosi
tbc (Swe) tuberkulos
TBF (Fr) très basse frequence
TBG (Eng) thyroxine-binding globulin
TBI (Eng) total body irradiation
TBII (Eng) TSH binding inhibitor immunoglobulin
TBK (Eng) total body potassium
TBNA (Dan) transbronkial nåleaspirationsbiopsi
TBO (Fr) traitement de base optimisé
TBRF (Eng) tick-borne relapsing fever
TBSA (Eng) total body surface area
TBW (Eng) total body weight
TC (Fr) tarif contractual
Tc (Fr) traumatisme crânien
T&C (Eng) type and crossmatch
TCA (Dan) tricykliske antidepressiva
TCC (Fr) traumatisme cranio-cérébral
TCD (Eng) thermal conductivity detector
TCE (Ital) tomografia computerizzata per emissione
TCG (Fr) tumeur à cellules géantes
TCI (Dan) transitorisk cerebral iskæmi
TCID (Eng) tissue culture infectious dose
TCK (Fr) temps de céphaline-kaolin
TCM (Fr) triglycérides à chaine moyenne
T&CM (Eng) type and cross-match
TCMH (Fr) teneur corpusculaire moyenne en hémoglobine
TCPC (Eng) total cavo-pulmonary connection
TCS (Span) tejido cellular subcutáneo
TC sans PC (Fr) traumatisme crânien sans perte de connaissance
TCT (Fr) thyrocalcitonine
TCVP (Ital) trasposizione completa delle vene polmonari
Tc-99m (Eng) technetium-99m
TBE (Eng) tick-borne encephalitis
TBG (Eng) thyroxine-binding globulin
TBI (Eng) thyroid-binding index
TBIAb (Eng) thyrotropin-binding inhibiting antibodies
Tbl. (Ger) Tablette
TBPA (Eng) thyroxin-binding prealbumin
TBR (Dutch) terbeschikkingstelling door de regering
TBS (Eng) tris-buffered saline
TBW (Eng) total body water
T&C (Eng) type and cossmatch
TC (Eng) total cholesterol
tc (Eng) tachycardic
TCA (Dan) tricyklisk antidepressivum
TCBS (Eng) thiosulphate citrate bile salt sucrose
TCC (Eng) transitional cell carcinoma/cancer
TCD (Dan) transkraniel Doppler(-bestemt)
TCDD (Eng) threshold-contrast detail detectability
TCE (Ital) trauma cranio-encefalico
TCF (Eng) T-cell factor
TCGF (Eng) T-cell growth factor
TCI (Dan) transistorisk cerebral iskæmi (= TIA)
TCID (Eng) tissue culture infective dose
TCK (Fr) temps de céphaline-kaolin [= APTT]
TCM (Eng) traditional Chinese medicine
TCMH (Fr) teneur corpusculaire moyenne en hémoglobine [= MCH]
TCO (Eng) CO transfer
TCP (Eng) thienylcyclohexylpiperidine
TcPO2 (Fr) tension cutanée en oxygène
Tc-PYP (Eng) Technetium pyrophosphate
TCT (Eng) Toxicity, Clinical Trials and Therapeutic Efficacy Subcommittee (of CSM)
TCYT (Eng) cytotoxic T-cell
TD (Dan) thiaziddiuretika
TD50 (Eng) median toxic dose
TDA (Fr) test direct à l’antiglobuline
TDBH (Span) test de granulación de basofilos
TdC (Fr) troubles de la conduction
TDCI (Fr) troubles dus à la carence iodée
TDR (Fr) troubles de rhythme
TDDU (Eng) telediaphalography in conjunction with Doppler ultrasound
TDF (Eng) tenofovir
TDI (Dan) toluen diisocyanat
TDM (Eng) therapeutic drug monitoring
TdP (Fr) torsade de pointe
TDR (Fr) test diagnostique rapide
TdR (Fr) troubles du rhythme
TDS (Eng) Technical Database Services, Inc.
tds (Eng) three times daily
TDUC (Fr) tolérance dose unitaire croissante
TDWBAT (Eng) touch down weight bearing as tolerated
TE (Dutch) totaal eiwit
T+E (Fr) (orienté) temps et espace
TEA (Dan) trombendarektomi
TEBG (Eng) testosterone estradiol binding globulin
TEC (Fr) technicien d’études cliniques
TEDS (Eng) thromboembolic disease support
TEE (Eng) trans[o]esophageal echocardiography
TEER (Eng) transepithelial electrical resistance
TEG (Eng) thromboelastogram
TEM (Dan) transanal endoskopisk mikrokirurgi
TEMP (Fr) tomographie à emission mono-photonique [= SPECT]
temp. (Eng) temperature
TEN (Dan) toksisk epidermal nekrolyse
TENS (Dan) transkutan elektrisk nervestimulation
TEOAE (Ger) transistorisch evozierte otoakustische Emissionen
TEP (Eng) total extraperitoneal patch
TEP/TDM (Fr) tomographie par émission de positons et tomodensitométrie
TEQ (Eng) toxicity equivalent
TERB (Eng) terbutaline
TERM (Dan) the extended reattribution and management model
TES (Fr) traitement enzymatique substitutif
TET (Span) tubo endotraqueal
TEV (Portq) trombo-embolismo venoso
TEWL (Eng) transepidermal water loss
TF (Eng) tissue factor
TFCC (Eng) triangular fibrocartilage complex
TFG (Fr) temps de filtration glomérulaire
TFH (Span) tests de función hepatica
TFI (Fr) troubles fonctionnels intestinaux
TFL (Fr) tenseur fascia lata
TFM (Eng) Test Facility Management
TFR (Fr) tarif forfaitaire de responsabilité
TFPI (Eng) tissue factor pathway inhibitor
TFS (Dan) transfedtsyre
TFs (Eng) tube feeds
TFT (Eng) thyroid function test
TG (Eng) tolmetin glucuronide
Tg (Fr) thyroglobuline
TGA (Eng) transposition of great arteries
TGD (Fr) transit gastro-duodénal
TGE (Eng) transmissible gastro-enteritis
TGF (Eng) trissue growth factor
TGI (Latin) tractus gastro-intestinalis
TGK (Ger) toxische Grenzkonzentration
tgl. (Ger) täglich
TGMH (Fr) teneur globulaire moyenne en hémoglobine
TGO (Fr) transaminase glutamo oxaloacétique [= ASAT/AST]
TGP (Fr) transaminase glutamo pyruvique [= ALAT/ALT]
TGV (Eng) thoracic gas volume
TH (Eng) see T4
THA (Dan) total hoftealloplastik
THAM (Fr) tris hydroxyméthyl-aminométhane
THBR (Eng) take-home baby rate (IVF)
THC (Dan) tetrahydrocannabinol (hash)
ThD (Eng) internal thoracic diameter (cardiology)
THE (Fr) tétrahydrocortisone
THEO (Eng) theophylline
THF (Eng) tetrahydrofuran
THFA (Eng) tetraydrofolic acid
THI (Eng) tissue harmonic imaging
THL (Eng) tetrahydrolipstatin
THP (Dutch) totale heupprothese
THR (Eng) total hip replacement
THS (Fr) traitement hormonal substitutif
THSK (Ger) Thorakoskopie
THTA (Eng) tumour-associated transplant antigens
thv (Dutch) ter hoogte van
TI (Eng) tricuspid (valve) incompetence
t.i. (Dutch) total ingesloten
TIA (Dan) transitorisk iskæmisk attak/anfald
TIAR (Eng) tiaramide
TIBC (Eng) total iron-binding capacity
TIC (Eng) trypsin inhibitory capacity
tid (Latin) ter in die (three times a day)
TIF (Eng) tumour inhibiting factor
TIFF (FEV1/VC) (Dan) Tiffenau-indeks = FEV1/VC
TIG (Fr) immunoglobulines contre le tétanos
TIH (Fr) thrombopénie induite par l’héparine
TIL (Eng) tumour-infiltrating lymphocyte
TIMI (Eng) thrombolysis in myocardial infarction
TIN (Port.) taxa internacional normalizada
TINU (Eng) Tubulo-interstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome
TIPMP (Fr) tumeurs intracanalaires papillaires et mucineuses pancreas
TIPS (Eng) transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
TIS (Eng) ThinPrep imaging system
Tis (Fr) tumeur in situ
TISS (Eng) therapeutic interaction scoring system
TIU (Span) transfusion intauterina
TIVADs (Eng) totally implantable venous access devices
t.i.w. (Eng) three times a week
TJ (Eng) triceps jerk
TJS (Fr) turgescence jugulaire spontanée
tjs (Fr) toujours
TK (Eng) tyrosine kinase
TKA (Dan) total knæalloplastik
T-klap (Dan) tricuspidalisklap
TKO (Eng) to keep open
TKP (Dutch) totale knie prothese
TKR (Eng) total knee replacement
TL (Ger) Technische Leistung
Tl. (Ger) Teilchen
TLC (Eng) thin-layer chromatography
T-L (Eng) thoraco-lumbar
TLE (Dan) temporallapsepilepsi
TLG (Eng) tubal ligation
TLR (Eng) toll-like receptors
TLS (Dan) translæsionsyntese
TLV (Eng) threshold limit value
TM (Eng) tympanic membrane
Tm (Fr) capacité maximale de transfert
TMA (Eng) tissue micro-analysis
tmax (Eng) time after dosing when Cmax occurs
TMB (Eng) tetramethylbenzidine
TMD (Eng) temporomandibular disorder
TME (Dan) total mesorektal excision
TMF (Eng) trial master file
TmG (Fr) capacité maximale de réabsorption tubulaire rénale de glucose
TMJ (Eng) temporomandibular joint
TMLR (Eng) transmyocardial laser revascularization
TMN (Eng) tumour-metastases-nodes [tumour staging system]
TMP (Eng) trimethoprim
TmPAH (Fr) capacité maximale d'excrétion tubulaire rénale de PAH
TMR (Fr) temps moyen de residence
TMS (Eng) trimethyl silyl
TN (Eng) tenascin
Tn (Eng) temperature normal [vet]
t n (Swe) till natten
TNA (Eng) total nutrient administered
TNB (Fr) trinitrobenzène
TNF (Dan) tumor nekrotisk factor
TNF-α (Dan) tumornekrotiserende faktor α
TNFRSF1B (Eng) tumour necrosis factor receptor superfamily 1B
TNI (Eng) troponin I
TNM (Eng) tumour, nodes, metastases (tumour grading system)
TNS (Eng) transcutaneous nerve stimulation
TNT (Eng) troponin T
TNTC (Eng) too numerous to count
TO (Fr) traitement optimisé
TOA (Eng) tubo-ovarian abscess
TOB (Eng) tobacco
TOC (Eng) total organic carbon
TOD (Eng) target organ damage
TOF (Eng) train-of-four (EMG)
TOF-MRA (Eng) time of flight magnetic resonance angiography
TOGD (Fr) transit oeso-gastro-duodénale
TOL (Eng) Tower of London (test)
TONE (Eng) superiorly ramped RF pulse for MRA
TOP (Eng) termination of pregnancy
TopSS (Eng) topographic scanning system
TOPV (Eng) trivalent oral polio vaccine
TORCHS (Eng) toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, syphilis
TORP (Eng) total ossicular replacement prosthesis
TOS (Eng) thoracic outlet syndrome
TOX (Eng) toxicology
TOXO (Eng) toxoplasmosis
TP (Eng) total protein
Tp. (Dan) temperatur
t-PA (Dan) vævsplasminogenaktivator
TPA (Eng) 12-0-tetradecanoulphorbol-13-acetate
tpA (Eng) tissue-type plasminogen activator
TPB (Ital) (bronchial provocation test)
TPC (Eng) thrombocyte particle concentration
TPER (Ger) Typhus-Paratyphus-Enteritis-Ruhr
TPF (Eng) Threshold Amplitude for Perception of Flickering Light
TPH (Dan) tryptofanhydroxylase
TPHA (Eng) treponema pallidum haemagglutination assay
TPI (Eng) treponema pallidum immobilisation
TPK (Swe) tromcytpartikelkoncentration
TPMT (Dan) thiopurinmethyltransferese
TPN (Eng) total parenteral nutrition
TPNL (Eng) tumeur primaire nodulaire lymphatique
TPO (Dutch) Toetsingscommissie Patiëntgebonden Onderzoek
TPP (Eng) transpulmonary pressure
TPPA (Span) tromboplastina parcial activado
TPR (Dutch) tricepspeesreflex
TPRn (Eng) temperature, pulse and respiration all normal
TPRI (Eng) index of total peripheral resistance
TPSV (Ital) tachicardia parossistica sopraventricolare
TPTE (Span) transplante
TPZ (Ger) Thromboplastinzeit
TQ (Fr) temps de Quick [= PT]
TQE (Eng) top quality embryo
TQM (Eng) total quality management
tR (Eng) retention time (toxicol.)
TR (Eng) tricuspid regurgitation
Tr (Eng) trace
TRAb (Eng) thyrotropin receptor antibody
TRACE (Eng) trandolapril cardiac evaluation
TRALI (Eng) transfusion-related acute lung injury
TRAM (Eng) transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous
TRAP (Eng) tartaric acid-resistant acid phosphatase
TRAPS (Eng) TNF receptor associated periodic syndrome
Trble (Fr) trouble
TRC (Fr) temps de récupération complète
trc (Swe) trombocyttal
Trcs (Dan) thrombocytter
TRE (Dutch) thyroid-responsieve elementen
TREM-1 (Eng) triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1
TRH (Eng) thyrotropin-releasing hormone
TRICH (Eng) trichomonas
Trig (Fr) triglycerides
TRIPS (Eng) trade related aspects of intellectual property rights
TRIV (Fr) temps de relaxation isovolumique
TRL (Dan) triacylglycerolrige lipoproteinpartikler
tRNA (Eng) transfer RNA
TRNAV (Fr) tachycardie par réentrée dans le noeud auriculo-ventriculaire [= AVNRT]
trr (Fr) temps relatif de retention
TRT (Eng) treatment
TRU (Span) traumatología
TRUL (Swe) transrektal ultraljud
TRUS (Eng) transrectal ultrasound
TS (Dan) Tourettes syndrom
T&S (Eng) type and screen
TSA (Fr) tronc supra-aortique
tSAH (Eng) traumatic subarachnoic haemorrhage
TSAI (Fr) tronc secondaire antéro-interne
tsAMF (Russ) (cyclic AMP)
Ts&As (Eng) tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
TSAb (Eng) thyroid stimulating antibody
TSCA (Eng) Toxic Substances Control Act
TSE (Eng) transmissible spongiform encephalopathy/encephalitis
TSH (Eng) thyroid-stimulating hormone
TSH-Bab (Eng) TSH blocking antibody
TSH-R (Eng) thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor
TSI (Eng) thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins
TSM (Fr) taux de substitution molaire
tsp (Eng) teaspoon
TSR (Eng) total systemic resistance
TSRM (Ital) Tecnici Sanitaria di Radiologia Medica
TSS (Eng) toxic shock syndrome
TSSA (Eng) tumour specific surface antigen
TSST (Eng) toxic shock syndrome toxin
TST (Eng) tuberculin skin test
TSV (Fr) tachyardie supraventriculaire
TSVP (Fr) tacycardie supraventriculaire paroxystique
TT (Dan) trombintid
TTA (Eng) transtracheal aspiration
TTB (Fr) traverse thoraco-brachiale
TTC (Eng) triphenyltetrazolium chloride (agar)
TTD (Eng) temporary total disability
TTE (Dan) transtorakal ekkokardiografi
tte (Fr) traité
TTF (Fr) taux de transfert foetal
TTFO (Eng) ‘too trivial for outpatients’ (the official version!)
tTGA (Eng) tissue transglutaminase
TTK (Ger) Tagestherapiekosten
TTL (Fi) Työterveyslaitos (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health)
TTNAB (Dan) transtorakal nåleaspirationsbiopsi
TTO, tto (Port) tratamento
TTO (Eng) to take out
TTP (Dan) tid til progression
TTPa (Span) tiempo de tromboplastina parcial activada (tiempo de cefalina)
TTS (Eng) transdermal transfer system
TTT (Fr) traitement, e.g. Cxttt = corticothérapie, Rxttt = radiothérapie, chimiottt = chimiothérapie, ATBttt = antibiothérapie
TU (Port) tumor
TUI (Eng) Therapist Understanding and Involvement [psychotherapy]
TULES (Fi) tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön sairaus (musculoskeletal disorder)
TUM (Dan) tykkelsesuklassificerbart melanoma
TUMAP (Eng) tumour-associated peptide
TUMT (Eng) transurethral microwave thermotherapy
TUR (Eng) transurethral resection (of bladder)
TURB (Dan) transuretral resektion af prostata
TURBT (Eng) transurethral resection bladder tumour
TURP (Eng) transurethral resection of the prostate
TV (Eng) tidal volume (in respiration)
t.v. (Dutch) trommelvlies
TVAO (Port) troca de válvula aorta
TVB (Ger) Thrombozyten-Verteilungsbreite
TVC (Eng) true vocal cord
tvf (Swe) tvärfinger
TVH (Eng) transvaginal hysterectomy
TVM (Port) troca de válvula mitral
TVNS (Ital) tachicardia ventricolare non sostenuta
TVO (Fr) trouble ventilatoire obstructif
TVP (Fr) thrombose veineuse profonde
TVR (Eng) target vessel recanalisation
TVS (Fr) thrombose veineuse superficielle
TVT (Eng) tension-free vaginal tape
TW (Ger) Tränenweg
TWA (Eng) time-weighted average
TWAR (Eng) Taiwan acute respiratory (disease)
TWBC (Eng) total white blood cells
TWRS (Eng) tranquilliser withdrawal rating scape
TX (Eng) thromboxane
Tx (Eng) treatment/therapy
T&X (Eng) type and crossmatch
TXA (Eng) tranexamic acid
TxA (Dan) tromboxan
TxA2 (Eng) tromboxane A2
TxPA (En) toxicity preventing activity
TXR (Span) radiografia del tórax
TyE (Span) turgencia y elasticidad
Tyn (Ger) Tyndall
TZ (Ger) Thrombinzeit
TZW (Ger) Thromboplastinzeitwert
U (Dan) urin
U2, U3 usw. (Ger) Untersuchung 2, 3 (child development screen tests, stages 2, 3…)
UA (Eng) urinalysis
U.A. (Dan) universal anaesthesie [= general anaesthetic]
u.a. (Dan) uden anmærkninger
UAA (Fr) uvéite antérieure aiguë
UADM (Fr) unité d’accueil et de déchoquage médical
UADT (Eng) upper aero-digestive tract
UAGSt (Ger) Unterarmgehstutze
UAH (Fr) unité anti-héparine
UAP (Eng) unstable angina pectoris
UARS (Eng) upper airway resistance syndrome
UAS (Eng) ultrasonically activated scalpel
UAW (Ger) unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkung
UB (Dan) ukonventionel behandling
UBG (Eng) urobilinogen
UBR (Ger) Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsraum
UBT (Ger) urea breath test
UC (Eng) ulcerative colitis
UCC (Eng) urgent care center
UCCM (Ital) Unità di Cura Coronarica Mobile
UCCMA (Fr) Union des Caisses Centrales de la Mutualité Agricole
UCD (Eng) usual childhood diseases
UCDA (Dan) ursodeoxycholsyre
UCG (Eng) ultrasound cardiogram
UCI (Span) unidad de cuidados intensivos
UCIC (Ital) unità di cura intensive cardiologica
UCIN (Span) unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatal
UCIP (Span ) unidade de cuidados intensivos pediatricos
UCL (Eng) Utrecht Coping List
UCM (Fr) uréthro-cystomanométrie
UCN (Span) unidad de cuidados neurológicos
UCO (Span) unidad coronaria
UCP (Eng) uncoupling protein
UCS (Span) unidad cuidados semiintensivos
UCTD (Eng) undifferentiated connective tissue disease
UCX (Eng) urine culture
u.d. (Swe) under diagnos
UD (Ger) Universitätsdozent
UDA (Dutch) uitsluitend door de arts
UDD (Dutch) uitsluitend door de dierenarts
UDCA (Eng) ursodeoxycholic acid
UDGA (Eng) uridine diphosphate glucuronic acid
UDI (Fr) usagers de drogues injectables
Udlv (Dan) udleveringsregel
UDP (Eng) uridine diphosphate
UDPG (Eng) uridine diphosphoglucose
UDS (Eng) urodynamic study
UE (Dan) underekstremitet
U&E (Eng) urea and electrolytes
u.e. (Dan) underekstremitet
U-Ebene (Ger) untere Schoßebene [Hodge’s planes]
UEI (Span) unidad enfermedades infecciosas
UEMO (Fr) Union Européenne des Médecins Omnipraticiens
UEMS (Fr) Union Européene des Médecins Spécialistes
UER (Fr) unité d'enseignement et de recherche
U+Es (Eng) urea and electrolytes
UF (Dutch) ultrafiltratie
UFC (Fr) unité formant des colonies
UFH (Eng) unfractionated heparin
UFK ZH (Ger) Universitäts-Frauenklinik Zürich
UFH (Dan) ufraktioneret heparin
UFR (Fr) Unité de Formation et de Recherche
UFT (Dan) uracil-tegafur
UG (Dan) urogenitalt
UGD (Fr) ulcère gastroduodénal
UGI (Eng) upper gastrointestinal
UGR (Span) unidades de glóbulos rojos
UH (Dan) ufraktioneret heparin
UHCD (Fr) unité d’hospitalisation de courte durée
UHMW (Eng) ultra-high molecular weight
UHN (Eng) unreamed humeral nail
UI (Dan) urininkontinens
UIBC (Eng) unsaturated iron binding capacity
UIC (Fr) unites de l’Institut Choay
UICC (Fr) Union Internationale Contre le Cancer
UIF (Span) uveítis inducida por fármacos
UIK (Fr) unite inhibitrice de la kallicréine
UIPP (Fr) Union des Industries de Protection des Plantes
UIS (Port.) unidades inibidoras de sacarase
UIV (Fr) urographie intraveineuse
UK (Dan) udskrivningskort
UKA (Fr) Unité King Armstrong
UKECA (Eng) United Kingdom Ethics Committee Authority
UKG (Ger) Ultraschallkardiographie
UKT (Ger) Universitätsklinikum
UKV (Eng) urinary potassium excretion
Ul (Swe) Underläkare
UK (Dan) udskrivningskort
UK (Eng) urinary potassium concentration
UKE (Ger) Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
UKG (Ger) untere Kelchgruppe
UL (Dan) ultralyd
ULBF (Eng) ultralow-frequency ballistocardiogram
ULD (Eng) upper limb disease
ULK (Dan) ultralydskontraststof
ULN (Eng) upper limit of normal
ULSS (It) (azienda) unità locale socio sanitaria
üLT (Ger) überdrehter Linkstyp
UM (Fr) unité motrice
UMAP (Fr) unités pour malades agités et perturbateurs
UMAS (Swe) Universitetssjukhuset MAS (Malmö)
UMBO (Eng) umbilical
UMC (Dutch) Universitair Medisch Centrum
UMCU (Dutch) Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht
UMD (Fr) unité pour malades difficiles
UMH (Fr) Unité Mobile Hospitalière
UMN (Eng) upper motor neuron(e)
UMNL (Eng) upper motor neuron lesion
UMO (Dutch) urine microscopisch onderzoek [Belgium]
UMP (Eng) uridine monophosphate
UMRH (Dan) utilsigtet medicinrelateret hændelse
UNA (Eng) urea nitrogen appearance
UNA (Eng) urinary sodium concentration
UNAFORMEC (Fr) Union Nationale des Associations de Fomation Médicale Continue
UNAM (Fr) Union Nationale pour l’Avenir de la Médecine
UNAPL (Fr) Union Nationale des Professions Libérales
UNAV (Eng) urinary sodium excretion
UNDP (Eng) United Nations Development Programme
UNFB (Ger) Ultra-niedrigfrequenz-Balllistokardiograph
UNEP (Eng) United Nations Environment Programme
UNG (Eng) uracil-DNA glycosylane
ung (Latin) ointment
UNHPI (Eng) Human Nutritional and Intestinal Physiology Unit
UNICEF (Eng) United Nations Iinternational Children’s Emergency Fund
UNOF (Fr) Union Nationales des Omnipraticiens de France
UNOS (Eng) United Network of Organ Sharing
UNPF (Fr) Union Nationale des Pharmacies de France
UNS (Norw) uten nærmere spesifikasjon
UNSA (Eng) unstable angina
UO (Eng) ureteral obstruction
UOER (Dan) urin-orosomukoid-udskillelseshastighed
UOPS (Ital) Unità Operativa di Pronto Soccorso
UP (Fr) unité de production
UPA (Fr) unite de paquets par an
uPA (Dan) urokinaseplasminogenaktivator
UPAG (Span) Unidad de Pancreatitis Aguda Grave
UPD (Eng) uniparental disomy
UPDRS (Eng) Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale
UPEP (Eng) urine protein electrophoresis
UPID (Fr) unite psychiatrique intersectorielle départementale
UPIGO (Fr) Union Professionnelle Internationale des Gynécologues et Obsétriciens
UPP (Eng) urethral pressure profile
UPPP (Eng) uvulopalatopharyngeoplasty
UPR (Fr) urétéropyelegraphie rétrograde
Upuriert (Ger) ultra-puriert
uPVC (Eng) uplasticised polyvinyl chloride
UQ (Eng) upper quartile
UQU (Span) unidad quemados
UR (Dutch) uitsluitend op recept
URCAM (Fr) Unions régionales des caisses d'assurance maladie
URI (Eng) upper respiratory infection
URML (Fr) Union Régionale des Médeins Libéraux
URO (Span) urología
URPA (Spsn) unidad de recuperación post-anestésica
URQ (Span) unidad de raquis
URS (Eng) uretero-renoscopy
URT (Eng) upper respiratory tract
URTI (Eng) upper respiratory tract infection
U/S, US (Eng) ultrasound
US (Fr) ultrason
us (Nor) undersøkelse
u.s. (Ital) ultimo scorso
USAN (Eng) United States Approved Name
USC (Fr) unité de surveillance continue
USG (Ger) unteres Sprunggelenk
USI (Fr) unité de soins intensifs
USiL (Swe) Unversitetssjukhuset i Lund
USINV (Fr) unité de soins intensifs neuro-vasculaire
USK (Ger) Ultraschallkardiogramm
USL (Ital) unità sanitaria locale
USP (Eng) United States Pharmacopoeia
USPA (Fr) unite de soins post-anesthésique
USPHS (Eng) United States Public Health Service
USPIO (Eng) ultra-small particles of iron oxide
USP/NF (Eng) United States Pharmacopopeia/National Formulary
USS (Eng) ultrasound scan
usu (Eng) usually
UTD (Eng) up to date
UTH (Dan) utilsigtet hændelse
UTI (Eng) urinary-tract infection
UTIC (Ital) unità di terapia intensiva coronarica
UTIN (Span) unidad de terapia intensive/intermedia neonatal
UTIP (Fr) Union Technique InterPharmaceutique de formation continue
utl. (Swe) utlåtande
utpl. (Swe) utplånad (of the cervix (effaced) in obstetrics)
UTN (Eng) unreamed tibial nail
UTP (Eng) uridine triphosphate
UTR (Dan) utranslateret region
utv (Swe) utveckling
utv (Swe) utvändigt
UV (Eng) urine volume
u.v. (Latin) ulcus ventriculi
UVA (Swe) uppvakningsavdelning
UV-A (Eng) ultraviolet light type A, used in treatment of psoriasis
uva (Swe) utan vidare anmärkning
UVE (Ger) ultraviolet-aktivierte Eigenbluttherapie
UVG (Ger) Unfallversicherungsgesetz
UVI (Span) unidad de vigilancia intensiva
UVPP (Fr) uvulo-palato-pharyngoplastie
UVV (Ger) Unfallverhütungsvorschriften
UVVU (Dan) Udvalget vedrørende Videnskabelig Uredelighed
UWS (Eng) unstimulated whole saliva
UZ (Ger) Untersuchungszeit
UZG (Dutch) Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent
UZS (Ger) Uhrzeigersinn
V (Eng) ventricle [pacemakers]
v+ (Fr) vomissements
V- (Eng) vomiting absent or diminished [vet]
V+ (Eng) vomiting [vet]
V++ (Eng) moderate vomiting
V+++ (Eng) severe vomiting
V (in cardiology) (Eng) unipolar leads
VE (cardiology) (Eng) unipolar chest leads from the xiphoid process
Vmax (Eng) maximal velocity of contraction (in cardiology)
v (Eng) venous (in respiration)
v. (Span) ver
VA (Eng) alveolar ventilation (in respiration)
VE (Eng) respiratory minute volume
VCO2 (Eng) CO2-output (in respiration)
VO2 (Eng) oxygen consumption (in respiration and cardiology)
V/Q (Eng) ventilation/perfusion ratio (in respiration)
V (respiration) (Eng/Ger) volume / Volumen
VD (Eng) respiratory dead space
VDanat. (Eng) anatomical dead space (respiratory)
VDphys. (Eng) physiological dead space
VT (Eng) tidal volume (in respiration)
VT/VO2 (Eng) ventilation equivalent
V.a. (Ger) Verdacht auf
VA (Eng) alveolar ventilation
v a (Dutch) volgens aanwijzing
VAA (Ger) vorderer Augenabschnitt
VAC (Eng) vacuum-assisted closure
VAD (Eng) ventricular assist device
VADS (Fr) voies aérodigestives supérieures
VAERS (Eng) vaccine adverse event reporting system
VAF (Eng) virus antibody free
VAG (Dutch) vesiculair ademgeruis
VAI (Ital) vie aeree inferiori
VAIN (Eng) vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia
vaio (Dutch) verpleeghuisarts in opleiding
VAOx3 (Span) vigil, alerta, orientado en persona, tiempo y espacio
VAP (Eng) ventilator-associated pneumonia
VAPP (Eng) vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis
VAR (Eng) variation assessment report
VAS (Dutch) visueel analoge schaal
VAT (Fr) vaccination antitétanique
VATS (Dan) videoassisteret torakoskopisk kirurgi
vav (Swe) varannan vecka
VAX (Eng) vaccine
VB (Dan) væskebalance
VBAC (Eng) vaginal birth after caesarean section
VBEH (Fr) voies biliaires extrahépatiques
VBIH (Fr) voies biliaires intrahépatiques
vb (Swe) vederbörande
v b (Swe) vid behov
VBP (Fr) voies biliaires principales
VBG (Eng) venous blood gas
VC (Eng) vital capacity (in respiration)
v.c. (Eng) visually clean
Vc (Swe) vårdcentral
VCA (Ital) vasi cerebroafferenti
VCG (Eng) vector cardiogram
VCI (Latin) vena cava inferior
vCJ (Dutch) variant van CJ (ziekte van Creutzfeldt-Jakob)
vCJD (Eng) variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
VCL (Span) venoclisis
VCLFA (Eng) very long chain fatty acids
VCM (Fr) volume corpusculaire moyen
VCN (Fr) vitesse de conduction nerveuse
VCS (Fr) vitesse de conduction sensitive
VCT (Eng) voluntary counselling and testing
VCUG (Eng) voiding cysto-urethrography
VCZ (Span) peso vestido con zapatos
VD (Eng) volume of distribution
VDC (Ital) velocità di conduzione
VDDI (Fr) ventricule droit à double issue
VDF (Port) volume diastólico final [= EDV]
VDH (Eng) valve disease of the heart
VdK (Ger) Verband der Kriegs- und Wehrdienstopfer, Behinderten und Sozialrentner Deutschlands
VDR (Dan) vitamin D-receptor
VDRL (Eng) Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
VE (Eng) vaginal examination
-ve (Eng) negative
VEB (Eng) ventricular ectopic beats
VEC (Span) (déficit de) volumen extracelular
VEE (Eng) Venezuelan equine encephalitis
VEF (Span) volumen espiratorio forzado
VEGDS (Span) video esofagogastroduodenoscopia
VEGF (Eng) vascular endothelial growth factor
VEGFR (Eng) vascular endothelial growth factor receptor
VEM (Fr) volume expiratoire maximum
VEMS (Fr) volume expiratoire maximal seconde [= FEV1]
ven. (Latin) venalis
VENC (Eng) velocity-encoding gradient (in MR)
VEP (Eng) visual(ly) evoked potentials
VER (Eng) visually evoked response
VES (Eng) ventricular extrasystole
VF (Dan) ventrikelflimren
Vfib (Eng) ventricular fibrillation
vg (Dutch) vrijheidsgraden
VG (Dutch) voorgeschiedenis
VGB (Dutch) verklaring van geen bezwaar
VGDS (Eng) voluntary genomic data submission
VGM (Fr) volume globulaire moyen (= mean corpuscular volume)
VGPR (Eng) very good partial response
VGT (Fr) volume globulaire totale
VG&T (Dutch) Vereniging voor Gender en Technologie
vH (Ger) von Hundert
VHA (Fr) virus de l’hépatite A
VHB (Fr) virus de l’hépatite B
VHC (Fr) virus de l’hépatite C
VHF (Ger) Vorhofflimmern
vHL (Dan) von Hippel-Lindaus sygdom
VHR (Eng) very high risk
VHT (Dutch) vingerhuidtemperatuur
VHV (Ger) Vorhalteversuch
VI (Eng) virus isolation
Vib (Eng) vibration sense
VICH (Eng) International Co-operation on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements of Veterinary Medicinal Products
VID (Eng) vincristine, idarubicin, dexamethasone
VId (Span) diámetro diastólico del ventriculo izquierdo
VIE (Eng) Vienna units
VIF1 (Ital) volume inspiratorio forzato in 1 secondo
VIFAB (Dan) Videns- og Forskningscenter for Alternativ Behandling
VIH (Fr) verre ionomère hybride
VIM (Fr) véhicule d’intervention médicale
VIN (Eng) vulvar intra-epithelial neoplasia
VIP (Eng) vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
VIR (Fr) volume inspiratoire de réserve
VIs (Span) diámetro sistólico del ventriculo izquierdo
VK (Ger) Vitalkapazität (in respiration)
VKA (Eng) vitamin K antagonist
VKF (Dutch) voorkamerfibrillatie
VKGN (Dutch) Vereniging Klinische Genetica Nederland
VKL (Ger) Vorderkammerlinse
VKMI (Swe) index för vänsterkammarmassa
VLA-1 (Eng) very late activation antigen
VLBI (Eng) very long baseline interferometry
VLDL (Eng) very low density lipoprotein
VLM (Dan) virtuelle læringsmiljøer
Vln (Latin) Vulnus lacerocontusum
VLP (Eng) virus-like particle
VLR (Eng) very low risk
VLV (Dan) vanskelig luftvej
VM (Fr) ventilation mécanique
Vm (Eng) mean velocity
VMA (Dan) vanillinmandelsyre
VMC (Span) volumen minuto cardiaco
VMD (Dan) vægtet mediandifference
VME (Fr) valeur moyenne d’exposition
VMFRG (Eng) Veterinary Mutual Recognition Facilitation Group
VMI (Port) ventilação mandatória intermitente
vmi (Eng) very much improved [vet]
VMIS (Port) ventilação mandatória intermitente sincronizada
VMNI (Port) ventilação mecânica não invasiva
VMO (Port) vasto medial obliquo
VMP (Span) volumen minuto pulmonar
VMS (Fr) veine mésentérique supérieure
VMx (Fr) ventilation maximale volontaire
VN (Eng) virus-neutralising (antibody titre)
VNG (Dan) videonystagmografi
VNI (Fr) ventilation non-invasive
Vnr (Dan) varenummer (= Nordic Article Number, NAN)
VNS (Eng) vagus nerve stimulation
VNTR (Eng) variable number of tandem repeats
VO (Fr) version originale
vo. (Span) vía oral
VO2 (Eng) oxygen uptake
VO2 max (Eng) maximum oxygen consumption/uptake
VoB (Fr) voies biliaires
VOC (Dan) videoassisteret operation med central adgang
VOD (Eng) venous obstructive disease
VOL (Dan) videoassisteret operation med lateral adgang
Vol. ex. (Fr) volume extractible
volfr. (Dan) volumenfraktion
VOR (Eng) vestibulo-ocular reflex/response
VO2I (Eng) oxygen consumption index
VP (Eng) ventriculoperitoneal
vp (Span) venas pulmonares
V&P (Eng) vagotomy and pyloroplasty
VP-16 (Eng) etoposide (anti-cancer drug)
VPA (Dan) valproat
VPB (Eng) ventricular premature beat
VPC (Eng) ventricular premature complex
VPF (Eng) vascular permeability factor
VPH (Fr) vasoconstriction pulmonaire hypoxique
VPI (Fr) virus parainfluenza
VPM (Ital) volume piastrinico medio [= MPV]
VPN (Fr) valeur prédictive négative
VPP (Fr) valeur prédictive positive
VPPIN (Fr) ventilation en pression positive intermittente nasale
VPS (Eng) ventilation/perfusion scanning
VPT (Fr) volume plasmatique total
V/Q (Eng) ventilation-perfusion ratio
V/Q Scan (Eng) ventilation perfusion scan
VR (Eng) venous return
VRAM (Dan) vertikal rectus abdominus muskulokutan [fx lapplastik]
VRB (Eng) violet red bile (agar)
VRE (Fr) volume de réserve expiratoire
VRBG (Eng) violet red bile glucose agar (VRBG agar)
VRI (Fr) voies respiratoires inférieures
VRMB (Dutch) Verdrag inzake de rechten van de mens en de biogeneeskunde
VRS (Fr) virus respiratoire syncytial
VRSU (Swe) vaginal-rektal spekulumundersökning
VRT (Eng) variance residence times
VRU (Swe) vaginal- och rektalundersökning
VS (Eng) vital signs
VSAI (Fr) ventilation spontanée avec aide inspiratoire
VSC (Eng) volatile sulphur compounds
VSD (Ger) Vorhofseptumdefekt
VSF (Port) volume sistólico final [= ESV]
VSG (Span) velocidad de sedimentación globular
VSH (Fr) veine sus-hépatique
VSI (Fr) veine saphène interne
VSIP (Fr) volume sanguin intrapulmonaire
VSL (Fr) véhicule sanitaire léger
VSM(C) (Eng) vascular smooth muscle (cell)
VSNR (Ger) Versicherungsnummer
VSOP (Dutch) Vereniging van Samenwerkende Ouder- en Patiëntenorganisaties betrokken bij erfelijke en/or aangeboren aandoeningen
VS-PEP (Fr) ventilation spontanée avec pression expiratoire positive [= CPAP]
VSR (Dutch) ventrikelseptumruptuur
VSS (Eng) vital signs stable
VSTB (Swe) Vårdplaneringsgruppen för Solida Tumörer hos Barn
V.st.r (Norw) venstre sternalrand
V/S/TOP (Eng) vaginal suction termination of pregnancy
VSZ (Span) peso vestido sin zapatos
VT (Dan) ventrikulær takykardi
Vt (Fr) volume courant
V Tach (Eng) ventricular tachycardia
VTAS (Eng) Vanderbilt Therapeutic Alliance Scale (psychotherapy)
VTD (Dutch) Vlaamse transfusiedienst
VTE (Dan) venøs tromboemboli
VTED (Eng) venous thromboembolism disease
VTI (Eng) velocity time integral
VTP (Dan) vævstromboplastin
VTS (Fr) volume télésystolique (= ESV)
VTX (Eng) vertex (referring to fetal head)
VU (Eng) variable units
V.U. (Dan) værdi ved udskrivelsen
VUB (Swe) vidareutbildning
VUDE (Eng) video-urodynamic examination
VUMC (Dutch) Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum
VUR (Eng) vesico-ureteral reflex
VV (Eng) varicose veins
vv (Dutch) volgens voorschrift
VVC (Fr) voie veineuse centrale
VVF (Dan) vesikovaginal fistel
VvIK (Dutch) Vereniging van Integrale Kankercentra
VVP (Fr) voie veineuse péripherique
VVs (Eng) varicose veins
VW (Ger) Vorderwand
vWF (Eng) von Willebrandt factor
VWF (Eng) vibration white finger
VWI (Ger) Vorderwandinfarkt
VWO (Dutch ) Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs
VWP (Dutch) vruchtwaterpunctie
VWS (Dutch) ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport [Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport]
Vx (Fr) vaisseaux
V y S (Span) vivo y saludable (= Eng. L&W)
VZ (Dutch) vetzuur
VZR (Dutch) voetzoolreflex
VZV (Eng) varicella zoster virus
W (Eng) Wistar (rat)
W. (Ger) weiblich
WAI (Eng) Working Alliance Inventory (psychotherapy)
WAIS-R (Eng) Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Revised
WAS (Eng) Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
WASP (Eng) Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein
WB (Eng) western blot
WBAT (Eng) weight bearing as tolerated
WBB (Ger) weisses Blutbild
WBC (Eng) white blood cell count
WBL (Eng) web-based learning
WBO (Dutch) Wet op de bevolkingsonderzoeken
WBS (Eng) work breakdown structure
WCB (Eng) working cell bank
WCBP (Eng) women of childbearing potential
WCC (Eng) white cell count
WCM (Eng) well-circumscribed masses
WCPV (Dutch) Wet Collectieve Preventie Volksgezondheid
WCST (Eng) Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
WD (Eng) well developed
Wd (Eng) ward
WDWN (Eng) well developed, well nourished
WECT (Eng) water enema CT
WED (Eng) Weekly Epidemiological Record
Wet BIG (Dutch) Wet op de beroepen in de individuele gezondheidszorg
WFNS (Eng) World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies
WG (Dan) Wegeners granulomatose
Wgb (Dutch) Wet gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en biociden
WGBO (Dutch) Wet inzake de geneeskundige behandelingsovereenkomst
WGO (Dutch) Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie
WGP (Dutch) Wet Geneesmiddelenprijzen [Medicines Pricing Act]
WH (Eng) withhold
wh (Ger) wohnhaft
WHF (Eng) World Health Forum
WHHL (Eng) Watanabe heritable hyperlipidaemia (of rabbit)
WHI (Eng) Women’s Health Initiative
WHO (Eng) World Health Organisation
WHOART (Eng) World Health Organisation Adverse Reaction Terminology
whs (Ger) wahrscheinlich [used in Switzerland]
WiB (Dutch) Wet inzake Bloedtransfusie
WIN (Eng) World Immunodeficiency Network
WINAp (Dutch) Wetenschappelijk Instituut Nederlandse Apothekers
wk (Eng) week
WL (Ger) weiblicher Luer (connector)
wl. (Ger) weiblich
WLD (Ger) Wärmeleitdetektor
WMD (Eng) weighted mean difference
WMI (Eng) wall motion index
WMO (Dutch) Wet Medisch Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek met Mensen
WMSI (Eng) Wall motion score index
WN (Eng) well nourished
wnl (Eng) within normal limits
wnwd (Eng) well nourished, well developed
WO (Dutch) Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs
W/O (Eng) without
wo (Eng) weeks old [vet]
w.o.b.m. (Dutch) wetenschappelijk onderzoek bij mensen
WOE (Eng) weight of evidence
WOG (Dutch) Wet op de Geneesmiddelenvoorziening [Supply of Medicines Act]
WPA (Eng) World Psychiatric Association
WPW (Eng) Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
WR (Eng) ward round
W/R (Eng) ward round
WRAC (Eng) Worldwide Regulatory Affairs Committee
WRUEMD (Eng) Work Related Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Disorders (aka RSI)
WRULD (Eng) Work Related Upper Limb Disorders (aka RSI)
WS (Ger) Wirbelsäule
WSC (Eng) Working Strategy Consensus [in psychotherapy]
WSG (Ger) Wirbelschichtgranulator
WSV (Eng) working seed virus
Wt (Eng) weight
wte (Eng) whole time equivalent (staff)
WTG (Dutch) Wet Tarieven Gezondheidszorg [Health Care Tariffs Act]
WTO (Eng) World Trade Organisation
W/U (Eng) workup
WUR (Ger) Wandunregelmäßigkeiten
WUWHS (Eng) World Union of Wound Healing Societies
WV (Ger) Wiedervorstellung (= repeat visit)
W/V (Eng) weight-per-volume
WVG (Dutch) Wet Voorziening Gehandicapten
w.v.i. (Dutch) water voor injectie
WWU (Ger) Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (Münster)
WZV (Dutch) Wet ziekenhuisvoorzieningen
x (Eng) except
X1 (Span) una vez por día
X2 (Span) dos veces por día
X/12 (Eng) X months
X/52 (Eng) X weeks
X/7 (Eng) X days
XAD (Eng) xanthine dehydrogenase
XIe (Fr) chirurgie
XLA (Eng) X-linked agammaglobulinaemia
XLIS (Dan) X-bundet lissencefali
XLMTM (Eng) X-linked myotubular myopathy
XLP (Eng) X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome
XLR (Eng) crossed leg raise
Xm (Eng) median value
XO (Dan) xanthinoxidase
XR (Dan) kønsbunden recessiv
XRF (Eng) X-ray fractiometer
XRT (Eng) X-ray therapy
XSCID (Eng) X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency
XTC (Eng) ecstacy
Y (Eng) Y-graft
y (Eng) year
y/52 (Eng) y weeks
YAG (Dan) yttriumaluminiumgranat
Y-BOCS (Eng) Yale-Brown obsessive-compulsive (disorder) scale
YG (Swe) yttre genitalia
YH (Swe) yttre hörselgången
YLD (Eng) years lived with disability
YLL (Eng) years of life lost
ymm (Swe) yttre modersmunnen (i.e. ostium uteri)
YMRS (Eng) Young Mania Rating Scale
yo (Eng) years old [vet.]
YST (Span) yeyunostomía
ytl (Swe) ytlig
ytl lgll (Swe) ytliga lymfkörtlar
Z (Fr) (X-rays, etc. - in French health service)
z/12 (Eng) z months
ZAP (Eng) zeta associated protein
z.A. (Ger) zur Analyse (reagent grade, analytical grade)
ZAP-70 (Dan) Zeta-associeret protein-70
ZAV (Ger) Zentralarterienverschluß
z.B (Ger) zur Beobachtung
ZBA (Span) zona basica de salud
ZBPI (Eng) zoster brief pain inventory
ZCA (Dutch) Ziekenhuiscentrum Apeldoorn
ZD (Ger) Zwischendiagnose
ZDV (Ger) zentrale Datenverarbeitung
ZE (Eng) Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Ze (Ger) Zellen
ZEEP (Eng) zero-endexpiratory pressure
ZF (Ger) Zwerchfell
ZFW (Dutch) Ziekenfondswet [Health Insurance Act]
zh (Dutch) ziekenhuis
z.Hd. (Ger) zur Hand (Eng. fao)
ZHTCD (Fr) zone hospitalier de très courte durée
ZIG (Eng) specific zoster immune globulin
ZIH (Dutch) ziekenhuisinformatiesysteem
ZIP (Eng) zoster immune plasma
ZKH (Dutch) ziekenhuis
ZLB (Ger) Zulassungsbescheinigung
ZLV (Ger) Zulassungsverfügung
ZMF (Ger) zahnmedizinische Fachhelferin
ZMP (Ger) zahnmedizinische Prophylaxehelferin
ZMV (Ger) zahnmedizinische Verwaltungshelferin
z.n. (Dutch) zo nodig
z.N. (Ger) zu Nacht
Z.n. (Ger) Zustand nach
ZN (Eng) Ziehl-Neelsen (staining)
ZNS (Ger) Zentralnervensystem
ZPP (Eng) zinc protoporphyrin
ZRI (Ger) Zentrales Röntgeninstitut
ZS (Ger) zirkumskripte Sklerodermie
ZTLM (Ger) zahntechnischer Lehrmeister (Switzerland)
ZTM (Ger) Zahntechnikermeister
ZV (Fr) zona-varicelle
ZVD (Ger) zentralvenöser Druck
ZVK (Ger) zentraler Venenkatheter
ZVT (Ger) Zentralvenenthrombose
ZWL (Ger) Zwischenwirbelloch
ZWR (Ger) Zwischenwirbelraum
ZZR (Ger) Zwischenzehenraum